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Page 11

by nikki blaire

  “It’s cool. I do too. I’m sorry if I kept you from something important.”

  “No, not at all. Let’s just get a cab and head back.” She hailed a cab for them, climbed in, and then rode the rest of the way in silence. She was still thinking about what could possibly be wrong with him.

  “Did I do something wrong?” Tremaine finally asked once they came to a stop. She climbed out then spun around to face him.

  “No, you haven’t done anything.” She sighed, wondering if she should put all of her cards on the table just yet. Renee had warned her about overthinking and made her promise to just get to know Tremaine. However, here she was doing exactly what she had been told not to do. She was digging too deeply into everything already, but she couldn’t help herself.

  “It’s just that I don’t think I’m ready for this. I thought I was, but having lunch with you today let me know that I’m not. Especially not with a guy like you.”

  “A guy like me?” He raised his eyebrows again in that sexy, skeptical sideways glance that he had been giving her all day. “Look Ayda, I know I’m probably not the corporate executive, balling out of control type that you’re used to, but,”

  “What?” She cut him off. “No, that’s not it at all. You’re the extremely fine kind that can have any woman that he wants.” She blurted out. “I could handle all of the flirting and compliments if this was a one-night thing, but this...whole...getting to know me thing feels like dangerous territory. I’m waiting on the shoe to fall, so to speak. I know I shouldn’t, but...”

  Tremaine was standing in front of her with his arms crossed, listening intently, with a smirk placed poignantly on his face.

  “You seem very sure that’s going to happen.”

  “I am sure.” She cut him off. “I’ve done this long enough to know when someone’s too good to be true, and you, with all of this,” She motioned her hand towards his body. “Is too good to be true. And this wanting to get to know me stuff from the other day. I just don’t get it. Why?”

  “I’m just tryna see where your head’s at. Is that so bad?”

  Ayda stared at him for a moment while the light bulb flickered on in her head.

  “Oh, so that’s what you’re doing. You’re trying to figure out if I’m a clingy nut case before you have sex with me. Correct?”

  “Yes.” He moved closer to her.

  “I knew it! Well, I’m not a nut case and you don’t have to do all of this. I know the deal and all you had to do was ask. I’m not messy,”

  “Ayda!” He gripped her arms and squeezed until she stop rambling. “You didn’t let me finish. I was going to say yes and no.”

  She tried to look away, but he moved her chin back to facing him again.

  “Yes, I’m thinking about the physical part. I’m definitely thinking about that,” He looked her over from head to toe, then landed back at her face.

  “But, no, that is definitely not the only reason I want to get to know you. I like you.”

  He pulled her closely and held her there, completely ignoring the fact that they were on a busy sidewalk.

  “There’s a lot of things going on in that pretty head of yours, Ms. Forde, and for some reason, I really want to know about all of it. Let me and I promise that you won’t be disappointed.”

  But you just can’t trust everything you’re told.

  Her conscious kicked in. She had been blinded by kind words and sweet gestures before. She refused to let it happen again.

  “I hear you, Tremaine. I really do, but I’m having a hard time just taking your word for it.”

  She removed herself from his grip.

  “Thanks for lunch. I had a great time and it’s on me next time.”

  “So, there will be a next time.” He managed to grab hold of her arm before she walked away. “And it’s never on you. At least, not when you’re with me.”

  “Tremaine.” She wanted to put up a fight, but she couldn’t. He licked his lips and she came undone.

  “Ayda.” He lowered his face until it was inches from hers.

  “There will be a next time. I had too much fun today for there not to be. I wanna see you again. Is that okay with you?”

  “Sure. Fine.” Her breath was ragged and shallow in anticipation of another one of his kisses, but he left her longing by releasing her from his grasp.

  “Have a good day, Ayda.” He smiled at her.

  “You too, Tremaine.” She sighed then walked towards her office building’s entrance. She could feel his eyes on her, so she glanced over her shoulder one more time. Tremaine stood there on the sidewalk, looking absolutely delectable, then flashed a dimply smile that made her reveal one of her own.

