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Page 3

by nikki blaire

  Naked, she walked into her bathroom and the sight of her antique bathtub immediately calmed her. This was her quiet place. She dimmed the lights, lit her favorite candles, and then sat on the edge of the tub to run a hot bath. She poured her favorite citrus infused bath oil into the water and watched it bubble up before docking her phone onto a speaker. Calming R&B music resonated off of the walls while she toed into the water with her glass in her hand. She slowly sunk in deeper until she was fully immersed, but her moment of bliss was interrupted when her cell phone began to vibrate. She wanted to ignore it, but decided to answer once she realized it was the ringtone for her family members. It had to be one of her brothers because her mother would never call this late in the evening and her father just never called.

  “Congratulations.” The rich, yet reserved voice of her eldest brother, Marcus, flooded her bathroom once she put him on speaker. “I got wind of your campaign’s success this afternoon in the office.”

  “And you’re just now calling? Thanks, I guess.” Ayda scoffed.

  “Hey, look, you know how busy things get at the firm, and at least I called. Did Dwele call?’ He asked a question that he knew the answer to. Her second eldest brother, Dwele, was less organized than Marcus, so personal things often slipped his mind. Still, he had sent an emoji filled text this afternoon accompanied by a hilarious gif, which Ayda fully appreciated. In comparison, this call from Marcus seemed like something he was doing simply because he was supposed to.

  She rolled her eyes thinking about how he and her father often commented on her career as if her work was child’s play.

  What is public relations? Her father had asked her mother when she had announced that marketing and public relations would be the focus area of her MBA.

  Just as her mother had started to explain, her father waved his hand to silence her.

  I know what it is, he had said. I just don’t understand how that is valuable to the firm. It’s not useful.

  After graduating, she confessed that she would not be joining the family’s wealth management firm either. That also had not gone over well.

  “Thanks, Marc. I appreciate your call.” She bit back her flippant response and chose to be grateful.

  “That sounds more like what a sister would say to her doting older brother who always takes care of her.” There was a slight chuckle in his voice.

  He knew that he was getting under her skin, but that’s what Marcus did. He was the spitting image of their father, in every way. He worked as the CFO of the firm and would eventually take over the business once their father retired. Dwele was less of a carbon copy and an established attorney at a major law firm. He was on track to be partner, but eventually would follow suit and join the firm as General Counsel. Forde Financials was their livelihood, and every member of the family took it very seriously, even Ayda. She respected what her father had built, but she just did not see it as being part of her legacy.

  “Anything else you want to badger me about, Marc? I’m in the bathtub.”

  “Nope. I’ll leave you alone, but mother is upset that you’ve missed your last couple of lunches. You know she looks forward to those.”

  “I’ve been busy with the launch. I told her that,”

  “And she mentioned that you told her, but you know she’ll never tell you that she misses them, so I’m telling you. You two are just alike that way.”

  “Alright, we’ll have lunch tomorrow. Goodnight, Marc.”

  “Goodnight, Ayda.” The call ended and she was happy for the restored silence, but it was interrupted again by another call. This time, it was Michael, but she let the call go to voicemail. Her earlier inclinations to “distress” herself with him had been replaced with a want to not be bothered tonight. She needed time to rejuvenate her energy, especially if she had to deal with her mother tomorrow.

  It wasn’t that she and her mother didn’t get along. In fact, Marcus was right in that they were just alike in some ways. Once, they had even been the perfect socialite mother and daughter duo. But Ayda knew she was always just pretending, putting on a show for her mother’s benefit. She had more on her life’s “to-do list” than marrying well and staying at the top of the social food chain. She had suffered silently in college, but couldn’t take it anymore by the time graduate school rolled around. That was the beginning of the rift between the two of them. It only worsened once Ayda and Aaron’s relationship ended. She had even been hesitant about sharing the relationship’s demise with her mother because she knew how much she, and the rest of her family, wanted her to be Mrs. Aaron Masters.

