Book Read Free


Page 21

by nikki blaire

  “Huh?” He adjusted himself then zipped up his suit pants.

  “Henley. You called me Ayda Patricia Henley.” She brushed past him to go the bathroom.

  “Did I?” He followed behind her. They stood in the bathroom, each doing what was needed to clean up.

  “You definitely did.” She glared at his reflection in the mirror.

  “Oh. I guess.” He adjusted his tie, then leaned in to kiss her cheek. “It’s a hot name.” He revealed a dimple then left the bathroom. It was clear Tremaine wanted to let his comment go, so Ayda just let it die. She finished getting redressed, and then grabbed her keys and purse. Tremaine waited for her at the door then handed her the bag of breakfast items that they had not finished.

  “Make sure you eat breakfast. You’re losing all of the stuff I love.” He followed behind her out of the door then waited while she locked it. They had let go of the pretense of leaving separately a while ago.

  “Have a good day.” He kissed her again, while they rode the elevator.

  “You too.” She accepted his short embrace then waited for the doors to open.

  “Oh, and maybe I should get a key. Ya know, in case I’m late again.” He shrugged, just as the doors slid open. Ayda took a step forward then paused once she processed what he had said.

  “You can have a key to my place when I have a key to yours.” She tossed her response over her shoulder, which made Tremaine press the button to close the doors, locking them in together.

  “What? We don’t ever go to my place.”

  “Exactly.” Ayda grinned, then pushed the button to force the doors open again.


  Tremaine sat in his office with his mind running at full speed. Ayda had been completely different this morning. Her mood was more difficult than usual and he hadn’t been able to figure out what was wrong with her. Usually, he just addressed her directly, but when he had asked, she just brushed him off. Then she dismissed him when he had asked for a key. He hadn’t made the moment any less awkward by basically proposing marriage during sex.

  “I need to call Que.” He put his phone on speaker then leaned back in his office chair. He would deal with work later once his mind was clear enough to focus.

  “Yo.” Quentin picked up. “That new promotion must mean you do absolutely nothing since you can call me in the middle of the day.”

  “Que, I need your advice.” Tremaine didn’t have the time to trade jokes with Quentin this morning. His emotions were reeling from Ayda's odd behavior. He had to figure out what all of it meant.

  “What’s new.” Quentin sighed. “Aight, let me step off the field.” He took a quick moment to tell his team that he was stepping away then came back to Tremaine.

  “Okay, what’s up?”

  Tremaine took a deep breath then explained their entire morning to him.

  “You said what?” Quentin blurted out as soon as he finished.

  “I said her name…with my last name. I know, it was a bad move, but I was so lost in it, man. I can’t think when I’m in there. I get weak, bruh.”

  He could hear Quentin’s chuckling under his breath.

  “Baby bro, it’s obvious what’s going on here. She’s feeling you. You can’t see that?”

  Tremaine smacked his teeth. Quentin wasn’t telling him anything he didn’t already know.

  “Of course, she’s feeling me. We’re having sex.”

  “No, Tremaine. Dumb ass. She wants to be your girl, like forreal.”

  “Naw.” He wouldn’t believe it. “Ayda’s so up front about everything, and she wanted to keep it lowkey. Why would she be mad that I’m doing what she asked me to do?”

  Quentin let out a long loud sigh.

  “Because she don’t want that shit no more. She wants to be your girl. She played herself and now she can’t admit it. So, she’s going to be pissy, but she’s not mad at you, she’s mad at herself. And from what you tell me, she’s upfront about everything except her emotions.”

  Realization stormed Tremaine’s brain. Quentin was right. Ayda had all of the glaring signs of someone who was falling for someone else, but he had been so focused on not falling himself that he missed it.

  “So, what do I do?”

  “Well, you’ve got two options. You can either call her on it or you can just let it slide until y’all fall into a serious relationship. Leave your toothbrush, leave a shirt, leave your kid.”

  Tremaine frowned at Quentin’s joke because it reminded him of Ayda’s frustration over Sasha’s dance recital.

