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Rainbow Rush (Cape High Series Book 19)

Page 21

by R. J. Ross

“That’s the problem,” Century says. “Did either of you notice a glowing stone in all of that dirt?”

  Superior is the first to react, saying a word that would be bleeped out on television.

  “My sentiments, exactly,” Century says grimly.


  “So…” I say. We’re sitting in the front room of the Deadly Darlin’s secret base, playing Technico World. I have the chair and they’ve got the couch. Chooperic is draped over all three of their laps, belly up, but they don’t even seem to notice other than to pat him once in a while. I spend a good fifteen seconds just watching him try to get their attention, instead of doing what I should be doing. I was planning on checking in with people back home, soon, but I need to work up the nerve. If I tell them what happened today, won’t they want me to come home? I don’t want to go home, yet. If it wasn’t for the whole kidnapping and gassing thing, this mission would be absolutely AWESOME. I really enjoy working as one of the Nemeses, and I like meeting the kids at the other school. If I go home now, I’ll hardly know them at all! I don’t want that!

  “Are you okay, now?” Ariel asks. I look over at her, feeling a bit confused. “You had something bad happen to you, today, right?”

  “Oh… yeah,” I say. “I don’t know if I want to tell people back home about it, you know? I mean, they’ll get super overprotective and they might make me go home, and I don’t want to, yet…”

  “They can’t make you go home, that would ruin our plans!” Skye says. “We still haven’t done the toy store gig, or the music festival! We were going to go to a country western show and do the two-step on stage before we robbed everyone!”

  “Wow… that does sound fun,” I say. “I don’t much like country music, but it would still be so cool!”

  “We don’t either,” Ariel says.

  “Speak for yourself,” Doris says. “I like it well enough.”

  “You never listen to it, though,” Skye says.

  “Because the one time I listened to it, you started speaking with an annoying twang for the whole day.”

  “Oh! I remember that!” Ariel says, clapping. “It was SO funny! All the people that have REAL accents just stared at her like she was crazy.”

  “I have a real accent!” Skye protests.

  “Which is why the twang was so stupid sounding,” Doris says.

  “Why don’t you have a Jersey accent, Doris?” Ariel asks.

  “My dad did,” Doris says, tapping on her phone and starting into the game. “I didn’t like him enough to want to sound like him, so I started taking elocution lessons as soon as I could. You know, by watching the news and pretending to talk like them.”

  “Ooooh,” Ariel says, “that makes sense.”

  “CARLA!” someone yells over the speakers. I look up, seeing Malina’s avatar racing straight for me. Sure, I could run, but that would be cowardly, besides, I’ve missed her a lot. I’ve been failing at that whole “checking in back home,” haven’t I? “Where have you BEEN?” Malina asks as her avatar hugs mine.

  “Malina!” Ariel says. “Hi!”

  “Ariel!” Malina says, but there’s a hint of shock in her voice. “Are you playing with Carla, today?”

  “She’s staying the night,” Doris says as her character heads toward us. “How’s it going, water girl?”

  “Um, fine. It’s just fine. I was just playing with—” Malina’s character turns and we watch as another little person character walks over. “Um, this is Toodles. She’s the head of the magical animals for the North Pole.”

  “Oh, wow, that sounds really important,” Ariel says. “Are we talking the flying reindeer and all that?”

  “Those and the abominable snowmen,” Toodles agrees. “It’s always a pleasure to meet Malina’s friends.”

  “We’re more than friends! We’re family!” Ariel says. “Right, Malina?”

  “Um, well…” Malina says. Her voice is heavy with guilt. “We’re both water based supers, so it sort of made a connection between us, you know, before Ariel joined the Deadly Darlin’s.”

  “I see,” Toodles says. “Then… that makes us family, as well, right?” she says, her avatar holding a hand out to Ariel. “I’m planning on adopting Malina soon.”

  I turn, looking at Ariel to see how she reacts. Her face is pale and the phone she’s holding slips through her fingers, falling to the floor. “I… I see,” she says. “Well, congratulations.” Her hands shake slightly as she reaches down and logs off of the game. Without a word, the other two log off as well, leaving me feeling confused as to what I should do.

