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The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

Page 10

by Andrew Wood

  He afforded himself a small smile as he watched the decks be peppered with shafts of fire. More of the enemy than he had anticipated still aboard the ships appeared from below the decks trying to put the fires out. Some of the enemy were hit by the long shafted arrows and he ordered his archers on the bridge to start firing again, if anymore showed themselves on deck. "Look!" Camden shouted, "They're turning back," he added pointing to the enemy soldiers.

  Dane realised his plan to keep the enemy engaged in battle had worked. The main problem now was how long his much smaller force could hope to keep them at bay before they were overrun. He knew he did not have the numbers to meet them in the open. He had to hold them bottlenecked at the bridge, no matter what the cost.

  Chapter 14.

  It was late afternoon, and the sun was low in the sky. After another long day in the saddle, the town of Forwich eventually came into view. Hope felt the excitement building within her as she exclaimed to Arran this was her home. She could tell by the look on his face that he appeared nearly as nervous as she was. "Do you think I will be welcome here Hope?" he asked as they drew ever nearer. Hope did not want to put him off, by telling him that almost certainly Darak would not want anything to do with him. She held a little more hope for her mother and Luca, and of course little Leah liked everybody.

  The first thing she noticed that was a little unusual, was the fact the town gates were closed. The guards that normally stood outside the open gates were positioned on the walkways above it. As her group approached, they were hailed to identify themselves. Hope noticed half a dozen or more soldiers appear atop the wall either side of the gate. Each held a crossbow in hand and aimed it in their general direction. "We have been sent by Lord Levin of Lanber. We are returning the Lady Hope to her home," the lead soldier shouted up to the guards.

  Hope looked up, confused as to what was going on. "Are they always so selective on who they let into your town Hope?" Arran asked her. She shook her head, still looking up at the guards, realising they were Darak's house guards. She watched them talk amongst themselves for a few moments, before one of them vanished out of her view. Those holding the bows, still remained in place, as one of the guards shouted down they would open the gate.

  She could hear the sound of the gate being unlocked from within, and then a loud creak as the huge wooden, iron studded gates swung open just enough for them to continue inside. Hope looked back, noticing they were closed immediately the last rider was through. Something was going on, and she needed to know what. Had Dalia and her Darekian army attacked here whilst she had been away? No, she thought, the Darekian witch was heading back to her homeland. As her mind was on trying to figure out what was happening, she failed to notice the fact they were approaching the walled property she had called home.

  The first thing she heard was her name being called. She looked up and realised her mother was standing at the gate waving in her direction. Without a second thought, Hope trotted her horse forward quickly. She almost jumped down from her mount, before embracing the woman she called mother. She could feel the tears of joy welling up, and could not help them as they started streaming down her young cheeks. She heard her name again, and lifted her head from her mother's shoulder to see her little sister Leah approaching, holding hands with her father.

  After hugs all round, Hope only thought it fair she thank the men that had escorted her and Arran back home. Once that was done, she needed to ask what was going on around here. In all the years she had lived in Forwich, she had never known the gates be locked in the daytime. She wanted answers and she wanted them now. She had decided to ask Luca, when she realised he was not there. She quickly turned to her parents, asking of his whereabouts. She looked at her father first and noticed how awful he looked. Had something happened to Luca in her absence? All kinds of terrible things started running through her mind, and the tears of joy were soon a thing of the past, as she could feel nothing but dread.

  She felt a comforting hand clasp hers, and turned to see Arran looking concerned. "What is the matter Hope?" he asked. "Where is Luca? What has happened? Is he...," she could not bring herself to even say the words. Her mother quickly answered realising her daughter was thinking the worst. "Luca is with a boy called Oliver. Caldar has asked he stay with him for a while...until..." Sarena said not sure how much Hope was aware of. Instead, she suggested they all go inside to explain further. Hope nodded, so many questions that needed answers, and who by the gods, was Oliver?

