Book Read Free


Page 15

by nikki blaire


  Sasha stood in front of Tremaine as they both waited for Ayda to answer her front door. He was using the wait to give Sasha a “good manners” pep talk.

  “Don’t touch any of the things you see, Sasha. Ms. Ayda has expensive things. You don’t want to break them.” He calmly reminded her as he juggled bags of groceries in his hands. She coolly nodded at the same time that Ayda opened the door.

  “Oh, wow. My favorite little princess.” Ayda reached down to re-introduce herself. “You must be Sasha. Do you remember meeting me?”

  The little girl nodded enthusiastically, which sent her tiny braids with colorful barrettes on the ends flying around her ears.

  “You’re our breffis friend. I liked your dress.”

  “Well, thank you, but no one’s as pretty as you in this dress.”

  “Thank you!” Sasha’s face wrinkled into a giggle and smile. She stuck out her hand, commanding Ayda to grab it, and declaring them as friends. She had won Sasha over that quickly, easing some of Tremaine’s fears that he would have to play the middleman tonight.

  “Excuse me,” Tremaine called out after them as they walked into the apartment. He stuck his foot in the doorway to hold it open. “Can a brother get some help?”

  Ayda looked over her shoulder then playfully giggled.

  “Sorry Tremaine, I forgot you were here.” She and Sasha walked back to the door to help him carry the groceries to the kitchen.

  “I see you’re in the mood to play. Just remember that when I get you back. It won’t be funny then.” He winked at her while he unloaded the bags onto the counter. Ayda shot him a heated look and then lifted Sasha onto a stool.

  “So, what are we making tonight? Is this one of your specialties?” Ayda peered at the ingredients. “I see pasta,”

  “It’s fetti-chiny al-fryo! Surprise! Me and daddy make it all the time!” Sasha beamed with pride.

  “I let her pick out what we would make tonight.” Tremaine gave a nervous shrug. “I should’ve asked if you liked it before I,”

  “I love, what is it, Sasha?” Ayda asked again just to hear the little girl giggle and trample over the Italian words.

  “Fetti-ciny al-frayo!” She anxiously reached for the ingredients to sort them. “This is how me and Daddy do it at home, but you gots…have more spaces than we do.”

  “Well, show me how you put everything together, so we can help your daddy tonight.” Ayda reached where Sasha pointed to pick up ingredients then placed them where she directed until the meal was divided into the pasta ingredients, the salad, and garlic bread. Tremaine divided up the activities, giving Sasha her favorite task of spooning the garlic butter on the baguettes.

  “I can do that.” Ayda took the knife from him as he began to prep, season, and brown the chicken breast. “You’ve worked all day, seriously. It’s the least I can do. Do you want a drink?”

  “Um, yes, actually.” He was slightly shocked at being relieved of his duties. He had yet to see Ayda do more than order take out, so he was slightly wary of her cooking skills. Even further, she was a pampered princess who he assumed had never cooked in her life. But, he wouldn’t be rude and reject her offer for him to relax. She ushered him to the living room and turned on the TV for him then handed him the remote. She returned a moment later with a scotch on the rocks.

  “You remembered?” He eyed her with lust sparked by his appreciation of her kindness. He reached out to grab her, but the sound of his daughter’s voice asking Ayda if she knew how to play hopscotch was like being doused with freezing cold water.

  “You remembered about me and macaroni and cheese, right? You’re not the only one who’s thoughtful around here.” She grinned over her shoulder, while she walked back to the kitchen. She was wearing black leggings and an oversized shirt, which was sexy on her. He loved that she looked so good, even when she wasn’t trying. His eyes were glued to her swaying hips while she walked back the kitchen.

  Her open floor plan gave him a full view of the little girl who had his heart interacting with the woman gaining his interest. The two got along so easily, which tugged at a place that Tremaine thought had grown cold once Trinity walked out on him. In his few dating spells since he and Trinity stopped dealing with each other altogether, he never thought about finding someone to be a mother figure for Sasha. He wasn’t definitive on Ayda being that woman, but he couldn’t deny the allure of enjoying this scene every day.