  “Wait a minute, she was mad that I didn’t tell her about Sasha’s dance recital tonight too. That can’t be about her wanting a relationship.”

  Quentin bellowed in loud laughter.

  “Y’all are more backwards than I even realized, bruh. The hell it does. It has everything to do with it. She’s got it bad. She likes you and your kid. She wants to see what it’s like to really be Mrs. Tremaine Henley. Wow, I’m proud of you baby bro.”

  “Proud of what? This is confusing as hell.”

  “You knocked her walls into wanting to be your baby mama mode. I didn’t think you had it in you.”

  “I’m hanging up on you.” Tremaine retorted then motioned to hang up the phone when Quentin called out his name.

  “One last thing, baby bro.” He laughed. “You’ve gotta invite her to that recital. Let her see if this is really what she wants. Things will cool down after that.”

  “Finally, some decent advice. Thanks, Que.” Tremaine said goodbye, then hung up, but his mind wasn’t anymore clear. He knew Quentin was right, but now he had to decide if he was ready to incorporate Ayda into his real life. Spending time with her was an escape. Once she completely became part of his everyday, he wasn’t sure that being with her would feel as relaxing. He also wasn’t up for having this kind of tension in their relationship either, so the only choice he really had was to let her in.

  This meant he had to finally let her know the depths of his relationship with Trinity. He would have to divulge that they had been involved after her leaving him, and that she was coming back to the city.

  “Dammit.” He had gotten himself into more than he bargained for and should have told her at the first opportunity. He also had to figure out why he had given her his last name in the heat of the moment.

  Do I want that?

  He wasn’t sure and felt that it was too early for him to really know. Still, he had said it, so it was on his mind, even if subconsciously. Plus, he had told the truth when he said it was a hot name. Ayda Patricia Forde-Henley did have a ring to it.


  Ayda sat down in her office chair slowly. Her lower body was still sore after prying herself away from Tremaine this morning.

  “Coming in late and with a little limp. Tsk tsk.” Renee peered in Ayda’s doorway. “Since this is becoming a regular thing can I start coming in later too.”

  Ayda looked up, intending to respond, but she didn’t have a snappy comeback. She and Tremaine had decided that early morning rendezvouses fit best with their schedules. He had a child to raise and she

  That’s all the hell you have…

  She rolled her eyes at the thought. Her lack of work-life balance had become glaring. For so long, she convinced herself that her career was all that she needed, but somehow, Tremaine had made her notice what she had been missing out on. She fumed at the thought of him. How dare he ask for a key to her place when she had yet to see the inside of his?

  “Hello?” Renee waved a hand in front of Ayda’s face.

  “Oh. I’m sorry, Renee. You’re more than welcome to come in later. I should’ve said something before.”

  “It’s fine.” She waved away the apology. “Really. I was just teasing you. It’s just great to see you glowing. No more Ayda the Miserable.”

  “I was not miserable.” She rolled her eyes at the notion.

  “Oh yes, you were. And you were a workaholic. Oh, and very tense and,”

/>   “I get your point.” Ayda cut her off with a glare. “And maybe you’re right, but I don’t think Tremaine has anything to do with that.”

  “Girl, please.” Renee scoffed. “The boy has your nose so wide open that I can see your brain over analyzing everything. It’s cool though. He’s a good guy.”

  Ayda rolled her eyes. She didn’t want to hear about how good Tremaine was. His being so good had her legs feeling sore and her mind confused. She couldn’t pinpoint just when she had started falling for him, but now she was knee deep in it. Even worse, she was considering making him the key he had asked for.

  She blew out an exasperated sigh, and then turned to her work.

  “What’s on the agenda for today?”

  Renee pulled out her phone then breezed through Ayda’s calendar. Her day was fairly boring, but a dinner meeting tonight caught her attention. She wanted her night to be free, just in case she could go to Sasha’s recital.

  You were not invited. You didn’t even know about it until now.

