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Calder Witch Boxset (Paranormal Vampire Romance): Books 1-4

Page 31

by Martha Woods

  Well, that was understandable. Tessa knew that they were wanting the best for their people, and it seemed as though they really thought Tessa was the best option. She was honored. “I’ll do my best,” she told them.

  “I never thought you wouldn’t,” Pearl smiled. “We should call it a day. We don’t want to overload your mind. Let us all get some sleep, and then start fresh tomorrow evening. We need a day to get acclimated to a nocturnal schedule anyways.”

  Everyone stood with no hesitation. Thankfully it was a spacious house and had plenty of bedrooms for them to fit comfortably. Jared and Calla had their own room, each of the elders did as well, and then Selena and Charley had to share the last. Tessa was relieved to return to bed, shedding her clothes as soon as their bedroom door closed. She dove onto the bed, immediately burrowing into the blankets and pulling them up to her shoulder. After a couple of minutes, the weight shifted on the bed and Kristian cuddled into her, “You’ve turned into a little mole.”

  She smiled dryly, “I know. I promise I won’t mope anymore. That was just a lot to take in. Definitely, need some sleep.”

  He kissed the side of her head, “I won’t keep you up.” Kristian settled into the bed with his arm wrapped around her. Tessa closed her eyes and prayed sleep would find her soon.

  * * *

  All of the witches were gathered in the dining room early the next morning. The only other being in attendance was Charley, and she had only came for the food Kristian had prepared for all of them. Silvia stood at the head of the table with a large whiteboard behind her that they had apparently brought with them. She diligently wrote down key points to the basics of magic. They were seriously giving her a crash course in everything magic, feeling very much like what Tessa imagined college was like with how many notes she was taking. She didn’t want to forget any little thing they said.

  “Really, anything is possible in the realm of magic with focus, determination, meditation, and being able to control your own emotions,” Silvia went on to explain, jotting down the four bullet points in her perfect cursive. “Once you know the basic formulas for spells and how to access your natural abilities, with these key components you will be up to par in no time. Things will become so much easier and it will become more about refining those basic skills more than anything else.”

  “Controlling your emotions will be the hardest part,” Marjorie added on. “That’s what has always separated the great from the average. Most witches can focus and meditate with great determination, but being able to completely control your own emotions is what takes the longest to master. Some never do.”

  “What do you guys mean exactly by control?” Tessa asked, her hand finally getting a rest from her studious notetaking. “Comes off sounding like you want to be sociopaths or something…”

  “No, no. Not that extreme,” Marjorie tutted, stirring her tea. “We mean being able to channel emotions on command, and suppress others when needed—not to communicate with others, but to do a spell properly. Like with the fire ability, you think of angry thoughts to do that, right? Just like that, but with all emotions and to be able to do any of them when needed.”

  Tessa nodded, scribbling it down as fast as she could. She hoped she would be able to make her notes out later on. “So how do you guys do that, and so quickly? It took me a while to get mad enough to even make a spark…”

  “Ooh, this is where I step in,” Pearl exclaimed, jumping from her chair. She extended a hand to Tessa. Tessa gave a quick glance to the others, wondering why they were suddenly separating from the group. She took Pearl’s hand, however, and let her guide the way from the room. “I’m the best one of the lot when it comes to controlling emotions,” Pearl explained, walking outside to the gazebo in the backyard. Pearl sat on one of the padded benches, letting her legs lay out beside her. “I think I got so good at it because I’ve wanted to be an actress ever since I was a little girl,” Pearl chuckled, putting a cigarette on her holder and then took a drag on it. “Though, I grew up in the times before Hollywood. Back when I was a child, acting wasn’t exactly glamorous. Actors would put on skits in the streets, and sometimes be in traveling groups that would set up stages and charge a penny to get into the show. I always loved the storytelling, though. Great storytelling comes completely from the ability to convey emotion. Perhaps I’m gloating a bit, but I think I’m pretty damn good at it.”

