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King of the Court

Page 28

by Melanie Munton

  Wow. I couldn’t imagine Vaughn ever being the shy type. The whole story just made me like and respect him that much more.

  “The only problem,” he continued, “is whenever I actually am interested in a girl, I have to switch my tactics around. So she knows I’m not just playing around.” His gaze focused on me, his eyes growing intent. Uh-oh. “Earlier, when you said you felt special again... I do think you’re special, Reese. I like that you’re different.”

  Ah, geez. Why couldn’t I have felt the same way about him? Seriously, it was such a shame.

  “Vaughn, I think you’re special, too,” I said softly. “You’re a great guy and the girl that eventually lands you will be very lucky. And as your friend, I hope you find her soon.”

  That was the gentlest way I knew to deliver a rejection. He seemed to understand and graciously accepted.

  “And as your friend, Reese,” we both smiled, our easy comraderie restored, “I highly doubt you’ll have any trouble finding yourself a good guy who’ll treat you right. Of course, the fortunate bastard will have to have my seal of approval. As well as the whole team’s, I’m thinking. Like it or not, you’ve adopted twenty older brothers who will all be ready to throw down for you if he disrespects you in any way.”

  My laugh came out a little nervous. He had no idea how close to home the “fortunate bastard” actually was.

  Would the guys be ready to turn on one of their own?

  “You’re sweet, you know that?”

  He took a long pull of his beer. “Says every girl I’ve never had a chance with.”

  I chuckled. “Oh, come on. I’m sure it’s not that bad—”

  “Son of a bitch,” he spat.

  My ears perked up. “What is it?”

  He pushed to his feet. “Look who just showed up. Cam’s going to lose his shit.”

  I squinted my eyes in the direction he was now glaring, toward the front yard. My beer goggles made this task exceptionally harder. Three guys had just stepped out of a Range Rover, but there were too many people in the way and I couldn’t get a good look at them. As they made their way to the front door of the house, enough people cleared, offering me a glimpse of their faces. I didn’t recognize the two guys on both ends. But the guy in the middle…

  “Son of a fucking bitch.”


  He was here, at the party.

  And Cam was inside.

  I had a feeling I was about to witness the start of World War III.



  Running back into the house had been the plan.

  Stumbling through the grass in my heeled ankle boots was the reality.

  My mind desperately wanted to sober up, but my body hadn’t gotten the memo.

  Vaughn sprinted inside to find the guys, particularly Cam. It was his house, after all, and I’m sure he didn’t want it destroyed in some West Side Story-esque brawl. I found Gemma playing cups with Jesse and some of the guys. Syd stood nearby in a corner talking with Boyd, looking happier and more carefree than I’d seen her in a long time. I walked over to them with a grave expression.

  “Some guys from BelV just showed up,” I said to Boyd, trying my best not to slur my words. My head was still spinning.

  His face hardened in understanding. “Where’s Cam?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “What’s going on?” Syd asked, worry filling her eyes.

  “Hopefully nothing. Stay here,” he told her. “I’ll be right back.”

  Syd grabbed my hands after he took off, gathering Shane and Clark as he passed them. “Reese, explain.”

  I couldn’t see Trey or Cam from where we stood. “Guys from BelV being here is not good.”

  “Why not?” she asked. “Half of all the parties are mixed with NCU and BelV people. It’s not that big a deal.”

  It was true that off-campus parties usually saw a number of students from both schools, since our campuses were so close to each other. It was actually hard to avoid. Most student apartment complexes around the area had occupants from both universities. Even though our schools were rivals, this type of thing usually wasn’t a huge problem.


  “It is with these guys,” I said, having to lean on her when I suddenly felt dizzy. “The basketball teams hate each other. Cam and the BelV point guard can’t even be in the same room together without fighting, which is why this is a very big deal.”

  Her eyes widened in recognition. “Are you talking about the whole Cam versus Trey rivalry I’ve seen all over TV?” I nodded. “I figured that was all made up. Or at least exaggerated for the public. Like wrestling.”