  “What in the hell have I gotten myself into.” She groaned, then spun back around, and pushed through the lobby’s entrance to go back to her office before she got too carried away.

  Chapter Eight

  There had been an extra skip in Tremaine’s step after lunch with Ayda, but it was knocked out of him once he picked Sasha up from school. She fell into his arms and clutched her stomach as soon as he walked through the door. At first, it had seemed like a regular stomachache until she turned a shade of green then threw up in the passenger seat of his car. In a panic, he bolted to the nearest urgent care facility.

  The doctor said that Sasha had a stomach virus and all that he could do was keep her hydrated while it passed. Tremaine stayed home to take care of her, while everything else fell by the wayside. Still, when he was not cleaning up puke, making soup, or checking Sasha’s temperature, his mind would drift to Ayda’s smile. Her laugh. The way she filled out a dress better than anyone.

  He had wanted to call her, or at least send her a text, but caring for Sasha would always distract him. It left him yearning to see her again, but all of his interaction with the outside world was on pause. After a few days, Sasha’s fever broke and she was feeling better to Tremaine’s relief, but he kept her home a few more days to be safe. Now, he was staring blankly at his laptop screen in an attempt to work from home, but gave up once the numbers started to jumble together. It was apparent that he had cabin fever and wanted to get out, but duty called.

  “You feeling okay, ladybug?” He asked her from his seat at the kitchen table. She nodded and mumbled a “yes, Daddy,” but didn’t take her eyes off of the movie on the TV screen.

  Well at least she’s feeling better.

  He chuckled to himself then went back to staring at the spreadsheet on the computer screen. His concentration was broken again when his phone started to ring. He glanced over at the screen with a groan once he saw Trinity’s name. He prayed that she was calling just to check on Sasha, but somehow, he just knew that it would not be that simple.

  “What’s up?” He made sure to sound disinterested when he answered.

  “I just wanted to check on you all...” Trinity’s voice wavered, which usually meant she was going to ask Tremaine for something. He hoped not because he had reached his end with her. He was still trying to figure out how they were going to interact once she got back in town. He wasn’t quite sure if he could handle her dropping another bomb on him.

  “We good. Sasha’s feeling better and there’s no more fever.” His tone was flat.

  “Oh, yea. Good. I’m glad she’s feeling better. I feel so helpless being so far away.”

  Tremaine held in a grunt. It would only prolong their conversation and he was trying to get off of the phone with her as soon as possible.

  “It’ll be better when I’m home then I can see her. I’ve also already got some radio interviews and appearances lined up already and my family wants to do this big welcome back party too. I’m hoping you and Sasha will come.”

  “We’ll see.” Tremaine rolled his eyes. He didn’t have time for this. “Look,” He opened his mouth to end the conversation, but she quickly cut him off.

  “I was also hoping that maybe I could stay with you. Just for a little bit.” Her tone was so sheepish now that Trema
ine could barely hear her. He rubbed his hand down his face and let out a long sigh.

  “Why?” He tried not to sound angry. “Stay with your family.”

  “The show is shooting in D.C. and you know they live in Maryland.”

  “Take the train.” He grunted. “Take an Uber. Something.”

  “That takes money, which I won’t have much of until the show starts filming. So, it’d help me out if I could just stay with you for a couple of weeks. That’s all.”

  “It’s never that easy with you, Trinity. There’s always something else.” He rubbed his temples to keep his anger in check. She was asking him because she knew that he would not say no.


  “Tremaine.” He corrected her. “You know I hate that Trey shit.”

  “My bad. I’m sorry. Tremaine, I promise I won’t be a bother and maybe it’ll be good for Sasha to see her parents in the same place again.”

  “That’s definitely not what she needs to see. It’ll just confuse her because you’re not staying.” He had to be stern with her because Trinity always found a way to take two miles if he gave an inch. She would always pretend to be sugary sweet, but it was all a cover up. Tremaine knew first hand that all her kindness turned to selfish entitlement once Trinity got what she wanted.

  “I could,” She tried to cut in.

