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Page 63

by Peter Hart

Bone, Algeria 9

  Boomerang Redoubt 258, 259

  Border Barricade 418

  Borkum island, North Sea 13

  Borthwick, Trooper Alex 315

  Boué de Lapeyrère, Vice Admiral Augustin 9–10

  Bourne, Major G. H. 318

  Bouvet 33, 36, 38–40

  Bowers, Company Quartermaster Sergeant Archie 431

  Boxall, Captain Caryl 152

  Boyden, Corporal Rex 381–82

  Boyun 90

  Bradshaw, Second Lieutenant Bertie 251

  Braithwaite, Major General Walter 65, 109, 360–61, 397

  Bramwell, Captain Charles 261

  Brazier, Lieutenant Colonel Noel 315, 316

  Breslau (light cruiser) 5, 9, 11, 12, 386

  Bridges, Major General Sir William 48, 78, 99, 106, 107, 114, 186–88

  Brighton Beach 79, 85


  takes control of Egypt and Cyprus 4

  and oil 4, 18

  relationship with Turkey 4

  entente with Russia and France (1904) 4

  Turkish warships issue 8–9, 12

  declares war on Germany (1914) 9, 10

  declares war on Turkey 48

  British Army

  I Corps 397

  VIII Corps 238, 259, 279, 283, 284–85, 367, 417, 431, 432, 459, 504

  IX Corps 278, 280, 281, 330, 356, 357, 367, 368, 371, 408, 414

  53rd Division 358, 368

  158th Brigade 358–59

  1st Herefordshire Regiment 404, 405, 406

  159th Brigade 358–59, 394

  4th Cheshire Regiment 359

  4th Welsh Regiment 359

  7th Cheshire Regiment 359

  54th Division 359

  162nd Brigade 361

  1/4th Northamptonshire Regiment 407

  163rd Brigade 359–60

  1/5th Suffolk Regiment 360

  2nd Division 397

  2nd Mounted Division 370, 373, 378

  1st Brigade, 1st Royal Gloucester Hussars 375

  2nd Brigade, 1st West Somerset Yeomanry 415

  4th Brigade, 1st County of London Yeomanry 373, 374, 376, 377

  29th Division 24, 50–51, 69, 73, 120, 126, 138, 162, 166, 175, 205, 206, 210, 215, 216, 230–31, 238, 240, 244, 259, 287, 368, 369–70, 373, 378, 433, 438, 450, 453

