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Mark Twain: A Life

Page 104

by Ron Powers

  covering Nevada state convention

  cowboy outfit of

  Crane’s illness and

  in D.C.

  death in writings of

  death of

  and death of mother

  in departure from Nevada

  descriptions of Mississippi by

  and diamond rush book idea

  at Dickens reading

  dinner behavior of

  on drama

  dream notebooks of

  and dream of Henry’s death

  on dreams

  on duality

  duel challenge of

  dysentery of

  early employment of

  early love of steamboats

  on earthquakes

  education of

  end of bankruptcy of

  eulogy for Langdon by

  European fame of

  fake map made by

  fan letters to

  father’s business troubles and

  fifty-ninth birthday of

  fight for authors’ rights by

  first gunfight seen by

  first house of

  first romance of

  first trip to England of

  foreign languages and

  form letters of

  in France

  and Freudian psychoanalysis

  gambling of

  on “Genius”

  on German language

  in Germany

  at Gilded Age’s opening night

  in Gillis’s cabin

  Goodman’s relationship with

  gout of

  at Grant banquet

  Grant’s friendship with

  Grant visited by

  in Greece

  at Greeley reception

  in Guard during Civil War

  guilt of

  Halley’s Comet boast of

  handwriting of

  Hannibal trips of

  Harper’s deal of

  Harte’s arguments with

  Harte’s collaboration with

  Harte’s competition with

  Harte’s popularity and

  Hartford house of

  Hawaiian trip of

  health of

  Henry’s death and

  Henry’s relationship with

  Hinton satire of

  Holmes toast of

  in Holy Land

  honorary Oxford degree of

  household fires of

  Howells’s advice to

  Howells’s appreciation of

  Howells’s first meeting with

  Ida’s runaway carriage and

  income of

  Indian prejudice of

  influence of women on

  Innocents Abroad royalty of

  inventions of

  investments of; see also Paige Typesetter

  in Iowa

  in Italy

  James compared with

  Jane’s birth and

  on Jefferson Davis

  in Jerusalem

  on Jews

  joining ministry considered by

  lampoons McGuffey

  Langdon house visited by

  Langdon’s death and

  Langdon’s illness and

  learning French

  on leave-taking from mother

  Livy’s death and

  as Livy’s suitor

  Livy’s typhoid fever and

  loan to Orion by

  lumbago of

  Margaret’s death and

  and “Mark Twain” pseudonym

  “Mark Twain’s Voyage Around the World by Proxy” idea of

  Mary Baker Eddy attack by

  mediums and

  Memory Builder game of

  memory of

  mining attempts of

  minstrel show’s appeal to

  Mississippi River and

  Mississippi River notebooks of

  on Mississippi River period

  money troubles of

  on Mormonism

  on mother

  in move to Europe

  Mrs. Fairbanks’s influence on

  music and

  Nevada fire and

  in New York

  New York arrest of

  New York printing job of

  Nicaraguan voyage of

  nicknames of

  nightmares of

  at Nook Farm

  notebooks of

  on Open Door treaty

  Orion’s relationship with

  Orion visited by

  Osgood and

  Osgood deal of

  Paine and

  in Paris

  pen names of

  in Philadelphia

  phonograph of

  photographs of

  physical appearance of

  physical world in prose of

  pilot’s license earned by

  poetry of

  on police

  political views of

  on politicians

  possible origin of name of

  profanity of

  on proof-readers

  proposal to Livy by

  prospecting attempts of

  prostitution and

  on Prudence Palfrey

  psychic abilities and

  psychoanalysis of

  and publication of books

  on Quaker City cruise

  on Quarry Farm

  at quartz mill

  race and

  racism and

  raft accident of

  rapprochement with Hart by

  reading of

  redecorations and

  reformist passion of

  on relics

  religion and

  rheumatism of

  Rice’s relationship with

  ridicule of Orion by

  as riverboat pilot

  Rogers and

  Roosevelt dinner of

  Roughing It publication and

  rumors about

  in Russia

  in St. Louis

  in St. Louis militia

  Samuel Webster on

  Sandwich Island lectures of

  Sanitary Fair hoax

  satire of

  second trip to England by

  sectional division and

  self-editing of

  sensitive ear of

  seventy-fourth birthday of

  in showdowns with Bliss

  Slade seen by

  slavery and

  SLC’s first use of

  sleepwalking of

  on Southern speech

  spoken language and

  Stanley’s friendship with

  steamboat characters and

  steamboat crashes of

  Such lawsuit of

  superstitions of

  support for Douglas by

  Susy’s death and

  Susy’s relationship with

  on Tahoe

  telephone of

  temper of

  Tennessee land deal and

  theater as enthusiasm of

  Thomas Paine’s influence on

  thoughts on secession by

  and “Three Aces,”