  “Oh, no. It’s very real. They’ve got bad history between them. I have no idea why the hell he’s even here.”

  Gemma was suddenly at our sides. “Did you hear that Trey Warren is here?”

  “Yeah, did you see him?” I asked, searching the room. “Or Cam?”

  She shook her head. “No. Boyd just came by to tell Jesse and they ran off together to go find him.”

  Great. Both of these guys were MIA. I hoped that didn’t mean they’d already snuck off somewhere to go kill each other.

  That was when, at the worst possible time, I realized how full my bladder was. The last thing I wanted was to be in the bathroom when the shit hit the fan. Er—wrong phrasing. But I was not going to be able to hold it.

  “I have to pee,” I told them. “Don’t move. I’ll be quick.”

  I squeezed my way through the rooms, heading for the hallway where the bathroom was. Of course, the line was a mile long and that wasn’t going to work. I hadn’t gone upstairs at the last party, but there was surely a bathroom up there. I was about to head up the stairs when someone stepped in my way in a flurry of blond hair and overpowering perfume.


  Oh, this I can’t handle right now.

  “So, you’re screwing Cam now, huh?” she asked knowingly, smacking her gum like a 90s Valley girl.

  With every ounce of effort I had, I forced my brain to think clearly. “Excuse me?”

  She examined her nails as if I were nothing more than a servant who was late delivering her glass of lemonade. “Please. You don’t have to deny it. I saw him walk out of the training room that one day looking all pleased with himself. You know how I know that look?”

  I straightened a little so I was closer to her eye level. The freaking stilettos she had on gave her a slight advantage over me.

  “None of this is any of your damn business.”

  “I know because he used to give me that look,” she hissed like a venomous snake. “I know what he looks like when he gets done banging a girl because I’ve seen it firsthand. And believe me, honey, you don’t have what it takes to keep him interested for long.”

  Some of the drunken fog was beginning to clear. “I guess you’d know that firsthand, too, since he never came crawling back to you, huh?”

  Her lips thinned. “Oh, he will. You don’t know him like I do. You think you can keep him happy when he makes it to the NBA? You don’t know this life. I’m much more realistic about what it takes to be with someone like Cam. I’d keep him satisfied, while you’d drive him crazy. You might as well cut your losses now.”

  I lied. The fog was back. Which was to blame for my next brilliant comeback.

  “You know, if I wrote a musical about you I’d call it “Weeny Twat: The Demon Whore of Hooker Street.”

  I mentally patted myself on the back for that one.

  She just gave me a blank stare.

  I threw my hands up, outraged. “Ugh, this is so frustrating! You don’t even understand my insults. What a waste!”

  I teetered on my boots a little, catching myself against the wall. Her eyes raked over me in disgust. “Cam might drop you even sooner than I thought he would. Yay for me.”

  That did it.

  I threw on my meanest face, but I think all that ended up happening was a lot of squinting. “Listen to me, you little Hei
di Montag wannabe. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay away from Cam. He doesn’t want you and I know he’s told you that more than once. I understand it’s hard for you, but try to show a little class.”

  She didn’t look in the least bit perturbed. “And what if I don’t?”

  I think my glare came off a little more intimidating this time. “I’ve broken three different noses in three different fights in my life. So, if you don’t want your sniffer there fucked up to hell and back, I suggest never speaking to him again.”

  I must have pulled off the threat successfully because she stared at me for maybe two seconds before scampering away like a rat abandoning a sinking ship.


  Still drunk but feeling better about myself, I turned back for the stairs. I still really had to pee. That’s when my eyes caught on Cam’s hulking figure standing off in the corner of the dining room, surrounded by half his teammates. They looked to be in deep, angry discussion if Cam’s expression was anything to go by. Not sure why, but I decided to sneak around and eavesdrop on their conversation. I was still kind of pissed at him, but I wanted to know what was going on.