  After a long, hot bath, Ayda pulled on yoga shorts and a tank top, then climbed into bed. She turned the TV to something generic, and then lazily checked her phone. Bypassing the texts from unsaved numbers, many of them being men she cared to forget, she scrolled to her most recent message with Renee to ask her for a reminder to keep lunch with her mother, then tossed the phone to the other side of the bed. She glanced at the empty space for a while, trying to remember the last time anyone had laid there. She never let any of her one-nighters stay over, so she could only recall her ex lying beside her. Huffing, she reached for her glass of wine to finish it off. After a few deep sips, her mind conjured up the man from this morning.

  She just couldn’t get him out of her head. So, she indulged in the thought by snuggling deeper into her blanket and pretending the comforter was his strong arms wrapped around her instead. She had noticed his flexing muscles through his dress shirt, as he held his little girl. It was funny that the only things she knew about the man were that he was fine and that he was a father, but still, something drew her to him. She let herself linger on him for another moment until her mind began to betray her by overthinking, again. Suddenly, her quaint fantasy of him holding her tightly morphed into him sleeping next to another woman who was just as gorgeous and flawless as he seemed to be.

  “You need help.” Ayda groaned at herself. “Probably professional.” She closed her eyes, while the vision of the perfect couple faded into the background. It was a shame, but the truth was that she couldn’t see herself with a decent man, even in her fantasies.

  Chapter Three

  Morning had come too soon for Ayda’s liking, but somehow she staggered out of bed, got dressed, and made it all the way to the coffee shop for her daily cup of enthusiasm. She breezed through the front door of the coffee shop, but halted once her surroundings began to settle in.

  The smells and sounds brought her right back to yesterday. Every nerve in her body piqued at the possibility of seeing him again. She inconspicuously glanced around hoping to see the handsome stranger, but was disappointed that her silent wish hadn’t come true.

  “Oh well.” She shrugged it off, stepping forward to order her coffee. She dug in her purse for her wallet to pay, but came up empty handed. “Where in the hell…dammit. I switched bags.” She sighed in frustration because she would have to go back home.

  “You know what, scratch the coffee. I’ll be back.”

  The barista tried to give it to her anyways, but she refused with a smile, and then raced out of the coffee shop to catch a cab. Within minutes, she was back at her building and on her way up the elevator. She walked as fast as her heels would carry her to her apartment, grabbed her wallet, and was out of the door again.

  As she pressed back to the elevator, she pulled out her phone to let Renee know that she would be in the office shortly and then began reading emails. The doors closed behind her, but opened again on the next floor for two men. Ayda didn’t bother to look up until the subtle scent of clean linen and sandalwood filled the small space. Her “spidey senses,” as Renee called them, were tingling, which meant there was an attractive man in her vicinity.

  She glanced around to find the source of the scent, but nearly choked on air when her eyes fell on the man from the coffee shop. She didn’t know his name, but she could never forget his face.

  “Ms. Forde, we’re sorry if our conversation disturbed
you. We’re getting off at the lobby,” The building’s manager was standing next to him.

  “Me too. It’s fine.” She exhaled. The close proximity, mixed with the shock of seeing him, was causing her to feel slightly faint.

  “Oh, good. Also, let me introduce you to Mr. Tremaine Henley. He’s our new regional manager. He’ll be handling the financial management of the building’s assets. Mr. Henley, this is Ms. Ayda Forde. Her father’s company invested heavily in the building’s construction.”

  Ayda’s mouth dried watching Tremaine lick his lips. Her body grew hot under his gaze, as his eyes roved over her then gleamed with satisfaction at what he saw. He was definitely a sight to take in as well. Today, he was dressed in a navy blue suit that looked divine against his toffee brown skin. Apparently, yesterday had only been a preview to how sexy he could be.

  Tremaine Henley.

  She said the name to herself to cement it to memory. She definitely did not want to forget it now that she had a name to put with his painstakingly handsome face.

