Unexpectedly Royal
Page 42
Lathan laughs. “Why would you want me to piss you off?”
I shrug. “I don’t know. My life still feels like a dream. Like a magnificent fairy tale starring an average girl and a magical prince. I’m waiting for the unicorn and talking animals and dragons to show up. After all this time, it still sometimes doesn’t seem real.”
As we step out of the car, Lathan pulls me close, kissing me softly. “Did that feel real?”
I nod. “Yeah.”
“I have to correct you on one thing. This fairy tale does not star an average girl. You’ve got it all backwards. This story features a wayward prince, completely off course. Someone who lost his way, but with fate on his side, stumbled into a tiny room in a big building in Boston one night, and there, he met his princess. With her love, she helped the prince realize he was no longer lost, because his home, was in her eyes. Since meeting her, the prince wakes up every morning and when he sees her sleeping beside him, he breathes a sigh of relief. There is no dragon or unicorn or talking animals. There is no evil curse, but yet, this beautiful woman saved the prince. Do you know what she saved him from?”
I shake my head softly. “Tell me.”
“Himself. He was lost, hurt, and sad, but she showed up and changed all that. She reminded him he was brave and strong and destined for greatness. She gave him the courage to face the things he avoided. So, my love, this life is real. I am real. You are real.” He smiles. “But this is a fairy tale, one where we write the ending. We are just beginning our happily ever after. You must believe.”
I brush my fingers over his cheek. “I believe. As each day passes, more and more.”
“Good.” He looks at the palace. “Shall we go in and get this show over with?”
“Let’s do it.”
Once inside, we walk down a long corridor and into the same casual room we took our engagement photos in. Inside, the room is already crowded with journalists. I plaster my rehearsed smile on my face, the one I use for public engagements, and walk demurely and slightly behind Lathan as we take our spot in front of the huge marble fireplace. The cameras flash at us, nearly blinding me, but oddly enough, I’m getting used to having my picture taken.
They all know why they’re here. Apparently a five second comment is worth hours of preparation. Ophelia tells me I can expect to see media coverage of it for days. I never paid much attention to the lives of celebrities or things happening in other countries, but here I am, now the center of it. There’s even a journalist from Boston here, having received special permission from the palace to cover the event.
After several minutes of picture taking, Lathan raises his hand to silence the crowd. Then, after a brief moment, he smiles.
“Thank you all for being here. As you know, my lovely fiancée and I have an announcement to make. A date for our wedding has been set. Delaney, would you like to share?”
“Yes, thank you.” I step forward slightly, pausing to let them take pictures. I’ve learned it’s good to be motionless for the best shots. While I remain silent, the excitement in the room builds, which I totally find amusing.
Finally, I nod, and speak. “We’ve set the date for this June on the second, in honor of the month I arrived in Havendon.” As more pictures are taken, Lathan and I pose, turning different directions to allow everyone a good angle.
“Will you have a traditional Havendonian wedding or an American one?” a journalist asks.
“Just like us,” Lathan starts, “there will be a blending of cultural styles.”
“Who’s designing your gown?” someone else asks.
“That process has not begun,” I answer.
“Will Fallyn be in attendance?”
I snicker. “Yes.”
“Where will you honeymoon?”
Lathan grins. “Why would I tell you that?” Everyone chuckles. “Any questions from our American guest?”
The journalist from Boston stands up. “Yes, Your Highness, thank you. We took a poll of what questions our readers were most interested in, and the winner was a tie between, will you do a tour of the United States, and are Americans allowed to visit Havendon for tourism? Can you answer either or both?”
Lathan looks at me and nods. “Would you like to answer?”
“Sure.” I nod. “The answer is yes. We do plan to visit several destinations in the U.S. in the near future, particularly Boston, which we both love dearly. We’re also working on a tourism plan that we’ll announce early next year, but in the meantime, Americans are welcome.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. If you’d like to leave the rest of your questions, I’m happy to look them over and see if I can answer anything else.”
She smiles. “That would be amazing.”
I nod, then glance at Lathan, hoping it was okay that I offered that. He smiles in response. We take a few more questions that can’t be answered, then end the press conference, excusing ourselves. Once out in the corridor, we’re met by Arlan.
“Our father requests us,” he says. “You as well, Delaney.”
“Why?” Lathan asks. “Is something wrong?”
Arlan shrugs. “I don’t know. I received word from his steward we are to head to his office as soon as you were available.”
“I guess we should go then.” He squeezes my hand. “On to the next meeting.”
I nod, and as we walk up the stairs, I really hope the King is okay.
Pacing the floor in my father’s office, I wait anxiously for him to join us. Arlan, Delaney, and I have been called, for what reason yet I do not know. Delaney sits quietly, her hands folded in her lap, seemingly unbothered by this unexpected meeting. In the months since her public introduction, she’s adapted extremely well to royal life, far better than I could have expected. Her only challenge is the irritation she feels with her inability to go anywhere alone. Unfortunately, it’s only going to get worse now with the formal announcement of our wedding date.