  “The game is on Monday, man,” I heard Jesse say. “You get in a fight tonight and you’ll be benched, if not suspended from the rest of the damn tournament.”

  “Fuck that,” Colt spat. “They showed up in our house, looking for a fight. I say we give them one. We aren’t putting up with this shit. They knew what would happen if they showed up here tonight.”

  “I agree,” this from Boyd, “but we can’t go off half-cocked and ruin our chances in the tournament.”

  Cam finally spoke. “Look, we’re just going to politely tell them to get the hell out of here. And if they don’t,” he cracked his knuckles, “we stop being polite.”

  Shit. This didn’t sound good. It wasn’t just the game they needed to be worried about. They could get seriously hurt and then it wouldn’t even matter if they were benched or not. And what about Cam’s knee? He should be taking it easy right now. Was he even thinking about that?

  I could not prolong the bathroom trip any longer. Once again, I made my way for the stairs.

  “Reese!” Cam called.

  Apparently, I needed to work on my stealth skills.

  Dammit. I wasn’t ready to face him yet.

  Regardless, I put on a brave face as he approached. “Yes?”

  His gaze swept down me, focusing on my eyes. “Are you drunk?”

  I used my hand to prop myself up on the banister. “I may have imbibed a teensy little bit.”

  He glanced up the stairs. “Where were you going?”

  “I need to use the bathroom, and the one down here has, like, an hour wait limit.”

  “Come right back down here when you’re finished.”

  It was irrational, but my pride reacted a bit at being bossed around. “I wasn’t aware I had to take orders from you.”

  “Reese,” he said in warning, backing me up against the railing. This put our bodies very close together, but no one around us was paying any attention. “Shit might be about to go down and I want you close where I can see you. Warren is going to come looking for me at some point. Until then, I don’t want him stumbling upon you.”

  There was no arguing with that tone.

  I laid my hand on his arm, imploring him to see reason. At least, what sounded reasonable to my alcohol-riddled brain. “You need to be careful. You know he’s wanting you to go after him so you’ll get into trouble.”

  “I don’t care,” he said gruffly. “I won’t tolerate this shit anymore. It has to end now.”

  That ominous threat escalated my worry.

  Our earlier argument was now long forgotten. The situation had changed, and I didn’t give a crap about my hurt feelings anymore. My chief concern was getting him out of there without having to call an ambulance.

  “I just don’t want you to get hurt,” I said softly. “I’ll be right back, okay?”

  He looked like he wanted to lean close and kiss me and damn, I would have gladly let him. But he didn’t. He just gazed at my mouth longingly and stepped away.

  “Cam!” Jesse called from the corner, crooking his finger in our direction.

  Cam tipped his chin and glanced back at me one more time before re-joining his guys.

  It was a miracle I made it up those stairs without breaking my neck because I swear the heel on my boots was getting thinner and thinner. The bathroom was the second door on the left at the top of the stairs. I locked it behind me, thanking the universe that it was mostly clean. That didn’t stop me from giving the seat a thorough wipe down before I did my business. Knowing I needed to get back downstairs, I quickly finished up and did a cursory check in the mirror. At least I didn’t look as drunk as I felt.

  I unlocked and opened the door…and was blocked by a wall. No, that couldn’t be right. There hadn’t been a wall here when I walked in. I raised my head and found myself trapped in the gaze of two dark eyes. Below those eyes was an evil smirk, one I definitely recognized.

  Oh, shit. Trey.

  Cam’s warning echoed in my ears. I don’t want him stumbling upon you.

  I had to get out of there.

  “Hello, Reese,” he rasped.

  I didn’t even attempt conversation. I tried to push past him with all my might, but the guy was six and a half feet tall with arms as wide as my neck. I was shoved back into the room with ease. He followed me with a menacing expression and locked the door behind him.

  I sobered up in about half a second.

  Crazy how scary situations will do that to you.

