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Page 17

by nikki blaire

  Renee and Dwele had rejoined the table and everyone was laughing once Ayda and Tremaine returned.

  “Glad you’re back.” Marcus motioned for them to retake their seats.

  “As you were saying, Tremaine, you work in Ayda’s building?” His stern gaze was laser-focused, while Tremaine’s was light and obviously amused at Marcus’ attempts to intimidate him.

  “That’s rude to have an A and B conversation with all of us sitting at the table.” Renee chimed in, raising her glass of champagne. “Let’s talk about something we all care about, which is literally anything else.”

  Ayda made a mental note to approach their bosses about giving Renee a raise. She deserved it for how hard she was trying to ward off Marcus, but Tremaine had already spoken his feelings about her trying to avoid the inevitable. He told Ayda he wanted to hold his ground, so she would let him.

  “No, go ahead and say whatever idiotic comment you’ve been brewing over, Marc. I’m sure you’ll prove yourself to be the fun-killing Grinch we all know you to be.” She dared to stare at him.

  “Oh, shots fired.” Renee was clearly feeling her champagne, which made them all snicker.

  “I was just going to ask Tremaine to share with us about his riveting career as a property manager. I’m sure it’s not all just changing light bulbs and replacing air conditioning units.”

  The table went silent, while everyone’s eyes diverted to Tremaine. Ayda’s temper flared up and her fingers twitched underneath the table. She wanted to lunge at Marcus, but Tremaine pressed his hands around hers to keep her in place before letting out a low rumble of laughter.

  “You’re confusing my position with a facilities manager, but novices to the industry make that mistake often. It’s okay.”

  His smirk only heightened the tension at the table.

  “My role is more asset management, actually. Very similar to what you do. I manage the company’s financial portfolio, establish the rental rates in compliance with state and federal laws, calculate tax, depreciation, and make sure we meet profit goals. In a nutshell.”

  He released Ayda’s hands from under the table then took an exaggerated sip from his glass, while the smug arrogance drained from Marcus’ face. Ayda believed that Tremaine could handle himself, but the scene that just played out in front of her turned her on to the tenth power. Even she had underestimated him.

  “Anything else you want to know about?” Tremaine prodded him, since now, Marcus had nothing to say. He only let out a low growl to acknowledge his defeat, while a fog of silence settled over everyone again. No one knew what to say, but thankfully, Claudette strutted up to the table.

  “I’ve never been so happy to see her.” Dwele mumbled.

  “I need all of you working the room. Get up, get up, get up. And different sides of the room please.” She motioned for all of them to stand. “And Ayda, I’d like you and your handsome guest to come with me. People are asking me questions about donating online. I have no idea what to say.” She maneuvered Ayda and Tremaine to stand on each side of her, and then pulled them off to the entrance.

  Claudette giggled and chatted with Tremaine, while Ayda welcomed those who were still arriving. Despite her mother’s clever ruse, Ayda knew that her request was just a ploy to pry. She didn’t mind it though. In fact, it made her feel good to see her mother seemingly approving of Tremaine. He caught her stealing a glance at them and winked at her, making the butterflies in her gut flurry.

  Who is this man and where the hell has he been all of this time?

  She mused until the sight of her father plunged her spirits. His figure was imposing as he neared, wearing a gray suit and basic tie. He hadn’t even bothered to consider the theme and never had. Marcus Forde, Sr. was no nonsense, which meant he didn’t have the time to care about such frivolous things, even for his wife. Despite his stern expression, he was handsome, tall, and donned a sophisticated salt-and-pepper smooth, subtle fade haircut.

  “Dad,” She felt odd even saying the word because Marcus Forde, Sr. was barely a father, let alone someone deserving of the affectionate term of “Dad.” He lazily embraced her.

  “Ayda.” But he wasn’t looking at her. His eyes were on her mother, who was glaring at him with a look that said a thousand words.

  “Claudette. You both look very nice.” He halted in front of her then narrowed his eyes at Tremaine, who he was a few inches shorter than.

  “And at the rate you were traveling to get here, you would’ve missed us both entirely.” Her mother’s usually doting tone and adoring gaze were nonexistent. Her father wanted to retort, but he refused to act out of order in front of someone he didn’t know.