  As they walked towards the house, she noticed Darak looking at Arran still holding her hand. At least she was safe in the knowledge her brother Luca was well. Not seeing him here had made her think the most horrid of thoughts. As they entered through the door, she felt Arran pull back slightly on her hand. The young Darekian was unsure of continuing, probably due to him also noticing the looks he was getting from her father.

  After reassuring him and telling him he was her guest, she leaned over and pecked him on the cheek, just for good measure. Sarena sent one of the house staff to get refreshments, and suggested they all be seated in the lounge. Darak ordered his house staff to cater for the soldiers needs, making sure that they were also looked after. Once rested, the soldiers who made up the escort could be housed in the town's almost empty garrison barracks, before returning home.

  Hope sat holding a lovely cup of tea in one hand, and Arran's hand in the other. She listened to the story of everything that happened since her abduction. She was told of the young Darekian known as Oliver whom Luca had helped. At least that was the word used by her mother, as she looked at Hope and Arran, unsure whether her daughter had made the stranger aware of Luca's powers. "It's okay I have told Arran of Luca's abilities," she said noticing her mother's use of words. She looked over to Darak, whom seemed to seethe at the words she had just uttered.

  Hope let it pass and said nothing, though if her father kept pulling faces she would have no option but to say something. Hope was astonished as she was told how they had travelled all the way to Isle of Kelan to find her, only to find nothing. "What of the villagers?" she asked, "Did they not tell you where I went?" Darak looked at her, but this time it was not anger in his eyes, but pain. "There were none left alive Hope," he said grimly.

  The story continued on to the strange warning from the vision they had seen in New Easton. "So the gates are closed because of these mysterious raiders far from the south, not because of any Darekian invasion?" she asked just to clarify her thoughts. Her mother nodded, "Now dear, perhaps you can tell us your part. Maybe start with this handsome young man who cannot seem to let go of your hand," she added with a smile.

  Hope turned her gaze to the young Darekian at her side, and gave him a smile as she watched his cheeks blush. His beautiful eyes looked back at her in return, and she could tell how uneasy all this was for him. She gave his hand a little squeeze, hoping to give him some small reassurance. "Well Mother, Father and Leah of course," she added pointing to her little sister. "May I introduce Arran," she said looking for any positive reaction. Her mother and Leah seemed friendly enough, but the look on Darak's face was something quite different.

  "Hello," Arran said bashfully. "Please to meet you all. Hope has told me all about you," he added trying to sound friendly. "Sounds like a Darekian accent you have there," Darak interrupted, picking up on his words straight away. "Yes Sir, I live on a farm near the western coast," Arran added. Hope, realising the awkwardness of the moment intervened. "Arran is the one who found me, helped me and guided me home," she said in his defence. Hope's mother stood and walked over to the young man sat beside her. "We shall be ever thankful Arran," she said softly placing her hand on his cheek. Darak spoke again, "Yes...Yes...Well perhaps you can stay a night. I'll have the garrison barracks let them know to expect another."

  Hope stood up releasing her young lover's hand. "Arran is my guest Father. He did not leave his home and family to come all this way just for you to cast him out," she snapped at her father. Sarena realising t
he situation could blow up and get out of hand at any moment intervened. After walking over to her husband, she placed her hand on his, "Perhaps she is right dear. After all the two do seem quite close," she said calmly. Darak scoffed, stood and walked out of the room mumbling something about Darekians.

  Hope looked up to her mother, who just let him go and returned to the chair she had been sat in. "Your father is an angry man at the moment dear. You know he has issues with..." she paused trying to think of a different word but could not come up with one. "Well...Darekian people," she added. "This Oliver has become very close to Luca, and now you show up with Arran. He will be fine; he just needs time to accept it."

