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Page 12

by Jordan Summers

  “Promise?” he asked, as he rutted like a beast.

  “I swear!” Celina cried as shockwaves rocked her.

  “Good girl.” Slade stroked the soft curls at her apex, then gave them a quick pat. He wrapped another arm around her waist and lifted Celina off her feet, moving her boneless body around until she was draped over the arm of the couch.

  At this angle, every thrust struck her heart. Slade impaled her, driving his point in over and over. Skin slapped skin as he picked up his pace once more.

  Celina wanted him to empty himself inside her. Fill her womb with life. She’d stopped using birth control, but hadn’t told him yet. She knew it was wrong to withhold that kind of information, but Celina was desperate and determined to keep Slade any way she could—even if that meant trapping him with a child.

  She didn’t see Slade’s sly smile, but Celina heard him snort.

  “You are so predictable, sweetheart,” he said. “You almost make it too easy.” Slade thrust a few more times, then grunted and emptied himself inside her.

  * * * * *

  Chapter Fifteen

  Mindy awoke bright and early the next morning, feeling deliriously happy. Despite their unorthodox start, she and Nic had reached a turning point last night.

  She glanced over to the spot he’d been lying in earlier and was surprised to see a flower had been placed on the pillow, along with a note. When had Nic come back? How had he gotten in? Why didn’t he wake her?

  Mindy picked the items up and smelled the bloom. She put the rose by her bedside, then opened the note. She grinned as she read it.

  Had a great time last night. Promise I’m not a stalker. Just wanted to see you once more. Couldn’t bring myself to wake you. You looked too peaceful. Make sure all your windows are locked before you go to bed tonight. I’ll call you later. Can’t wait to see you. Nic

  Mindy grabbed his pillow and brought it to her nose. She inhaled. His clean, rugged scent lingered on the pillowcase. Mindy groaned.

  “You have it bad, girl,” she murmured, then laughed.

  She stretched, feeling the sore muscles in her body. Nic had been voracious last night and so had she. Obviously she was working hard to overcome her dry spell. Mindy giggled and threw the duvet cover back. She heard whimpers coming from outside her door.

  “I’ll be there in a minute, guys. Let me grab a shower first.”

  Mindy showered and got ready quickly. Nic hadn’t been kidding about that hickey. No amount of makeup would conceal it. She threw on a fresh pair of jeans and an oversized T-shirt, then rushed into the hall. She didn’t want Tart to have an accident.

  She grabbed the leash and quickly took the three-legged poodle out into the backyard to do her business. The sun had just crested the trees and the air was crisp and only hinting at the heat to come.

  Once her dog was finished, Mindy led her back into the house and proceeded to feed the gang. Hannibal glared at her, but didn’t turn his nose up at the moist offering.

  Mindy stroked his head. “I’m sorry, buddy, but it was either you or Nic, and I just couldn’t turn his offer down.”

  Hannibal sniffed and turned his butt toward her. “Fine.” Mindy ignored her finicky cat and grabbed the jar of crickets she kept under the sink. “Sorry, guys,” she said as she walked over to George’s aquarium and sprinkled a few in with him.

  She sealed the jar and placed it back under the sink. She’d just closed the cabinet when the phone rang. Mindy picked up the receiver, hoping to hear Nic’s baritone voice on the other end of the line. Instead, it was Izzy.

  “Mindy, are you okay?” Izzy asked. Zydeco music blared in the background.

  What time was it in New Orleans? “Izzy, I can barely hear you. Where are you?”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Izzy said. “You need to listen to me. You’re in danger.”

  Mindy frowned. “What?”

  “Darkness is closing in,” she said. “The spirits told me.”

  She sighed. “Izzy, I don’t know what that means.” Mindy’s great mood was slowly beginning to sour. This was one aspect of their relationship that she didn’t miss.

  “Just be careful,” Izzy said. “He’s close.”

  Did she mean Marco Faretti?

  Mindy’s heart pounded. She wasn’t ready to go another round with Marco right now. She peeked out the curtains at her driveway, but didn’t see any other car but hers. She let the curtain drop.