The doors open and my father walks through, on his own feet. Not only has he not died, but his health continues to be stable, a fact I am most grateful for. I so want him to be at our wedding. As he nods at us, acknowledging our presence, the palace advisors come through the door with him. Gerard and Geoffrey both bow before us briefly, before handing our father a rolled piece of paper.
“Thank you for meeting with me today,” Father says. “I have some business to discuss that affects the three of you. Please sit, Lathan.”
I sit on the couch next to Delaney as my father unrolls the parchment. Arlan, across from me in a sitting chair, shoots me a concerned look.
“This is something I’ve thought long and hard about,” my father says. “I’ve met with the palace advisors who agree with me that we have an outdated policy I would very much like to revise.”
The three of us watch him, listening intently.
“It’s easy to understand why it hasn’t been looked at for many years because it relates to the succession path to the throne.”
I tilt my head, wondering where this is going.
“As you all know, Lathan is to succeed me, but in order to do so, I must die.” He smiles. “God, apparently, has decided it is not my time yet, and frankly, I am happy to stay among the living as long as possible. I would like to see my sons marry. I would like to meet my grandchildren, at least the first one. So I asked Gerard and Geoffrey to dig through our rich history and pour over our documents and provide a recommendation to me, which they’ve done so this morning. I will now share it with you.”
I grip Delaney’s hand, listening to my father’s speech.
“They recommend, that as King, I can, of course, make any changes I wish to make. This will be my last one as ruler of this country, because effective immediately, I am resigning the throne under…” he pauses, looking down at the paper. “Palace Edict 14, Amendment One, dated today, whereby a king, or queen, seeing just cause, with ample counsel, may resign his or her position, allowing the next in line to—”
“Father, wait!” My father stops and looks at me, wide eyed. “Must it be today?”
“Why not today?”
I look at Delaney. “Can she first become a princess before she becomes a queen? Can we do this after the wedding? A coronation will be necessary now, and the announcement will take precedence over our nuptials.”
Father raises his hand, halting me. “You did not let me finish, son.”
“You’re right, Father. I apologize.”
He nods and continues, exactly where he left off. “As I was saying, the King, that’s me, can step out of line and allow the next to take their place. That is you, Lathan.” I nod. “Gerard and Geoffrey shared your same concerns with timing, so we’ve come up with an agreeable compromise. Today, you will, in front of your fiancée, your brother, and your mother, ascend to the throne. All official documents, with the exception of anything public, will be completed. For now, the people will remain unaware of these changes until six months after your wedding, barring my death any sooner than that. Once the time has elapsed, your coronation will be planned, your mother and I will move out of the palace, and then, well, and then it is done.”
“I will do as you wish, Father, but I don’t understand why it has to be now.”
He nods, glancing out the window for a moment, before looking back at me. “I will tell you. Because I am tired. Because it already is this way. These are just technicalities we speak of today. Mostly, because, somehow I’ve been given more time, and like my sons, I do not wish to spend my final days between these stone walls. I want to see the world outside.” He smiles. “I suppose we can say we are switching places.”
I smile and stand, walking over to him. “I do understand. I am at the service of my country, and I accept my part in this.” I look back at Delaney. “The people will continue to call you a princess once we are married, but really you will be my queen.”
She smiles, but says nothing.
My father continues. “Technically, until the official coronation, the public uses your previous titles anyway.” He nods. “Today at two o’clock, meet us here again and we will finalize the process.” He pats my back. “I am proud of you, and I know I can relinquish control completely. Havendon is more than safe with you. Already the things you and your brother have done impresses me. I cannot wait to see what changes you will make and how your wife will influence you.” He looks at Delaney. “She will make an impressive queen for you.”
Delaney stands, curtsies, but then steps closer. “May I hug you, Your Majesty?”
His eyes open wide, just briefly, before he nods. “You may.”
Delaney puts her arms around my father’s shoulders, and he, tentatively pats her back in return. She steps back and smiles. “I am happy you live and so honored that I will carry your name in the near future.”
“And soon after, my grandchild.”
“Father,” I say. “Don’t pressure her. We have our timeline planned.”
“Are you going to share it?”
“No.” I smile. “Only my brother knows and soon, Fallyn. Not even Ophelia or Tristan will know until we have an announcement to make.”
“Wise.” He looks at Arlan. “Have you news of your Fallyn?”
“She comes next week,” Arlan says. “For good. We’ll be in Havendon House with Lathan and Delaney.”
“Fine. I look forward to getting to know her more. I’ve grown oddly fond of women from America recently.”
We all laugh and then excuse ourselves. After Arlan leaves us, I take Delaney’s hand, walking outside and into the garden with her.
“Well, what do you think, my darling? Are you ready to be a queen?”
“I’m a little nervous, but…” She looks up and smiles. “As long as I’m with you, I can handle anything.”
I pull her into my arms and kiss her sweetly, dipping her low, but after a moment, she wiggles away, breaking free, and backing down the path.
“What do you say, we take the long way back in the secret tunnel?” She laughs. “I believe you have a lovely dress to destroy, Your Highness.”
