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Cupid Help Me! (Return to Cupid, Texas Book 4)

Page 2

by Sylvia McDaniel

  "Did you pull over?"

  Shaking her head, her gaze darted back to him and she swallowed. "No, I kept going, hoping I'd make it into town before it broke down."

  With a little snort, he wiped his hands on his overalls and gazed back at the vehicle. "That car is going nowhere now. Would you accept a ride into town?"

  Trembling, she wanted to tell him no, but walking two miles into Cupid in the darkness, with rattlesnakes way. The only acceptable thing to do was to accept his offer of help and pray he truly meant it.

  "Yes," she said, wondering if she would disappear forever. What were her options? Walk or ride with this stranger?

  He held out his hand. "Jim Lawrence. My ranch is not far up the road."

  "Shadow Wilson," she said, shaking his hand. "Thanks for stopping to help me."

  Doing her best to play nice, she thought his handshake firm, his grip steady. Wouldn't a murderer be anxious? A sweaty palm? Maybe she should text someone quickly and tell everyone goodbye. What if he saw her? She didn't want to make him angry.

  "Wasn't much I could do," he said, staring at her.

  Pointing at the vehicle, he asked, "Do you need anything out of there?"

  How about a pistol? Laughter verging on hysteria rose inside her. Never before had she considered a firearm, until now. Now the peace-loving girl inside her longed for security. "Yeah, my clothes and my laptop."

  "Are they in the trunk?"

  The enormity of what happened overwhelmed her, causing her stomach to clench in a painful knot. On her way to Cupid to write a magazine article about the fabled statue, which she’d heard about in college, when her car decided to have a fiery end.

  "The backseat," she said with a sigh knowing they were gone. "The computer is a couple of years old and I've been wanting to go shopping for a new one. But I hadn't planned on purchasing a computer while I'm here."

  A nervous giggle slipped from between her lips sending a tear sliding down her cheek. "Everything was in the backseat."

  His eyes grew large, lit only by his still running truck headlights. "The inside of the car is hot."

  Hysteria threatened to overpower her, but she took a deep breath and said her mantra over and over in her mind. "Lost my car, my suitcase, my makeup, and my computer. Nothing like starting over."

  "Where do you want me to take you in town," he said, taking her by the arm and leading her to his truck.

  "The Cupid Inn."

  Holding onto her elbow, she felt him tense as he helped her inside the massive ranch truck. The touch of his hand was warm and comforting. The fire must have unnerved her more than she thought for her to have this reaction to a possible serial killer.

  As he walked around the truck, she stared at the neat and tidy inside of his vehicle. Everything was organized. Everything had a place.

  The driver door opened and he climbed inside turning toward her. Watching him, she sensed he had something he didn't want to say. Pressing his lips together, he sighed.

  "The Cupid Inn was hit by a tornado last week and they're closed for reconstruction. The only other place in town is The Cupid Love Nest Bed and Breakfast, and last I heard, she's booked up solid. Besides, at this time in the morning, the owner would probably shoot us if we showed up."

  Shadow gazed at the man unable to comprehend her reality. There was no place for her to stay in Cupid? What kind of place only had one hotel?

  "Look, it's almost two in the morning. Why don't you come out to the ranch with me? You can sleep in the guest room. Tomorrow things will look better and you'll be rested. Then you can start dealing with the headaches of insurance."

  Staring at him, she took in his rakishly redneck attire. How many men wore overalls without a shirt underneath? Something about this picture seemed off, like she was missing a vital piece of the puzzle.

  And yet, he stopped to help her and had been nothing but friendly. She couldn't sleep in the car; the hotel was damaged and the only other lodging was full.

  Licking her lips, she came to the conclusion she had no choice. The next town was fifty miles up the road and she was tired. How could she expect after everything he'd done to drive her another hour to a city and back?

  Before they went anywhere, she would ask him the question that bothered her the most. Even if he lied, at least she would have tried to learn the truth.

  "Are you a serial killer?" she asked, her eyes solid on him.

