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Meagan (I Dare You Book 3)

Page 7

by Jennifer Labelle

  “Don’t be. Please don’t stop.” She reached for him again, but he sat up again and kept a safe distance between them. “Coop?”

  Shit! She felt like kicking herself for ruining the moment, and it had been such a good moment while it lasted. She bit her bottom lip to fight off the sting of rejection. It was ridiculous to feel that way, but still there regardless. He cursed again when a stray tear fell down her cheek.

  “You know I’ve been dreaming about kissing you since the moment I laid eyes on you.” He smiled and stretched out onto the bed beside her, and then he reached out to do nothing more than hold her. She had her body nestled next to him and sighed as she laid her head against his chest, listening to the soothing sound of his beating heart while he held her.

  “Then why didn’t you?”

  “Because I knew you’d been burned, and I wasn’t sure you’d be ready for anything I was ready to give you. But I couldn’t let you walk out my door without knowing I could see you again, and it worked out perfectly that you needed a job and I had one available. I also knew I needed to go slow with you and that if you wanted me, I’d have to let you make the first move. I’m not sure how you feel, Meagan, or what place I’ll have in your life for sure, but I’d rather have you as a friend than nothing at all.”

  “But what if I’m ready for more?”

  Coop chuckled, and it startled her. She shifted to look at him again. “Then say the word, sweetheart, and I’ll give it to you, but there’ll be nothing too physical until you’re all healed. You get me? I’m not going to risk hurting you like I did a minute ago, no matter how great that kiss was.”

  “It was pretty good, wasn’t it?” She grinned now that the sting of rejection was confirmed to be unwarranted. He wanted her, and damn it, she wasn’t about to let him go now. “I’m saying the word then, Coop. I need you in my life, and I want to be so much more than just your friend from now on, if you’ll have me.” She saw the heat in his eyes and felt his hard cock pressed against her leg. She rubbed against it and smiled wide when he growled.

  He halted her movement and held onto her leg when he said, “Not until you’re feeling better. Make no mistake that I want you. That my answer is yes, but just not now.” He gently removed her leg from where he held it on top of him and slipped away. “Now I’m about to take a cold shower, but before I do, I have one favor to ask.”

  He stood at the edge of the bed and waited for her to say something. “Anything.”

  “I’d like you to consider staying here for the next little while. We could take it day by day if you like, but I like having you around and knowing that you’re safe with my own eyes. You’d also be able to get as much rest as you needed here and…”

  “I get it,” Meagan interrupted. “And I’ll consider it as long as I don’t outstay my welcome. Truth be told, I kind of like having you take care of me at the moment, and I feel so safe with you. I love my cousin and his family, but they’d probably hover and I’m not sure I’d want that at the moment anyway. I want to move past this and move on with my life.”

  “Good, because I already got Rafe to drop some of your things off this morning. I figured he’d be easier to deal with than Nathan at the moment. They’re all worried sick, and I’m not sure how much longer the foursome will stay away. You’re loved here by so many, Meagan, so whenever it gets tough, please remember that, and I’m here if you need anything at all.”

  She couldn’t help but wonder if he was one of those many who loved her, and when she didn’t say anything, he nodded as if satisfied and headed toward the bathroom.

  She’d finally done it, had made her move to be with him, but now she had to figure out how to break past his stubborn barrier.

  Because now that she’d voiced her need for him, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to wait much longer. Her luck was changing, and she’d finally found someone good to spend her life with.

  What she needed now was reinforcements, and she knew just who to call to help her out.

  Chapter Seven

  “So how is the plan of seduction working out for you?” Ashley asked.

  Meagan grimaced.

  “That well, huh?” Heidi asked, and Zoey giggled.

  “Oh yeah, so well I’m beginning to wonder why I even bothered asking the three of you to help me out.” Meagan pouted. “I’ve tried flirting and touching him as much as possible. A brief touch on the arm as we’re talking, cuddling on the couch, or even sliding my body against his as he’s walked by on occasion. Hell, I’ve even worn that sexy silk teddy you sent me the other night and nothing. Not one spark of desire.”