  Hope nodded and sat back down beside Arran, and the two immediately held hands once more. She looked to see her mother smiling at them. "What?" Hope asked wondering what she was grinning at. Her mother gave a sigh, "Young Love my dear. I can tell the two of you are so very much so," she said. Hope blushed and looked to Arran and wondered if her cheeks were as red as his looked. "Are you getting married?" Leah blurted out, deciding to join the conversation. It was clear neither Hope nor Arran quite knew how to answer that question. Luckily, Sarena answered for them, "Give them time sweetie," she added as the young girl climbed up on to her lap. "I do hope so," Leah added, "Of course Luca and Oliver would have to be here as well."

  Hope was fast becoming very interested in this Oliver character. Asking her mother, what he looked like, how old he was amongst several other questions. From the answers she received, she was uncertain what to make of the relationship between her brother and this Oliver. Could they be more than just friends? She thought they sounded more like a couple than friends, but then she was almost certain Luca was not attracted to other boys. She dismissed the idea as stupid, and thought it was probably just her mind that was imagining things again. If as her mother had said, Luca held compulsion over this Oliver, then that might explain a few things. Then she began to wonder how he had achieved such a thing. She was knowledgeable in magic, and was quite certain such a spell could only be achieved using blood magic. Had her brother crossed the line and done such a thing? Did he even have the ability to do blood magic? The thought horrified her.

  After chatting for a while, Sarena suggested both Hope and Arran get freshened up for dinner later. "I will have a room made up for you," she said smiling at the young Darekian. She then turned to Hope, "Please be considerate in your actions. Remember this is your father's home, and as such perhaps you show a little restraint." Hope nodded knowing what her mother was referring too. What she basically meant was that as long as Arran was here, they should keep to their own bedrooms.

  After showing Arran to a room just down the landing to her own, and giving him a just a small kiss, she opened the door to her own bedroom. Despite it only being several weeks since she were here last, it seemed almost foreign to her. Aside from the couple of days resting in Lanber, most nights had been spent on the hard ground, in the cold and damp. Naturally these had been made all the better by having Arran wrap his arms around her as she slept. This was something she was becoming accustomed too, and was not sure how she would cope whilst they were here.

  Sarena decided to find her husband, to try and at least get him to be civil to the young man her daughter was so clearly infatuated with. She found him, unsurprisingly, with a glass of brandy in his hand. She sighed heavily, "You cannot carry on like this Darak," she said softly. He turned at the sound of her voice, and he just nodded. He placed the crystal glass down on the highly polished tabletop before him. "She is in love with him isn't she?" he asked. Sarena stepped up to her husband and wrapped her arms around his waist. "I think you already know the answer to that my dear," she said.

  Sarena placed her head on her husband's chest as they embraced. "Give the lad a chance please Darak," she asked. Her husband said nothing, but she felt his chest as he sighed. "You cannot judge all Darekians the same. This Arran has done so much for Hope, the least we can do is be civil," she added looking up at his face. He nodded again, "I will try dear," he eventually replied.

  Hope changed from the clothes she had been travelling in, to one of her newer dresses she had purchased in Lanber. She looked in the tall mirror on the wall in her room, and gave a twirl. The dress may have been a little too revealing for some, but it did only show a little bit of leg. She found a couple of nice pieces of costume jewellery she thought went well with the blue satin material, and a pair of shoes to match. She brushed her hair through, and after struggling with several knots was satisfied she look as well as could be expected.

  After leaving her room, she found Arran waiting on the landing. She was glad to see he had made an effort as well. He had dressed in a pair of smart black trousers, and a white shirt. He was also wearing the new boots she had bought him during their stay with Levin. "You are looking very smart," she said with a smile as they linked arms. "Thank you, and may I add how gorgeous you are looking this evening," Arran replied trying to imitate a posh Corlanian accent. Hope giggled at how appalling the impression was, "I do not sound like that," she said.

  Once down the stairs, the two paused outside the door to the dining room. "Don't be nervous," Hope said feeling Arran tense. "Your father does not like me," Arran said looking a little apprehensive. Hope gave him a quick kiss, which turned into a much longer one. It was Arran that finally pulled away, "I think we should go in now Hope," he added with a smile.