  “Marcus Forde, Sr.” He held his hand out to Tremaine who grabbed and shook it.

  “Tremaine Henley. I’m Ayda’s date.”

  “Ayda’s date?” He seemed surprised at the notion. “Uh, well, great to have you. I hope you make a generous donation.” His eyes landed on his wife. “I’ll go to the table.”

  He nodded before dismissing himself, while her mother huffed then followed behind him.

  “Looks like we’re off door duty, which means I can finally show you off.” Tremaine eased next to her once her parents were gone. But Tremaine’s compliment fell by the wayside because Ayda was preoccupied with watching her parents. Her father had slowed to stop to talk with a VIP guest, which had allowed her mother to catch up to him. She studied them closely, but didn’t see anything else as out of the ordinary as what had just transpired between them.

  “Ayda, you okay?”

  “Yea, I’m fine.” Her response was automatic.

  “But you’re zoning out and obviously thinking about something. What’s up?” Tremaine stepped in front of her, which took her out of her trance.

  “Nothing. Just my parents are…” She wanted to divulge, but realized she couldn’t explain without over explaining, so she let it go. “It’s nothing.” She waved it all away.

  She had already spent too much of the night over involved with her family. She needed to focus on the fine ass man who had been pleasantly surprising her this evening.

  “Alright then. Let’s really get this night started.” He held out his arm for her to loop her own into. As her mother requested, she and Tremaine tag teamed the room, stopping at the tables to mingle and encourage the guests to donate. He was a natural at schmoozing, his charisma acting as a perfect balance to her subdued charm while she introduced him around.

  They migrated to each table, laughing and making conversation until they had met everyone on their designated side of the room. Guests were excited to see her and constantly complimented her and Tremaine on being such a beautiful couple. Before tonight, her crush on him had mostly been based on his physical attractiveness, but tonight, it had blossomed into seeing him as a real partner. She had been avoiding serious relationships like the plague, but he had her playing with the idea.

  “Tremaine, Ayda,” Renee’s voice came up behind them. “Can I have my girl for a moment? You’ve been hogging her and been on your power couple trip all night.”

  “Can’t help it that I look good and she makes it all look better.” Tremaine kissed her cheek.

  “Alright, alright. Y’all are cute or whatever, but Ms. Forde, can I borrow you? I need to go to the restroom.” She stepped between the two of them, as Dwele walked up to join the group.

  “Keep him out of trouble, will you, Dwele.” She began to push Ayda away towards the restroom.

  “Oh yea, no problem. Tremaine, you know, I almost joined a fraternity.” Dwele cornered him. Tremaine’s expression inconspicuously balled into agony, as Ayda walked away. He mouthed for her to hurry up then turned to oblige her brother.

  “You two are something else.” Renee let out as soon as they were out of earshot.

  “And who knew a man could even look that good in a suit? Does he have a brother, cousin, uncle, damn, a nephew?”

  “Do we really look that good together? I mean, I’ve been h
earing it all night, but you know how fake these people can be.” They trekked to the restroom.

  “Girl, I swear, both of you look like the cover of Essence with the way that you’re glowing while he’s looking all GQ. It’s truly great to watch. Black love just flourishing.”

  “Love?” Ayda grimaced at the word.

  “Don’t tense up and flip out, Ayda. I’m just talking. Sheesh. You know, one day you’re going to have to let your fears of commitment go, especially with a man like that wanting to get next to you.” She smacked her teeth.

  “But uh, back to him having a brother…”

  “An older brother actually. He even played football in college, but he lives in North Carolina, so, I’m not sure how that would work for you, Renee.”

  “Please.” She flipped her bang.

  “What’s a flight to real love?” She giggled, but her mouth turned to a thin line and her eyes narrowed in on whoever was coming up behind Ayda.

  “Itch-Bay at one o’clock.” She hissed through clenched teeth. Ayda spun around to find Tracy, someone who had to be her sister, and Aaron approaching them. Before now, she thought seeing him again would jar her, but seeing him didn’t move her at all. He had lost his effect on her because she was no longer afraid of him. He couldn’t slap her, push her, or even yell at her anymore. So, instead of cowering, she held her head up and stared him down until he stopped right in front of her.