  “You’re not.” His jaw clenched. “I’ll think about it and let you know.” He couldn’t take anymore, so he just hung up. His entire body was tense. He hummed all over with irritation. Trinity was not his responsibility anymore, but he still always had to save her and sacrifice for her. It had gotten old and he needed to put his foot down.

  He glanced over at Sasha who sat oblivious to her father’s frustrations. He needed to get out. His work could wait and Sasha was feeling better, so he wouldn’t feel like a completely unfit parent if he just went out for a drink. Tremaine paced back and forth in the kitchen, while he scrolled his fraternity’s group message for something to do. He was looking for anything to let off some steam. His fingers paused at an earlier message from Davin Osei, his old partner in crime in college. Apparently, Davin was in town. That was exactly who could help Tremaine let off some steam. He sent Davin a text, who quickly called him in response.

  “Well, if it isn’t the ghost of frat brother’s past.” He picked up with a full grin.

  “Trickin Tremaine,” Davin’s jovial tone immediately transported him back to being on campus. He hadn’t seen Davin in more than a year and they hadn’t spoken in months.

  “I’ve got one question for you, bruh? Are you free to slide with me tonight? ”

  “Man, I don’t want your hand me down invite.” Tremaine laughed. “You’re in D.C, but I’m just now getting a call? After I hit you? You never change, man.”

  “Look, I put it in the group message, bruh. It’s not my fault you only check it every couple months.” He snapped back.

  “I had the final round of a job interview out here, and I just got an offer. You know I can’t celebrate without you. Plus, I’m moving here, so I need to liquor you up to try and get a discount on one of those swanky high rises you work at.”

  “Uh,” He looked over to Sasha who was now laying on the floor and absentmindedly singing to herself, a sign that she was sleepy. “I’ve got my daughter, so...”

  “It’s cool. Just hit me back and let me know if you can or not. I’ll come scoop you,” was all the information Davin gave before hanging up. In a hurry to have some adult interaction, Tremaine dialed Julissa’s number, but hung up before she answered. The reality of all that it would take to get out of the house swarmed him and made him change his mind. Besides, it was the weekend, so he would likely be taking Julissa away from a good time. Plus, he would have to explain to Sasha that he was leaving, just in case she woke up looking for him in the middle of the night. That made him sick to his stomach. It was just too much, so he would have to tell Davin that they would need to get together another time. But, just as he decided to let it go, Julissa called him back.

  “Juju, my bad.” He picked up. “I was gonna ask a favor, but never mind.” He tried to dismiss it, but should have known she would pry.

  “What do you want? Let me decide whether I wanna do it or not.”

  “Fine. I was gonna ask if you could come over and watch Sasha tonight. Frat is in town, but nevermind.”

  “You wanna go out?” Her curiosity was clearly piqued. “Since when?”

  “Since my frat came in town,” He exasperated. “But never mind. This is exactly what I didn’t want to have to deal with.”

  “Oh, well, someone’s gettin’ a lil’ snappy. You sure you’re not just making up an excuse to go hook up with that girl you like?”

  “Man, JuJu you’re always making something up...wait a minute...girl I like?”

  “Yea. Que said you met some girl,”

  “No, man.” He made a mental note to tear into Quentin the next time they spoke. Ayda was supposed to stay between the two of them. “Davin is just in town and I wanted to get up. That’s all.”

  “And?” She kept prying.

  “And nothing.” He could have told her about Trinity, but he knew that was a no go. The bad blood between them was thick and Tremaine knew that Julissa would be waiting for Trinity at the airport if she found out about her asking to move in.

  “There. You happy now?”

  “Mhmmm.” Tremaine envisioned her eyes rolling. “I’ll watch Sasha though. I actually needed to catch up on all my shows anyways. You know I don’t have cable.”

  “Naw, really Ju, it’s cool. I can just stay home.”

  “But, you’re not going to. Go out and be a regular adult again. I got Sasha. Be there in about thirty minutes.” She hung up before he could protest any further.

  “Okay.” He put his phone on the counter then stared blankly around the kitchen.