  “Oh, I doubt that.” Heidi smiled and wrapped an arm around her. “There’s a spark every time that man looks your way. It’s only been a couple of days, and you’re already looking better. He’ll be putty in your hands in no time. You’ll see.”

  “I give up.” Meagan threw her hands in the air. “I know he cares for me, but I’m done chasing him. I’ve done it all. I’ve told him I want to be with him, and I’ve given him all the signals to proceed. So now I’m going to give in and wait for him to come to me this time, even if it takes his stubborn sexy ass way too long to figure it out. I’m way out of my league here.” She sighed heavily and leaned back in defeat.

  “Nonsense.” Zoey moved from the chair she was sitting on and joined them on the couch. “I thought the same thing when I first got with Rafe and then again with Heidi and Nathan, but they each showed me how wrong I was the more time I spent with them. I’ve never felt so loved in my entire life. Give it some time. You and Coop will get there.”

  Meagan nodded, and Heidi leaned in to hug her. “I am curious, though. Why do you think you’re out of your league, Meagan?”

  “Because it’s been so long since I’ve felt this way about someone. Because it’s been that long since I’ve been intimate with anyone, and because when it comes down to it, I don’t have much experience. Coop has a ton of beautiful women throwing themselves at him on a daily basis. What if I turn out to be a disappointment?”

  There, she’d said it. She’d voiced her fear. She’d been going through a rough time the last couple of days, and tempting Coop had been a good distraction from it. He held her at night, and was there for her when she cried or had a nightmare, but she had also begun to doubt her appeal. She wanted Coop to make love to her to wash away Greg’s filth and the insecurities David had given her.

  “Oh, Meagan,” Ashley said. Heidi, Zoey, and Ashley enveloped her in a group hug. “Those other women don’t know the real him. All they see is the gorgeous guy who owns the bar and sings for them. They’re regular groupies who see the lead singer in the band and want nothing more than a few nights of entertainment between the sheets. I’ve known Coop for a couple of years, and I know that he’s past all that. So yes, he could have his pick of any one of them, but he doesn’t. You’ve seen it for yourself. What he needs is someone stable to settle down with, and I’m pretty sure he wants that someone to be you. Will you be a disappointment? I doubt it. Anyone can see the chemistry the two of you share when you’re together.”

  “Thanks, Ashley.”

  “You’ll see soon enough. Just keep an open mind, love him with all of your heart, and you’ll be fine. It worked for me,” Zoey remarked.

  Heidi spoke up. “And trust me when I say you don’t need a ton of experience to make it good between the two of you. If you ask me, it just makes you even more appealing. Just think of it as a learning experience and imagine all of the things Coop will get to teach you. He’ll love it.”

  “Thanks again, ladies.” Meagan laughed. “I love all three of you. You know that, right? Nathan, Rafe, and Cory are three very lucky men, and I’m blessed to have the three of you as a part of my extended family. You always know how to make me feel better, and I’m grateful to have so many special people to turn to when I need it. Now what do you say we go down to the bar and see our special men? We can grab a drink to celebrate wonderful relationships, new beginnings, a
nd survival. I’m tired of feeling like the victim, and want to take my life back again.”

  Coop had insisted she take some time off out of concern, and although she appreciated it, she knew she’d be okay as long as he was around.

  “You got it.”

  And as the three of them went ahead of her, Meagan made sure to fix her turtleneck to hide the yellowing bruises that reminded her life was precious.

  * * * *

  Her long, dark hair reached the base of her back when she wore it down, and he loved the sexy length. Straight, it draped around her shoulders and framed her heart-shaped face. Her dark eyes glowed as she smiled at something Heidi had said, and he was entranced by the sight of her.

  She looked beautiful.

  He noted the way her red turtleneck hugged her lush curves perfectly, outlining her bosom to perfection. It rode a little high on her midsection, showing off her flat stomach and smooth olive skin. His focus landed on her skinny jeans, and his mouth watered as she leaned against the bar to order a drink. Her ass stuck out a little when she did that, and he noticed then how well they fit her there, as if they were made just for her body, and he wanted to take a big bite.