  “Good morning.” His voice was just as smooth as the creamy, peanut butter colored skin that coated his body. He held out his hand for her to shake, just as the elevator doors sprang open.

  Surprised that he managed to speak to her today, Ayda smiled as she took his hand and shook it firmly. “Good morning and welcome aboard.” She was still grinning and he was still holding onto her as they walked out of the elevator, both of them forgetting about the building manager’s presence.

  “Thank you.” Tremaine’s full smile revealed a dimple. “It’s funny to run into you, here, of all places.”

  “I live here.” She blurted out, almost too eagerly. Something about him was having a serious effect on her, so much so, that she almost felt giddy.

  “Duly noted.” His grin grew wider. “So, I guess I’ll be seeing you.”

  “I guess so.” Their conversation slowed to silence while something electric passed through them.

  “Well,” The building manager’s voice, followed by a strong clearing of his throat, ended the trance. “I’ve got to show Mr. Henley around.” He began to usher Tremaine away, but he suddenly halted in place, refusing to be moved.

  “I wanted to apologize for yesterday.” His words came out in a speedy sentence. “I was trying to introduce myself, but having my daughter, and then she bumped into you,” He trailed off, but his expression clearly begged her to understand and forgive him.

  “Yea, of course, no problem. Glad we got a do over.” She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth just to stop her incessant smiling.

  “Right, it was nice to officially meet you, Ayda.”

  “Nice to officially meet you too, Tremaine.”

  He nodded, and then turned back to the building manager who was happy to finally be reintroduced into the conversation. They both walked away, but Tremaine gave her another glance over his shoulder.

  “Oh my.” She clutched her hand to her chest, while she watched him leave. “Be careful what you wish for.”

  She stood still for another moment to slow her racing heart, and then scurried to the curb for a taxi. She just knew Renee was going to give her a dirty glare for getting into the office this late. She had already called and texted her, but Ayda intentionally ignored it. She didn’t want anything to ruin her “I met a fine man today” high.

  She planned to apologize and explain once she got into the office, but when she arrived, Renee wasn't at her desk. She let out a sigh of relief, then slipped into her office, but froze at the sight of a tall figure moseying around her desk.

  “Marc, what are you doing here?” She called out once she recognized her brother’s profile. He turned around so slowly and nonchalantly, as if she had just barged into his office. She rolled her eyes at his subtle arrogance then asked him why he was there again.

  “For several reasons.” He eased down onto the chaise, which could barely contain his long limbs. Marcus was pushing 6’1, but his height made her remember how Tremaine was undoubtedly nearly 6’4. Her body shook for a moment remembering the way he had peered down at her while they shook hands this morning.

  “Ayda,” Marcus’ voice pulled her back to the present. “It’s a wonder you get work done with the way you’re always in your head.” He didn’t try to hide his annoyance.

  “Look, you snuck into my office,”

  “I didn’t sneak. I waited in here because you were running late.” He arched an eyebrow at the word “late.” He was a stickler for timeliness.

  “I wasn’t running late because I didn’t know you were here, and who let you in?” The feel of Renee brushing past her interrupted her tirade.

  “Here’s your coffee, Marc.” She placed a steaming cup in his hand, then turned back to face Ayda. “Your brother’s here. I sent you a text, email, and called to let you know that he stopped by.”

  There was that snarky glare that Renee was known for. Ayda let out a soft sigh then apologized for not responding to Renee’s attempts to reach her. They always responded to each other, which is what made their relationship work. Still, while her apology was accepted, it wasn’t enough to soothe Renee’s curiosity. She knew Ayda well, and figured something had to have happened for her to be late and miss Renee’s calls. She dismissed herself, making sure to playfully bump Ayda on her way out, which let her know she wasn’t off of the hook. Ayda would have to explain once Marcus was gone.

  “Thanks, again, Renee. You keep her in line.” Marcus called after her. “This is the best coffee I’ve ever had.” He took a deep sip.