  “Who’s close?” Mindy asked, losing patience. “I need more information.”

  One zydeco song ended and another began. “I have to go,” Izzy said.

  “Not yet!” Mindy shouted. “Not until you explain what you mean.”

  “Just remember what I told you,” Izzy said, then hung up.

  Mindy cursed and stared at the phone. “As usual, you didn’t say anything,” she muttered.

  She knew better than to be drawn into these conversations. Hadn’t she learned her lesson a long time ago?

  “I love you, but you’re not going to ruin my day,” she said, then placed the phone back on its cradle.

  Mindy grabbed her keys and backpack, then stepped out onto the porch. “Behave yourselves,” she said, then locked the front door.

  She turned her face up to the sun, allowing the warmth to soak into her skin and chase the shadows away. Mindy smiled and skipped down the stairs.

  As she stepped off the bottom one, her foot tangled on something solid and Mindy lost her balance. Her backpack went flying as she put her hands out to break her fall.

  Mindy landed with a hard thud, scraping her palms. She hissed and rubbed the bleeding cuts onto her jeans, then checked to see what she’d stumbled over.

  For a moment, Mindy’s brain couldn’t make sense of what she was seeing. When the picture finally registered, she scrambled back.

  The pale, lifeless body had been mangled by something. Big chunks of flesh were missing from the chest and arms. His throat gaped open like his mouth. She forced herself to concentrate on the man’s face.

  “Please,” she whimpered, praying it wasn’t Nic.

  Her horror intensified when she saw who was lying at the bottom of her front steps. Mindy’s stomach lurched. It couldn’t be. Oh no. She had to still be asleep.

  Please let me be dreaming.

  But Mindy knew she wasn’t. The pain in her hands and knees was real. So was her sister’s cryptic warning. She stared at the terror-stricken dead body of Marco Faretti. Nic’s promise from last night came rushing back. He’d said he would take care of him. Was this what he meant?

  Izzy had said he was close. You don’t get much closer than when you sleep with someone.

  I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe.

  Mindy’s heart hurt and her lungs burned. She couldn’t be wrong about Nic. She just couldn’t be. Izzy had to be mistaken. The euphoria she’d experienced a minute ago faded and doubts crept in. Mindy struggled to her feet.

  She had to call the police, but what was she going to say? She didn’t want to get Nic in trouble, but she couldn’t lie. Not about something like this.

  What if he had hurt Marco? Mindy didn’t want to believe it. She’d always trusted her instincts. They’d never led her astray, but what if she was wrong and Izzy was right? No one else knew about Marco hassling her, except Nic and Celina. And there was no way Celina could’ve done this kind of damage. She wasn’t sure how Nic could’ve caused these types of injuries.

  Marco looked like he’d been ripped apart, starting from the throat all the way down through his intestines.

  Could the hybrid have done this? He’d never shown any signs of aggression and there were no drag marks by the body. If the hybrid had attacked Marco, there’d be drag marks.

  Why hadn’t Tart barked when this was happening? Why hadn’t she heard anything? The lack of noise meant Marco hadn’t been killed here. He’d been dumped onto her sidewalk.

  Would Nic do something like that knowing that she’d find the body? It seemed unlik
ely, but Mindy couldn’t immediately come up with a better explanation.

  Mindy’s fingers trembled as she pulled her phone out of her pocket. The pain in her chest increased as she dialed 911.

  She couldn’t look at Marco any more. If she did, she was going to be sick. Mindy gave him a wide berth as she walked around the house to the back door and let herself in. She’d wait in here for the police. She saw Nic’s business card on the kitchen counter and felt tears sting her eyes.

  * * * * *

  Nic smiled as the sun shone through his windshield. A cool breeze ruffled his hair as he drove into work. He’d overslept and was late for the first time in years, but Nic couldn’t be upset because it was the best night’s sleep he’d had in weeks. And he owed it all to Mindy MacDougal.

