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Meagan (I Dare You Book 3)

Page 4

by Jennifer Labelle

  She had heard Nathan and Rafe leave for work earlier and assumed the others were still sleeping off last night’s activities. She smiled on her way out wondering if any of them realized how thin the walls were.

  It was a beautiful day, and she decided to walk the five blocks to her destination. She took the same route they had last night, only to be too preoccupied with nerves to actually enjoy the short trek.

  In a matter of minutes, she was there, and after a few more minutes of mentally giving herself a pep talk, she stopped staring at the ‘Closed’ sign and knocked on the door.

  “Right on time.” Coop smiled as he stepped aside to let her in before locking up again. The bar didn’t open for a few hours yet, giving them the opportunity to have the interview uninterrupted. “Can I get you anything before we start?”

  “Some coffee would be great, if you have any.” Meagan smiled shyly in return and then blushed as she had to smoother a yawn. “I’m sorry. I’m normally not so tired. I just didn’t sleep as well as I’d hoped.”

  “Oh?” He arched a brow quizzically before turning to lead the way. “I hope you don’t mind, but my office is upstairs, and so is the coffee.”

  “Not at all.” Meagan admired his defined rear, a perfect muscular ass with a slight wiggle when he walked, and obediently followed him, trying not to leave a trail of drool along her way. What is it about him?

  Last night’s lack of sleep wasn’t only due to the noisiness of the love fest in the room above hers—it was also due to the lust-filled dreams brought on by the man in front of her. Stop staring and be professional, Meagan. You can do this. She cleared her throat. “So when do I get to meet the boss? Not that it’s not great to see you again. I just thought…”

  “You just thought you’d be meeting with someone else.” Coop chuckled and watched as she took everything in. They were finally upstairs. “You’re looking at him, though. I guess I should have mentioned that to you last night, huh?”

  Her gaze stopped wandering around his upstairs apartment and landed on his again. “So you’re the boss?”

  “The one and only.” He smiled. “The old owner took me in when I was younger to keep me out of trouble, and when he decided to retire a few years ago, I made an offer.” He shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal and gestured for her to follow him again. “The kitchen is this way. We’ll grab you that coffee and then start that interview.”

  “O-okay.” Meagan gulped. She watched him as he prepared her coffee.

  A few minutes later, he handed her the mug of java and then pointed toward the milk and sugar. “Help yourself.”

  “Mmm.” She moaned in delight right after her first sip and closed her eyes. “Thank you. I really needed this.”

  “So I’ve heard.” He chuckled. “Want to talk about it? Last night you seemed a little skittish, yet playful. Beautiful, but shy.” He winked. “I thought for sure you’d be tuckered out, though. It was your first night here, and by the sounds of it, it was quite a long day of travelling, too.”

  “It was.” Meagan shrugged. “And I was. When we got home, I went straight to bed. I probably fell asleep right when my head hit the pillow, only it didn’t last long.” She sighed. “I wonder if my cousin knows how well sound travels in his house. It doesn’t help that the guest room is right below theirs.” She grimaced and gave a small shudder. “Anyway, their sexcapades lasted until four this morning, and it’s hard to tune out a banging headboard, muffled voices, and cries of ecstasy. I seriously need to invest in some earplugs.”

  Her thought ended on a smile as Coop burst into loud laughter.

  “Too much information?” she teased, enjoying how comfortable she felt around him. Maybe the interview, or working here, won’t be so bad after all.

  “Hey, I did ask.” He ushered her into the office in the next room. “Did you have a chance to fill out the application and attach a resume?”

  “I did, although like I told you last night, I’ve never worked in a bar before. I am, however, a quick learner, and I’m willing to try.” She took the documents from her purse and handed them over before sitting in the chair on the other side of his desk.

  “Good.” He looked over her information. “Everything looks good here with the paperwork. I’ll just need to call a few references, and do a background check, and we’ll be set.” Meagan nodded, and he continued. “We’re pretty laid-back here, Meagan. I’m sure you’ll fit in great. There’s only a few rules to stick by: one, be on time, two, make an effort, and three, if there are any problems, let me know about it. I’ve got an awesome staff, and I have no doubt you’ll work out. Any questions?”

