Book Read Free


Page 31

by nikki blaire

  “Yea, it is.” Tremaine came up behind them. “I almost don’t wanna eat it.” He kissed Sasha’s cheek then turned to nibble on Ayda’s ear before whispering to her. “But why play myself. I always eat it. Right, baby?”

  Ayda refused to answer, while her chocolate brown face tinged a shade of red.

  “Okay, I’m putting it in the fridge until everyone gets here.” Ayda intentionally moved out of his way to cover the dish, just as a knock rapped on Tremaine’s front door.


  Tremaine’s parents weren’t due for another hour, so he knew it had to be his sister at the door. He silently prayed that she was on her best behavior today before going to let her in.

  No crazy questions. No crazy antics. No crazy nothing from her today.

  He groaned to himself before pulling the door open to Julissa standing there with the slyest smile on her face.

  “I figured I’d come by early to help you set up everything. Plus, I need to make the macaroni and cheese.”

  She held up a bag of groceries in his face, but Tremaine knew better. She had come early in hopes of meeting Ayda. How Julissa had guessed that she would be here already, he did not know, but Julissa had a way of knowing everything. Reluctantly, he moved out of the way to let her into the apartment.

  “Oh, wow. You’ve been packing your pretty little behind off.” She glanced at the boxes piled high in the corner of the living room.

  “Yea, Davin’s gonna take the apartment, so I want to have it together for him when he gets here.” He shut the door behind her.

  “Davin, your frat brother?” Julissa’s eyes seemed to jump. “He’s moving here?”

  “Yea, he’s been back in town for a minute trying to find a new place. He got a job out here, so it made since.” He shrugged. “Why?”

  “Nothing. It’s just that I asked for a room, and you said no, but Davin gets a whole apartment.”

  “That he can pay for.” Tremaine interjected. “Ayda and Sasha are in the kitchen since I know that’s what you’re here for anyways. Go be nosy, so we can get it over with.”

  “I would never.” Julissa pouted. “But since you mentioned it. Sasha! Auntie Ju’s here!” She called out, which beckoned his daughter into the living room.

  “Auntie Ju! Yay! I’ve got two fun peoples now! Then Grammy and Pop Pop and Uncle Que!” Sasha rushed up to her then wrapped Julissa’s legs in a hug since that was all that she could reach.

  “Two fun people?” Julissa pretended to question.

  Tremaine rubbed his head, as Ayda came around the corner from the kitchen.

  “Oh hello.” Julissa looked up, as Sasha pulled her in Ayda’s direction.

  “Hi.” Ayda beamed one of her perfect smiles, which automatically eased some of Tremaine’s tension. She held out her hand to his sister, who pushed it aside and went in for a hug.

  “I’m Julissa. Tremaine’s sister, and we hug around here, girl.”

  “Yea, we hug.” Sasha repeated, pulling them both towards her. “This is Ms. Ayda, Daddy’s friend. This is Auntie Ju. She’s a fun auntie.” Sasha introduced the two of them, taking the task away from Tremaine.

  “Thank you, ladybug.” Julissa fluffed her pigtails.

  “And it’s nice to meet you, Ayda. I’ve heard great things about you. Well, I had to pry it out of Tremaine, but they were still great things.” She laughed, being more civil than Tremaine had expected.

  “Ha,” Ayda laughed sarcastically. “Well, he gushes about you all of the time. So, it’s nice to finally meet you as well.”

  “What?” Julissa turned to face him. “You gush about me, big bro?” She walked over to him and pinched a cheek. “You do love me, don’t you?”

  “Yea, yea, yea. Go and make your damn macaroni and cheese. I gotta get me and Sasha dressed.”

  “Fine. Mr. Grumpy McGrumperson. I will.” Julissa grabbed her grocery bag then stomped to the kitchen.

  “I can help if you need it.” Ayda called after her, despite Tremaine shaking his head no.

  “I would love that.” Julissa eagerly accepted, then motioned for Ayda to follow her.

  This is gonna be a long day.

  Tremaine grumbled to himself, but at least Julissa was acting with sense today. He just hoped that meant she would stay away from sharing embarrassing stories or asking prying questions while he was out of sight getting dressed. When he returned to the living room, he found Ayda and Julissa laughing on the living room sofa, while they hovered over Julissa’s phone.

