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The Silver Bear's Mate

Page 13

by Fay Walsh

  “I'm Alana. That’s Lisa, and the other is Nikki. We’re the mates for our respective shifters,” Alana said.

  “H-hello there. Wow, this is impressive,” Vicky said.

  “It is. We all live together in a tightly-knit clan. The shifters that were working for Laphy back there weren't like that. They were all rogue shifters, all with one intention, and that was to do the job that they were given. I know that it all probably sounds complicated to you right now, but hopefully… once the dust settles, you’ll fit right in,” he said.

  “No, it’s fine. I'm surprised. So you all can become… bears right?”

  “Correct. We are all bear shifters. I kind of picked up every single shifter here when they were in a time of need, and I helped them understand their powers. Sven was probably one of the luckiest out there. We worked together, and I was helping him with his visions since he used to get them a lot,” Travis said.

  “Oh yes, the visions,” she replied.

  “Yeah, well, you don’t need to worry about that at the moment. If you want to stick around and talk for a bit, we can. We should also discuss everything that happened. I was surprised by your powers, Vicky. They aren't unheard of, but they are unique, to say the least,” he said.

  “R-right. Yeah, I guess you can call it that,” she replied.

  “I would definitely say they are unique. You’re the first person I've met with this type of power, and I'm quite curious about it,” Darren said.

  “Well, if you’re all fine with me sticking around, I'll stay,” Vicky said.

  She sat down, talking with the other girls. Apparently, Alana was the alpha’s wife, and she was super sweet. The other two were nice as well, and Nikki was quite spunky, while Lisa had a strange cunning nature to her. It felt nice to talk to women, especially since Vicky didn't really have many female friends.

  “So you’re his mate. That’s quite interesting,” Nikki said.

  “Yeah. I didn’t really expect things to go this far, but here I am,” she said.

  “Well, you’ve definitely picked a good one. Sven is a bit strange, but he definitely seems perfect for you,” Lisa said.

  “Yeah. I'm just happy to… have helped him in the ways that I did, you know?” she told them.

  ”Right. Well, you've definitely done quite a bit,” Lisa said.

  The girls all talked, but after a bit, Vicky looked up to see Sven.

  “Hey, so the alpha wants to see us. He would like to talk about what happened, and where we are going next,” he said.

  “Right. I'll tag along,” she said.

  She got up, bidding farewell to the others as she followed Sven over to the small office nearby. When they got there, the door was closed, and they sat down across from Travis. He sighed, looking at the duo and then speaking.

  “I'm very sorry for what happened to you Vicky,” he stated.

  “It’s okay. I mean, I know that it’s something I couldn't really have prevented, but I'm glad that I could help, she said.

  “I see. So you know a little bit about us then,” he said.

  “Sort of. I know that you're all shifters, like bear shifters, and you've lived here for a while. I know that some people call you guys weird, but I don’t really see it,” she said.

  “You’re correct on that. We have lived here for a while, probably for as long as we could remember. We are here to protect the down from others, and to help keep the balance here, but we’re all very surprised at what happened with you and that other shifter,” he said.

  “You mean Laphy… right?”

  “Correct. That’s the right-hand woman to Emilia, one of the worst shifters to have graced our world, and the fact that you were strong enough to defeat her is something else. Do you have any ties to the paranormal Vicky?”

  “I don't know for sure. I mean, I've been able to read people’s auras for a long time,” she said.

  ”I see. Well, Sven picked up on your presence long before, so it is indeed very interesting to note,” he said.

  “What's going to happen to me now, by the way?” she asked.

  “That’s for you to decide. I don't choose what happens to the people that I save. Do you want to stay with us, or would you rather go with Sven, or just leave everything?” he asked.

  She thought about it. If she left, she could go back to a normal life.

  “I'd have to get my memory wiped or something if I left, right?”

  “Perhaps, or maybe you’ll just forget about everything once you leave.”

  “I don’t want to forget. I care a lot about Sven, sir. I know that probably sounds very strange since he is a shifter, but that’s the way that I feel,” she said.