Grinning, I walk toward her. “I believe I do, my queen.”
After an afternoon of making love, I look down at Delaney, who lies in my arms.
“We have to get up, my darling. We have business with the King.”
“I know.” She smiles. “Are you nervous?”
“Yes, but also no. It’s just what I must do.”
“Yeah.” She kisses my cheek. “I think you’ll be amazing.”
“Thank you.” I sit up slightly, brushing my fingers across her cheek. “It’s a big step for you too.”
She nods. “I feel bad that we sort of have to lie to people.”
“Yes, but it’s important that we do things in this order. You understand?”
“Oh, definitely. I get it. So you’ll be the king, and I’m just your fiancée, right?”
“Just?” I chuckle.
“You know what I mean. My title doesn’t change.”
“No. Not until our wedding. The palace will announce the following day what your formal title is. Then at the coronation, you’ll get a new title.”
“Yes, cool.”
As we climb out of bed, I watch her voluptuous ass saunter into the bathroom. I follow her like a lovesick puppy, exactly what I am. As she brushes her teeth, I keep my eyes trained on her every movement, deciding if I have enough time to drag her back to bed. She catches me looking at her.
“What?” she says, through toothpaste.
“Finish what you’re doing.”
She rinses her mouth then looks back at me. “Why are you staring at me?”
“How can I not? You are…” I pause as I feel emotion building in my throat. Clearing my throat, I continue. “With you, it’s as if everything I feel is enhanced. You’ve become some sort of sixth sense for me, guiding me through my life with your immense love. I stare at you because I am staggered, completely astonished, that you’re here.” I step closer. “You are mine forever. I cannot even explain what you have done for me, for my family. I stare at you because every time I look at you, I notice something else.” I drag my hand down her shoulder. “Like this little freckle sitting here waiting to be noticed and kissed.”
Delaney smiles, softly shaking her head.
“Or this lock of hair that’s fallen into your eyes.” I brush it back. “It calls to me to put it back into place.” Pulling her into me, I run my hands down her back onto her ass. “These dimples in your back just before your hips give way to the most spectacular backside I’ve had the pleasure of viewing. You are worthy of my hungry stare. I desire you at every moment, and not just your physicality, but your voice, your laugh, your smile. You are a work of art, my darling, making love to you, a masterpiece.”
“Sculpted by you.”
“I cannot take credit for you. You were this fair before I met you.”
She shakes her head. “No, I wasn’t. I believe that what truly makes a person beautiful is happiness. You can have the best external attributes, but if you are miserable, you cannot be beautiful. We all know who is proof of that.”
I think of Gemma for a moment. “We do.”
“I am so happy, Lathan. So, so happy. If I am beautiful, it is because you love me. Because I am becoming a polished version of myself. Because you have filled my heart so much, it radiates through me. Happiness makes people beautiful, and I have an abundance of that.”
“As do I. Come, my beautiful princess. Let’s go make me a king so we can return here and make more art together.”
She offers me her lovely smile. “Let’s do this.”
After getting dressed, we walk over to the palace, hand in hand, but silent. I know that somehow Delaney understands the magnitude of what’s about to happen. This is the moment I’ve been groomed for my entire life. At least, it’s a private moment. I’m extremely thankful that it won’t be public for some time.
Once w
e enter the palace, we walk up the stairs where we find Arlan waiting by my father’s office door. He grins and pats my back.
“You ready for this, Prince?”
“As ready as I ever will be, I suppose.”
“You’ll be fine. Better than fine. Together, we can handle this.”
I smile. “I agree, brother. Shall we enter?”
Our father’s stewards open the doors and we walk in where the advisors already sit. My father is dressed in a suit, and my mother in a formal gown. She smiles at us while Father nods.
“Let’s get started,” he says. “Lathan, you stand in front of me with Delaney on your left. Arlan, please stand to his right.” My mother stands and steps beside my father. “We will ask you a series of questions that you will answer, and then we’ll sign the documents required to formalize this process.”
I nod. “Yes, Father.”
Geoffrey steps forward, settling in between us. He holds a paper in his hands.
“Do you, Prince Lathan Charles Phillip, wholly and absolutely accept the duties of the crown of Havendon?”
“I do.”
“Do you, Prince Lathan Charles Phillip, give your life in service to this country?”
“I do.”
“Do you, Prince Lathan Charles Phillip, promise to produce an heir to the throne, and to raise him or her with full allegiance to Havendon and no other?”
I pause, glancing at Delaney. Shit. I didn’t even think about this. Delaney smiles.
“You do,” she says softly. “We do.”
“No. I cannot agree to that. What about your side, Delaney?” I notice how my father’s lips purse, but I do not care. This is my life now.
“We can talk about it later,” Delaney says.
“No,” my father says. “You must agree to this. Havendon’s crown cannot be shared with another country.”
“There is no such thing as a monarchy in America,” Delaney says. “The child’s loyalties will be to Havendon. I assure you of this.”
“You will sign a promise?” my father asks with narrowed eyes.