  She had to dial herself back. She couldn’t just insert herself into Tremaine’s life, but she kept yearning for him to do it for her. The only problem was that he had no reason to. She had drawn a clear line on what she wanted from him and wasn’t ready to admit that she had been wrong. Now, she was upset with herself all over again.

  “And you clearly don’t hear me talking to you.” Renee’s voice faded into her senses.

  “This is always what happens when ice queens get boyfriends. They fall harder than anyone else.”

  Renee rose to her feet to leave.

  “He’s not my boyfriend. We’re just figuring things out as we go along.” She quickly retorted, but Renee only shook her head.

  “Okay, girl. Whatever you want to call it. All I know is that I was right.” She turned to walk out of the office.

  “Right about what?” Ayda regretted asking once an insinuating grin formed on Renee’s face. She was obviously about to say something vulgar, but held her tongue once Marcus boldly appeared in Ayda’s doorway. Ayda hadn’t seen or spoken to her brother since the Spring Affair, and it hadn’t bothered her one bit. She deserved an apology for how he treated Tremaine. Even further, Tremaine deserved an apology, but she knew not to hold her breath for it.

  “Well, well. If it isn’t the uninvited...just showing up to my office anytime you damn well please.” She motioned for him to come in, as if that really mattered to him.

  “I guess I’ll start this meeting off by saying hello to the emotionally stable person in the room. Good morning, Renee.” He sat down where he always sat. Marcus was truly a creature of habit.

  “Good morning, Marc. I’ll get you some coffee and you don’t need anything, do you Ayda? You’ve already had your morning pick me up, right?” She giggled then scurried out of the office before Ayda could say or do anything in retaliation.

  “What do you want?” Ayda ground out as soon as Renee closed the door.

  “You may want to rethink that attitude of yours.” He coolly reached into his briefcase then pulled out a folder. “We’re moving forward with your friend’s idea for the firm to do a community engagement project. I still have my reservations about him, but the concept is solid and it’ll help me get Dad on board with signing athletes. We’ll contract the marketing and PR to your firm, and you can figure out a way to involve him. You should call him for follow up.”

  Ayda walked over and snatched the folder out of Marcus’ hand then perused the documents inside.

  “Dad said that he wanted Tremaine thoroughly involved in this because it was his idea. All of this planning took place without him?”

  “I figured you’d be the best person for that.” He stood then adjusted his suit jacket. “I trust you’ll loop me in after you worked through everything. I look to hear from you by the end of the week.”

  “And I’m supposed to just be okay with that? You really are a piece of work.”

  “Ayda Patricia Forde.” Marcus’ reference to her full name brought her back to this morning.


  Tremaine’s gruff confession replayed in her mind.

  “Please always remember that you are a Forde and that’s where your loyalty lies. This guy, he’s here now, but for how long? I looked out for you, my sister. I made sure you had a prominent role. I’m not concerned about him. He’s beneath you and I’m not going to act otherwise.”

  “Beneath me? Do you hear yourself?” She exhaled.

  Her brother’s sense of entitlement was exhausting.

  “Quite clearly.” He cleared his throat. “And you need to as well. Don’t make something that’s obviously temporary stay around longer than necessary. You brought him as a date, fine, but don’t think I’m going to act like this is a relationship. You’re fucking him. We get it, but that’s all the respect he gets from me until he proves himself to be deserving of more. What do you even know about this guy? He looks like he’s got a baby mama or some other kind of drama just waiting in the wings.”

  Ayda gulped. She could set her brother completely straight and defend Tremaine, which would likely reveal more about him than she felt Marcus needed to know. She could also just let it go because Marcus was partially correct - she and Tremaine were not in a relationship.

  But he defended me.

  She remembered how Tremaine had made her part of this project in the first place. He had not let her family diminish her or her accomplishment. Not only had he stood up to her family for her, but he had done something to Aaron simply because he had disrespected her. Marcus had already dismissed himself thinking he had won by leaving her speechless, but she called his name before he walked out of the door of her office.