  “Stop it.” Ayda giggled then rolled her eyes. “Renee doesn’t want you. Never will. You’re not her type.” Marcus scoffed at the notion. He believed himself to be every woman’s type - handsome, wealthy, and educated.

  “So, onto my reasons for stopping by. First, I wanted to make sure you kept your lunch with mother today. I know you said you would, but your promises are skating on thin ice these days. Second, you clearly had an attitude last night, and have had one for quite a while. Frankly, I don’t like that shit. So, I came by to discuss it.”

  “There’s nothing to discuss. You know what my problem is. You’re always butting in like you’re Marcus, Sr. You’re not, and even if you were, he doesn’t butt in. He just glares with disapproval.” Ayda stalked over to her desk to put her things down. “And I don’t have an attitude.” She sat down and crossed her arms, obviously on the defensive. “And, I keep my promises. You all just don’t want to listen when I tell you I’m not going to do something.”

  Marcus let out a low chuckle that made Ayda’s skin crawl. He was being dismissive, like usual.

  “Ayda, you’re not a target and you’re not a victim. And you’re not the black sheep, so stop approaching everything about being a Forde as if you are.”

  What do you know?

  She was most definitely a victim, but she couldn’t reveal that without blowing the lie she had spun for herself.

  “I appreciate you coming to check on me, Marc. I know you care, but I’m not up for this discussion right now. I’ve already got to deal with our mother today and I’m not even in the headspace to defend how I feel or why I feel that way.” She started to peruse through the files that Renee had left on her desk to signal that the conversation was over, but Marcus always did things in his own time.

  He adjusted his cuff links then leaned forward for emphasis.

  “You’re my little sister and I apologize if I’ll always see you as such.” He gazed at her pointedly. “I’m determined to keep the Forde name solid, but I want our family to be even more so. Have a great lunch.” He rose to his feet. “I’ve got an 11:00 a.m.” He nodded at her then walked towards the door.

  Ayda fixed her mouth to apologize, but nothing came out. Her pride was choking her words. Although she knew that she was taking her frustrations out on Marcus, she just couldn’t concede anymore. He was overprotective, overzealous, and constantly overly authoritative, but his commitment to her and their fami
ly knew no bounds. She just wished that he could read between the lines of her attitude and outbursts to see that something really was wrong. Something terrible had happened to her and she wished like hell that her big brother had swooped in to rescue her. That was when she had needed Marcus, not now.

  “I’ll tell mother you stopped by.” She finally acknowledged, as Marcus departed. He gave her a subtle nod to show that he understood that this was the closest thing to an apology that he was going to get then walked out.

  He gave Renee one last look before leaving, which made Ayda smack her teeth. All of that talk about her being a Runaround Sue, while her brother was literally five seconds off of jumping her assistant. Everyone was a hypocrite when it came to what she should and shouldn’t do.

  “Sorry about today. I had to go back home and then there was traffic,” She paced her lie out, knowing that Renee would sniff it out if she spoke too fast or seemed too rehearsed.

  “That’s it?” Renee moved deeper into the office with a pen and pad in hand. “I thought you’d finally put poor beggin ass Michael out of his misery and had a late morning.” She shrugged. “Well, onto business. Communications said they sent you the metrics for yesterday’s launch. Here’s a printed copy. We had good numbers, especially on Twitter. Apparently, Black Twitter got a hold of some clips from the press conference and made memes galore. It was a good idea to have the players post their ad to Instagram all at the same time too.”

  “Did you get a chance to go to a subway and actually see one of the ads? I wanted to this morning, but as you can see, my day was thrown off.”

  “Went to the station on 11th and U. I got some shots of people taking pictures in front of the ad. It was a good idea to put Damien Winston’s ad in his old neighborhood. He’s a spoiled asshole, but the hood loves him.” She playfully flipped her honey-tipped bang out of her face.


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