  “It’s nice to see you both,” I say to the two on the screen before logging off as well. The wall goes blank and I take a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “She wasn’t trying to hurt you, Ariel,” I say.

  “No, it’s fine,” Ariel says. “I wasn’t much of a mother. I didn’t even stick around. I just thought—”

  “Oh, Ariel,” Skye says, hugging her. “This isn’t right. We can’t just let her take Malina away from you! We’ll go up to the North Pole, right now, and we’ll tell them that she has no right to do this! We can—”

  “What, take down Santa?” Doris says. “I don’t think that would work, girls, as fun as it might sound.”

  “She doesn’t love me…” Ariel says. “I already knew that, though. She only got angry with me, all the time, and—”

  “That’s not it!” I burst out. “It isn’t that at all! Ariel, you-you’re just-you…” I pause, looking down for a second before taking a deep breath and speaking the truth. “Malina never wanted to hurt you, Ariel, but… You might have the same style of powers, but you aren’t really… ready to be a mom. You’d be a GREAT aunt, though.”

  “That’s…” Skye says with a frown. “No, I can sort of see that.”

  “It’s fine,” Ariel says. “I get it. I can barely keep my human form even with the bracelet. I’m not… I’m just not mother material.”

  “Being an aunt is a lot more fun, though,” Skye says. “I mean, you can show up at all sorts of random times, play with them, and then when you’re done you get to come home here and play with us! And when you’re an aunt you can have lots and LOTS of nieces and nephews, as many as you want! And you don’t have to worry about them getting jealous because they have a schedule!”

  “A schedule,” Doris repeats.

  “A schedule!” Skye says, phasing straight through Chooperic so she can float in front of Ariel. Chooperic falls into the hole she leaves, but she doesn’t even notice. “On Mondays, Zoe calls me and says ‘Hi, wanna go out to dinner tonight?’ And then I go out to dinner with the family when I’m not working! And then Tuesdays, I get a call from Emily and Aubrey, and they tell me about how things are going, and then on Wednesdays I get an actual VISIT from Rocco, who hangs out here for a while, and then on Thursdays Sunny always teleports me flowers, and then on Fridays I get called by Liz… but she’s a sister, not a niece, but whatever! And then I get a call from Cubby on the weekend!”

  “Cubby?” I repeat. “Since when has Cubby been your nephew?”

  “Oh, we’re not related, we’re coloring buddies,” she says. “We show each other our latest masterpieces!”

  “I color!” I say, excitedly. “I want to get a call like that!”

  “DEAL!” Skye says happily. “Oh, but… Ariel, are you gonna be okay?”

  “If… if I become Malina’s aunt, and Toodles is her mom… would that make us sisters?” Ariel asks, slowly.

  “Of COURSE!” Skye says.

  “And I could ride the flying reindeer?”

  “Most definitely!”

  “That… sounds like fun,” Ariel says. “I guess I could be an aunt…”

  “You’d be an amazing aunt,” I say, firmly. She would, too. I mean, this group is a blast to hang out with! “And instead of losing Malina, it’s more like you’ll gain Toodles, too, right? And Toodles is a magical animal controlling elf who likes My Little Pony. You can’t get any cooler than tha

  “I LOVE My Little Pony!” Ariel says, excitedly. “It’s one of my favorite shows!”

  “See? PERFECT!” I say. “You two have lots in common, already!”

  “Skye, we need to go to the North Pole and meet my new sister!” Ariel says, posing dramatically while still sitting down.

  “Absolutely!” Skye says, posing as well. They both look at Doris, expectantly, who just stares at them for a long moment.

  “Yay,” she says in a monotone voice, doing a half-hearted pose to make them happy. “But tonight we’re hanging out with Carla, remember? It’ll have to wait until later.”

  “Fiiiiine,” Ariel says. Within seconds her excited look turns to worry. “What if she doesn’t like me? Sometimes I don’t think Malina likes me, either… and then if Toodles doesn’t like me, NO ONE in my family will like me…”

  I hesitate, because what she’s saying sounds so familiar that it hurts. “I was brought down here to work with the Nemeses… but I’m pretty sure that Ruckus doesn’t like me, either,” I say.

