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Warrior's Paradox (Cadi Warriors Book 3)

Page 11

by Stephanie West

  Little ruddy children played, while their Cadi mothers conversed with each other nearby. Cadi men worked in their yards, which doubled as paddocks for the striped manx, that many families owned. Some of the homes were occupied by Cadi, while others housed the hairy Toufik.

  June missed her home, but sights like this kept her distracted. The differences and similarities she discovered with each new species she met, were fascinating. A part of her felt unbelievably lucky for being granted the chance to see things that many humans would never know. There was a price for that kind of enlightenment; she’d never see Earth again. Even though it made her melancholy at times, she was coming to terms with it. Finding Tytus went a long way towards assuaging that ache.

  June gawked when they passed under a large wall that seemed to encompass the entire capital city of Sargon. The stone edifice stood taller than the homes it protected. As they went through the broad portico, June noted deep scars in the stone exterior. It was disturbing to imagine the frightening siege that caused them.

  There were homes outside the safety of the stone wall. They quickly started to spread out, with more land, bearing gardens, in between. Those gardens grew and turned into farms as the rota skimmed the rocky dirt road. The roto became fewer, replaced in number by striped manx with riders perched atop their sleek backs.

  June studied what she assumed was a quarry as they drove past.

  “What are they mining?” June asked in a subdued voice.

  “I believe they’re extracting one of the precious metals we trade off-world, or use for currency and electronics. Probably palladium or argentum.”

  “Ah,” June nodded.

  Several machines, hobbled together from mismatched and somewhat degraded parts, were grinding away at the hillside. The equipment wasn’t powered by fossil fuel, bellowing smoke into the air. They were appeared to be powered by propulsion engines, like the rota, which made them more advanced than most equipment on Earth. But it was clear the rock-eating beasts weren’t in their prime anymore, and were just puttering along.

  June was beginning to see what Tytus had explained to her about Cadi society. Her first impression, in his lab, was that Cadi possessed advances Earth still strived for, and they did, with the spaceships, and hovering vehicles. However, as she looked at the passing scenery, it was painfully apparent that Cadi was in the throes of a post-apocalyptic recovery. June was reminded of the movie Mad Max, minus the bands of roaming psychopaths.

  She understood why Tytus was sad for his people, and why peace was so important to him. Seeing firsthand how Cadi was affected by the war, spoke volumes.

  “We aren’t stopping for midmeal. Eat when you like,” Tytus spoke so only she could hear.

  June glanced at the sky, surprised to see how high the sun had climbed. She turned and fished through the bag holding the food.

  “You want something too?” she asked.

  “Sure, anything is fine.”

  June passed a bag of nuts and a flask of water up to him, then settled down with her food.

  “I love your planet.”

  “Good,” he smiled back at her. “I was hoping you’d want to stay.” He popped a nut into his mouth.

  “It’s different than I imagined, but charming.”

  “I don’t know any different, but I can tell you that it’s become more charming in the last year. Not that we don’t have our problems.”

  It amazed June the way Tytus was gripping life by the horns and helping his people. Too many people fixated on what was wrong, rather than what was right.

  “What place is perfect? What I admire, is that you see a problem, and rather than just complain about it, you’re helping fix it. That’s what counts. My mother once told me, when I complained about trash at the park, that because I noticed the problem, and it was within my power to solve, that made it my job to correct it.”

  “That’s why we do what we do. Isn’t it?” he asked as he glanced back at her.

  The butterflies in June’s stomach took flight at the way Tytus’ dark eyes stared at her with a mix of desire and deep appreciation.

  “Building a better world, one gadget at a time,” June smiled.

  “I like that phrase,” he said as he turned his eyes back to the road.

  June’s eyes were riveted to the man who was now her husband. She’d dated on Earth, but nothing ever stuck. Then, in the blink of an eye, she’s mated to a large Cadi warrior on the other side of the cosmos, and it felt right. Life was so weird and wonderful.