  Fear crawled up my spine as memories of our last encounter at a party assaulted me. He hadn’t taken a hint when I was fifteen, and me pushing him away had infuriated him. Would he try to finish the job he started all those years ago? Was he truly that awful of a person?

  Something told me he was certainly capable of it.

  “What are you doing, Trey?”

  I backed as far away as I could, until the backs of my legs hit the bathtub. Getting past him to the door would not be an easy feat. I wasn’t even sure anyone would hear me scream over the pounding base downstairs.

  “Making up for lost time,” he said, taking another step toward me, his gait unsteady.

  He was definitely drunk. And judging by his bloodshot eyes, he was probably under the influence of something other than just alcohol. This kept getting worse and worse.

  “Whatever you’re thinking you need to stop right now,” I warned. “Don’t do something you’re going to regret.”

  He scowled, his eyes trailing me up and down. “I’m pretty sure I won’t regret this.”

  I thrust my arm out when he started to reach for me. “You do this, Trey, and your basketball career is over. No NBA team will want you when a story like this gets out.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Which is why you won’t tell anyone. Otherwise, I can make this much worse for you than it needs to be.”

  He really was deranged.

  He swatted my arm away, and out of panic, I switched tactics.

  “Cam told me how you two used to be friends,” I rushed out. “He said you used to be a good person, but your dad was always really hard on you. You don’t have to be this person. You can be better than this.”

  He stopped cold and his shoulders tensed. “Did that prick also tell you how his old man abandoned my father when he needed him most? Did he tell you about him leaving my dad high and dry, which caused him to start drinking? Did he tell you about how his parents disowning us broke up my fucking family? No! He wouldn’t tell you that, would he? Because Cam Donovan is a goddamn saint! Mr. Golden Boy who can do no wrong!”

  Clearly, it was a bad idea to bring up his family. I saw that now. Gracias, tequila.

  If Cam looked at me the way Trey was looking at me now, I would have thought it sexy and probably would have been turned on. Because I knew he would never, ever hurt me. But the lewd way Trey zeroe
d in on the sliver of skin above my jeans made my skin itch.

  “Now, he’s gone after something he knew I wanted.” He tried placing his hands on my hips, but I slapped them away. This only made his hands return with a much tighter grip. That’s going to bruise. “And since he always gets whatever he wants, he got it. Didn’t he, Reese? He got inside this pussy of yours. You refused me, yet you become his whore.”

  I don’t even know where it came from. The bottom of all those Solo cups, I guess.

  My hand flew out of its own volition and smacked against his cheek with a loud crack. All was silent in the room before I found my wits.

  “I’m nobody’s whore, you asshole.”

  He slowly swiveled his head back to me, sheer malevolence etched in his features. I swallowed thickly, desperately clinging on to the courage I had just seconds before.

  “I see you’re still the same bitch you were when you were fifteen,” he snarled. “It kind of turns me on, though. You always had fight in you, and I never could resist a challenge.”

  Before I could react, he grasped me by the arms and yanked me to him, his mouth stamping over mine in a bruising kiss. It had nothing to do with desire or lust. With him, it was only ever about power and control. It all made sense now why he’d been after me these last few months. Somehow, he knew that Cam liked me, and he hated knowing that Cam had yet another thing he’d never have.

  But all that was the least of my problems.

  I ripped my mouth away but was still trapped against his hard chest. “Get off of me!”

  There was no talking to him now. His mouth was at my neck, biting down and making my eyes water. He roughly pulled my head back by my hair, exposing more of my neck to his brutal onslaught. I thrashed in his arms, doing everything I could to scratch or bite him, but he had my arms locked to my sides. I tried kicking his shin, his foot, his balls, anywhere, but it was no use. He had me pinned too tightly.

  “Trey, stop! I said get off!

  His punishing hold on my arms was almost too painful.

  “Shut up and accept that this is going to happen.”

  That gave me an idea. When nothing else worked, I did the only thing I could think of that might loosen his hold and offer me escape.


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