  Unlocking the door to his family home, he watched the woman who thought he was a serial killer walk through the door. Of all the things he'd ever been accused of, that topped them all. By the book, straight as an arrow, no gray only black and white, Jim Lawrence a serial killer? Hardly.

  Lady, his yellow Lab dog bounded up to the front door. Shadow jumped startled.

  "It's okay," he said. "She's just checking us out."

  Reaching down, she petted her on the head. "Hi, puppy."

  "That's Lady," he said and realized he'd rescued her as well. Pushing open the door, he waited on Shadow before he followed her in, leaving the dog to trot back to the barn.

  Shadow walked through the door, gazing around at the large two-story home, her mouth gaping, her green eyes wide in her heart shaped face. A short petite little thing, the urge to run his hands in her long auburn hair, struck him and he pushed the thought from his mind.

  If he tried to touch her, the gesture would set off her nerves like an alarm clock and she just might go running from his house like the hounds of hell were chasing her. He didn't want to frighten her.

  Besides right, now he was tired. Tomorrow morning would be here before he knew and he didn't want to deal with any more drama.

  "Those cows we passed do very well for you," she said, standing in the foyer staring in amazement at his home.

  "My family has lived on this land for almost a hundred years. First my great-grandfather, then my grandfather, father and now me."

  The way things were going, it didn't seem like marriage and his own children played a part in his future. Sure, he dated, but had never found another woman he couldn't live without. Not like Chrissy, his fiancée. Maybe a person was supposed to have one great love in their life and his was over before it ever had a chance.

  With a glance, he watched Shadow staring at the inside of the Lawrence home like it was a castle and wondered about her. What kind of background did she come from?

  Silky red hair glinted in the light drawing him to her. Her hair appeared soft and tempting him to reach out and touch the auburn tresses. The woman seemed to be filled with incongruences that didn't go with the name Shadow. But where in the hell did the name come from? Who would name their child Shadow - a cat's name? What were the names of her brothers and sisters? Moon, Sunlight, and Milky Way?

  "There's a guest bedroom downstairs where you'll be sleeping. My room is upstairs," he said. "Let me show you your room."

  She followed him into the hallway off the kitchen, where he opened the door and stood back. "My sister was living here, but she's spending a lot of time at her fiancé’s house now."

  As she walked through the doorway, she gazed around the room, her eyes large, her mouth gaped wide with awe, her body rigid and tense. Uneasiness vibrated off her and somehow he couldn't blame her.

  Though he realized he was a good guy, she put herself in a dangerous situation, having to rely on the kindness of strangers. For all she knew, she was spending the night with a man who could prey on her vulnerabilities as a woman. While she didn't have to worry about him, he knew she must feel defenseless.

  "Thanks, your place is very nice," she said walking inside the room.

  "A bathroom is behind that door," he said, pointing to a corner door.

  She glanced around and he couldn't read if she felt uncomfortable or what was going through that pretty head. "Why don't you sleep late in the morning? Maria, my housekeeper shows up about seven. I'll do what I have to get done by ten and then we can go back and see if anything salvageable is left in y
our car."

  "That would be great. Tomorrow I'll rent a car and try to find someplace else to stay."

  "What are you doing in Cupid?" he asked, wondering what would bring a woman like her to their little piece of paradise. She didn't seem to be the right fit for a small country community.

  "I'm a writer," she said, her large emerald eyes gazing at him shyly. Timid, yet there seemed to be a strength about her. How many other women would have been standing outside watching their car burn without crying in hysterics?

  "Are you writing an article on the town?" he asked.

  With a shrug, she picked up a photo. "I'm doing some research. If I find something, I'll write a story, if not, I'll be on my way."

  A sense of relief filled him. The town of Cupid was not highly advertised for a reason. The people who lived here wanted their quiet little village to remain a bedroom community without a lot of industrial complexes or tourist.

  They were a ranching community. Hopefully soon, Shadow would have a rental set of wheels and be on her way. He could go back to his boring life, this momentary blip over.