  “You’re wrong about him and I won’t let you disrespect him anymore, Marc. You’re just mad that he upstaged you in front of our father and made you look foolish. Someone, who you think is beneath you actually one-upped you and it gets to you. Well, guess what big brother, Tremaine held me down by forcing you to include me in this idea. You probably wouldn’t have otherwise. So, you’re right...I am paying attention to where my loyalty lies.”

  She walked over to the door to open it for him then motioned for him to leave.

  “I’ll definitely have this to you by the end of the week.”

  Marcus’ jaw clenched, but he didn’t respond. He simply nodded then dismissed himself. Renee poked her head in soon after Marcus’ departure.

  “What’d he want?”

  “That idea Tremaine mentioned at the Spring Affair. He put together a proposal that he wants me to pitch to the executive team. I have half a mind not to do it if it wasn’t so damn good. They need to do this and I’d be an ass if I didn’t help.”

  “Well, if it makes the decision easier, I did overhear some the executive assistants talking about the promotion. You and Tracy are neck and neck, so maybe pitching this project and executing it well will put you over the top.”

  “Alright. Fine.” Ayda tossed the folder onto her desk. “It’s best to present it today. I’ll need your help too. Working lunch sound fine to you?”

  “Of course, boss. I’ll clear your afternoon.” She rushed back to her desk, leaving Ayda alone to call Tremaine with the update. She had not really wanted to speak with him just yet, but it was better to get it over with. Plus, she wanted him to have a heads up in case they moved forward with the proposal and contacted his office.

  “Ms. Forde, to what do I owe the pleasure?” His deep voice flooded over her once he answered the phone. Her body immediately reacted, but she had to tamper the butterflies building in her stomach.

  “Mr. Henley.” She couldn’t fight the smile that automatically graced her face every time she said his name, but tried to conceal it in her voice. She didn’t want him to think that she was completely over their morning.

  “I called because my brother came by and gave me a proposal for your idea. I’ve gotta work through lunch to present it to my bosses today.”

  “Oh, wow. I thought that had fallen by the wayside. Need any help from me?”

  “Actually, I was hoping to send it to you for help on how to fit your company in. Marc conveniently forgot to include you in the initial proposal, even though my dad told him to.”

  “It’s all good.” Tremaine chuckled. “He really doesn’t like me, huh? Just send it to me and I’ll take a look. I’ll get back to you within the next couple of hours. I’ve gotta get out of here on time for Sasha’s recital.”

  Ayda fell noticeably silent.

  “Ayda? You there?”

  “Yea.” She picked the conversation back up and was about to say goodbye, but Tremaine interrupted her.

  “Hey, if you’re free tonight, maybe you could come to Sasha’s recital. I think she’d like to have you there. She loves a good cheering section.”

  She fell silent again, but this time from being at a loss for words. She never thought Tremaine would invite her.

  “And I’m sorry for not bringing it up to you earlier. We’ve been kinda wrapped up in doing our own thing that I forgot that maybe you’d want to do more than just have sex in your apartment.”

  His apology caught her further by surprise, and gave her little reason to stay mad at him.

  “It’s okay. I was just having a bad morning, but I didn’t need to take it out on you.”

  “You sure that’s all it was? We can talk if you need to.”

  That was her opening to confess her feelings, but she just couldn’t do it.

  “I’m fine. Thanks for asking. I’ll get this to you and then I’ll meet you for the recital.”

  “It’s cool. I can pick you up from work then take you home after the recital. It’s at 6:30 p.m., so I can come scoop you at around 6:15. Her school isn’t far.”

  “Okay. See you then.” Ayda quickly hung up before Tremaine gave her any more reasons to keep falling for him.

  She spent the rest of the day pulling together a decent pitch for her boss then sent it over to Tremaine for him to look over. Marcus had done the bare bones of the proposal by citing some of the community issues that the firm would be interested in pursuing, but she had to build out how to market it. She honed in on affordable housing, as that was the most obvious connection to Tremaine’s company. However, she drew a blank after that.


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