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Shades of the Past: The Morcyth Saga Book Six

Page 43

by Brian S. Pratt

Eyes snapping open, he sees Miko staring at him with deep concern. “What?” he asks.

  “Thank goodness you woke up,” Miko tells him. “You had us worried.”

  James looks down at himself and sees his clothes untouched by the fire. He puts his hand on his shirt to make sure it’s real and pain erupts from his chest. Pulling up his shirt, he sees that his entire chest is covered in burns.

  Then it comes back to him. The fire in his dream had burned him in the real world. “Cassie!” he cries out. Looking around he sees Jiron riding closer with a grin on his face.

  “Cassie?” Jiron asks then looks to Miko who shrugs.

  ‘When the Shroud of Killian blinds the giant’s eye a second time, the knife will fall,’ she had said.

  “What did you say?” Brother Willim asks from his seat next to the driver.

  Not realizing he had spoken aloud he glances to the brother. “When the Shroud of Killian blinds the giant’s eye a second time, the knife will fall,” he repeats. Glancing around at the others he can see they think him mad. Just then, Illan rides up. Before he has a chance to say anything James holds up his hand ands says, “Listen!”

  The dream is already beginning to fade but parts of it still remain crystal clear. He tells them of finding Cassie and Tinok and of what she said.

  “It wasn’t just a dream either,” he states. Lifting up his shirt he shows them the burns upon his chest.

  They look to Miko who says, “There were no burns on him earlier.”

  “But what does it mean?” asks Jiron.

  “The Shroud of Killian blinding the giant’s eye refers to the time in the moon’s cycle when it turns black,” Illan explains. “It’s an old tale that my grandmother told me when I was younger.”

  “She said that I didn’t have much time.”

  “The moon turns dark in three days,” Brother Willim says. “The second time will be a month after that.

  “Then in a little over a month,” he says, “the knife will fall.”

  The adventure concludes in:

  The Mists of Sorrow

  Book Seven of The Morcyth Saga

  Check out the epically adventurous worlds of fantasy author

  Brian S. Pratt

  The Broken Key Trilogy

  Four comrades set out to recover the segments of a key which they believe will unlock the King's Horde, rumored to hold great wealth. Written in the style of an RPG game, with spells, scrolls, potions, Guilds, and dungeon exploration fraught with traps and other dangers.

  Dungeon Crawler Adventures

  For those who enjoy dungeon exploration

  without all the buildup or wrapup.

  Fans of his previous works, especially The Broken Key, will discover Underground to be full of excitement and surprises. First in a series of books written for the pure fun of adventuring, Underground takes the reader along as four strangers overcome obstacles such as ingenious traps, perilous encounters, and mysteries to boggle the mind.

  Ring of the Or’tux

  In many stories you hear how ‘The Chosen One’ appeared to save the day. Every wonder what would happen if the one doing the choosing bungled the job?

  In Ring of the Or’tux, that’s exactly what happens. Hunter was on his way to a Three Stooges’ marathon when in mid-step, he went from the lobby of a movie theater to a charred tangle of stone and timber that once had been a place of worship. From there it only gets worse for the hapless Chosen One. First, an attempt to flee those he initially encounters (who by the way are the ones he was sent there to save), lands him into the merciless clutches of an invading army (those whom he was supposed to defeat).

  The Adventurer’s Guild

  Jaikus and Reneeke are ordinary lads whose dream in life is to become a member of The Adventurer's Guild. But to become a member, one must be able to lay claim to an Adventure, and not just any adventure. To qualify, an Adventure must entail the following:

  1-Have some element of risk to life and limb

  2-Successfully concluded. If the point of the Adventure was to recover a stolen silver candelabra, then you better have that candelabra in hand when all is said and done.

  3-A reward must be given. For what good is an Adventure if you don't get paid for your troubles?

  Jaikus and Reneeke soon realize that becoming members in the renowned Guild is harder than they thought. For Adventures posted as Unresolved at the Guild, are usually the ones with the most risk.

  However, when they hear of a party of experienced Guild members that are about to set out and are in need of Springers, they quickly volunteer only to discover to their dismay that a Springer's job is to "Spring the trap."

  If they survive, membership in the Guild is assured.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty One

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  Chapter Twenty Nine




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