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TORN: Death Dealers MC

Page 3

by Celia Loren

  "'Sup?" I ask, taking a swig of the fifth of Jack in my hand.

  "Some of us are headed down to the Keep. You in?"

  "Nah," I reply. "Got this whole bottle to finish," I say, holding up the Jack. Taz and his buddies like to hang out there now, and if I run into that little prick again, I don't know what I'll do.

  "Alright. Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find us," he says, and walks away. I take a swig from my bottle and lean back in the chair. Across the room, I see Vicki and a girl I don't know watching me and giggling. Vicki's one of our sweet butts, and also a dancer at The Spot, a strip club that's owned and run by the Death Dealers. From the looks of this other girl's fake tits, I'd bet she's a new dancer there. I give Vicki a nod, and then watch her whisper something to her friend. A moment later, they start walking toward me.

  "Hey, Ford," Vicki says, slipping into my lap and wiggling her ass against my crotch. "I'd like to introduce you to Tanya. She just started at The Spot."

  "Tanya," I say, eyeing the long legs that emerge from her short skirt. She blushes and tucks her long, red hair behind her ear.

  "Tanya's never been with a Death Dealer before, and I was thinking that you might be the perfect one to pop that cherry," Vicki says, never one to mince words.

  "And leave you here all alone?" I ask Vicki with a smile, sliding my hand from her knee slowly up her thigh. Vicki looks at Tanya with an unspoken question in her eyes. Tanya nods.

  "Of course not," Vicki says. "The more the merrier, I always say." She stands, and I follow. She takes Tanya's hand, and I head toward a door on the opposite side of the room as they trail behind me, whispering. There's a long hallway, and the first few rooms are extra bedrooms for general use. The first door is closed, so I push open the next one.

  "Ladies," I say, waving them in.

  "Feel like a little show?" Vicki asks.

  "Always," I reply, sitting on the edge of the bed. She turns to Tanya and kisses her, teasingly running her tongue over Tanya's lips. At the same time, she unties Tanya's halter top, and pull her shirt down to her waist. Tanya isn't wearing a bra, and I lick my lips at the sight of her tits. I prefer my women natural, but it's still a beautiful sight.

  Vicki pulls away and moves around to Tanya's back, guiding Tanya's hips so that she's facing me. Vicki unzips Tanya's skirt, and lets it fall to the ground, leaving her in just a thong and the top gathered around her waist. Tanya stares at me, her lips moist and her eyes full of desire.

  Vicki runs her hand over Tanya's smooth stomach, and then slowly pushes her fingers under Tanya's underwear. Tanya gasps as Vicki circles her fingers across her clit, and tilts her head back. Vicki keeps going for a minute, and then pull Tanya's panties to the ground. Tanya takes the hint and pulls her top all the way off, as Vicki pulls off her skintight dress, revealing lacy, hot pink lingerie underneath.

  I reach out and grab Tanya's thigh, pulling her toward me. I slide my hand up, feeling moistness slick my hands as I near her pussy. She cries out as I slip two fingers inside her and circle them slowly. Vicki moves to stand next to her, now having removed her bra and underwear, too. I grin at her, and with my left hand, dip two fingers inside of her. Luckily for them, I'm practically ambidextrous.

  I move my thumbs to both their clits as they groan with pleasure. My dick is pressing hard against my jeans, but I don't mind getting them off first. I pull my fingers out of Tanya and slide them back to her butt. I lean my head forward and take a long lick of her clit as I slide one slick finger inside her ass.

  "Oh, fuck," she cries out, and I feel her body begin to shake. I feel Vicki move away from my hand, and a moment later I feel her fingers against my crotch. She unzips my jeans and takes my cock out, then kneels in front of me. I slide my hands around Tanya's hips and lie back on the bed, taking Tanya with me and sitting her right on top of my face.

  Vicki takes my dick in her mouth as I flick my tongue back and forth across Tanya's clit. Her wetness drips down my chin, and I reach my hands up to massage her breasts. Vicki slides her lips up and down my cock as Tanya's back arches and she comes with a loud cry. Limply, she climbs off me and drops onto the bed, her eyes blinking drowsily.

  I look down at Vicki, who looks back at me with a twinkling gaze. "Mind if I take her first, since she's new and everything?"