  He was about to go out, to a club, possibly, where there were other adults, just like him. A slow forming grin spread across his face until his eyes landed on Sasha again. She was dancing around the room now and attempting to practice the head rolls that were constantly causing him to have to redo her hair. His heart melted and his resistance to leave her returned.

  In a few short strides, he had walked over to her, scooped her up, and pulled her close to him for a tight hug.

  “Daddy, you always squeezes too hard.” She tried to wiggle away, but he wouldn’t let her move. “Daddy. Daddy!” She was giggling loudly, while he nuzzled her neck and ears.

  “Ladybug, would you be okay with Daddy going to see some friends tonight?”

  “Like a sleepover?” She eyed him with curiosity.

  “Yea...kinda. But I’ll be back here tonight and Auntie JuJu is gonna watch you while I’m gone. Is that okay with you?”

  “Auntie JuJu is coming!” She jumped up. “Auntie JuJu is the funnestist auntie ever!” Sasha started to ramble then raced to her room to pull out her toys.

  “Alright then.” Tremaine hadn’t expected the conversation to go over so easy. He text Davin to let him know that he was coming then waited for Julissa to arrive. She was knocking on his door a short while later, which was met by Sasha’s screeches of joy.

  “Ladybug, I brought something for you.” She held out a bag. “We’re gonna do make up!” Sasha screeched even louder then grabbed the bag and raced to her room.

  “Make up?” Tremaine raised an eyebrow at his sister. “She’s four.”

  “She also loves makeup.” Julissa grinned. “And it’ll tire her out. She’ll be asleep before she even realizes you’re gone. Trust me. I’m not just a pretty face, big bro. Now, go start getting ready. You know how long you take.”

  He wanted to rebuttal, but she was right. Getting ready to go anywhere had always been a process for him, try as he might not to live up to the pretty boy stereotype. He took a shower then got dressed. When he emerged from his room, Julissa and Sasha were on the sofa watching a movie, each dawning faces of very exag
gerated make up.

  “Alright, ladybug, Daddy’s gonna go be with some friends,” He leaned over to hug and kiss her.

  “Bye Daddy. Have fun at your sleepover.”

  Julissa shot him a sideways glance.

  “Good thing I brought an overnight bag. Just in case.” She gave him a wink.

  He rolled his eyes, not wanting to explain then walked out of the door before he found another reason to stay. He hurried down the stairs and spotted Davin sitting in his car at the lobby’s entrance.

  “I hope you’re not planning anything too wild, bruh. I’ve gotta get back to my kid in one piece.” Tremaine opened the door then slid into the passenger seat.

  “Nothing too crazy. I’m saving that for the full celebration after I get settled. I just want to catch up and kick it with my boy. It’s been too long, but don’t have a curfew right?”

  “Naw, my sister’s got Sasha tonight.”

  “Then we out chea!” Davin pulled off from the building at a high speed, driving like a speed demon through the city until they parked near one of their favorite nightspots.

  “You remember how it used to be up in here? I see this place hasn’t changed much.” Davin led Tremaine to the bar as soon as they walked in. The music bumped in the background and the low lighting completed the lounge’s atmosphere. They hopped onto bar stools, ordered their drinks, and then waited for the bartender to serve them up.

  “I haven’t been here in a good minute. It takes me back to old times. Crazy times.” Tremaine looked around, remembering each of the indecencies that he had committed in various places around the lounge. Groping a date in the corner against the wall, kissing another on one of the loveseats. Suddenly, those images blurred to a vision of Ayda in those indecent positions with him. He blinked it away, but couldn’t suppress the bulge that pressed against his zipper. To satisfy his craving for her, he sent her a quick text. Hopefully, she would respond and they could pick up where they had left off after lunch.

  “We had our fair share,” Davin raised his glass to Tremaine. “Now, let’s see who’s tryna help ya boy celebrate tonight. If you know what I mean.” Davin finished his drink in one gulp and then motioned for another. He scanned the room with a hungry eye until he spotted something that he liked. “Ay, I see two ladies who need some company.”


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