  My husband is the-whole package and then some. June, you did good.

  June admired Tytus’ profile as he stood piloting the rota. He was dressed a bit different than he did in the lab. He wore a bandolier of knives strapped to his bare chest, like the other men in the caravan. It reminded June that her man wasn’t just an engineer, but a warrior. The muscles of his arms and back flexed subtly as Tytus maneuvered the vehicle. His leather kilt rode low on his hips, covering the strong ass, she recalled gripping the night he marked her and made her his.

  June’s mouth salivated as her eyes roved Tytus, and a twisted notion gripped June. She crawled forward.

  “Hello. How are you, beautiful?” Tytus asked as he looked down at her.

  “Good,” June replied with a smile as she stopped at his feet.

  There was just enough room for her beneath the rota’s controls. June reached out and circled Tytus’ bare knee with her index finger. Tytus stared down at her with one eyebrow cocked. She cast him a coy smile as she walked her fingers up his thigh, inching up his kilt. She wanted to see the anatomy she’d only felt pressed against her. She also wanted to pleasure the man who brought her to climax without anything in return.

  “June, what are you doing? Has the need returned?”

  “Shouldn’t you be paying attention to the road?” she replied instead.

  His experiment from last night worked. The need hadn’t returned. But she did want him, badly. June had every intention of behaving herself, but that was before she learned about the other human woman. If they survived their Cadi men, there was no reason to believe it would be different for Tytus and herself.

  June felt the fine hairs on Tytus’ thighs as her hands travelled upward. His rock-hard muscles trembled as she massaged them. June rubbed her cheek against his leg, kissing the inside of his knee, as she slowly revealed his erection.

  “June?” Tytus groaned, sounding nervous.

  June smiled. This was new for him.

  Good. I’m going to blow your mind, handsome.

  Tytus shaft jutted straight out from his hips. From where June knelt, she finally had a good view of him.


  June bit her lip anxiously. Tytus hadn’t exaggerated. The sight of his impressive length and girth caused a responding ache in her womb.

  Tytus’ cock was a deeper shade of red than the rest of him. The head was thick, with a pronounced crown. June drew in a ragged breath when she noticed the knots beneath the silky skin of his shaft. They were each the size of a pearl, forming a spiral pattern from the base of his head all the way to the root. The thought of what those knots would feel like rubbing against her sensitive flesh, elicited a flood of moisture from her channel.

  June wanted to touch him, taste him, and bring him pleasure like he’d shown her. She reached up and traced the smooth skin of his cock. Her finger ran along the hard knots on his shaft, following them to his engorged crown. Tytus’ penis jumped at her tentative exploration.

  “June,” he growled sternly, as he glanced between her and the road ahead.

  June decided she better be quick, before he halted all the fun. It took both hands to encircle him. She then leaned forward, and wrapped her mouth around the head of his cock.

  Tytus choked out an incoherent sound as the warm cavern of her mouth enveloped him. His hips bucked when she rolled her tongue across his sensitive crown. He filled her mouth, stretching it wide, but she still worked to take him in deeper. Her tongue massa
ged the base of his shaft as she relaxed her jaw.

  June used the saliva slipping down his shaft to coat the entire length, as she slid her hands back and forth. His heady scent worked its way into her, calling to her baser instincts. Her moan of approval, sent vibrations through his cock.

  “Son of a metcor,” Tytus cursed, as he again bucked into her mouth.

  He was sweet, as he spurt a little in her mouth. His taste was a pleasant surprise. His response to her ministrations was terribly erotic, turning her on even more. His essence, like his kiss, held that euphoric hormone. June groaned as she felt the responding burn in her clit and erect nipples. She began sucking and stroking Tytus fervently, eager to taste more of him, and to bring him to quaking completion.