  "Fine with me," Vicki replies. We both stand up, but I push Vicki back down on the bed.

  "You should still get to have some fun," I tell her. I pull Tanya up to standing and then fold her over the bed, pressing her face into Vicki's crotch as Vicki spreads her legs with a smile. I take a condom out of my jeans pocket and quickly slip it on before pushing my jeans and boxers to the floor.

  As Tanya presses her face into Vicki's pussy, I press my cock into Tanya. She cries out, and I slow down. I know I can be a lot to take. I gradually drive my cock inside her, listening to the sound of her eating Vicki out. Once I'm all the way inside her, I draw back and plunge in again, as Tanya struggles to press back against me. I move faster, watching Vicki's face over Tanya's shoulder as she comes closer and closer to orgasm. But it's Tanya who goes over the edge first, clawing at the bedsheets around Vicki's hips.

  I pull out of her as she drops to the bed next to Vicki with a sigh. Vicki looks up at me with a devilish look in her eyes as I pull the spent condom off and dig for another one in my jeans.

  "Fuck, are you still hard?" Tanya asks, eyeing my cock with wide eyes.

  "What'd I tell you?" Vicki replies with a smile. She moves to the edge of the bed and gets up onto her hands and knees. I've been with Vicki before, so I know what she likes. I slide my fingers inside her pussy and then move them to her ass, lubing her up. "Give it to me hard," she purrs, looking back at me.

  "I live to serve," I reply, and take my cock in my hand, guiding it between her ass cheeks. I slam into her, feeling the tightness of her ass grip my cock. I groan, and tighten my grip on her hips. I plunge into her again, and hear her release a wild cry. Tanya moves to the back of the bed and spreads her legs, touching herself while she stares at me. I drive into Vicki again and again. Her cries rise and I feel pressure building in my cock. I feel her come, her body jerking around, and plunge into her again and release myself inside of her.

  "Dammit, Ford," Vicki says, collapsing onto the bed. "Sometimes I think I should stay away from you. You ruin all other men for me."

  I laugh, and pull off the condom. Vicki takes a deep breath, then slides off the bed and grabs her clothes, but Tanya stays put, watching me coquettishly. Vicki dresses quickly and gives me a quick kiss before heading out the door.

  "Thanks, baby," she purrs. I button my jeans as Tanya slinks down the bed toward me.

  "I could make you so happy, you know," she murmurs. "I could be yours."

  "Sorry, I'm not a one-woman man," I tell her, and her face falls. Fuck, Vicki should have explained the score before she brought this girl in here. "You gonna be alright?"

  She sighs. "I know your reputation, but a girl can't help but dream."

  I pick up her clothes from the floor and lay them on the bed next to her. "I better get going. Stick with Vicki. She knows her way around," I advise her, and she nods.

  I head for the door and shut it behind me. Maybe I will head to the Keep after all. I don't want this girl to get any more attached.

  Chapter 6 – Marie

  I enter the drink order incorrectly again and curse myself. I haven't been a waitress for a long time, and this system is different than the ones at the restaurants I used to work at. I return to the home screen and finally get it right. As I turn, I nearly trip as my heel catches on the mat behind the bar. These heels are impossible to work in, but when I moved into her place earlier this afternoon, Candice told me Ricky has a dress code: short skirts, low tops, high heels.

  "Hey, sweetie," a fat, tattooed guy says, sliding a meaty arm around my waist. "Can I buy you a drink?"

  "Oh, gosh, would you?" I reply, barely keeping the venom out of my voice.
  "Two Coors Lights, on me," he growls, leaning in.

  "You got it!" I reply spinning out of his grasp. Wow, two Coors Lights…quite the big spender.

  There's a crash from the pool table area and I jump. Candice glides toward the computer behind me.

  "What was that?" I ask her.

  "Death Dealers," she explains as she punches in an order. I feel my heartbeat quicken. Time to make first contact.

  "That's a motorcycle gang, right?" I ask, trying to be nonchalant.

  "That's the motorcycle gang," she corrects me.

  "Should I get Rob?" I ask, referring to the bouncer at the front door.

  "No, the Dealers do what they want here. First thing you should know about this town, Beth, is that it belongs to them," she says, leaning in intently. "So would I, if they'd have me."

  "You want to be a part of the club?"

