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Balls (Ball Games #1)

Page 7

by Andie M. Long


  I jump out of my skin.

  I glare at Dylan. 'Don't fucking do that. I thought you were a burglar.'

  'Sorry, I didn't mean to make you jump.'

  I narrow my eyes. ‘Why are you here? Come to take the piss a bit more?'

  He looks at me warily. 'Pardon? I thought I'd surprise you and take you for a quick drink.'

  'Do you have your phone? Here let me pose for you. At least this time I'll be aware of it. I pull my trousers up by the waistband so that they cut into my lady parts. 'There you go.' I wave my other hand in the general area of my vagina.

  'Camille. What are you talking about?'

  'The. Photo. On. Instagram.'

  'What photo on Instagram?'

  'The photo you put on about the return of Camille Toe.'

  Dylan sighs. 'I don't use Instagram, Camille. Wouldn't have the first clue how to use it.'

  'Well, then you got someone else to put it on.'

  'For fuck’s sake, what are you talking about?'

  I can’t look him in the eye, so I look downwards and kick a stone. ‘You were so cruel. You took away all my confidence, Dylan. I always acted like it didn't bother me, but it killed me. I was sixteen. Appearance is everything at that age.’ I rub my eyes trying to stop the tears that threaten to come. ‘Then I got my degree, gained confidence and I thought I'll go back, to be near my family. Why should I avoid Rotherham because of you? I swore if I saw you I’d crucify you. But no, instead you act so friendly I’m convinced you’ve changed. I believe it when you say you did it because you liked me.’ I peer up at him. ‘How do I accept that I let you have sex with me? I can't take it.'

  Dylan's voice is level. 'Camille, I had no idea it had affected you so badly, but I don’t know what this picture is. Is it my photo? Has someone re-posted it?’

  'Stop lying,’ I shout. ‘I can’t stand it. Why did you do it? To humiliate me? Whatever did I do to you?' I hold on to the wall as my legs feel unsteady.

  Dylan’s shoulders slump. 'I didn't do anything Camille. I swear. But I get why you don’t believe me and I don't blame you. Why should you? I went too far at school and messed with your head. I can't think what I can do right now to prove I didn’t post anything, Camille. I can't make you trust me.'

  'You'd better leave.' My chin trembles as I say the words.

  He answers with a small nod, then walks back to his car and drives away.

  I walk back inside the centre and lock the door. For a time, I sit at a table hunched over. How could he? My mind replays everything since I returned. Should I have known? Were there any clues he would do this? I’m so naive. I press a hand to my breastbone. Come on Camille, you need to get home. I bite down on my bottom lip, take a deep breath. Then I re-lock the centre and drive home. I don’t sleep but instead to spend the rest of the night ruminating.

  Though no amount of war paint could disguise a missed night's sleep, I once again put plenty of makeup on and go to work pretending to be fine. Then in the afternoon, I make a much-needed phone call to check if I can go around for a chat.

  When shit goes down, a girl wants her mum.

  Chapter Nine

  'What on earth is the matter?' My mum takes one glance at my face and knows it’s boy trouble. Her jaw tenses. 'Is it Jack? Do I need to threaten to kick his arse?'

  I fill her in on the latest developments about the whole re-emergence of Camille Toe while she sticks the kettle on because hot tea fixes everything.

  'So Dylan was adamant he didn't do it?'

  'Yes. But it’s from that night and there were only the four of us there Mum.'

  'So am I being thick or does that leave another two?'

  'Beth knows how much shit I went through, she wouldn't do it and what would Jack achieve from it? He didn't remember me from school so the whole incident was obviously lost on him. It only leaves Dylan. Plus, he has form. It can't be anyone else.'

  My mum puts her arm around me and gathers me in a hug. 'I'm sorry love.'

  Once again I feel the tears threaten. 'The stupid thing is I'd really fallen for him, Mum.'

  'Camille. You need to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your Prince.'

  My Dad has been hovering around trying to discover what has brought me to their house on a non-Sunday. At this comment from my mum, his eavesdropping becomes obvious.

  'You said you only had one boyfriend before me, Dora.'