  Tytus quo Munitor

  Sweat rolled down Tytus’ brow as he clenched the controls. Females didn’t do the things June was currently doing. Her hot wet mouth wrapped around his shaft, was glorious and painful all at once. Each time she sucked him in, Tytus saw stars in front of his eyes.

  It was taking all his control to keep the rota on the road, when he wanted to pull over and do countless depraved things to June. The scent of her desire added to his madness. Just thinking about how her slit was spilling more fluid than seemed possible, had Tytus clenching his jaw. He wanted to hold her down and subject her to the same glorious torture, she was dishing out. It wasn’t honorable to want to make her beg for mercy, but he wasn’t feeling very honorable at the moment.

  Tytus found his hand tangled in June short brown hair, cupping her head as he thrust into her mouth. The way she looked at him so brazenly with those big dark eyes, had him swelling further. The look of ecstasy on her face, her red lips wrapped around his girth, was as erotic as the sensations bombarding him.

  When June rolled her tongue and moaned, Tytus erupted. He bit his lip hard to keep from bellowing. The heat of his release shot up his spine and along his shaft. June swallowed him down, eliciting his shaft to kick, and his legs to cramp. More of his seed pumped out, spilling from her pink lips.

  June came out from under the controls and sat back, looking pleased with herself, as she licked her lips.

  “You, my little mate, are in trouble,” Tytus promised as his chest heaved.

  “I don’t think so. You wouldn’t want to attract everyone’s attention, would you?”

  June was unrepentant with the way she taunted him. She knew she had him cornered. Human females were not timid. Not with how they approached problems and certainly not with how they approached their males. She was pushing him to the edge of sanity. He could feel himself slipping piece by piece.

  Tytus’ head swiveled back towards the road when movement caught his eye.

  “Shhh, Cyprian is circling round,” he husked to June.

  Of course, the warrior picks now to come check on me.

  Tytus was glad the open air dissipated the scent of what had just occurred. He glanced back to see June ducking low amongst the blankets, hiding her face.

  “Tytus, how are you? I can’t imagine you slept much,” Cyprian called out to Tytus, as he maneuvered his rota alongside them. “When I glanced back, you looked like you might need a break.”

  “I’m managing.” Tytus wanted to groan as he wondered what expression Cyprian might have seen on his face.

  I probably looked like a crazed beast, with the things June was doing.

  “You never let us down. Thank you,” the short haired warrior replied. “Do you think you will be fine if we don’t pitch camp till the sun descends.”

  “I think so.”

  Tytus was relieved when the general moved on again. The close call had effectively put a damper on his heated mood, which was probably for the best.

  The ride was quiet as they pressed onward, heading steadily towards the Durjon forest. Tytus glanced back to see June had drifted to sleep in her little burrow of blankets. She looked so sweet as she slumbered. The image belied her deviant nature.

  I don’t know what I’m going to do about my rotten little mate, Tytus shook his head wearing a broad grin.

  Evening arrived swiftly once they entered the dense forest. The caravan was forced to stop at the first clearing, to set up camp while they still had some light to work by.

  “I’ll come get you after we get settled in,” Tytus told June, before hopping out of the rota.

  She nodded with a yawn.

  “We’re going to pitch camp over there,” Cyprian suggested, as he and the other warriors unloaded the supplies they needed for the night.

  “I’ll set-up my tent with the rota,” Tytus replied.

  “Do you think we’re going to be overrun by bandits in the night?” Vintor asked.

  “No, he just spends too much time in that lab by himself. He doesn’t play well with other warriors.” Ashtoret commented.

  “You might be on to something. Have you ever seen our techie fight?” Cyprian added.

  Tytus chuckled at the ribbing.

  “I have a few items packed away that might attract animals,” Tytus informed them.

  June was the biggest one, but the tracking plates sewn into artificial flesh, might interest some scavenging creature. So, the excuse wasn’t a total fabrication.

  Tytus assisted in building a fire then returned to his rota.