  Pearl even looked like an actress to Tessa. Even with time slowly starting to show its wear on her, she held a great radiance and had such an elegant air about her. She belonged in black and white dramas. “I’d love to learn how you do it,” Tessa replied eagerly, her dark brown eyes glimmering with fascination and excitement. While learning magic was extremely stressful, it was thrilling nonetheless.

  “Of course, my child,” Pearl grinned. “Controlling your emotions really takes all of the key components Silvia was talking about. You have to empty your mind of everything but the very essence of the emotion that you need for the spell. The easiest way to help you master conjuring each emotion, is to attune your ability of empathy. Just by touching someone’s hand and channeling that emotion to them,” she explained, reaching over and laying a hand over Tessa’s. Not even a second later, Tessa was overcome by a feeling of giddiness. A sudden fit of laughter erupted from Tessa. “You can influence their emotions however you like,” Pearl giggled. “Of course, you doing it won’t be very effective at first. It takes practice just like everything else. They will be able to feel something, like little flutters of whatever you are trying to send their way.” Tessa nodded, keeping up with everything she was saying. “So, I want you to try it on me. Let’s go with an easy emotion to conjure: sadness. What I do isn’t think of specific events that make me sad, but the essence of sadness and the physical actions that come along with it. That hollow feeling in your chest, the ache in your bones, the feeling of something scratching at the walls of your insides. Things like that. Give it a try,” Pearl urged, placing her hand flat on the cushion that rested between them.

  Tessa chewed her lip, already her mind flooded with conflicting thoughts and emotions. You need to focus, you must focus, Tessa told herself. Taking slow and steady breaths, Tessa did her best to push the whiff of Pearl’s blood from the forefront of her mind. She first worked on clearing her mind, trying to free herself of the heavy worries and anxieties that rested on her head. Then, she focused on what Pearl said about the “essence” of sadness. The numb feeling that would take over your body, the pain of struggling to breathe while sobbing, that horrible knot in your stomach when you were depressed and alone. Memories snuck into her mind, Kristian in such immense pain when the Calder attacked him, and the feeling of never seeing her childhood parents again when she went to bed the night the doctor had told her she was dead. The look of terror in Calla’s eyes as she fell into Jared’s arms right after Tessa attacked her. The thought of how she should have died instead of being turned into a vampire, for the sake of everyone.

  With just a brush of her fingertips, Tessa felt something almost like a static charge flow from her, to Pearl. A gasp passed Pearl’s lips as she pulled her hand back. Tessa’s eyes opened to look at Pearl, noticing the witch’s eyes were glossed with tears. “Well, you may very well be a natural at it too,” she breathed. She cleared her throat and blotted her eyes, “You still have a ways to go, but that was very, very strong for a first attempt. Well done, Tessa.”

  Tessa was shocked that it had even worked, especially on the first try. “Thanks,” she replied meekly. “So… what now?”

  Pearl let out a puff of smoke as she replied, “We need to train you to conjure all emotions, not just sadness. That emotion probably comes easily to you because of your background. You said you had problems summoning anger. Is that true?”

  Tessa nodded, nibbling her lip anxiously. “It’s hard for me to make myself mad.”

  “I think you’re already mad,” Pearl scoffed, crossing her leg.

  “Excuse me?” Tess
a questioned, arching her brow. Did she come off as an angry person?

  “In all of my years, I’ve never met anyone who had the right to be angry as much as you do. Born to a High Priestess you would expect it to be a luxurious life. Living in the Capitol Palace, training from your mother, and never knowing stress quite so intimately. Instead of living an average human life, you get dumped into a loony bin, your adoptive parents die, placed into an abusive home, and then live on the streets for how many years? My darling, do you even know what a home—and no not a house, but a home—feels like?” Pearl asked. Tessa couldn’t bring herself to make eye contact, a familiar pain gnawing at her stomach as Pearl listed off all the depressing facts of Tessa’s life. Did she not think she was well aware? A pale hand with a large opal ring appeared over Tessa’s. “All this shouldn’t make you sad, but pissed the hell off! Could the cosmos be more cruel? It takes every family you’ve ever known away, throws you in the middle of a hellish battle between two witch covens and a family of vampires, and all with no guidance. Yet there are millions of women just your age who have two parents, a college education, and might even be starting a family soon. Why couldn’t you have been given the same opportunities as them? Why hasn’t anyone at all helped you along the way?”