  “What’s so funny?” He approached them from behind to see what they were watching.

  “Julissa’s showing me some of your family videos. You were so adorable as a kid.” Ayda pointed at the screen.

  “Forreal, Julissa. Really?” He groaned, but she was clearly pleased with herself. He knew that her prior act of being sensible had been too good to be true.

  “What? We were talking about the family and I thought she should see everyone before they got here.”

  “Nothing, JuJu. Nothing at all.” He sighed at the same time as his phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket to see his mother’s name flash across his screen. He swiped to answer it, knowing his mother needed his apartment number. She asked for it every time that they came over. A few moments later, there was knocking on his front door.

  “Grammy and Pop Pop!” Sasha flew out of her room to the door. Tremaine followed behind her to open it, his mother being the first to walk through the door.

  “Goodness gracious, Tremaine. It looks like a tornado hit in here.” She took in the disarray.

  “I told you I was moving, Ma.” Tremaine hugged her, while Sasha wrapped herself around her legs.

  “I know, but I thought it’d at least look livable. How’s my little baby girl?” She scooped Sasha up, as Julissa came over to hug her as well.

  “That’s why you’re in a hotel, Ma. Is it okay? I booked it last minute and was worried.”

  Camilla rolled her eyes and waved her son away.

  “It’s fancy as all outdoors. We got a whole bunch of space for nothing. I know you’ve got a promotion and all of that, but spend your money…” Her words slowed once she laid eyes on Ayda, who stood quietly in a corner waiting for everyone to finish greeting each other.

  Tremaine was about to introduce her, but Quentin tumbled in right after his mother taking his attention.

  “Baby bro!” He gripped Tremaine’s hand then pulled him into a hug. “Hello to the brat.” He glared at Julissa before breaking out into a smile and hugging her as well.

  Tremaine pulled out of the hug then quickly turned back to Ayda and his mother, not wanting to leave them awkwardly ogling each other for too long.

  “Ma, this is my girlfriend, Ayda Forde. Ayda, this is my mom, Camilla Henley.”

  “Girlfriend.” His mother’s eyes lit up, pretending to be surprised. “How delightful.”

  “Hi, Mrs. Henley.” Ayda held out her hand, but again, she was pulled into a hug.

  “We hug, girl. Tremaine didn’t tell you that?” Camilla beamed at him from behind Ayda’s back then gave him a wink.

  “I tried to tell her, Ma.” Julissa chimed in, which made Tremaine scowl at her.

  “Shut up, JuJu.” Quentin barked. “You always gotta say something for nothing.”

  “Will y’all stoppit? Y’all gon have our guest thinkin’ we don’t know how to act.” Camilla spat, which made everyone quiet down. “Anyways,” She turned back to Ayda. “It’s great to meet you, and you’re dressed so nicely.” She ran a hand over the shoulder of Ayda’s dress.

  “Not like that other girl who always had her midriff out.” Camilla’s eyes averted to Tremaine, who just hung his head. He hadn’t expected the Trinity comparisons to happen so quickly. “But, the girl’s not here to defend herself, so I ain’t gon talk about her. I’m going to the kitchen to finish up everything. Quentin, take my bags in there please.”

  “Yea, Ma. No problem.” He pushed past Tremaine and h
eaded straight towards Ayda.

  “I’m Quentin, call me Que. I’m Tremaine’s older, more handsome, and former football player brother. It is truly nice to meet you.” He grabbed her hand then brought it to his lips to kiss it.

  “Stoppit.” Julissa slapped him away. “Don’t even try it. She actually likes that boy.” She scolded then took her mother’s bags from him before heading to the kitchen.

  “I can help.” Ayda offered, which received an approving smile from his mother.

  “And she has home training.” She eyed Tremaine again before locking arms with Ayda and taking her into the kitchen.

  As soon as he and Quentin were alone, his brother jabbed him in the side.

  “You should’ve sent me a picture, bruh. I wouldn’t have clowned you so hard for trippin. My God.” He put his fist in his mouth.

  “That’s my girl, bruh. Chill.” He tried to fight the grin forming on his face. He knew Ayda was gorgeous, but it was always great to hear confirmation.