  “It doesn't sound strange at all. In fact, I respect that,” he said.

  “So what should I do now? Since like… everything is happening in this way?” she asked.

  “The best choice for you at this point is to stay here. If you're willing to leave your home, you’ll have a place in our pack. I think you might be the woman that the legends talked about,” he said.

  “The woman?” she asked.

  “Ahh, so you don’t know about that. I'm surprised Sven didn’t tell you. There's a legend that, when a woman with powerful energy meets a shifter, that person will help them keep the balance of the world in order,” Travis explained.

  “I don't think I'm anything special,” she said.

  ”But you are. You know that knife you used, right? That isn’t an ordinary knife. You have some ties to it,” he said.

  She listened shaking her head.

  “I don't know how, sir. I hate to sound rude or anything, but I legitimately don’t know how in the world I relate to any of that. I feel strange even saying that” she said.

  “Well, the best thing for you to do at this point is to figure out for yourself what works for you. Listen to your heart. I do believe you play a major role in our future battles. The darkness draws near, and I think you’ll play a part in it,” he said.

  That cryptic bullshit made no sense, but she wasn't going to get onto him for that right now. She turned to Sven, who smiled.

  “Don’t worry about him. Do what you feel is correct for you,” he said.

  “That’s easier said than done, you know,’ she pointed out.

  “I know that, but I also know that you can't continue on like this Vicky. You need to make a choice.”

  She listened to Sven, and while she hated that he was correct, she knew that this was what she had to do. Making choices wasn't always her forte, and she hated doing it a chunk of the time, but upon hearing Sven there, telling her all of this, and explaining it to her, she knew deep down that this was what she had to do.

  “Fine. I think I'm going to stay. So like, what role do I have to play in your battle? I feel like I don't even understand that yet myself,” she admitted.

  “We don’t know. The shifter balance has been out of sorts, ever since my fight with the local shifters here. Something about this place keeps drawing power, and I think it has something to do with whatever might show itself later on. I thought Emilia would be the last of it because she’s caused us far too much trouble for what she’s worth, but I don’t think that’s the case. I think... I think there is something more here, something greater than what any of us know. We don’t know for sure yet, but you do remember the location of the knife, right? Just out of curiosity because we may need it later on,” he pointed out.

  She nodded. “Yeah. I know exactly where I buried it. Hopefully, it’s enough,” she said.

  “It should be, Vicky. I know you’re worried about what this means for all of us, but the thing is, we don’t know. The future is in an unknown state, which could mean both good, and bad things. I know that it’s not easy to figure it out, and I get that you’re worried about what will happen now. But, being knowledgeable in your endeavors, and working towards the future is the essence of our clan. We want to make it so that our world is a better place,” he said.

She nodded. “Alright. Then I'll stay,” she said.

  “Are you sure?” Travis asked.

  She nodded. She looked at Sven, and then at him.

  “Yeah, if Sven is here, then I'm staying. End of story,” she said.

  He smiled. “Smart choice. I like a lady who knows what she wants. I knew Sven made the right choice. He and I don't always get along, but I only want what’s best for my boys,” he said.

  ”Right. Thank you,” Sven said.

  “Not a problem. Anyways, I'll let you two go. I'm going to do a little bit of research on that knife, by the way, so if you could potentially tell me what it looks like, I'll do my work,” he said.

  “Alright. It looks like this.”

  After Vicky explained the knife, Travis’s eyes widened.

  “Woah. It was a real knife that could kill all of us. I've heard of it, that only those with strong hearts can wield it due to how powerful it is, but I never expected it to be real. Very well, I'm going to head out anyways. I miss Alana, and she misses me too,” Travis said.

  “I see. We’ll be going too,” Sven said.

  He grabbed Vicky, carrying her bridal style out of the office, eliciting a slight gasp from her mouth. He laughed, and Vicky blushed.

  “You didn’t need to do this, you know,” she muttered.