  As they entered, they saw that both Darak and Sarena were already sat at the table, and little Leah was running around it. Darak stood, looked down at his wife before looking toward Hope and Arran. "You look very nice Hope," he said. "Arran, why don't you sit here beside me, perhaps we should get to know one another a little better," he added. The young Darekian nodded, and though quite pleasantly surprised, felt even more nervous than before. Arran felt Hope nudge him forward just a little, as he moved toward the seat he was offered.

  Leah was told to sit down and stop running around. The little girl then decided she wanted to sit the other side of Arran, meaning Hope was left with the seat next to her mother. Once settled, Sarena rang the small bell she kept on the table. The double doors opened, and in walked two of the house staff carrying trays of food. Upon the first was a suckling pig, all smartly laid out. On the second was a variety of vegetables.

  Darak picked up a bottle of wine, "Would you care for a glass Arran?" he asked. The young Darekian nodded, "Yes please Sir, Thank you," he added after his host had poured. Hope was a little shocked to see her father trying to be so nice. She glanced at her mother sitting on the chair beside her. Her mother gave her a sly wink and a smile. Darak's attempts at being nice did not end there. He then served a generous helping of pork and vegetables onto Arran's plate before he served his own.

  Arran waited politely for the others to start before he began eating, something Hope noticed her father had also noted. It was her mother however that started the evenings questioning, and Hope was little surprised most of them concerned Arran. Both her mother and father asked about his home life and his family, to which he answered truthfully. He was no more than a simple farm boy, and pretended to be nothing else.

  Hope did not care what he was, though it was clear by both her parent's faces, neither of them appeared overly impressed. The meal was going reasonably well she thought, despite the constant questioning. Her adoptive father had made a good effort to be kind and civil to Arran, and even little Leah had behaved. Naturally, her younger sibling would be the one to ask the questions no one else would feel comfortable asking. "Arran", she started asking, "Do you love my sister?" Hope looked up at Arran, and felt for him. His face went the colour of beetroot, and she almost felt embarrassed for him. Arran though took a deep breath, and despite knowing, all eyes were firmly fixated on him, turned to Leah. "Yes Leah I do. I love her very much."

  Hope's immediate thought was to look at her father's reaction. Surprisingly he did not look any different from before, and she sighed with relief. She then
turned her gaze to Arran, and smiled at him. Darak then asked the question she had been dreading most of all. "Arran, I do not mean to be rude, but may I ask what you intend to do. You say you love my daughter, yet you surely will be going back home to Darekia at some point." Hope suddenly felt anger at her father for asking such a question, and by the looks on her mother's face, she was feeling the same.

  Arran thought about the question for a few moments before replying as honestly as he could. "Please Sir, I would never do anything to hurt your daughter, and I meant what I said, I love her. I would like to stay wherever Hope is." Suddenly all eyes were on Darak, awaiting some kind of response. There was little given away by his expression, and Hope was not sure what to say. Arran had opened his heart out to her and her family, perhaps she should do likewise. She was about to speak when her father beat her to it. "Very well, you are welcome to stay here as long as you wish. All I ask is you respect the fact this is my house, and I will not tolerate certain things." Arran nodded knowing full well what those 'certain things' were Darak was referring too.

  After the main course was over, Arran was almost full to bursting when a tray of cheeses and fruit was carried in. The aroma of strong coffee drifted in as another member of house staff bought in a silver tray. Hope went straight to the coffee pot and poured herself a cup. She looked up to see the others all looking at her. "What?" she asked. Leah made a tutting noise, "Hope," she said, "You should serve our guest first." Hope grinned, "Ah! Sorry...force of habit." Arran cast her a smile which became a chuckle, when Leah deciding she was going to take matters into her own hands. The youngster took another of the porcelain cups and rather clumsily tipped the coffee pot. Most of the coffee went in the cup, some on the table. "There you go Arran," Leah said handing him the drink. Arran thanked her and took the over filled cup from her, trying not to spill any more.


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