  She turns towards him. 'I did honey.’ She drops her voice to a loud whisper. ‘I'm trying to make Camille feel better.'

  'Oh. Good. Carry on.' Dad walks away.

  'I had loads,' mum says, winking at me. 'But shh. It's better your Dad doesn't know. He can get terribly jealous. Poor Matt Harper, the only boy I confessed to dating, works in the Argos. Your dad still gives him a dirty look every time he goes to buy something. The thing is, and don't say anything—' her voices lowers more, '—I didn't actually go out with him. I stood him up.'

  I can't believe I've sought advice from this lying floozie I call mum.

  'Anyway, you're doing all you can do. Ignore Dylan and hold this pretty head up high.' She tilts my chin upwards. ‘Get a tight top on and show him what he's missing.'


  'I suppose that's something else you never did,' says my Dad, who just happens to pass by us again.

  'Only for you, love.'

  My mum and dad think I can't detect the wink-wink situation they’ve got going on. I think I'm going to vomit. God knows how Tyler goes on living here. If I heard any bone jumping noises, I would throw up.

  'I've got to go, Mum.' I tell her. 'Thanks for letting me moan.'

  'That's what mums are for love. Are you sure you won't stay for something to eat?'

  'No. I'm fine.'

  'Well, anyway it could be worse. At least you didn't get together with Jack. I'm sorry I pointed you in that direction. If I'd known him and his wife would be back in cahoots, I'd never have suggested it.'

  'What did you just say?'

  My mum looks at me. 'Jack. Mrs Latham says that Susie is sleeping with him again. She says it’s a proper love/hate relationship. The neighbours are sick of them.'

  'When did this start?'

  'Well, I met Mrs Latham yesterday in the market. She spoke to Susie on Saturday. Why?'

  'Just a hunch, Mum. I’ve got to go.'

  I ring Beth and ask if I can drop in.

  She answers the door frowning. 'What's the matter? You sounded weird.'

  'Can I come in?'


  I enter quietly as there is no sign of Trey and I know from the time that he should be sound asleep, but you can never be too sure.

  'Right. When did you last see Jack?'

  'He came round last night for an hour. Why?' Beth’s eyebrows squish together.

  'Okay, this information could be wrong but my mum says he got back with Susie on Saturday.'


  'He's back with his wife apparently. Though that doesn't seem to have stopped him seeing you.'

  Beth is visibly tense. 'If this is true I will chop his balls off.' She reaches for her phone.

  'What are you going to do?'

  'Offer him a booty call and see if he'll take it. Then I'll private message his wife via Facebook. See how he likes that—the fucker.'

  Beth sends him a text and quickly gets a reply that he'll be with her in the next hour.

  ‘What if Susie doesn’t respond?’

  ‘Then I’ll put him off until later.’

  She opens her laptop and PMs Susie.

  Hey, Susie. Sorry to drop this on you, but I've been seeing Jack. Just a couple of dates but I thought he was single? Now I'm being told you're back together. What's the truth?

  Within thirty seconds, the typing indicator comes up on screen.

  No. He most definitely is not single. I can also tell you that if you're telling the truth, we certainly won't be back together. He'd already been warned about carrying on with that
Camille slut you hang around with. You been having threesomes or something?

  I'm appalled at what I'm reading. Beth types back quickly.

  He's not been doing anything with Camille.

  Yes, he has. I've seen the evidence on his phone. But it’s okay. I've taken care of that bitch.

  I stand there stunned as the truth reveals itself across the computer screen.

  We all met up one night but he's done nothing with Camille. Now me on the other hand... Anyway, this is my address. Your husband is on his way around here for what he thinks is a booty call. If you want that boot to be from your foot, he says he'll be here in an hour. That was ten minutes ago.

  I'll be there as soon as I can. Leave the front door unlocked. I promise YOU no trouble. You've got a little one right?


  I'll take it outside if it gets loud.

  My fists are clenched tight. 'Can you ask her if she shared a photo to Instagram of me? I need to know.'

  Beth scratches her forehead. 'What photo? Can’t you do this later?'