  “Tracy, so glad to see you.” Renee plastered on a fake smile, but Ayda didn’t even bother to pretend. She didn’t owe any of them anything.

  “Ayda, Renee. The firm’s two favorite home girls.” Tracy’s voice dripped with sarcasm. “This is my sister Isabelle McNeal, soon to be Mrs. Masters, and her fiancé, Aaron.”

  Ayda had not told Renee about her relationship with Aaron. Their relationship and died and gone to hell way before Renee started working for her. She had also never told Renee about him dating Tracy’s sister because she hated to give life to such a nasty rumor by repeating it. But she should have known that Tracy wouldn’t leave it alone. Not even for her sister’s sake.

  “You know Aaron, Ayda. The one that got away?” She teased, but Ayda refused to let Tracy get under her skin.

  “One that got away?” A confused Renee darted her eyes between the two of them. She opened her mouth to question them further, but Ayda’s stern glance in her direction told her not to.

  “It’s good to see you’re doing well, Ayda.” Aaron chimed in. Nothing about him had changed, but it was as if Ayda was seeing him through new eyes. The brown skin she had once adored seemed dull and his clean-shaven face made him look like a naked mole rat. Even more so, the pompous attitude that she used to mistake for confidence was unbecoming. Now, all of her feelings for Aaron were replaced with concern for this young woman because neither her sister nor her fiancé seemed to care about whether she even wanted to meet Ayda.

  “Good to see both of you, and nice to meet you, Isabelle. Congratulations.” She chose to be cordial, especially since she wanted to wrap this up. Her beef was with Aaron, not his fiancé.

  “Nice to meet you as well.” The woman’s voice was timid and almost uncertain as to whether she should speak to Ayda at all. She had also been that way during her relationship with Aaron. Back then, she just never knew what would set him off.

  “Well my bladder is about to burst, so if you’ll excuse us.” Renee cut in then pulled Ayda away, only to fire questions at her as soon as they were out of earshot.

  “Who does that? Most awkward moment ever. She really brought her sister over to meet his ex. I swear, Tracy’s crazier than I even thought. And you have some explaining to do. You never told me that you dated Tracy’s sister’s fiancé.”

  “Nothing to tell. We dated years ago. He was a terrible guy. The Tracy thing is a recent development. I’d only heard about it, but wasn’t sure.” She decided that Renee would be just fine with a partial truth. Anything else would cause her to dig for more and Ayda refused to go deeper.

  “Well, I can’t believe Aaron went from you to her. She’s a quiet church mouse and you’re a damn powerhouse. I was at least thinking she’d have more mouth, being Tracy’s sister. I’ll be right out.” She pushed through the door, while Ayda waited in the spacious sitting area.

  She’s a quiet church mouse and you’re a damn powerhouse.

  Renee’s words resounded around her. Yes, Ayda was more confident now, but if Renee had known her before, powerhouse would not have been the word used to describe her. Aaron had crippled her, and once she thought about it further, she was still letting him influence her decisions. His abuse had made her afraid to open herself up to love, but she wouldn’t let it continue. Tonight, she was going to let her guard down completely for Tremaine. After such a spectacular performance tonight, he had earned it.


  Dinner was being served just as Ayda and Renee returned from the restroom. Tremaine and Dwele had already returned to the table, so he sat there waiting for her, while everyone else made small talk.

  “Sorry it took me so long.” She left a small kiss on his cheek then sat down. “What’d I miss? No one acted up did they?” She glanced at Marcus, but he had been engrossed in conversation with their father since they all sat down.

  “No, not at all. I mean, if you don’t consider Dwele guessing I was a member of the wrong fraternity, it’s been fine.” He chuckled, to which Dwele simply shrugged.

  “Good.” She sighed in relief. “I mean, except for Dwele. He wants to be down so badly.” She giggled, revealing the smile that made Tremaine’s knees weak. “Sorry about that.”

  “It’s cool.” They shared another long heated look before turning to the meal.