  “And you weren’t playing, she looks like money. What in the world is she doing with you? You look broke.”

  It was Tremaine’s turn to jab him.

  “I’m not broke, bruh. I’m a Director of Business Development.” His new title sounded amazing when said out loud. He wanted to pinch himself at how much his life had changed in a few months. Now, he had everything.

  Dream career, dream girl...

  He remembered to himself, while Quentin rambled on and on.

  “Yea, now.” Quentin laughed. “But naw, she’s got a good vibe. I can tell she’s nervous about meeting lil’ ol’ us, so I agree with Julissa. She really likes you, man. Don’t mess this up...again.”

  Tremaine nodded at the same time that he heard his mother’s loud voice carry from the kitchen.

  “And she knows her way around the kitchen!” She exclaimed, which made both he and Quentin laugh.

  Now that the nerve-wracking business of introducing Ayda to his mother and sister were out of the way, Tremaine realized that his father hadn’t come up with the group.

  “Where’s Pop?” He asked Quentin, who had already settled on the couch.

  “Downstairs in the courtyard. He wanted to check the grills before he put his “good meat” on them.”

  At that same moment, Tremaine’s front door pushed open and his father filled the doorway.

  “Glad I went to check those damn grills. They ain’t the best, but they’ll do. You just can’t put good meat on anything. One of you boys come get this bag.”

  Tremaine walked over to help him with the bags he carried, undoubtedly carrying his coveted chicken and ribs for the cookout.

  “Hey there, boy, good to see you.” His dad pulled him into a tight hug then released him. “Where’s Sasha?” He looked around for his granddaughter, who usually stormed him any time he entered a room.

  “She’s in the kitchen with Ma, Julissa, and Tremaine’s girlfriend.” Quentin said from the couch.

  “Oh yea, this girl I had to hear about on the whole damn car ride. It’s Ayda, ain’t it?” His dad turned to him.

  “Yea. Let me get her so she can say hello. She may need some rescuing anyways.”

  Both his father and brother snickered.

  “She’s fine if she aint run out hollerin’ by now, but sure, I wanna meet the face to go with the name.”

  “I’ll be right back. I hope.” Tremaine laughed, as he dared to venture into the kitchen where he found Ayda sitting at the table. She sat happily snapping green beans with a huge smile on her face while his mother yapped away. He had always known that she would fit in, but he hadn’t expected her to be welcomed so quickly. Trinity hadn’t been, so he had prepared himself for more of a fight. Still, he loved that his family was taking to Ayda so easily.

  “Uh, Ayda, my dad’s here. He wants to meet you.” He approached her from behind. She jumped a little when his arms slid around her. He leaned in to kiss her cheek, happy to see her enjoying herself.

  “Oh, okay, yea. Mrs. Henley,” Ayda stood up.

  “Camilla.” She corrected without turning away from the stove.

  “Camilla, I’ll be right back to finish these green beans, and I want to hear that story about Tremaine being scared of spiders when I get back.”

  “Ran up the wall and scuffed my fresh paint.” His mother smacked her teeth, while Julissa cackled.

  “I don’t like spiders too, Daddy.” Sasha shook her head, while her tiny hands gripped a large spoon to stir a dish of potato salad.

  “Y’all are enjoying this too much.” Tremaine exhaled then grabbed Ayda’s hand to lead her back to the living room.

  Once he reappeared with her, his father’s eyes grew wide. He knew that his dad was thinking the same thing his brother had. Ayda was gorgeous, a classic beauty, too beautiful to be bothered with him. But, she was, and he was grateful.

  “Well, isn’t she almost as pretty as my Camilla.” He held his arms out for Ayda to hug him.

  “Nice to meet you, Mr. Henley.” She quickly embraced him. “I see where Tremaine gets his good looks and size from.”

  “Half of his size. “ Quentin never missed the chance to poke fun at his little brother.

  “Well, I see my son’s finally starting to get his head on straight. Nice to meet you too.” He winked.

  “Now c’mon, boys. We’ve gotta season this food and get it on the grill before my wife comes out here fussing just to fuss.”