  Coop gulped. All of his blood flew south inside his own jeans to his rock-hard cock. Damn, but he wanted her, couldn’t remember the last time he wanted someone so bad. It was almost painful. Hell, it was downright painful, especially when she wore that sexy silk teddy to bed when he held her so close in bed to comfort her, or when their bodies would touch in passing. It was torturous. Thank God she’s beginning to heal, he thought, knowing she wanted him just as bad, had given him all the right signals. The only thing keeping him in check was the thought of hurting her.

  When she had kissed him the day after the attack, it had broken his heart to see her discomfort when he touched her. It had nearly killed him that she’d gotten hurt a few feet away from him, and he couldn’t go any further. But he noticed as the days passed that she seemed more at ease, and he swore if he saw her in that sexy silk teddy again he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back. He’d show her nothing but pleasure when he took her, too. With Meagan Morales, he’d take his time loving every inch of that amazing body until he erased every bad memory from her mind and gave her a ton of good ones to replace them with. She was special.

  “You’re drooling.”

  Coop looked to his side where Nathan stood wearing a smirk. “I can’t help it.” He smiled and then shrugged before Rafe spoke up.

  “Hey, why is it that whenever I look at your lovely cousin with interest, all I get is your anger, yet when he does it you’re okay with it?”

  “Because I’m not in love with him, so I have no need to worry that he’ll try anything stupid. Plus, I like him, and I think he’d be good for Meagan. Besides, I think you like getting a reaction out of me, so I play along.” Nathan put a leisurely arm around Rafe. “Now I see four of the most beautiful women in the world over there I’d love to give attention to, and two of them belong to us, Rafe. What do you say we go join them at the bar?”

  “Thanks, I think.” Coop laughed. “Cory looks like he has his hands full anyway. Let’s go.”

  “Hell yeah!” Rafe smiled wide, and the three of them sauntered over with a cocky sway. Nathan and Rafe with natural confidence, and Coop like he owned the place.

  Oh wait. He did—literally.

  * * * *

  “Now that is some beautiful scenery.” Zoey jerked her head forward and they all turned to see what she was talking about.

  Coop, Nathan, and Rafe headed toward them and Meagan couldn’t agree more. Rafe was a Greek Adonis, Nathan had the natural family good looks, she’d inherited some of those herself, and Coop was angelic and sinful at the same time. He was a work of art carved into perfection. From the ground up, she admired the way his blue jeans hugged all the right places, and she lingered on the bulge in front a moment before moving on to admire his slim-fitting Pink Floyd t-shirt. It hid muscular pecs and a flat stomach underneath. She itched to tame his messy blond hair, and she wanted to feel the soft locks against her fingers again when he approached. He smirked as she met his sparkling blue eyes as if he knew her thoughts, and she challenged him with one of her own.

  “Oh, I don’t know. I’m kind of liking the view in front of me,” Ashley teased, as Cory leaned over to give her a kiss.

  “Thanks, babe.”

  “They’re perfection.” Heidi cheered and wasted no time in wrapping her arms around Nathan as soon as she could.

  “I agree.” Zoey did the same with Rafe, and Meagan felt seriously out of place. Everyone was a couple, but what was she to Coop? She didn’t have to wonder very long when he wrapped his arms around her and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

  “Good news. Brett said he’d cover the bar tonight so I could spend some more time with you. How are you feeling?” He looked concerned. “You haven’t been down here since…”

  “I know. But I’m okay, honestly.” She reached up to massage the nape of his neck and threaded her fingers through the ends of his hair as she did so. “I’ll have to come back to work eventually, so why not take baby steps and enjoy a drink with some great company?”

  “Aw, look at the two of you,” Ashley cooed. “Love is in the air.”

  “It definitely is.” Coop gave her a smile that left her breathless.

  “Yeah, and we missed all of you.” Heidi stood on her toes to steal a kiss from Nathan.