  “Tremaine, I hope you’re a fan of lamb. I took the liberty of selecting your entree since Ayda told us you were coming so late.” Claudette sat across from them.

  “No worries, Mrs. Forde. It’s perfect.” He lied. He hated lamb, but he could also tell that Ayda’s mother would send for a chicken to be slaughtered and roasted immediately, if he said otherwise. So, he inconspicuously moved his food around until the waiters brought the next course.

  “The lamb was fantastic wasn’t it?” Ayda’s eyes shined at him, while the waiter took his plate. He could tell he had been caught in his white lie.

  “How did you know?” He whispered, not wanting her mother to hear.

  “I’ve watched you eat before.” She teased. “You damn near licked the plates clean at my house.”

  “I licked it clean? Is that what you said?” A sly grin formed on his face, which made her bite her bottom lip, and for a moment, they were the only people in the room. He slid his hand up the side of her dress until it rested firmly on her thigh. He gave it a soft squeeze, which made her giggle again.

  “C’mon y’all. Really?” Renee’s scolding whisper brought him from under Ayda’s spell.

  “You’re lucky Marc and Mr. Forde are too busy boring the table talking about work for them to notice y’all gettin’ fresh under the table.”

  She was right, so he faced forward and tried to stay focused. However, his mind started to wander back to how great it felt to work the room with Ayda beside him. They had worked well off of each other’s energy. Partnering with her felt effortless.

  “C’mon, Dad, listen to me. I’m one hundred percent sure that we need to diversify our portfolio of clients and this is the way to do it. We’re leaving money on the table if we don’t tap into this market now.” Marcus’ voice cut into his moment of reflection. He was already on Tremaine’s shit list and he couldn’t wait to show Marcus up again. In fact, Tremaine thrived off of making people like Marcus regret ever underestimating him.

  “I’ve told you repeatedly that’s not our brand. I’m not cheapening our name by representing some young hooligan athletes whose money still can’t buy them class.”

  Ayda sighed, clearly bored at their conversation. Tremaine looked around the table and found that everyone else was just as dis
interested. He, however, was clued in and looking for the opportunity to offer his opinion.

  “We need to shift our model to include young producers. The DMV is full of professional sports teams that have young, Black athletes who need guidance on their finances. Damien Winston just renewed his contract with the basketball team for eighty-four million over three years. I’m talking to him and he’s considering our firm to manage his funds. I want to approach him to begin negotiations.”

  “What is there to negotiate?” His father cut in. “Our commission rate is what it is.”

  “Yes, Dad, but I was thinking that we could work something out for him since we’re trying this out for the first time.”

  “Like what?” Marcus Forde, Sr. scoffed then grunted.

  “Well, I hadn’t gotten into the nuts and bolts of it yet, but….”

  This was just the opening that Tremaine was waiting for.

  “You could offer to manage his assets of least risk at .75 percent commission instead of the standard 1 percent.”

  All of the side chatter at the table ceased, this time because of Tremaine and not at his expense. Marcus Forde, Sr.’s eyes landed on him, narrowed, and then he nodded in approval.

  “Makes sense.” He clasped his hands together. “So, what do you think of this little idea my son keeps throwing at me?”

  “C’mon, Dad, he doesn’t,” His son tried to intervene, but Marcus Forde, Sr. held up his hand to silence him.

  “He’s already come to the table with an answer that you couldn’t provide. So, I’m thinking he’s fairly competent.” His voice boomed. “You’re not a spy from one of my competitors are you?” He turned back to Tremaine.

  “No, sir. I actually work for the company who currently owns the building you helped build. The one Ayda lives in.”

  “Ah yes. So, tell me your opinion. I’m not in favor of this venture, but I want to hear an unbiased ear.”

  Ayda was even staring at him now, clearly wondering what he had to say.

  “Well, I understand your concerns, Mr. Forde. But the profit margins are just too much for you not to look into it, especially with players like Damien Winston. A lot of today’s athletes are social activists, so they want to be advised by people who look like them. You’re a D.C. native sir, and so is your firm. It’s a perfect fit and separates you from the pack. Plus, you’ve got a brand expert right here at the table. I’m sure Ayda can spin it and she’s worked with Damien, so she knows what he likes.”


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