  "Of course! They protect their women," she says. A few minutes later, I make my way toward the back of the bar, curious to see the Death Dealers for myself. I recognize them by the black leather vests they wear over their clothes. Drew showed me photos of them, and explained what all the patches mean. These are all young brothers, and some prospects. I take a deep breath, and start to walk through them. I don't know what I was hoping would happen, but the reaction is immediate.

  "Hello," a male voice greets me. I turn to my right as I see him stick his foot out. I start to fall, and he grabs me, pulling me into his lap as he sits on the couch. I try to smile as he leans his bearded cheek in toward me.

  "Hi there," I reply, attempting to pull my skirt down.

  "Haven't seen you around here before," he says. I can see coke caught in the hairs under his nose.

  "I'm new," I explain. "And you're…Taz," I say, looking down at the name on his vest.

  "Well, now that introductions are over," he says, and slides his hand roughly between my legs. I pull my knees together and stomp on his foot with the heel of my stiletto. His brothers howl as he winces in pain, allowing me just enough time to jump up and get out of his grasp.

  My heart beats in my ears as I make for the side door, pushing through hands that try to grope me as I pass. I shove the door open and take a deep gulp of air as it shuts behind me. My first interaction with the Death Dealers, and it couldn't have gone worse.

  But what was I supposed to do? Just let him finger me in the middle of the bar? Even the thought of that makes me nauseous. Maybe I'm in over my head here.

  There's a chill in the air, especially with such skimpy clothes on. I have a flashback to cold nights spent out in the woods as a teenager, hiding from another man. I can hear the noise of the bar thumping through the brick wall behind me, and laughter spilling out from the front around the corner of the building. I remember why I'm here, and what Drew told me about the chaos that the Death Dealers are wreaking across the county. It's enough for me to get some courage back.

  I take another deep breath and reach for the door handle. Shit. It locked behind me. Wearily, I head for the front. I'll just avoid the Death Dealers the rest of tonight, and hope for a better chance another time.

  I'm almost around the corner when a dark figure lurches toward me. I pull back, and with a shiver of fear, recognize Taz.

  "You tried to embarrass me in front of my brothers," he spits at me, pushing me back toward the side door and away from anyone who could help me.

  "Oh, no, I'm sorry," I reply, keeping my voice light. "I didn't mean to do that. Let's go back inside and I'll buy you all a round of drinks."

  "Don't play coy," he says, continuing to back me up. "Nobody treats a Death Dealer like that in this town."

  "I… I didn't know you were a Death Dealer," I lie. "I'm so sorry." I feel the cold brick wall against my back.

  "'Sorry' ain't gonna cut it," he growls," and grabs my face. I feel his other arm wrap around my back and any thought of trying to cozy up to this particular Death Dealer is gone. All I want right now is for him to get away from me.

  Problem is, he's about a foot taller than me and he's got me cornered against this damn wall. I try to find a little wiggle room to get in an elbow, but we're already too close. I grab at his vest, trying to pull him back, but he doesn't even seem to feel it.

  Chapter 7 – Ford

  I drive up to the Keep. The front of the place is jammed, and there are no spots left along the railing for my hog. I look around the corner of the place and decide to leave my hog there. In Paradise Falls, no one would dare touch a Death Dealers' bike.

  I idle around to the side, and as I push my kick stand down, I hear shuffling and a moan. I frown and take a couple steps into the darkness. My eyes adjust, and I can see Taz, his arms spread tentacle-like around a petite woman, who appears to be struggling to get out of his grasp. That little prick.

  I stride over, about to pull him off, when I see her hand fiddling with something at his waistband. My eyes widen as she pulls his gun out of his waistband and then brings it down onto his skull with a dull thud.

  "Motherfucker!" Taz yelps, jumping back and holding his head. "Oh, what the shit is this?" he spits out furiously as the lady points his own pistol at him.

  "You should really keep your weapon secured," the woman says, wiping her mouth with her other hand.

  "You're dead, you hear me? Dead!" Taz screeches. "I'm gonna kill you!"

  "Looks to me like you're the one who oughta be worried about that," I comment. "Seeing as how she's got a gun aimed at your head."

  Taz spins toward me. "What are you doing, spying on me?"

  "Just parking my bike, and watching a woman get the drop on you," I say with a smile. "Looks to me like she was acting in self-defense."