  His grin widened as he thought about the woman who’d changed his life forever. There was still a lot to get past. Mindy would eventually have to learn the truth about him and the other Kin, but there was plenty of time to tell her.

  Nic bounced in his seat as he turned down the hidden drive that led into the estate. He couldn’t wait to tell Aidan the good news. Finding one’s mate was cause for celebration amongst the Moonlight Kin. Nic looked forward to the hunt that would follow.

  As he approached the security gate, Nic noticed that it was open. The skin on his neck prickled with unease. The gate was never left open. Alpha’s orders. Nic continued down the long, tree-lined drive. As he drew nearer, he could hear voices and a commotion.

  The trees parted and the estate came into view, along with a half-dozen police cars. Their lights were flashing, but their sirens were off.

  What was going on?

  Nic parked and turned off his engine. He’d just stepped out of the vehicle when he was approached by two officers. They asked him his name and told him to state his business.

  Nic saw Aidan standing next to the front door. The Alpha looked at him and frowned.

  “It’s him,” one of the officers who’d asked his name said.

  “What’s going on?” Nic asked.

  An older police officer with thinning red hair and world-weary eyes stepped forward. “I’m Detective Markinson and that’s Detective Daniels.”

  Though similar in age to Nic, Daniels’ narrow face and jerky movements made him look like an over-caffeinated ferret.

  “We’d like to ask you a few questions,” Markinson said.

  “About what?” Nic asked.

  “It would be better if you could come down to the station and answer them there,” Markinson said.

  Nic’s anxiety increased. “First I’d like to know what this is all about.”

  Aidan approached with a short mustached gentleman trotting along beside him. “This is Mr. La Croix’s attorney. He’d like to have a word with his client before they follow you to the station.”

  It wasn’t a request and both detectives knew it.

  Markinson looked at Nic. “This is just a casual inquiry. Do you think you need an attorney present?”

  Nic glanced at Aidan. The Alpha gave nothing away, but he had his answer. “That might be best until I know what’s going on here.”

  Neither cop looked happy, but Markinson nodded and said, “See you down at the station.”

  Aidan jerked his head toward the house. The second the office door closed, the Alpha descended upon Nic. “We don’t have much time,” Aidan said. “What in the hell is going on?”

  Nic shook his head. “I don’t know.”

  “Where were you this morning?” Aidan asked.

  “I overslept.”

  “Those are homicide detectives,” Aidan said.


  Nic’s stomach plummeted and pain ripped through his chest. Fur rippled over his arm as his wolf struggled to break free. Its first instinct was to get to its mate.

  Aidan growled. “Pull yourself together. The last thing we need is for you to shift in front of the police.”

  Nic struggled to breathe. Struggled to think as his primal side rode him hard. “I have to get to Mindy.”

  “Who’s Mindy?” Aidan asked.

  Their gazes met and clashed. “My mate,” Nic snapped.

  Aidan’s dark brow rose, disappearing beneath his long black hair. “When did this happen?”

  “Last night,” Nic bit out. “I’d planned to inform you this morning.” His big body swayed and Nic gripped the back of a chair. “She can’t be dead.”

  Aidan’s face blanked. He immediately reached for the phone and punched in a number. “You have a body coming in,” he said to the person on the other end of the line. “I want to know everything about it. You know what to do.” He hung up. “You have to go down to the station now. Leave your cell phone here in case they jump the gun and book you. Whatever you do, don’t incriminate yourself.”

  Hard to do when you don’t know what’s going on, Nic thought, and handed Aidan the phone.

  “Report back here the second you’re finished,” Aidan said. “That’s an order. I don’t want you to take any detours. No side trips. Am I clear?”

  Nic nodded, and they left.

  * * * * *

  The Breakbend police station was set up like every other small-town police force. There were only three rooms: one for the head of the department, one for interrogation, and the last for everyone else.

  Five desks were slammed together, each housing an ancient-looking computer. A jail cell built for ten people max had been shoved into the corner, out of the way. The bars were a constant reminder of where you were, in case you forgot.