  Tessa’s teeth ground together as she thought over everything Pearl was saying. She was right, it wasn’t fair that it all of this would happen to her. Tessa never asked for any of this, and she certainly had never done anything bad enough to deserve it. Tessa had never really allowed herself to get angry about it, it had always just depressed her. Normally when Tessa was mad, there was someone to be angry with. Who was there to blame though for the situation she was born into?

  Pearl could tell by the look on Tessa’s face that she was getting provoked by Pearl’s words. “See how easy that was to get you upset? Now, use the same technique as before. Clenched fists, flared nostrils, racing heart, anything that comes to mind when you feel angry.” Tessa listened to her closely. After a minute or so, she really started to feel the effects. “Good, good. Now simply touch my hand, dear,” Pearl instructed.

  Unfurling one of her fists, Tessa once again rested her hand on Pearl’s. Suddenly, the witch jumped up, a hiss sounding from her. Her cigarette fell to the ground as she used that hand to clasp the other. That same sweet, metallic smell filled the air around Pearl, making Tessa’s throat ache. Tessa had burned her. With a pained expression, Pearl chanted quietly to herself, holding it up to her face as she did. Tessa watched in horror, feeling absolutely terrible that she had burned Pearl. She couldn’t move to help, though, fearing that if she got too close then she would get too overcome by the smell of blood. Tessa held her breath and tried to focus her thoughts on anything but Pearl’s blood or the sound of the woman’s blood pumping.

  Once her chanting was done, Pearl’s body eased and she lowered her hand. Tessa caught a glimpse of her palm and noticed it was just as it had been before. She had healed herself with a simple chant? Tessa let out a sigh of relief, glad that she was healed and that the blood was gone. Pearl cleared her throat and picked up her cigarette holder, “I suppose I underestimated your power. I certainly won’t do that ever again,” Pearl stated. “I think that’s enough for now, we will work on the other emotions later. Let’s get back to the others.”

  Tessa nodded and walked with her back toward the house. When her eyes moved to the door, she noticed Charley standing there watching them. The young demon smirked and waved as they approached, and then trailed in behind them when they entered the house. Right. Tessa forgot she was being watched, since she couldn’t be trusted not to drain the witches like juice boxes. Even if it made her feel like a child, she knew it was for the best. Charley, Kristian, and Jared were more like lion tamers rather than babysitters comparatively.

  They joined the others back in the dining room. Jared had joined the room, sitting with Calla in his lap. She immediately wondered where Kristian was then, having figured Kristian and Jared were doing something together that evening. Tessa moved back to her seat and noticed a teacup of blood sitting in front of her. She wasn’t even hungry, but she knew Kristian wanted her drinking regularly to try and lessen her craving for fresh blood. She sipped on it as the lesson continued, finding that it actually did help calm her nerves whenever a witch would get in her personal space, and when Tessa would accidentally inhale out of habit and get shaken by the aroma of blood.

  The group stayed up all night working and practicing on the fundamentals of magic. At times, one of the witches would take her to the side to work on something one-on-one. They eventually moved into the den to get more comfortable. It had truly been a productive day. Tessa was actually proud of herself. For not attacking anyone, and for not letting herself get bogged down by how much they were putting on her. The elders were so very sweet and understanding. They really were fantastic teachers.

  By the time dawn came and went, only Tessa remained awake, sat in the floor with one of the books Silvia had. The Elementary Principles of Spellcraft. It was ridiculously thick, having to be well over a thousand pages long. Tessa found herself wondering how any of it could be “elementary” if it couldn’t be condensed into a book shorter than that. Still, she poured over the pages and kept a notebook with her to write down anything she felt she needed to know. Tessa had never felt so dedicated to something. She hadn’t had much of a formal education, though she had taken GED classes for a couple of months to get her certificate. It was different, but a good different. It brought a sense of normalcy to such an abnormal subject matter.