  “I’m gonna add some of my own seasonings, Tremaine. Is that okay? Sasha do you like basil and thyme?” The little girl nodded in agreement, even though Tremaine knew she had no idea what either were.

  “Sure, that’s fine.” They locked eyes once she looked up from dumping the chicken into a hot pan. She flashed him a shy grin then turned to Sasha to give her another task. Soon the smells of whatever Ayda had added to his bland recipe hit his nose and made his stomach grumble in anticipation. A few minutes later, Sasha was calling him over to the table with enthusiastically waving hands.

  “Daddy, we’re done! Come eat!”

  “Great,” He stood up to follow the delicious smells. Ayda set the larger table in the dining room, and then put the food out. “You didn’t have to do all of this.” Tremaine settled Sasha in a chair next to him, while Ayda began to serve them plates.

  “Oh yes I did because I could sense your hesitation earlier. You were doubting me.” She pointed to his seat. “So eat and tell me what you think.” Both she and Sasha intently observed him, while he raised his fork to his mouth for his first bite. The pasta sauce, with Ayda’s unique touches, swirled around his taste buds.

  “This is delicious.”

  “I see you thought so little of me.” Ayda playfully fluttered her eyelashes. “Yes, I can cook. I just don’t. Plus I had the help of my great assistant.”

  Sasha’s cheeks were rosy and poking out because she was insistent on continuing to chew and smile at the same time. They shared dinner and to the delight of Sasha, Ayda produced sorbet for dessert, while Sasha chatted about her day at school. Tremaine volunteered to wash the dishes, and found Sasha sitting in Ayda’s lap when he returned to the living room. Apparently, she had pulled a book out of her bag for Ayda to read with her, but her eyes were obviously drowsy.

  “New people tire her out.” He whispered as he walked over.

  “Hey, ladybug, you want to lay down in a bed until I finish telling Ayda goodbye?” He leaned over to pick her up from Ayda’s lap. She barely moved her head in agreement as sleep overtook her. Ayda stood up to lead him to the guest room for him to lay Sasha down while they talked. Ayda pulled back the bed’s layers for him, while he took off Sasha’s shoes and then tucked her in before leaving his signature kiss on her forehead.

  “Daddy’s right in here.” He pointed to the living room to which Sasha just barely nodded. She was clearly content and drifting off to dreamland. “It’ll be hell trying to get her to take a bath when I get home. I may just avoid the hassle and have her do it in the morning.” He shook his head, while he followed Ayda back to their previous place on the sofa.

  “She’s a handful, but she’s precious.” Ayda sat next to him with her legs tucked beneath her.

  “Thanks for having us, but c’mon, this is your place. Be comfortable.” He reached for her legs then gently tugged them from under her before settling them across his lap. His hands were drawn to rubbing her feet. A slight moan escaped her lips, which vibrated through him.

  “Feel good?” He dared to ask.

  “You know it does.” She let her head fall back onto the sofa cushion. They sat there for a moment, tension building. “Are you trying to seduce me, Mr. Henley?”

  Tremaine let out a throaty chuckle. He had asked her the same question their first night together in her apartment.

  “When it’s happening, you won’t have to ask.” He eased up on her foot, more for his benefit than hers. “But, I’d like the opportunity to do so.”

  “You are trouble.” She leaned
forward. “But, I like trouble.”

  “Who’s corny now?” He chuckled then let his eyes wander over her before lingering on her thighs. He bit his lower lip then darted his eyes back to her face. “And I owe you two dates now. This one still doesn’t count.”

  “I had a great time. It was relaxing to be in the kitchen again,” She waved him off. “I haven’t cooked for anyone since my last relationship.”

  “I ain’t even gonna lie. You got me. I was really thinking I’d have to eat some burnt chicken and pretend it was blackened.” They both laughed. “And if this was how you were treating your ex every evening after work, he’s dumb as hell to let himself have become an ex.”