  “She doesn’t like you?” Skye asks, startled. “That’s so RUDE! I used to like her, but if she doesn’t like you, I don’t like her!”

  “She never said she didn’t like me, though!” I say quickly, because it’s dangerous to not be liked by Skye. “I think… it’s more that she and Dolly don’t get along at all, and I wasn’t what she wanted for a partner, either. But tomorrow she’s going to be working with Voltdrain, like she’s always wanted, so that should be good!”

  The three go silent and look at each other for a second before bursting out laughing. “What?” I ask, “What’s so funny?”

  “Ooooh, it’s SO tempting to go see!” Doris says, wiping at a tear of laughter. “Skye, can we go see? PLEASE say yes.”

  “YES!” Skye says. “I wouldn’t miss it for the WORLD!”

  “I know that Voltdrain said his work was dirty, but… it can’t be any dirtier than cleanup classes are, right?” I say.

  “Oh, it’s MUCH worse,” Ariel says, grinning from ear to ear. “He’s got to wear a suit and tie for half of it.”

  “And he’s got to take a very, very, VERRRRY long shower for the rest,” Doris finishes. “It’s a good thing radiation doesn’t affect him, because some of those places he visits are just…”

  “Nasty,” Skye says. “They don’t ever show it on TV, either, because a lot of them are kept secret from the world.”

  “Ick,” I say, wrinkling my nose. “That does sound bad.”

  “Not as bad as it smells!” Ariel says with a giggle. “So we’ve got tomorrow off?”

  “Sounds like it!”

  “Let’s go mini-golfing!” Ariel says, excitedly.

  I blink. “Mini-golfing?”

  “Century said we can only do that if we use the golf balls he got us,” Doris says. “We kept blowing out windows the first time. So we’ll have to stop by the Hall to get some.”

  “Blowing out windows?” I repeat.

  “It’s a city course!” Skye says. “I like the Houston one, but Ariel’s been trying to get us to go to Louisiana for a change.”

  “A course in Louisiana?”

  “No, a CITY in Louisiana. Let’s do New Orleans! We can’t bring Chooperic with us this time, though, since the Hall hasn’t told them about him. We can’t get Carla in trouble. Sorry, Choop,” Doris says, rubbing his head in apology. “Next time, okay?”

  “Wait… you mean you play miniature golf… through the whole city?” I ask.

  “We have a hole that we bring with us!” Skye says. “We prefer roof golf, but if you want we can go down to the streets for you!”

  “That… sounds AWESOME!” I say. “I’m SO IN!”


  Deep underground the world is rumbling slightly, the earth and rocks swirling around the core that is Clay. He’s lost his body. He hadn’t had a choice, of course. If he’d been captured, he would be incarcerated, or worse. He still has so much to do. He makes his way through the ground to the canister he’d coated with his special mud. Other than his spy clay dolls, this is the last of his mud. It’s not enough to create a form with, but it might be enough to use as a sample.

  The time he’d spent with Richard Penski had been painful, humiliating, and traumatic, but one good thing had come out of it. Richard had created a formula that greatly increased his control over whatever he bonded with. That was how he’d kept his form for so long. That was how he’d even been able to replicate Richard’s fingerprints and eye scan. Clay still finds it satisfying that the thing Richard had created was the very thing that kept him a prisoner for so long. But Richard has been taken by the Hall. He can’t get him to replicate the formula, and he’s lost a great deal of it…

  The only choice he has is one that makes his very core shudder with displeasure. He has no choice, though. If he’s going to remain on this planet, he needs that formula. He needs a new body.

  He stares at the canister of nanobytes, debating on how best to do this. After a long moment he moves forward, combining with what little mud there is and starting for the surface.


  *SITEC Enterprises*

  The lights over the parking lot flicker slightly as Mr. Cage makes his way to his car. He has his keys in his hand and his phone to his ear. “No, I do not have a new plan. I’m working on it. Yes, I know we’re close to declaring bankruptcy… look, the only real alternative is taking out that annoying technopath, but I’ve heard way too many rumors about him being the son of Superior to not take it seriously,” he growls. “Look, I don’t have time for this. I’ve got a dinner date planned. No, it isn’t someone you know. Let’s just say it might be the inspiration I need to pull the company out of the hole. Yes. Fine. Good NIGHT, Dad.”