  She wanted to study until she simply couldn’t anymore, wanting to be more knowledgable by the time her lesson came that evening. It had become a little easier to study since the others went to bed, not having to worry about being surrounded by blood while trying to focus. Exhaustion was starting to wear her down, though. Tessa kept her head propped up by her elbow, having to take slow and calming breaths in order to try and keep awake. She felt herself starting to slip, though, her eyelids starting to droop and the lines of the pages started to blur together.

  “Tessa?” a voice called from the doorway, which Tessa immediately identified as Kristian. She looked up to him with heavy bags hanging under her eyes, “What are you still doing up? It’s nearly noon.”

  “Already?” she murmured, searching the room for a clock. Tessa rubbed her tired eyes, and by the time her hands lowered from her face, Kristian was in front of her. He reached down and slipped a piece of paper into the book she was reading and then closed it for her.

  Then he helped her to her feet, rubbing her back lightly as he pulled her into him. “Let’s get you to bed,” Kristian said gently, to which Tessa nodded and let him lead the way to their bedroom.

  As they walked through the door, Tessa’s brow furrowed, realizing she hadn’t seen Kristian at all that night. “Where were you all night?”

  Kristian began unbuttoning his shirt to undress for bed, “I had to go meet with my sister and discuss what to do about the size of the family. Sorry I didn’t say anything when I left. I didn’t want to take you away from your lessons.”

  “Oh,” Tessa blinked. “Did you guys find a solution?” she asked as she kicked off her shoes and shimmied her pants off.

  “Not yet,” he sighed. “There’s not exactly an easy fix. Rogue vampires are out there, but they are like needles in a haystack when trying to find them. So it would be close to impossible to find them quickly in today’s world. The process would be long and painstaking. But, the notion of just turning a bunch of humans into vampires is…” he sucked in a big breath, “complicated, to say the least. There’s just no real good solution. We haven’t really ever had to worry about something like this. It’d be nice to be able to get Ally’s opinion on it,” Kristian murmured, rubbing his forehead aggressively as she sat down on the bed, remaining only in his boxers.

  Tessa slid on one of her large t-shirts she liked to wear to bed before moving over to Kristian, sitting next to
him. She rested her chin on his shoulder while one of her hands gently rubbed his arm. Ally’s death was hard on the entire vampire family, and none of them had taken the time to grieve. They had just moved on to do damage control surrounding her loss. “I’m sure you guys will make the right decision, no matter what it is,” Tessa assured him.

  “Thanks,” Kristian smiled wearily. “How was your night? They weren’t too hard on you or anything, were they?” he asked.

  “No not at all. They were actually very patient and kind,” Tessa told him. “It was a lot to take in, but I think I’m starting to understand some of it.”

  He gave her a big smile, “That’s great, Tess. I’m proud of you for staying so persistent with it. Rather than getting frustrated and giving up.”

  “Running away is second nature to me,” Tessa sighed.

  Kristian chuckled, picking up her chin and turning her face to his, “As long as you never run away from me.”

  “Then don’t give me a reason to,” Tessa teased, her eyes gleaming with humor.

  Kristian grinned, his thoughts consumed with admiration for Tessa. He loved that she wasn’t dependent on him emotionally, that she was strong and independent. Now that she was a vampire, it only amplified and strengthened those traits. Tessa acted on his thoughts before Kristian did, tackling him back onto the bed with a deep kiss on the lips. An electric jolt shot through them, powerful waves of lust and desire rushing through them. As she hovered above him, Kristian’s hands explored the dips and curves of her back and sides before sliding them down to her bottom. Her pelvis pressed into his as her tongue slipped passed his lips to caress his tongue. Tessa could feel his member getting hard between her legs. The sound of their breathing filled the space around them as things heated up. Her hips moved in slow, circular motions against his groin. One of Kristian’s hands groped her ass while the other gently pinched and toyed with one of her nipples under her shirt.


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