  Nic and his attorney walked into the station and were immediately met by Detective Markinson. He led them into the interrogation room and asked them to take a seat. The red light on the camera mounted to the ceiling came on. Detective Daniels followed them into the room and shut the door behind him.

  They’d barely settled in when the detectives fired off the first round of questions.

  “Do you know a Ms. Mindy MacDougal?” Daniels asked.

  Nic glanced at his attorney. The man nodded for him to answer.

  “Yes, is she all right?” he asked.

  Neither detective answered, which only alarmed Nic more.

  “How long have you been seeing her?” Daniels asked.

  Nic rubbed the back of his neck. “We just met the other night.”

  “Have you slept with her?” Daniels asked.

  Nic’s jaw clenched. “I don’t see how that is any of your business.”

  “We’ll take that as a yes,” Daniels said and glanced at Markinson.

  “Do you know a Marco Faretti?” Markinson asked.

  He hadn’t. At least not until the other night. Nic didn’t like where this was going. “Not personally,” he said.

  “But you do know who he is,” Daniels said.

  “Yes, I’ve seen him around recently,” Nic said. What did this have to do with Mindy?

  “I believe you’ve done more than see him,” Daniels said. “Think hard.”

  “Is Mindy okay?” Nic asked again. He could barely keep his agitation under wraps. Had Marco hurt her?

  “Why wouldn’t she be?” Daniels asked.

  “Please tell me. I need to know,” Nic said. “Marco was hassling her the other night and stalking her at her job.”

  “Did you take care of him for her?” Markinson asked. “Did she ask for your help?”

  The questions surprised Nic. “What’s that supposed to mean?” He shifted in the hard seat, trying to get comfortable.

  “She’s a pretty girl,” Daniels said. “I can see how a guy could lose his head over her and do something stupid. Something he might regret later.”

  The wolf rose before Nic could stop it. He knew the detective was baiting him, but he didn’t like him using Mindy, using his mate.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I admit that I got into a scuffle with Marco at a bar. A scuffle he started, I might add. The next day I asked him to leave Mindy alone,” he said. “That’s
the extent of my contact with him.”

  “How long have you lived in the area?” Markinson asked.

  “Eleven years,” Nic said.

  “So you’re familiar with the back roads and the woods,” Markinson said.

  Nic was more than familiar with the woods in the area, but he didn’t think it was a good idea to let them know it. “I’m familiar with the roads I travel on regularly. As for the woods, I only go into them during hunting season.”

  “Are you sure you didn’t run into him again?” Daniels asked, changing the subject. “Maybe he was sniffing around your girlfriend? Maybe she invited him over in between your visits? Ever think of that?”

  Nic bared his teeth. “Get to the point.”

  His attorney put his hand on Nic’s shoulder and squeezed. It was a warning to get his wolf under control.

  “Mr. Faretti was found murdered on the steps of Ms. MacDougal’s home this morning,” Daniels said.

  Nic shot to his feet. “What! Is Mindy okay? How long has he been dead?” What he really wanted to know was how he died. Marco might be a pup, but he was still a shifter. Weres didn’t go down easily.

  “We’re trying to ascertain that now,” Daniels said.

  “As you can see by his explosive reaction to the news, Mr. La Croix had no idea that Mr. Faretti was dead,” Nic’s attorney said.

  “Where were you this morning between three o’clock and six o’clock?” Daniels asked.

  “In bed. Asleep,” Nic said.

  “Can anyone verify that?” Markinson asked.

  Nic shook his head. “No,” he said, “I was alone.”

  “So what you’re saying is that you don’t have an alibi,” Daniels said.

  “What I’m saying is I don’t need one,” Nic replied.

  Daniels snorted. “For your sake, I hope you’re right.”

  They continued questioning Nic, doing a variation of good cop, bad cop until he reached the end of his tether.

  “Listen, I have told you everything I know. Asking me the same questions over and over isn’t going to change my answers,” Nic said.

  “Mind if we get your fingerprints and DNA?” Markinson asked.


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