  "The fuck does that matter?" Taz retorts. I look back at the woman. Even in this semi-darkness, I can see that she's gorgeous, and doesn't look as flustered by the situation as I'd expect.

  "Matters to me," I reply simply. "Look, I can't let you take his gun, you understand," I tell her. "But I can promise you he won't do you any more harm."

  "And you are?" she asks, arching one eyebrow.

  "Lieutenant Matt Ford, former Navy SEAL and current brother in the Death Dealers MC. I give you my word that he's not going to hurt you. Are you, Taz?" I ask, turning to him.

  His neck muscles pulse with anger. "No," he finally spits out. I turn back to the woman. She stares at me for a moment, then drops the gun into the dirt and kicks it over to him.

  He snatches it up and stuffs it back into his jeans. "This isn't over," he whispers as he stalks past me and toward the front of the Keep. I make sure he's gone, then turn back to the woman.

  "You must be new in town."

  "How'd you know?" she asks, drawing a hand across her head to smooth her mussed-up hair.

  "Most people here know better than to make an enemy of a Death Dealer," I tell her. She looks at me for a moment, then walks toward me. Now that she's in the light cast from the front of the Keep, I can get a good look at her, and to say that I like what I see would be an understatement. She's fucking gorgeous. Auburn hair cut just below her shoulders, full lips, and tight curves. I didn't think I had a type…but she might be it.

  "It's my first night," she explains, nodding to the Keep.

  "You're bleeding," I tell her, taking her hand. A bolt of electricity runs through me as our fingers touch.

  "Must've scraped my knuckles on the brick," she says, nodding toward the wall behind us.

  I bend down to examine her hand. "You've got callouses," I note.

  "Do I?"

  "You know you do," I tell her, catching her eyes. They glow emerald green in the low light, momentarily catching me off-guard. "These are from fighting."

  "Well, a girl needs to know how to protect herself, clearly," she replies.

  "Clearly." I know that I'm still holding her hand, but I don't have any intention of dropping it. "And you know how to handle a gun."

  For the first time, she looks away. "My stepfather owned guns."

s he who you needed to protect yourself from?" Her eyes fly back to mine, and she looks alarmed.

  "Yes," she whispers. She pulls her hand away. "I should get back inside."

  "It's alright. Take a breath." She wavers. "Don't worry, if there's any problem I'll explain it to Ricky myself."

  She nods. "Your knuckles are a mess, too," she notes. I run my thumb over my scabbed-up knuckles. They're still healing from the beating I gave the Spider prospect.

  "Just part of my line of work."

  "And your line of work is… being a Death Dealer?" she asks.

  "That's right."

  "And you used to be a SEAL," she says and leans forward, looking at my vest. "Ford."

  "That's right. And you are?"

  "Beth. Beth Harlow."

  "Beth," I repeat, cocking my head. "It doesn't quite suit you."

  "Oh, no?" she asks with a throaty laugh. "My mother thought it did."

  "So where are you from, Beth?"

  "Washington, outside Seattle," she replies. Her tongue slides across her lower lip and I feel desire surge inside me. Fuck, I can't remember the last time a woman had this effect on me. I guess I like a lady who knows how to take care of herself.

  "And what brought you to Paradise Falls?"

  "I was looking for a fresh start." I wait for her to continue. "I guess I haven't always had the best taste in men," she says. "I moved to Arizona for a guy, then had to make a hasty exit from that relationship. I was driving down the highway, saw a sign for Paradise Falls, and liked the name. I stopped into the Keep to see if they were hiring, and here I am."

  "Well, if that guy turns up, you just let me know."

  "We just met," she points out. "Why would you go out on a limb for me?" she asks, turning her face up toward me challengingly. I step toward her, and see her chest rise with a sudden intake of breath. I know I'm having an effect on her. I raise my right hand, and gently run my fingers over her bare shoulder. She shivers.

  "How long does it usually take you to read a person?" I ask. "If you're like me, and I think you are, it's inside of one minute. Sure, you can find out little things later on, things that will finesse your idea of the person, but the core of the person? Your gut will tell you that in less than a minute. That sound about right?" Slowly, haltingly, she nods. "So I think I already know you, and you already know me." I bring my hand up to her face and cup her cheek. My hand's nearly the size of her head.


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