  “Do you need help?” June whispered from the bed of the vehicle, as Tytus set up their tent.

  “No,” he whispered.

  The A-frame tent went up easy. Tytus hopped into the rota and stopped. Before he could repress it, a laugh burst from his mouth. June was laid out in the giant bag, ready for him to haul her out. Her face peeking out from one end, reminded him of a little soil digger, popping its head up from its burrow.

  “Seal me up,” June grinned.

  “What are you laughing about over there?” Vintor called out.

  “Uh oh,” June’s eyes widened.

  “Nothing, I just surprised a little digger nosing through my stuff,” Tytus replied to Vintor, as he smirked down at his funny little stowaway.

  Tytus felt incredibly weird carrying June out of the rota in the large bag. He never imagined he’d be sneaking his mate around, and certainly not in a ready bag. While no one was paying attention, he hustled her into the copse of trees on the other side of the road.

  June relieved herself quickly, though she looked rather awkward. She wasn’t well versed with going out in nature. Tytus had to cover his mouth to repress another laugh, when she emerged from the brush with a disgruntled look on her face.

  “Tytus, I hope I don’t end up with some sort of Cadi poison ivy on my rear end from squatting in those bushes.”

  “You should be fine. This area is clear of poisonous flora. Although I’ll happily rub ointment on your backside if you do,” Tytus replied as he swatted June’s butt.

  Her head swung around in surprise, to see Tytus’ cheeky grin.

  “You are ornery,” she hissed.

  “I’m not the only one,” he husked, as she climbed into the tent. “I’ll come back soon with food.”

  She nodded with a smile as he parted.

  Tytus returned to the fire to find the males roasting several plucked parma. The bird wasn’t too tough, so June’s blunt little teeth ought to manage. Skewered alongside the savory foul were a variety of root vegetables. Everything looked mouthwatering.

  “Thunder, you out did yourself,” Ashtoret commented to the blonde Toufik.

  “Hunting on Cadi is easy. The prey is plentiful. It begs for Thunder to snatch it up. I heard the birds say eat me,” Thunder gestured, a proud toothy smile splitting his face.

  The group laughed at Thunder’s jest. Since freeing the Toufik, their jovial personalities were becoming more and more apparent.

  “I can’t even imagine how you managed on your planet.” Vintor shook his head.

  Tytus recalled the sunbaked wasteland they rescued the Toufik from. The enormous twisting storm, hurling debris, was still a feature in his occasional nightmare

  “I would hunt for days and not find so many birds,” Thunder replied.

  “We’re going to find out what happened to your people,” Cyprian stated seriously. “I promise you, I will do what I can to see them returned.”

  “I understand friend. Much thanks,” Thunder signed with an appreciative nod.

  “When we meet up with your clan, I have tracking plates that will need to be implanted in everyone,” Tytus informed the group as he showed off the spot on his upper thigh.

  “I always knew you were part machine. That’s why you’re so good with them,” Cyprian joked.

  “Soon you will be too,” Tytus taunted.

  “Are we seriously going to let him cut us open and jab us full of mechanical bits?” Vintor inquired.

  “When it starts to take over my mind, someone promise to put me out of my misery,” Ashtoret insisted in mock horror.

  Tytus shook his head at the males. The banter around the campfire was the one thing he did miss about the war. Many a night, he worked on equipment using the fire light to help him see. He’d join in the conversation or just laugh at the stories.

  They plated up the food once it cooled, then Tytus bid everyone good night.

  “That smells wonderful,” June whispered when he entered the A-frame tent.

  He watched her greedily eat, though she didn’t consume nearly as much as he expected. Tytus finished the rest and set the plate aside.

  “Is everyone good?” she asked.

  “Yes. They are over in the clearing. We should be fine with the rota blocking our tent. Just don’t get up and wander in the night.”

  “I’m not the sleep walker,” June teased.

  Her ornery demeanor reminded Tytus of her stunt in the rota.


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