  “And how about you, Meagan? Did you miss me?”

  “I did,” she admitted with a wink. “That’s why I suggested we come down here in the first place.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m guessing this is only going to be a one-drink night.” Rafe chuckled. “The two of you are looking at each other like you’re each dessert and everyone else in the room has vanished.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment, thank you.” Meagan turned to Rafe and smiled. “I guess it would be the same way you look at Zoey, Heidi, and Nathan, or the way Cory and Ashley look at each other.”

  “Oh yeah. Now wouldn’t it be tempting for all of us to take this party upstairs?” Rafe’s grin turned wicked, and he winked as Nathan growled. Zoey and Heidi both giggled as they watched the show, and Meagan shook her head with a grin of her own. Good old Rafe.

  “Sorry, I’m not in a sharing type of mood.”

  “Neither am I,” Nathan, Coop, and Cory chorused at the same time.

  “I know.” Rafe laughed. “I’ve got a good thing right where I am with three people I love dearly. So let’s raise our drinks with cheers, to family, good friends, a little friendly teasing, and some good times.”

  “And don’t forget great advice,” Heidi said. “The three words that created all of our wonderful relationships—”

  “To spicing it up,” Nathan finished his wife’s thought, and raised his beer bottle to finish the toast.

  Rafe was right. After the drinks were finished, the foursome gave everyone a hug, with a promise to do it again sometime. Ashley decided to get to work, and Coop insisted on giving Meagan a little TLC in the privacy of the apartment they now shared.

  * * * *

  Meagan stood naked in front of the bathroom mirror, her fingers stroking the yellowish bruises on her neck. Today she’d gotten some good news and actually felt relieved for the first time since her attack. It turned out Greg had a prior for domestic violence and had a warrant out for his arrest in another state. He was going to do some jail time, and she no longer had to fear him.

  She had received a phone call from the investigating detective that morning with the news and wanted to celebrate. It was also part of the reason Heidi, Zoey, and Ashley had come over earlier. Only when they’d gotten there, it was the last thing she had wanted to talk about. Meagan had instead confessed her one fear when it came to Coop. Her fear he’d be disappointed due to her lack of experience. She smiled to herself now, though; she felt much better after talking to them about it. She couldn’t wait to see him.

sp; Now that they were alone, however…

  As soon as they had reached his apartment, she’d decided she wanted a shower to relax her tense muscles. Freshly showered, now she folded her lingerie and tucked it back into her suitcase, deciding instead to pull out one of Coop’s shirts instead.

  It was his move now, if he wanted her.

  The shirt was loose but comfortable as she pulled it over her head. It was so big that it reached to her knees and draped off her shoulder a bit. She shrugged at her reflection and took a deep breath before opening the door to find him waiting for her on the other side.

  “You’re beautiful.” She watched as his heated gaze took her in from top to bottom. “What, no silky teddy tonight?”

  “No, I’ve decided to give up.” She tried to walk past him, but he reached out to stop her. “The balls in your court now, just so you know. I’ve told you that I want you, I even practically threw myself at you in the process, and I’m tired of the rejection.”

  “It was never intended to be rejection, Meagan. I did it out of concern.” Coop pulled her in and caressed her neck with his fingers. “I didn’t want to hurt you.”

  “I know.” She gulped. God, she wanted him.

  “You’re looking much better now,” he said huskily. One of his hands moved up to the nape of her neck and into her hair while the other moved lower toward her chest. His fingers lingered just along the collar, and she breathed him in. “And I’m sorry it’s taken so long for me to finally wise up. I’m tired of fighting it, and I’m man enough to admit that I need you, baby.” He backed her up against the hallway wall and pressed himself close. “Hell, I’m ready to beg if I have to.”

  Meagan rubbed against him, his confession her undoing. “Oh yeah, what do you have in mind?”

  “This.” He bent over to capture her lips. His tongue snaked out to trace her lips, and his teeth nipped and sucked on her bottom lip before he pulled back again. “Will you let me make love to you, Meagan?”

  “Yes.” She whimpered. “God, yes…”


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