  After finishing up in the kitchen with Tremaine’s mother and sister, Ayda snuck away to get Tremaine’s gift. She wanted to present it to him in front of everyone, so she stuffed the box under her arm then went to join everyone in the courtyard where Tremaine’s father had fired up the grill. She stepped out onto the patio area where everyone had gathered around to talk and laugh, while the smell of good barbecue filled the air. Her stomach growled at the smoky goodness. She was a fan of good food and had been ready to indulge as soon as Mr. Henley pulled out his homemade barbecue sauce.

  “Ayda, come here. I need to hear your opinion on this.” Julissa called out to her, waving her over. She quickly shoved the gift box into a nearby plant to hide it then made her way over to the group. It wasn’t the best hiding place, but she had been caught off guard.

  “What are we talking about?” She sat down next to Tremaine, who was lounging in a lawn chair with a drink in his hand. She stole another glance at him just because she could.

  “So, the timeline was discussing whether relationships with a significant age difference would fail or succeed. I vote succeed, but these two losers say they think it’ll fail.”

  “Because no woman truly wants wrinkly balls in their face.”

  Quentin responded after making sure that Sasha was far enough out of earshot. Tremaine’s father was holding her, while he placed chicken on a serving platter, his wife fussing over how close Sasha was to the smoke.

  “I say it won’t work because there’s such a difference in where they are in life. I mean, if you’re just getting your life together that’s annoying to someone who’s already established.”

  Tremaine shared his opinion then looked to Ayda for hers.

  “I get your point, baby. I do.” She smiled at him then lovingly placed her hand on his leg.

  “But,” He chuckled, knowing that it was coming.

  “But, that other person could be patient or a catalyst for the other to get their life together. And “together” is subjective anyways. Someone may have it together on the outside, but their personal lives can be a mess. Vice versa. I’d say it’s a case by case kind of thing.”

  “Exactly,” Julissa smirked. “I mean, Ayda was a catalyst for you to get your life together. Right?”

  “Well, I already thought Tremaine was pretty together when we met,” Ayda interjected, coming to his rescue.

  “You say that because you like him.”

  “I do like him.” She smiled, which made Tremaine smile back. “But, I’m serious when I
say that whether someone has their life together is very subjective. It’s more about whether you’ve achieved your goals and if you’re happy. At least to me.”

  “I agree.” Tremaine leaned in to kiss her, while both Julissa and Quentin groaned.

  “Food’s ready!” Sasha called out to everyone.

  “Thank God,” Quentin was the first to bolt up, while Tremaine’s mother began to set the table. “I was about to throw my food up before I even had it messing around with these two.”

  Again, Ayda offered to help, but his mother refused, insisting that Ayda was a guest. Soon, the table was laden with food, while Ayda’s dessert sat to the side.

  “That’s a beautiful trifle you made, Ayda. I swear, I’m tickled pink that I don’t have to worry about Tremaine getting a good meal anymore.”

  Tremaine grumbled under his breath while his mother placed a plate in front of him.

  “I hope you all like it and Sasha helped.” She grinned, just as a plate was placed in front of her.

  “I helped, Grammy!” Sasha’s little voice carried across the courtyard.

  Once everyone settled around the table, Ayda began to grow anxious at the little box that she had tucked away. This was the perfect time to present it to him.

  “Um, everyone, I just have quick little thing for Tremaine.” She blurted out then awkwardly stood to her feet.

  “What are you talking about?” Tremaine furrowed his eyebrows, as Ayda rushed over to the plant and pulled out the little box.

  “It’s just something small. A gift in celebration of your promotion.” She beamed at him then placed it in his hand.

  “Ayda, you didn’t have to.”

  “But it’s sweet that you did!” His mother interjected. Everyone’s eyes were glued to Tremaine as he opened the small box. He pulled it open, revealing the custom made pen. It was a classic design, but had a hint of dark red to match Tremaine’s flare for style.

  “Wow, Ayda. Wow. You really didn’t have to.” He pulled out the pen and showed off his name engraved on the side. “And it’s crimson. How did you even…” He was speechless and swirled the pen around in his hand.

  “Well, I just figured that you needed a good pen to sign all of your new contracts. One that’s uniquely yours. Just a small gift. It’s a Parker pen. My dad has one and so do my brothers.”


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