  “Yeah. When can I start?”

  “How about tomorrow? I’d like you to come in a couple hours early so I can give you the tour and introduce you to everyone. The job itself is pretty straightforward.”

  “Okay.” Meagan began to rise and held out her hand for Coop to take. “What time?”

  Coop stood up and his strong, calloused hand met her silky-smooth one. “If you’re here at five, it should give us plenty of time before our doors open at seven”

  She nodded before taking a step toward the door, where she stopped again. “Just one more thing.” She gave him her best smile, grateful for the chance he was taking on her, her first big break in her new start on life. “Should I call you Coop, Lyric, Mr. Cooper, or Boss?”

  “Whatever you like, darlin’. Mr. Cooper or Boss has got to go, but Lyric or Coop is fine. Most people call me Coop because of the band, though.”

  “That’s right. Your band is also named Lyric.” She smiled again and felt like flirting. “I like the name, but I suppose I should just go with the flow and call you Coop like everyone else, then?”

  “If you’d like, but since you like my name so much I suppose I wouldn’t mind hearing you use it.” He stepped closer until there were only a couple of inches separating them. The chemistry lingered thick in the air between the two, yet neither acted upon it.

  “Lyric,” she whispered, testing it out. She took a step closer and reached out to touch him. Her hand landed on his strong forearm, and she let herself enjoy the feel of his hard muscle underneath. “Thank you.”

  It wasn’t until later that night she regretted that action. She cursed herself for coming on too strong and hoped the embarrassment would fade before she saw him again. He was her new boss, for Christ’s sake, and the last thing she wanted to be was a walking cliché, no matter how strong the attraction.

  But tomorrow was another day, a day she was determined to make right, a day were she’d try her best to control her drooling. A day where she hoped to show Mr. Lyric Cooper that he wouldn’t regret his decision to hire her.

  Chapter Four

  “So how was your sleep this time?” Lyric asked, leading her toward the back to show her where to keep her stuff.

  “They’re still very active, but it wasn’t as bad as the night before. It probably had to do with the fact I was pretty much a walking zombie by the time I got to bed, though. Exhaustion took me into a nice dreamless serenity until the sun came up. It was great.”

  “I bet. You look great, by the way.” He gestured for her to enter through the door he now held open. It led to a small storage room located at the back of the bar that had a couple of lockers in the corner, with a few cleaning supplies and janitorial essentials scattered about.

  With a shy “Thank you, you’re not so bad yourself” in response, she headed inside while he nodded and continued the grand tour.

  “You can take one of these spare lockers for your stuff. It should be fine for tonight, but tomorrow you might want to bring a lock for it just in case.”

  “Okay.” Meagan put her purse and coat away. “What next?” She spun eagerly in his direction and looked forward to getting started. Yet she also felt a little nervous about it at the same time. She smoothed out her shirt self-consciously and waited.

  Coop stood there staring without another word, and she fidgeted. “Is somet
hing the matter?” She spun around again to make sure she was presentable. Maybe my fly is down, or I got a booger hanging… She chuckled to herself but wiped her nose just to be sure.

  “Nothing at all.” He smirked. “Now if you’ll follow me, I’ll show you around and introduce you to everyone. They should all be here shortly.”

  “So tell me, Coop, do you sing every night?” They’d passed by the stage, and Meagan couldn’t help but voice her curiosity as memories of him performing a few nights before came flooding back.

  “I play on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays, and on Monday, Wednesday, Thursdays, and Saturdays I do everything else.”

  “Well, you’re very good. Have you ever tried to go at it professionally?”

  “I did, once upon a time ago, but I’m content with where I’m at in my life. This bar holds a lot of sentimental value to me, and I’m not looking to leave it. Thanks for the compliment, though. I’m glad you enjoyed seeing me play.” He winked.

