A Kingdom in Chaos (A Kingdom Divided Book 3)
Page 26
At the thought, a breeze blew across the surface of the lake, sending a tingle down Sanshi’s neck. The temperature dropped and suddenly he found himself freezing. Sanshi rested from the oars and struggled to pull his cloak tighter about him.
“Sanshi!” a voice rang out.
The hairs on Sanshi’s neck stood on end. Whether in his head or aloud, he did not know, but the voice was unmistakable—one he had first heard many years ago. He had first heard it when had stood before the Gates of Death.
“Mistress,” was his simple reply as he prostrated himself against the timber deck of the rowboat.
“Sanshi,” the voice came again, “I told you that foolish child would bring ruin on us all. You should have known better.”
“I tried, Mistress, but the others were adamant.”
“Do you blame your brethren only because they are absent?” the voice asked.
“No, Mistress. You know all, you know that she was not my first choice for a servant.”
“Indeed I do, Sanshi. That is why you drew the straw to watch the lake this day. Your brethren have already paid the price for not heeding my instruction. Hitomi was a spoiled brat. She corrupted our order for her own gain. When she set her hand against the Listars she was destined to bring ruin on us all.”
“Why, Mistress? What is one man before your might?”
“There are two,” the Mistress answered, “and their lives are not mine to take.”“
“I don't understand,” Sanshi answered.
“And you don't have to. But you do have work to do. The temple must be rebuilt. I will send you new Masters, so you will not walk alone, and you will not fail me again.”
“Very well, Mistress. What would you have me do?”
“You are to travel to Sevalorn. The harvest is great, but the laborers are few. You must set to work at once.”
“Very well, Mistress,” Sanshi replied as he raised himself up and took his seat at the oars once more.
As he pulled against the oars, the weather warmed and Sanshi knew his Mistress had departed. What does Death want in Sevalorn? Sanshi wondered as he slowly rowed back to the city.
About the Author
I am a tax and business consultant from Brisbane, Australia. A Kingdom in Chaos is the conclusion of my first trilogy (but not my last). It has been a thrill for me to write and I hope you have enjoyed the books, too. I grew up reading from many amazing authors like Tolkien, Feist, Clancy, Matthew Reilly and others.
Each of them spun tales that filled me with wonder and awe as I imagined the world they vividly crafted with each carefully selected word. They are incredible masterpieces that have thrilled readers for decades. My hope is that I can add something new to the genre. Instead of a slow buildup of an incredibly detailed plot, my goal is to write fantasy that takes place at breakneck speed, sweeping you the reader along with it.
I expect that my literature (like everything in life) will improve with each novel. I hope you enjoyed this latest installment.
Until next time!
Samuel C. Stokes
P.S. Authors live at the mercy of Amazon and its search engines. The single greatest thing you can do for me as an author is to take a few minutes to leave a positive review on Amazon.
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