  He pulls the phone away from his ear, hanging up with a jab to the screen. It’s not nearly as satisfying as slamming the phone down, but cell phones don’t work that way. This is why family businesses are a terrible thing. Even when your boss retires, he STILL feels justified in grilling you over how your business is being run.

  He reaches for the car’s door handle, only to stop as a blob of mud splats onto his hand. “What in the world?” he says, looking up. There’s a pile of mud on the roof of his car. He would have noticed it sooner, had he not been fighting with his father. “Who did this?” he demands, looking around. “If this is your idea of a practical joke, you’re fired! I expect my scientists to be a lot more creative!”

  The only response he gets is a breeze blowing a scrap of paper across the concrete. Most of the scientists are either still cooped up in their labs or already home. It’s well past dinner time, but he has some very obsessive workers at his business.


  The word makes him jerk and look around, a chill threatening to run down his spine. He ruthlessly suppresses it. He’s a full grown business man. “Yes? What do you want? Show yourself if you’re going to talk to me!” he says, looking all around. Out of the corner of his eye he sees the mud on his car move.

  He reaches into the inner pocket of his suit coat, pulling a gun out with a shaking hand. “I don’t know what’s going on, but whoever you are, you had best step into view right now.”

  “That won’t do any good, Cage,” the voice says. It’s coming from the direction of the mud pile. “And it’s really not a good idea to try. I’ve come here to make a deal with you.”

  “Are you—no, I’m not even going to pretend to know what’s going on right now. What ARE you?” he asks as the mud keeps moving.

  “I’m that dirty mess that you will never be able to clean up,” the mud says, a face forming for a second before disappearing again.

  “Penski?” Cage says, stunned.

  “Something like that. I need your help, Cage, and I’m willing to pay to get it.”

  “What’s to stop me from calling the Hall right now?” Cage asks. The mud moves and a canister rises to the surface of the pile.

  “These are,” the mud


  *South Hall’s ER*

  “Here,” Gloria says, shoving a brand new phone, still in the box, into her brother’s hands. “This time you will keep this on you at all times. Who knows what sort of maniac will decide to keep you as a prisoner for your genius next time?”

  Richard stares at her, his hand closing on the box after a second. “I see that motherhood has affected your brain, sister,” he says. She glares at him.

  “I’m not completely heartless, Richie,” she tells him. “And your nephew is a genius, as well. I’ll have to introduce you… or perhaps you’ve already met?”

  “We did, for a second,” he says.

  “How DID that monster impersonate you for so long?” she asks, sitting on the chair next to his bed as he opens the box. “Is that why he faked your death? Obviously I would realize he was an impersonator. I’m not stupid.”

  “Of course you would,” he says, turning the phone on. “Did you get some sort of service for this?”

  “Don’t worry about that, I have a family plan,” she says, waving it off. “Do you know what the Hall did to my little Davis? They dragged him off and placed him in their school! I should call the authorities—“

  “Gloria, we are in the Hall, right now,” he says. “Be careful of what you say. Now, I’m a bit hungry, again. Do you think you could be a dear and get me something?”

  “Oh, right, right, I’ll be right back,” she says, standing with a huff and heading out the door. He waits until she’s closed it before reaching over and placing the phone in the clay doll’s arms. The screen lights up with an image of a very familiar place.

  “Just what are you doing at our old stomping grounds, Clay?” he asks under his breath.



  “Should we check in on Ruckus and Voltdrain first, or play golf?” Doris asks sleepily. I groan, waking up reluctantly and staring at the bright pink feathers covering my face. It takes a moment for me to remember where the boa had come from. Oh, right, I think as I shove it out of the way, we’d had a dress-up party after playing Technico World the night before, complete with karaoke. I know Nico said that if I had trouble I should go on home, but I’d honestly forgotten that something bad had happened around the second verse of my first song. Staying with the Deadly Darlin’s is the FUNNEST thing EVER!


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