  "I'll let you get some rest," he said, backing out of the room. "You need anything, I'm the first door after you come up the stairs."

  "Thanks, I'll be okay."

  At the door, it suddenly dawned on him. She had no clothes. Nothing but the outfit on her back. Whirling around, he glanced at her. "Would you like a T-shirt to sleep in? There are extra toothbrushes in the cabinet, but I could give you one of my T-shirts for pajamas."

  A smile crossed her face. "That would be wonderful."

  As he ran up the stairs to his room, a little spurt of anxiety rode his chest as awareness gripped his stomach making it tight. A beautiful stranger slept under his roof tonight. Yet he invited her when he learned she had nowhere else to go.

  Maria, would be here early in the morning and would make Shadow feel welcome. Until he trusted the woman, he wanted someone here to make sure she wasn't stealing them blind. From the looks of the poor woman's car, her writing was not exactly bringing her a lot of wealth.

  Grabbing one of his clean cotton T-shirts, he hurried back down. The memory of dancing naked around the Cupid statue came to mind and he refused to consider meeting Shadow had something to do with the God of Love.

  Tomorrow, when he saw Cody, there would be hell to pay for running off and leaving him with nothing to wear but a pair of overalls.

  Forced to help this beautiful woman, looking like a hick convinced her he must be a criminal. And she'd had the nerve to ask him, Jim Lawrence, cattle rancher, if he was a serial killer. A freaking bloody murderer. One more sin to lay at Cody's feet.

  A damn serial killer. Gut-twisting pain wrenched through law-abiding, Jim. Never before had anyone accused him of such a heinous crime.

  Chapter 2

  Shadow awoke surprised as she gazed at the room she'd slept in. Rolling over, she felt the soft cotton of the T-shirt against her body and the memories of the night before came flooding back making her cringe inside. How Jim came to her aid and provided her a room to sleep in. This morning she was grateful to still be alive.

  Sitting up, she said a morning mantra giving thanks and gratitude. Yesterday, her karma had taken a Hawaiian vacation and left her stranded on the highway. Life interfered with her plans and when she finally got on the road, the sun had set hours before. And then the car fire, which could have ended much worse.

  Now her clothes were in a suitcase that last night smoldered, with no makeup, no curling iron, but worst of all, no computer. Her lifeline. The laptop a charred box of melted wiring, but her files all safely backed up off-site.

  Jumping out of bed, she took a quick shower hoping the smell of smoke would disappear, but was forced to put back on her dirty clothes. Today, she would have to find something else to wear.

  As she went to walk out the door, she saw the note lying on the floor. Reaching down, she picked it up and scanned the brief message.


  I'll be back no later than eleven. We'll go check on your car and find out about getting it towed into town.


  The man was a dichotomy. Who ran around in boots, overalls, and no shirt on? Especially when the night air was still cold enough to cause frostbite. Last night when he first drove up, she believed all her nightmares were about to come true. Even one of his pant legs were tucked down inside his boot. A real sign of a redneck.

  Shock gripped her, when the truck turned down the dirt road. Staring at the impressive ranch house, she wondered, did the redneck work or live here? At first, she thought he worked for the cattle farm and she wondered where she would be sleeping and then he'd shown her to a guest room.

  Opening the door, she walked out into the hallway. After the nerve wracking event, falling asleep had not come easy, but eventually she slept soundly.

  Stepping into the kitchen area, a dark haired woman sat at the table drinking coffee and her stomach clenched. With a sudden realization, she knew she never asked Jim about his marital status.

  Oh no, he was married. She'd poached on another woman's territory without meaning to.

  "Hi," the woman said with a welcoming smile. "Kelsey Lawrence. Who are you?"

  Stretching out her hand, she shook the girl's hand, worried a punch was coming her way for staying here.

  "Shadow Wilson," she said, feeling a bit awkward. "Your husband was so nice to pick me up last night."

  The girl started laughing. "Jim? He's not my husband, he's my brother. Wow, I didn't think the superstition would work this fast on him. It did for me, but Jim?"