  Tremaine looked over to see a gloss forming in Ayda’s eyes. There was definitely something behind the veil of that relationship that caused Ayda pain. This wasn’t the first time he had seen her eyes dim once he brought up her past relationship. Maybe now was the time for him to share his own heartache. Tremaine’s fingers slowly travelled up her thigh, while he gathered the courage to open up to her.

  “I actually have a way that you can make up these dates to me.” Her voice pulled him out of his thoughts. “I kind of need an official date for this event thing. It’s called the Spring Affair. My mother hosts it every year. Would you go with me?”

  “I don’t know. You just stopped kicking a brother out of your spot. I’ll have to see how you act over the next couple of days.” He joked.

  Ayda quickly pulled a pillow from behind her then tossed it at his head. Tremaine effortlessly caught it then softly threw it back at her.

  ‘You forgot I played basketball, huh.” He pinned her to the sofa.

  “Maybe.” Ayda tried not to yell as Tremaine began to tickle her. She slapped and pushed him away, but his strength was twice hers. She laughed so hard that her chest started to heave before he finally released her.

  “When is this spring thing?” He was still spread out on top of her, relishing in their closeness and the softness of her skin.

  “It’ a week and a half.” She mumbled underneath him.

  Before he could stop himself, his hands were travelling underneath her shirt. Her skin was so smooth that it felt like silk. He squeezed and took in the soft scent of citrus that she always wore.

  “Can you come?” She breathed.

  “Not before you.”

  “Tremaine!” She slapped his back, which ended his trance. “I meant to the Spring Affair. Can you come as my date? It’s kinda important.”

  “Oh.” He sat up. He needed to separate himself from her if he was going to behave. Plus, sex on the couch with his daughter in the next room wasn’t how he wanted he and Ayda’s first time together to be either.

  “Yea, I can make it.” He shook the lust from his head. “And why is it so important?”

  The light disappeared from her eyes again.

  “Well, to put it simply, a lot of important people will be there...and I already listed you as my date.” She squished her face. “I’m sorry. I know I should’ve asked you first. My mother put me on the spot. She was pressing me to have a date, and,”

  “You thought of me.” He finished for her. “I’m flattered actually.” He leaned in to leave a kiss on her forehead. “And I’ll be there. Don’t worry.”

  “Thank you.” She sighed in relief. “I’ll make an appointment with our tailor for your suit. I’ll cover it, so don’t worry about it.”

  “I don’t need that. I can get my own suit. If there’s one thing about me that you should know by now is that ya boy can put together a fit.”

  “True, but you’re my guest and I wouldn’t feel right if I,” Tremaine held a finger to her lips to quiet her.

  “I don’t need your money, so I’m not taking your money.” He stared until he was sure that she understood that he wouldn’t take from her just for the hell of it.

  “Okay.” She exhaled and her previous relaxed mood returned. “Well, would it help to see my dress? We don’t have to match, but I would like to coordinate…” Her words trailed off. “My ex never really wanted to do that. He was a black and white tux kind of guy.”

  “Well, good thing you upgraded to a stylish man like myself.” Tremaine laughed. “And seeing the dress probably would be helpful, but in all honesty, I just want to see you in it.”

  She cracked a small smile that slowly broadened before she stood up and grabbed his hand.

  “Follow me.” She led him to her room. Stepping over the threshold was like walking into a time warp. Spending the night with Ayda had been so peaceful. He had also shocked himself with how satisfied he felt the next morning, although they hadn’t done anything sexual.

  “Damn, that’s the dress?” He noticed the little number spread out on her bed.

  “Uh, no. That was the dress that I was going to wear tonight before our plans changed.” She marched to her closet, while he sat on the edge of the bed.

  “I mean, you can still wear it.” He ran his fingers over the fabric. “You didn’t have to change on my account.”

  “I’m saving it for a more appropriate occasion.” Her laughter carried from the closet. A few moments later, she emerged with a sleeveless navy blue, floral print gown hanging over her. It was beautiful and he was ready to see her wearing it.