  'No. It's important.'


  Camille is here. She wants me to ask if you posted a photo of her on Instagram?

  I thought she was cheating with my husband. Tell her I'm sorry. I probably won't get to tell her in person. Right. Signing off. I'm on my way.

  Beth closes her computer and turns to me. 'Right you. What's this photograph all about? Then I need the latest gossip about your love life because as you can see, I picked another winner.'

  So I get her up to speed with developments while we wait.

  I hide in the kitchen prior to Jack's arrival. Beth changes into a sexy black chemise and tousles her dark hair into waves.

  I'm trembling as the adrenaline courses through my body with what's about to happen at Beth's house. At the same time, all I can think about is how I accused Dylan of releasing the photo and the mess it's made of a budding relationship. I can't see a way back from it. He’s seen I obviously don't trust him. I judged the sixteen-year-old Dylan when I was with the twenty-one-year-old version.

  A knock comes on the door interrupting my thoughts.

  I hear Beth show Jack into the lounge where she offers him a drink. She tells him to make himself comfortable and comes through into the kitchen.

  'I hope Susie won’t be long because he's already groping me. I want to slap his stupid face.'

  'Did you leave the door unlocked?' I whisper.


  A male voice comes sing-songing through the door. 'Beth, I'm waiting for you.'

  ‘Good luck with that.’

  ‘Thanks.’ She eye rolls before heading back through into the lounge.

  'Wow. Jack. Straight to the point.'

  Intrigued, I spy through a crack in the door. Jack is laid across the sofa with everything on display.

  Jack strokes down his own chest before grabbing his dick. 'Well, I don't have long. I'd arranged a game of pool with the guys later. Couldn't resist a quickie, though, so here I am. Come and cop a load of this darling.'

  'Oh, sweetie, I think it would be more fun if the whole street copped a load of this.' Susie has arrived and is standing in the hall doorway. I haven't seen her for five years. She's nothing like the mousy haired quiet girl of our school days. Her spiky black hair complements the dark look on her face as she assesses her on again/off again husband who's trying to cover his assets with one hand while he scrambles for his discarded clothes with the other.

  'Let me help you with that,' says Beth. She picks up his trousers and pants and runs into the kitchen with them. Jack tries to get up but Susie knocks him back onto the settee.

  Beth rushes past throwing clothing at me and grabs the scissors from the kitchen drawer. She cuts straight through both legs, making them into itty bitty shorts that Daisy Duke would be proud of.

  Meanwhile, I'm holding his boxers by the waistband with the smallest amount of my fingers I can possibly use. Beth takes them from me and throws them in the back garden.

  'I'll have a ceremonious burning of them later,' she tells me.

  She walks back in with his newly designed shorts and throws them to him. He catches them gratefully. However as he puts them on Jack's face drops as he realises that although he can tuck in his cock, his hairy bollocks are on display for all to see.

  'I can't go out like this.'

  'Oh yes you can, and do you know what else?' Susie glares at him. 'You know how you like me to dress up? How on Saturday night you had me on this?' She holds up a collar and leash. 'Well, try it for size buster. We’re going for a walk to my car. By the way, I couldn’t get parked nearby. My car’s at the end of the road.'

  Beth and I start to giggle. Beth lives on a busy street in Rotherham. He'll be seen by a lot of people.

  'And if I don't?' Jack attempts a macho posture, a hard task given his current state of attire.

  'Then we're done, and you'll be lucky to see the kids once I've finished with you.'

  With that, Jack agrees and Susie collars him.

  Before they leave, Susie acknowledges me. 'Take a photo.'


  ‘I’m sorry for posting that photo, Camille. Get your phone and take a photo of us. You can get revenge for Beth. This will make us a laughing stock and take the attention away from you.'

  ‘I’ll do it.’ Beth snaps a picture but I know I won't use it. I can't say the same for Beth, though.

  ‘We’re going,’ Susie leads Jack out of the house.

  'Oh hang on a minute,' says Beth.

  She runs up the pavement to Jack and karate chops him straight in the balls.

  'That's for fucking me around, you wankstain.'