  1/87th Brigade, Border Regiment 129, 259

  11th Brigade 69

  86th Brigade 70, 132, 137, 138, 206, 243, 287

  1/Lancashire Fusiliers 132–37, 153, 503

  2/Royal Fusiliers 128–29

  Royal Munster Fusiliers 72, 154, 219

  1st Battalion 140, 148, 150, 155, 158, 159, 162, 165, 166, 167, 210, 263

  X Company 149, 150

  Y Company 152

  Z Company 148, 149

  87th Brigade 129, 206, 243

  King’s Own Scottish Borderers (KOSB) 123, 127, 262

  1st Battalion 121, 123–28, 240, 243, 259, 260, 263

  88th Brigade 138, 154, 206, 209, 243, 284, 286

  1/5th Royal Scots 205, 227, 228, 243, 250

  1st Royal Newfoundland Regiment 393, 446, 447

  2nd Hampshire Regiment 72, 140, 152, 153, 162, 163, 164, 250

  Worcestershire Regiment 219

  4th Battalion 138, 153, 243

  Army Service Corps 393, 395

  Royal Engineers, 2nd London Field Company 131

  42nd Division 23, 50, 216, 238, 239, 244, 247, 248, 250, 432

  125th Brigade 284, 287

  1/5th Lancashire Fusiliers 216, 224

  1/6th Lancashire Fusiliers 50, 225, 391

  1/7th Lancashire Fusiliers 288, 418–19

  126th Brigade, 1/9th Manchester Regiment 226, 289, 290

  127th Brigade 244, 245, 284, 286, 287

  1/5th Manchester Regiment 239

  1/6th Manchester Regiment 224, 226, 239, 244, 285, 287, 288

  1/7th Manchester Regiment 239, 241, 245, 248, 249, 250

  1/8th Manchester Regiment 239

  South Eastern Mounted Brigade

  1st West Kent Yeomanry 418, 419, 420

  Sussex Yeomanry 419

  52nd Division 222, 236, 237, 238, 252, 253, 272, 273, 438

  155th Brigade 267, 273

  1/4th King’s Own Scottish Borders (KOSB) 269, 437

  1/5th King’s Own Scottish Borders (KOSB) 267

  156th Brigade 260, 262

  1/4th Royal Scots 392

  1/8th Scottish Rifles 260, 261, 262

  157th Brigade 267, 269, 273

  1/6th Highland Light Infantry 273

  53rd Division, 159th Brigade 394

  Essex Regiment, 1st Battalion 137, 138, 153

  First Army 46

  General Staff 63

  Gloucestershire Regiment, 7th (Service) Battalion 319–20, 321

  High Command 46, 66, 169

  Inniskilling Fusiliers

  1st Battalion 129

  5th Battalion 346

  North Staffordshire Regiment 321

  6th Battalion 326

  Royal Artillery 225

  Royal Dublin Fusiliers 72, 162, 219, 354

  1st Battalion 140–47, 149, 154, 155, 210, 262

  Royal Field Artillery

  147th Brigade

  97th Battery 229, 230

  368th Battery 256

  460th Battery 225

  Royal Fusiliers 132, 136, 137

  Royal Garrison Artillery 36, 38, 189

  Royal Horse Artillery, 15th Brigade, Y Battery 223

  Sherwood Forester Regiment, 9th Battalion 332

  South Lancashire Regiment 321

  6th Battalion 324, 326

  South Staffordshire Regiment, 7th Battalion 332

  South Wales Borderers 263

  2nd Battalion 129–30, 131

  Territorial Army

  53rd (Welsh) Division 275

  54th (East Anglian) Division 275

  Welsh Regiment, 8th (Service) Battalion (Pioneers) 319–20, 321

  Wiltshire Regiment, 5th Battalion 326

  Yeomanry Regiments 370

  Yorkshire Regiment, 6th Battalion 333, 340

  ill-equipped to fight at Gallipoli viii

  size of 1

  failure at V Beach 168–69

  Helles attacks of 12-13 July 268–72

  shortcomings 458–59

  D-Day landings 460

  British Empire 4, 18, 22, 50, 69, 223, 236, 431, 450, 453

  casualty statistics 452

  British Expeditionary Force (BEF) 1, 14, 63, 431, 436, 461

  Brooke, Sub Lieutenant Rupert 53, 54, 55, 389, 454

  Brookes, Corporal Fred 43, 196–97

  Browne, Lieutenant Denis 54, 55, 247

  Bruin, Private Cornelius Jean de (Dick Cooper) 52, 205–6, 227–28

  Bulair Isthmus 60, 62, 65–66, 175, 176, 178, 179, 181, 276

  Bulair Lines 13, 60, 61, 68

  Bulair sector 283, 353


  independence 2

  in the Balkan League 3

  attacks Greece and Serbia (1913) 4

  Kemal in 96

  start of hostilities against 387

  joins the Central Powers 411

  and Turkish artillery 411

  Bulgarian Army 387

  Bulldog (destroyer) 334

  Burge, Major Norman 390–91, 442, 445, 448, 449, 450

  Burns, Corporal Daniel 348, 352

  Burrows, Company Sergeant Major William 417

  Buyuk Anafarta 83

  Byng, Lieutenant General Sir Julian 278, 368, 413, 414


  C Beach, Suvla 331, 345, 506

  Cabinet 16, 237, 396, 401, 410, 412, 413

  Caddy, Lieutenant James 423–24, 428


  ANZAC Corps in 49

  ‘Battle of the Wozzer’ 49

  42nd Division train in 50

  Caldwell, Major General Sir Charles 385, 397

  Caledonia (hospital ship) 328, 329

  Callwell, Charles Edward 436

bsp; Camber harbour, Sedd el Bahr 28, 146, 157

  Campbell, Sergeant 301–2

  Campbell, Deputy Quartermaster General Walter 413, 414, 416, 441

  Cape Tekke 137

  Carden, Vice Admiral Sackville 15, 16, 19, 24, 26, 29

  Carrington Smith, Lieutenant Colonel Herbert 140, 141, 152, 153, 157–58

  Casey, Major Richard 114

  Casson, Lieutenant Colonel Hugh 130

  Caucasus mountains 14, 18, 19

  Cayley, General 416

  Cemm, Able Seaman Daniel 37–38, 40

  Central Powers 2, 6, 7, 20, 411, 457, 458

  CEO see Corps Expéditionnaire d’Orient

  Chailak Dere 279, 303

  Chanak (Çaanakale) 36, 37, 66, 206, 444, 503

  Chapman, Private 190

  Charing Cross railway station, London 397

  Charlemagne 33, 36

  Charles-Roux, Captain François 252

  Chatham 345

  Chelmer (destroyer) 196

  Chessboard, the 181, 182, 183, 292, 308, 310, 313, 316, 317, 318, 505

  Chitral Expedition (1895) 47

  Chocolate Hill 280, 281, 283, 331, 345, 349, 350, 351, 355, 374, 375, 376, 506

  Chunuk Bair 88, 89, 91, 93, 96, 97, 107, 109, 118, 190, 277, 279, 292, 305–8, 313, 319, 320, 323, 325, 326, 327, 456, 505