  “Oh, I’m not the only one.” She winked back. “There were quite a few women on Tuesday night smitten with the band and their lead singer.”

  “If you say so.” He held up his hands and chuckled.

  She laughed with him. “A humble one, are you? You intrigue me, Lyric, and I’m not sure if that’s a good thing.” She shrugged. “Nothing personal, I’m just not sure I’m ready to let myself feel like that again.”

  “Ah, yes. The dumbass married man who broke your heart. Not all men are that stupid, Meagan, and I hope that one day you’ll give one of us the chance to prove that to you.”

  She hadn’t realized how close they moved together by the time they’d finished talking. It was like her body had a mind of its own when it came to this man. There was an instant magnetism bringing them together, and it wasn’t until someone had cleared their throat behind them that Meagan snapped out of it and jumped back. “Now, boss, stop flirting with the new girl. You might scare her away.”

  Meagan turned to see five people smiling at them with a teasing glint in their eyes. One she recognized as the tall, good-looking bartender from Tuesday night. Sporting a hairstyle very much like Lyric’s, it was the messy I just crawled out of bed look. Slim and athletic, he was quite delectable, too. Damn, there are a lot of gorgeous men here. The other person beside him was a woman, short and very petite. She couldn’t have been more than five feet tall, maybe a hundred and ten pounds, tiny. She was actually quite cute with her dark curly hair and delicate features. The other three smiled wide while she assessed them with knowing looks, and she could only imagine they were doing the same to her. All three men were clad in jeans and old ratty t-shirts. There were tattoos, sculpted bodies, and ruggedly handsome faces staring back.

  “Well, he can certainly try, but it won’t work. I don’t scare very easily.”

  Coop laughed again before finally introducing them. “Meagan, this here is Brett, Mike, and Dave.” He pointed toward the three men with the tattoos and then pointed toward the other two. “And this is Ashley and Cory. Brett, Mike, and Dave are in the band with me. Mike takes care of the music on our off nights, and Brett and Dave man the door and make sure there isn’t anyone who gets too rowdy when it gets busy. Cory works the bar, and Ashley will be showing you the ropes tonight. You’ll be taking drink orders, walking around offering people shots, and doing a little cleanup with her. It won’t take long to get used to the rotation.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Thank God for another woman,” Ashley joked, grasping Meagan’s hand for a shake. “There is way too much testosterone around here. I’m severely outnumbered.”

  “Well, I’m glad to help out a bit, then.” She laughed again.

  “And I like that there’s no ring. Are you single, Meagan?”

  “Knock it off, Brett.” Coop nudged him in the shoulder with his own. “She’s here to work, not to be bothered by you.”

  “Careful, boys. Coop’s laid claim on this one,” Brett said. “Welcome, Meagan. We’re a harmless, playful bunch here.”

  “I can see that.” She instantly liked each one of them, and after she shook everyone’s hand, it was down to business.

  Ashley led her around the bar and helped her through the routine as they prepped for opening that night. Everyone busy with their own task; she felt silly for her earlier nervousness and almost felt like her normal self again, despite feeling Lyric’s eyes on her occasionally. She wasn’t sure if she liked it or if she should give into the anxiety.

  They’re like a family, and now I’m a part of it. The thought put her at ease.

  When the doors opened, it didn’t take long for the bar to fill up. Not as busy as her first night’s celebration with Nathan and the gang, but enough that it made the time fly by. She was enjoying herself. Megan was a natural at the job; drink orders were filled, shots were sold, tables were wiped, and generous tips were made.

  “How’s it going?” Ashley caught up to her at the bar in the middle of their shift and asked while she waited for more beer.

  “Great. The job’s pretty straightforward, and the tips have been pretty good so far.” Meagan chuckled. “But do you always get hit on so much? I think I’ve had about ten propositions so far, and I don’t even want to count how many numbers have been slipped to me as I pass by.”