  Confusion trickled like a river through Shadow, causing her to shiver. What she'd been told by her college roommate was dancing naked around the statue, brought you your true love. But redneck Jim? She pushed back her auburn hair. "What are you talking about?"

  "You and my brother," she said, raising her eyebrows.

  Suddenly it dawned on Shadow what the woman hinted at. Laughter spewed from her lips. "Oh no, after he rescued me, I spent the night in the guest room. My car caught fire and he stopped alongside the road and helped me."

  Kelsey grinned at her. "What time?"

  Why was she asking the time? What did it matter?

  "Close to one in the morning when he pulled up and used a fire extinguisher on the flames."

  The girl gleefully clapped her hands almost joyous, leaving Shadow uncomfortable that she would be so excited at her misfortune. Not wanting to attract any more bad karma, Shadow took a deep breath and released it to dispel the anger gathering in her center.

  "What's so funny? My car caught fire. There were no hotel rooms available, so your brother brought me back to his place and let me stay the night."

  Shaking her head, the girl smiled. "I'm sorry. I'm not laughing at what happened to you. That's tragic, but last night Jim and my other brother Kyle did the Cupid dance."

  "The what?" Shadow said, remembering what her friend in school revealed about the town of Cupid's God of Love dance, but confirmation of the tale would be fabulous. "What does that mean."

  Kelsey got up and poured them each a cup of coffee before she sat at the counter. Shadow took the seat across from her, wishing she could take notes. Certain this was the story she was pursuing. The article she wanted to sell.

  "Well, the superstition says that if you dance naked around the fountain in the town square at midnight you'll meet your true love. Cody, my fiancé made a bet with Jim that when he asked me to marry him, if I said yes my three brothers would dance around the Cupid fountain without their clothes."

  Shadow, who believed in all kinds of goofy karma stuff, had a hard time buying this superstition. How could a statue of the god bring the right man into her life?

  "Is that why when he stopped, he wore overalls without a shirt," Shadow asked, realizing he had no clothes on underneath those overalls. Naked as the day he came into this world. Which sent tingles spiraling through her like a swarm of ants.

Yes, you see Cody stole Kyle’s and Jim's clothes while they were doing their Cupid run. Leaving them high and dry with the hope they would each find someone to love." Kelsey smiled. "Jim met you."

  If this woman thought that meeting Jim alongside the highway meant she was his true love, she was crazy. For one thing, Shadow's luck with the opposite sex was dicey to say the least.

  "Yes, but it was under difficult circumstances. If he hadn't come along, I would have had to walk to town to get help. And he told me the hotel in Cupid had been damaged by a tornado. I had no place to stay."

  Taking a sip of her coffee, Kelsey's lips turned up in a knowing smile that made Shadow uneasy.

  Shadow's purpose for coming to Cupid was to write about the small town and the superstition, but she didn't expect to become part of the story. In fact, she avoided love or anything like it.

  Her momma, God love her, had revealed the dark side of emotion and men. Even her own experience had never been earth moving, stars exploding with declarations of passion. When she tested her crystals on men, many of them ran in the opposite direction, instead of embracing the cleansing ritual.

  "You know I truly believe there are things that happen to us that are directed by forces we cannot see. People or God wants the best for us, but I hardly think Jim picking me up on the road after my car burned is because of that Cupid statue."

  A smile crossed Kelsey's face. "Give it time. Things have a way of working out. If you're meant for my brother, he'll soon realize it and so will you."

  "Me?" she said, surprised. "I've got a story to deliver. Another novel due in two weeks, and well, now a new car to buy," she sighed. "Love isn't high on the priority list."

  Though seeing Jim step out of that truck, his dark hair glinting in the moonlight, his muscular body lifting the fire extinguisher like it weighed nothing had been both titillating and scary. Scary, because at the time, she feared he was a serial killer.

  Standing, Kelsey reached over and gave her an impulsive hug. "Come by the boutique later and we'll find you some new clothes. Right now, things look bleak, but I think you're going to be exactly what Jim needs."


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