  Churchill, Sir Winston

  First Lord of the Admiralty viii, 8, 237

  and Turkish warships issue 8–9, 457

  attack on Turkish forts 13

  on Jellicoe 17

  a member of the War Council/Dardanelles Committee 17, 253

  and Fisher 19, 457–58

  forms the RND 52

  loses position in the Admiralty 237, 397

  Monash on 294

  opposes evacuation 397–98

  on Monro 399

  aims to remove Turkey from the war 457

  responsibility for Gallipoli’s failure 460, 462

  rebirth as a war leader in the Second World War 460

  Clark, Midshipman Edwin 104

  Clayton, Captain Harold 133, 135

  Clifford, Corporal Godfrey 418, 419–20

  Colne (destroyer) 78, 303

  Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum, London (later Friern Hospital) 57

  Combined Operations Command 460

  Committee of Imperial Defence 16, 46, 48

  Committee of Union and Progress 2

  Conqueror 14

  Conservative Party 237

  Constantinople (later Istanbul) 386, 401, 449, 456

  British Naval Mission 4, 12

  German Embassy 5

  Russia aims to occupy 20–21

  British Embassy 53, 388

  German Military Mission 58

  capture of 254

  Contan, Sergeant 428

  Cooke, Lieutenant Charles 393, 395

  Cooper, A.E. 454–55

  Cooper, Dick see Bruin, Private Cornelius Jean de

  Cooper, Brigadier-General Richard Joshua 327–28

  Corbet, Lieutenant 155

  Cornwallis, HMS (pre-dreadnought) 130, 131–32, 143, 146, 152, 154, 157

  Coronel, Battle of (1914) 14–15

  Corps Expéditionnaire d’Orient (CEO) High Command 386

  1st Division 51, 215–16, 239

  1st (Métropolitaine) Brigade 51, 175, 205, 210

  1st Régiment de Marche d’Afrique 51, 52, 257

  Légion Étrangère (French Foreign Legion) 52, 205, 206, 228

  175th Régiment 51, 208

  1st Battalion 253, 255

  3rd Battalion 51, 214, 218, 268

  39th Régiment d’Artillerie 213, 240, 246, 255, 265, 386

  Coloniale Brigade 51, 174, 210, 433

  4th Régiment Mixte Coloniale 51

  6th Régiment Mixte Coloniale 51, 170, 172, 173, 174, 255, 257

  2nd Division 216, 239, 265, 387

  3rd (Métropolitaine) Brigade, 176th Régiment 257

  10th Division 387

  1st Régiment du Génie 418, 438

  8th Artillery Regiment 172

  30th Regiment, 52nd Battery 211, 228, 266

  military efficiency 51

  training at Mudros 52

  in First Battle of Krithia 208, 209

  on the right flank at Helles viii, 206, 210, 216

  Royal Navy support 211–12

  ground regained in counter-attack 212

  in Second Battle of Krithia 216–19

  at Haricot Redoubt and Kereves Dere (21 June) 254–58

  capture of the Quadrilateral 264–65

  keen to remove remaining division and artillery 432–33

  casualty statistics 453

  re-occupation of Sedd el Bahr 456

  Corrie, Captain 235

  Cosgrove, Corporal William 165–66

  Courtney’s Post 181, 191, 200, 422

  Cowey, Lieutenant Robert 102

  Cox, Brigadier General Vaughan 303

  Crawford, Lieutenant Andrew 314–15

  Crawley’s Crater 419

  Cregan, Dr 395

  Crewe, Marquess of 18

  Crimean War (1853-6) 64, 66

  Croly, Captain Arthur 116

  Crookenden, Captain Arthur 359, 394

  Cunningham, Major William 319, 320–21

  Curzon, Lord 412

  Cut, the 336, 506

  Cyprus 4


  D-Day landings (1944) 460–62

  Daily Telegraph newspaper 234

  Damakjelik Bair 303, 304, 323, 326, 378

  Dardanelles Army 401, 402

  Dardanelles Commission 396

  Dardanelles Committee

  previously the War Council 237

  membership 237

  discusses the campaign’s progress 253

  sends out more divisions 253–54, 272

  dismisses Hamilton 396

  superceded by the War Committee 400

  Dardanelles Narrows 19, 58, 62, 76, 386, 456, 503, 504

  launch of attempt to force the Narrows (18 March 1915) 32–33

  minefields 43, 45

  Hamilton’s plan 68

  Royal Navy’s scheme 399

  Dardanelles Straits

  Allies aim to control vii

  entrance to 12, 13, 24, 28, 170