  on Tilden

  toast on women by

  total financial losses of

  tribute to Howells of

  in trip to San Francisco

  in Turkey

  twin theme in work of

  typesetting and

  typewriter purchase of

  in Vienna

  vindictiveness of

  voice of

  wagon accident of

  Ward compared to

  Ward’s friendship with

  Ward’s hoax on

  Ward’s influence on

  Warner compared with

  on “waterfall” hairstyle

  at Wave Hill

  wedding of

  at Whittier’s birthday party

  Wilde’s meeting with

  at Wiley house

  on women lecturing

  women’s suffrage and

  work drive of

  writing style of

  at Yale Princeton game

  see also specific works


  Ajax interview of

  as Alta California “Travelling Correspondent”

  ambition of

  on Andrew Johnson

  on Beecher

  Californian pieces of

  dispatches to Morning Call by

  on Duncan’s drinking

  early Enterprise reports of

  early pseudonyms of

  engagement of

  at Enterprise

  Enterprise piece of

  Enterprise spoofs of

  for Express

  first appearance in print of

  as first time editor

  for Galaxy

  Golden Era pieces of

  for Harper’s

  Hawaiian reports of

  Herald piece of

  hired by Morning Call

  Hornet fire report of

  as Insider

  “Josh’s letters” written by

  at Journal

  on Menken

  misidentified as “Mark Swain”

  on New York police

  parody of Ward by

  Sabine’s castigation by

  start at Enterprise of

  Unreliable and

  for Weekly Review

  on women’s fashion

  see also specific works


  around the world tour of

  in Australia

  Bryn Mawr lecture of

  with Cable

  in Canada

  as celebrity

  in Ceylon

  1868–69 tour of

  in England

  first tour of

  “Frozen Truth” lecture of

  in India

  lecturing stopped by

  on mental telegraphy

  oratorical style of

  pay of

  reviews of

  Roughing It anecdotes used by

  in South Africa

  temper of

  as Vandal

  Ward lecture of


  for Alta California

  to Ann Taylor

  to Bliss

  to Bowen

  on death of Jervis Langdon

  for Enterprise

  for Evening Post

  for Herald

  to Howells

  for Journal

  to Laura Wright

  to Livy

  for London Standard

  love letters to Livy

  “Pauline” mentioned in

  to Mary Field

  to Mollie

  for Morning Call

  to mother

  to Murray

  to Olivia Langdon

  to Orion

  to Pamela

  to river-town newspapers

  to Rogers

  to Susy

  for Tribune

  to Warner

  to Wattie


  Cleveland, Grover

  Cleveland, Ohio, SLC’s lectures in

  Cleveland Herald

  Cold Harbor, Battle of

  Colfax, Schuyler


  Colonel Crossman

  Colonel Sellers (Twain)

  Colonel Sellers as a Scientist (Twain and Howells)

  Colt, Samuel

  Columbus, Christopher

  Comic Annual for 1873

  Common Sense (Paine)

  Comstock, Henry

  Comstock Lode

  “Concerning the Jews” (Twain)

  Concord, Mass., Public Library

  Condensed Novels (Harte)

  Confederate States of America


  Congressional Record

  Conkling, Roscoe

  Connecticut Company

  Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, A (Twain)

  dramatization of

  England in

  film versions of

  Hank Morgan in

  Howells on

  reviews of

  sales of

  slavery in

  writing of

  Conrad, Joseph

  Conrad, Lou

  Conway, Moncure

  Coon, Ben, III

  Cooper, James Fenimore

  Cooper, Peter

  Cooper, Sarah

  Cooper Union, see Peter Cooper Institute

  Corbett, Jim

  Cord, Henry

  Cord, Mary Ann


  Cox, James

  Crane, Stephen

  Crane, Susan Langdon

  Crane, Theodore W.

  Crédit Mobilier scandal

  Crescent City

  Crimean War

  Crinkle, Nym


  Crosby, Bing

  Cross, Sam

  Crown Point Iron Co.


  Cupples, Upham & Co.

  “Curious Republic of Gondour, The” (Twain)

  Currier, Nathaniel

  Cutler, William K.

  “Czar’s Soliloquy, The” (Twain)

  Czolgosz, Leon

  Daddy Longlegs (Webster)

  Daggett, Rollin Mallory

  Daisy Miller ( James)

  Dake, Laura M. Wright

  Damascus, Syria

  Dana, Charles A.

  Dana, Richard Henry, Jr.

  “Dandy Frightening the Squatter, The” (Twain)

  Dangerous Intimacy: The Untold Story of Mark Twain’s Final Years (Lystra)

  Daniel Slote & Company

  Dante Alighieri

  Darnell-Watson feud

  Darwin, Charles

  David Copperfield (Dickens)

  Davis, Jefferson

  Davis, Joshua William

  Dawson, John D.

  Dawson Brothers

  Day, Alice Hooker

  Day, John C.