  “Put it on.” His voice came out in a low growl, which made her laugh. He was starting to become addicted to that sound.

  “You’ll have to wait.” She beamed. “But I appreciate your enthusiasm. I got the dress a while ago, but since I hadn’t had anywhere to wear it since I shied away from all that high society hoopla.”

  “You really don’t care too much for these people, huh?”

  “No, I don’t.” She shook her head then put the dress away. “But it’s the price of being a Forde, I guess. Everyone’s says I’m so fortunate, but I beg to differ.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Yea, that’s the thing about that word. Everyone defines it differently.” He thought about how people had always told him to feel fortunate that he was so handsome, so charming. But in actuality, all he ever wanted was to be taken seriously. So, he understood Ayda’s dilemma. She was thankful, but she also wanted something else for herself.

  “Alright, well, I guess me and the shorty should head out before this starts to become unbearable.” He sighed loudly then stood up. Ayda was clearly confused until he wiggled his eyebrows at her.

  “Oh.” She bellowed. “You’re right. I had definitely planned to give you the goods tonight. Hence the dress, but I guess we’ll save that for when my apartment is a little more child proof.” She giggled.

  “Full proof. Like no child at all.” He joked, then followed behind her to the guest room.

  “Is home far?” She stopped him at the front door. “I’d hate to have kept you out late if you have a long drive. I realized the other day when I volunteered you as my date that I have no idea where you live.”

  “No worries.” He winked before pushing past her into the room then reemerged with a sleepy Sasha on his shoulder.

  “Thanks for letting her sleep.” Ayda waved away his appreciation. “And I live in the management company’s other building in Columbia Heights. A little less grand and little more Black, but just a fifteen-minute drive tops.” He grinned.

  “Good to know.” Ayda beamed a smile right back at him.

  “But don’t come stalking me now, especially after I have you climbing up these walls.” He eyed her as they walked to the front door.

  She playfully nudged him then waved goodbye to the groggy little girl who barely managed to lift her hand to wave in response.

  “I’ll be waiting patiently until you wear that dress for me.” He kissed her forehead, while she held the door open for him to carry Sasha out. They lingered there for another moment until Ayda finally broke the spell by pulling back. It seemed to take all of his will to turn around and walk out of her door, but he hoped that he would be leaving under different circumstances the next time.

  Chapter Eleven

  The tailor ran his hands along the seams of Tremaine’s new suit. The taupe fabric flowed perfectly over his body and the small touches of navy blue in his tie and pocket square matched Ayda’s dress perfectly. The late invitation had pushed him down to the wire in getting a suit, so he stood still while the finishing touches were completed.

  “I won’t even front, bruh. You look decent.” Davin nodded his approval from a seat in the corner. He was back in town looking for an apartment, so Tremaine had begged him to come to his fitting. The Spring Affair was tonight, and he wanted the opinion of someone that he trusted to approve on the final product before he stepped out in it.

  “Almost like Obama. Obama light.” He chuckled at his own joke, but Tremaine knew that was Davin’s way of telling him that he looked good. He adjusted his tie in the mirror then flashed a smile, pleased with his reflection.

  “What do you think, Mr. Brooks?” He nodded to the older gentleman who had been his tailor for years. The small shop was all of the things that Tremaine looked for in a business, Black-owned with impeccable service. It also helped that Mr. Brooks was Tremaine’s fraternity brother.

  “You look good young blood. I only do the best work.” He patted Tremaine’s shoulder before running a hand over the final crease.

  “Thanks so much for fitting me in last minute too. I appreciate it.”

  “Think nothing of it. Back in the day, the old heavy hitters used to always get their suits done here for the Spring Affair. Now, they’re going to those chain stores.” He shook his head. “You go and advertise to ‘em what real style looks like, young blood.”

  They did their fraternity handshake before Tremaine hopped off of the pedestal.

  “Man, you’re doing a lot for a girl you haven’t even smashed yet.” Davin adjusted Tremaine’s tie one more time. Despite his jokes, he was going to make sure that Tremaine looked his best.


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