  navy ordered to strike at Turkish forts 13

  Carden’s plan 16, 19

  attack across the canal launched 23

  forts battered in 25 February attack 26

  fighting at Sedd el Bahr and Kum Kale 27–29

  chaotic withdrawal 29

  howitzer fire 30–31, 35, 36, 43

  minesweeping 32, 33

  plan for battle of 18 March 32–33

  Carden replaced by de Robeck 32

  Allied fleet passes into the Straits 33, 34, 35

  French ships under pressure 37–38

  fate of the Bouvet 38–40

  Lord Nelson hit 40–41

  Inflexible and Irresistible hit 41

  withdrawal of Allied ships 41, 42

  perceived threat of floating mines 41, 45

  Ocean hit and abandoned 42

  assessment of the battle 43–44

  Haig’s view of the operation 46

  physical dominance of 58

  proposed renewed assault on 399–400, 412–13

  potential U-boat usage 401, 413

  Dardanos (Fort No.8) 27, 37

  Davidson, Captain Alexander 130, 131–32

  Davidson, Captain George 160, 164, 269–70, 392

  Davies, Lieutenant General Sir Francis 284–85, 286

  Davis, Lieutenant Harold 375

  Dawnay, Major Guy 367

  de la Touche, Captain Rageot 39

  de Lisle, Major General Henry de Beauvoir 287, 368, 369, 373

  de Robeck, Vice Admiral John 32, 36, 41, 45, 46, 399

  De Tott’s Battery 67, 129, 130, 131, 206, 211

  Dead Man’s Ridge 184, 313, 317, 318

  Decauville light railway 438

ence 11

  Denham, Midshipman Henry 335

  Denton, Major 87

  Destroyer Hill 303

  Dignam, Captain 192

  diseases 230–31, 283

  Dix, Commander Charles 80, 81, 82

  Djemal Pasha (Ahmad Djemal) 3, 7

  Dodecanese Islands 3

  Dodge, Johnny 53

  Dolan, Lance Sergeant Thomas 337

  Dongola (hospital ship) 105

  Doughty, Corporal Ralph 251, 271–72, 291

  Doughty Wylie, Lieutenant Colonel Charles (Dick) 73, 158, 162–63, 164–65, 167–68, 454–55

  Doughty Wylie, Lily 73

  Douglas, Major General William 284

  Drake-Brockman, Major Edmund 87

  Dreadnought 15

  Drewry, Midshipman George 71–72, 74, 147, 149, 151, 161

  Drysdale, Lieutenant Donald 349–50

  Dublin, HMS 27, 124

  Duff, Lieutenant Patrick 225

  Duke, Private Charles 105–6, 190, 298, 300–301

  Duke of Edinburgh 11


  Eades, Sergeant Cecil 221

  East Mediterranean Fleet (British) 15

  East Mudros Military Cemetery 389

  Eastern Expeditionary Force 397

  Eastern Front

  munitions needed to feed Russian guns vii

  and the Schlieffen Plan 1

  Battle of Tannenberg 14

  Eastern Mediterranean Forces (EMF) 413, 414, 416, 441

  Eastern Mediterranean Squadron (EMS) (British) 63, 71

  Eaton, Company Quartermaster Sergeant F.L. 338–39, 342, 346

  Eden Palace Hotel, Cairo 49, 431

  Edwards, Private A.H. 428, 429

  Egerton, Major General Granville 273


  Britain takes control of (late 19th century) 4

  ANZAC Corps deployed in 23, 24, 48–49, 87

  Monro in 399

  Cabinet fears effect on Egypt of acknowledging defeat 412

  Ellis, Sergeant 317

  Entente Powers 6, 7, 457

  Enver Bey (Ismail Enver) 3, 6, 7, 12, 14, 18, 59, 189, 209

  Eren Keui Bay 33, 41, 266, 503

  Erin (dreadnought battleship) 8

  Essad Pasha 178

  Euphrates river expeditions (1915) 18

  Euryalus, HMS 132, 133, 153

  Evans, Private Sydney 259

  Ewart, Lieutenant Gneeral Sir John 278

  Ewing, Chaplain John 392

  Ezine 60


  Fahrettin Bey, Lieutenant Colonel 110

  Faik, Captain 79, 83, 85, 86

  Fanshawe, Major General Edward 368

  Farm Plateau 326

  Fasih, Second Lieutenant Mehmed 409, 410

  Feizi Bey, Colonel 323, 353–54

  Fenwick, Lieutenant Colonel Percival 103–4, 194

  Feodosia 13

  Ferrier, Corporal ‘Sid’ 383, 384

  Fetherstonhaugh, Major Edwyn 146

  Feuille, Lieutenant Henri 211, 217–18, 228, 266, 433–34

  Fig Tree Spur 243

  Fildes, Private Herbert 49–50, 91–92

  Findlay, Major James 260–62

  Fir Tree Spur 219, 258, 260, 262, 284


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