  “Oh yeah, it comes with the territory. You’ll get used to it. You’re a beautiful woman, and also fresh meat here. It’ll die down eventually, and if anyone ever gets out of hand just tell one of the guys. Coop, Cory, Brett, Dave, and Mike are quite protective when need be.”

  “I’ve noticed, and I love that family atmosphere you all have going. I really think I’m going to like it here. I just hope I do a good enough job. The harmless flirting and propositions I can handle, though. I took a few self-defense classes once I got burned with an ex that got a little rough, and I vowed it would never happen again.”

  “Oh wow, and good for you. You’re doing great, though, and I really meant it when I said I was glad to see another female in this place. I have a feeling we’ll be great friends.” Ashley squeezed her hand before leaving with a full tray. “I’ll see you later.” She was taking table orders that night while Meagan walked around offering people shots of various flavors and colors, and cleaned up in between. All went well, until later on.

  She spotted Lyric aka Coop at the end of the bar as she wiped down a vacant table. It was almost the end of the night, and the crowd had begun to die down. With one leg propped up, Coop’s elbows rested against the wooden ledge behind him. He was definitely in his own element, cool, confident, and incredibly sexy. Meagan had to stop herself from drooling. Man, I’ve got to stop this, and as soon as the thought came out she felt as if a glass of cold water hit her as a gorgeous blonde approached him with a friend, both ladies strategically placed on either side of him. They began to giggle and press themselves against him while they talked. He looked amused by whatever it was they were saying, and she couldn’t take it anymore.

  Get a grip, Meagan. This probably happens all the time. He’s sexy, talented, outgoing, extremely nice, single from what I could tell, owns his own business, and has his own band. A complete and total package that you’re not ready for. Do not go there. You haven’t got a right to be jealous. She turned abruptly, hoping to distract herself with something else and finish up her task at hand, but instead landed smack dab in the middle of a solid chest.

  “Excuse me,” she muttered, and tried walking around the man.

  “Wait a sec, would you?” His large hand gripped her upper arm to stop her and jerked her closer. The strong stench of beer hit her nostrils, and she tried hard not to grimace. He was obviously drunk, and she wanted him to let her go. “What’s your name, sweetheart? My name is Greg, and I’m pretty sure you’re new here.” He burped, and this time she cringed.

  “I am.” She pulled on her arm to get free, and although he let go, he took a step closer. “If you’ll excuse me.” Meagan unsuccessfully tried to step
around him again, but he blocked her way. “I’ve got to get back to work.”

  “Oh, come on, baby, don’t be like that. All I asked for was your name.”

  “Meagan,” she said through a clenched jaw. Now she was annoyed, and obviously he wasn’t taking the hint. Since she couldn’t step around him, she decided she might try to back away instead. She plastered on a fake smile and slowly walked backwards, hoping he wouldn’t notice the gradual retreat. “Enjoy your night, Greg.”

  “Wait a minute.” The minute she turned her back, he grabbed her again, and spun her around to face him. “I wasn’t done. I’ve been watching you all night.” He exhaled, permeating his drunken stench again, and then his grip got tighter and she flinched. She was getting desperate to be released, but he pulled her so that she was pressed against him. “What do you say you and me get outta here and—”

  “I’d say I’m not interested and I think you should go home and sleep this off.” Megan pushed against him. “I’d also say that if you don’t let me go now, I may have to hurt you.”

  “Oh, so you’re one of those.” Greg chuckled but tightened his grip. “I’d like to see you try, bitch.”

  “She won’t have to.” Coop growled. “If you don’t let her go now, I’ll have to make you.” His massive six-foot-three muscular frame met Greg’s slightly slimmer, slightly shorter one. He reached out to grab her by her belt loop and drag her against him where she felt safe, and she finally let out a ragged breath now that there was some distance between herself and the very drunk Greg. She looked around and blushed, hating being the center of attention, especially unwanted attention at that. Brett and Dave flanked Coop on either side and cracked their knuckles, ready to pounce if they had to.

  “Come on, Coop, don’t be like that. I was just asking her out, that’s all.”


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