  “Death of Jean, The” (Twain)

  Declaration of Independence

  Deerslayer, The (Cooper)

  “Defense of General Funston, A” (Twain)

  Defoe, Daniel

  de Kay, Helena

  Delinquent Tax


  Dempsey, Terrell

  Denny, William R.

  Densmore, Gilbert

  Dent, L. Holden

  De Quille, Dan

  Derby, George Horatio


  DeVoto, Bernard

  Dewey, George

  Díaz, Porfirio

  Dibble, W. E.

  Dickens, Charles

  Dickinson, Anna

  Dickinson, Emily

  Dilberry, Lady Alice

  Disciples of Christ

  Disraeli, Benjamin

  Dodge, “Buffalo Joe”

  Dodge, Mary Mapes

  Dolby, George

  Donelson, Fort

  Don Quixote (Cervantes)

  Dostoyevsky, Fyodor

  “Double-Barreled Detective Story, A,”

  Doubleday, Nelson

  Douglas, Stephen

  Douglass, Frederick

  Douglass, Rosetta

  Dowden, Edward

  Drake, Sidney

  Dramatic Chronicle

  Dred Scott case

  Dreyfus trial

  Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Stevenson)

  Drummer Boy of the Rappahannock, see Hendershot, Robert Henry

  Duckett, Margaret

  dueling, code of

  Dulles, Allen

  Dumas, Alexandre, fils

  Dumas, Alexandre, père

  Duncan, Charles C.

  Dvoák, Antonín

  Ealer, George

  East Louisiana Railroad

  Eclectic Readers (McGuffey)

  Eddy, Mary Baker

on, Thomas

  Edward VI, King of England

  Eliot, T. S.

  Elizabeth, Empress of Austria

  Elizabeth I, Queen of England

  Elmira, N.Y.

  Elmira Advertiser

  Elmira Ladies Seminary

  Elmira Water Cure sanitarium

  Emancipation Proclamation

  Emerson, Everett

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo



  Europe and Elsewhere (Twain)

  Evans, Albert S.

  Evans, Walker

  Evans, William

  Every Saturday

  Eve’s Diary (Twain)

  Extract from Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven (Twain)

  Eye Openers

  “Fable for Old Boys & Girls” (Twain)

  Fackler, St. Michael

  “Facts Concerning the Recent Carnival of Crime in Connecticut, The” (Twain)

  Fair, Laura

  Fairbanks, Abel

  Fairbanks, Alice

  Fairbanks, Charlie

  Fairbanks, Mary Mason

  “Family Muss, A” (Twain)

  Fanchon the Cricket

  Fanning, Philip Ashley

  Farm and Home

  Farragut, David

  Fatout, Paul

  Fay & Cox

  “Fenimore Cooper’s Literary Offenses” (Twain)

  Ferguson, Henry

  Ferguson, Samuel

  Ferlinghetti, Lawrence

  Field, Kate

  Field, Mary M.

  Field, Stephen Johnson

  Fields, James T.

  Fields, W. C.

  Fifteenth Amendment

  Finn, Jimmy

  Finney, James “Ole Virginny”

  First Independent Congregational Church

  Fishkin, Shelley Fisher

  Fiske, John

  Fitch, Thomas

  Five Points

  Flaubert, Gustave

  Fletcher, Thomas C.

  Florida, Mo.

  Florida, secession of

  Florida Academy

  Florida & Paris Railroad

  Following the Equator (Twain)

  Ford, Darius

  Ford, Eunice

  Ford, Tennessee Ernie

  Forrest, Edwin

  “Forty-Three Days in an Open Boat” (Twain)


  Fourteenth Amendment


  Franco-Prussian War

  Frank, Michael

  Frank, Waldo

  Franklin, Benjamin

  Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria

  Franz Josef I, Emperor of Austria

  Fredericksburg, Battle of

  Fredonia Censor

  Fredonia Watch Company, see Independent Watch Company

  “Freedman’s Case in Equity, The” (Cable)

  Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins

  French Spy (Haines)

  Freud, Sigmund

  Frost, Robert

  Froude, J. A.

  Fuller, Frank

  Fullerton, William

  Fulton, Robert

  Gabriel Conroy (Harte)

  Gabrilowitsch, Clara Clemens, see Samossoud, Clara Clemens Gabrilowitsch

  Gabrilowitsch, Nina

  Gabrilowitsch, Ossip

  Gaines, General


  “Gallant Fireman, A” (Twain)

  Gallia, S.S.

  Galton, Francis

  Garfield, James A.

  Gargantua and Pantagruel (Rabelais)

  Garibaldi, Giuseppe

  Garrett, Henry

  Garrison, William Lloyd

  Garth, Helen

  Gebbie, George

  Genoa, Italy

  George Routledge & Sons

  Georgia, secession of


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