  She runs back and we high-five each other.

  She closes the door on them both and we plonk ourselves down on the settee. Then I remember it’s just had Jack’s naked body on it and I jump up with an ‘ew.’

  'Good that you’re on your feet. Now all you’ve got to do is make it up with Dylan. At least one of us should have a successful love life.'

  I shake my head. 'It’s too late. I can't just turn up and go, “Oh sorry I didn't trust you, maybe we could do brunch?”'

  'Well, I don't see why not? You forgave him for what he did to you at sixteen, so how can he take issue with you?'

  'That's just it, though. My reaction showed him I hadn't forgiven him for what he did. What if I throw that in his face every time we argue? There's just no point Beth.'

  'God, we're a pair. Let me reboil that kettle. Then I'm going on Facebook to post that photo.'

  'You're not.'

  'I fucking am. I'm sick of men pissing me about. At least Trey's father left me with a gorgeous son.'

  'Who thankfully has slept through a naked man being collared and walked in the street like a dog.'

  Beth giggles and heads for the kitchen. I take a seat in her armchair.

  After, I watch as Beth taps her phone screen and uploads the photo of Jack, tagging him and Susie.

  'Do you know what?' she says. 'I don’t understand why we friended all these dickheads from school. If we'd wanted to keep in touch with them, we'd have done so.'

  'True. It's just one of those things isn't it? I accept most friend requests.'

  'Well, I'm not defriending until I see what shitstorm befalls Jack, but let’s agree that next week we delete all the losers from school.'

  'Agreed.' We shake on it.

  'Oh my God,' says Beth. Her mouth has dropped open.

  'What?’ I attempt to look over her shoulder. ‘Has Susie done something else?'

  'No. It's Dylan. Oh my God.' She looks at me. 'You two better sort your shit out,' she passes me her phone.

  Dylan has posted a photo—a selfie of himself in tight trousers that leaves nothing to the imagination. The impression of his meat and two veg strains through his beige chinos. He's tagged himself,

  Dylan Ball(s) is madly in lust with Camille Toe.

  I slam my mug down. 'I need to

  Beth squeals. 'Go get your guy, missus.’

  Chapter Ten

  The drive to Dylan's seems to take forever.

  As I step out of the car, my heart beats so heavily in my chest it reminds me of the bass thumping through me at a gig.

  Taking a deep breath, I knock on the door.

  His face peers around the edge of the curtain, expressionless. I fucked it up. I should run back to the car while I have time.

  Then the door opens.

  'I'm sorry,' we both say in unison.

  There’s an infinitesimal pause where our gazes lock before I'm through the doorway and we're on each other like mud on a wrestler. We strip each other's clothes off in the hallway. I'm wet for him. He looks around at the stairs, shakes his head and then lifts me over his shoulder. He smacks my backside as he carries me into his bedroom where he drops me on the bed.

  ‘Bit rough, aren’t you?’

  ‘Yup.’ He positions himself above me. His dick at my entrance, he pushes into me hard. Then we're lost in a haze of lust as he screws me into oblivion.

  Afterwards, he trails his finger down my face. 'I'll try my best to never hurt you again, Camille.' He follows his finger with his tongue, licking my neck.

  I'm a puddle of goo.

  'I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave you. There's another man needs my attention.' I whisper.

  Dylan makes a growling noise from his throat. 'What?'

  'Bob. I need to get back home and take care of my cat.'

  Dylan smirks. 'Bob I can cope with.' He trails feather kisses down my neck and heads towards my breast. 'We'll go to yours and let you take care of that pussy. Right now, however—' he repeats those kisses down my abdomen, heading lower. '—I'm going to take care of this one.'



  It’s Tyler’s turn to tell his story in Snowballs, Ball Games Book Two. Read on for a sneak peek …

  Having a Christmas Day birthday sucks. Nearly everyone buys me joint presents or wraps my birthday gift in Christmas wrapping paper because they can’t be arsed to get another roll out. Lazy fuckers. I get excited that it’s my birthday and annoyed that other people get presents on it. It’s my fucking day for God’s sake. They don’t have to share theirs.


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