  “But what if I wanted to?” he said.

  He brought her to a strange house near the rest of them, and when they got inside, it was about the size of a small apartment, but there was a modern look to the whole place. She marveled at the granite counter-tops, the siding, the floors, and the electronics that were all in the living room. However, he stopped in the bedroom, one that had beautiful cream furniture and blue walls, and for a moment, Vicky just took a second to drink in the sights.

  “Wow,” she said.

  “You like it?”

  “Yeah. I'm glad that… that you brought me here,” she said.

  “You’re welcome. I'm glad I could make you feel good as well,” he said.

  He sat her down, looking at her as he then spoke.

  “What you said back there, are you sure about it?” he asked.

  She knew what he meant. It was about sticking around here.

  “You’re stuck with me, Sven. You can't get rid of me that easily,” she laughed.

  “Good. I'm glad to have you around, and you do anything but bother me, you know,” he teased.

  “I know, I'm just glad that I can finally have a say in something. This is the first time I've stood up for myself, and told others what is really going on. This was also the first time that someone actually believed me,” she said.

  “You mean like...”

  “Yeah, about the whole seeing shifters and auras and such. My family never did, and it’s always been a sore point for me. But now, now that I know people will believe me, I feel happier, and I feel much better about myself. So thank you. For that,” she said.

  “You’re very welcome Vicky. I want you to be happy,” he said.

  “Yeah. I want to stay here. I am so happy to be here. When I first met you, I knew that there was some sort of connection. I just… I know what my heart wants. I don’t want to be left alone anymore, and I hope that makes sense,” she said.

  “It does. Trust me on that,” he said.

  “Okay god. I was worried for a brief second. But, I know what my heart desires, and it’s to stay here, to be with you, no matter what happens next,” she said.

  “That is what I want too. To be with you,” he told her.

  “Good. Honestly, there was one thing that’s been sitting in the back of my head, something that has been aching for a bit,” she said.

  “What is it?” he inquired.

  “It’s about all those years ago. When I think about it, I feel like it’s a whole different world. I was hurt back then, but now, when I think about all that’s happened, I feel better. I'm glad that I met you. You helped me seize my full potential, helped make me stronger, and I feel so glad that you saved me. It’s a lot to take in, and a lot to really think about, but Sven, I'm not going anywhere. You’ll have to drag me away to get away from me,” she teased.

  “Good. That’s all I want. To see you happy, and to make you feel good,” he said.

  She smiled with butterflies in her heart. She did know what she wanted, and the words that escaped her mouth were truer than anything she ever said before. The kiss that they shared was something magical, and for a long time, the two of them just pressed their lips together, both of them unable to leave the other.

  The time they spent together, the little kisses, the little touches, the feelings of adoration that they had for one another, it was too perfect. As he kissed her, she felt that growing need within, and when he pulled away, he looked at her with a questioning glance.

  ”Do you want to… do it? He asked her.

  She nodded, blushing. “I want to.”

  He smiled, pushing her down, causing her to let out a surprised glance as he started to kiss her harder and harder, the excitement growing within her body. She could feel her heart racing, her mind spinning, and the desire growing within her body. She loved everything about this, and she could tell that he was enjoying this as much as she was.

  The aching desire for him started to become more and more intense. She could feel the growing need, and when he started to press his tongue against her mouth, asking for entrance, she quickly responded, letting him in. The desire for more, the raw need for this man, the hunger in her body and mind, everything was driving her wild.

  She knew that her body couldn’t resist his touches. He started to move his lips harder against there, and she gripped his back holding her hands there as they made out. The raw, aching desire, the passion that erupted between their bodies, the raw, whole need that grew within her, everything was driving her mad. She could feel his cock hardening against her leg, and she knew that he was just as interested in continuing this as she was.

  When he pulled away, a little sting of saliva connected their lips. He looked at her with a devilish grin.

  “I'll make you feel amazing tonight,” he said.

  He started to move his lips downwards, causing her to let her body relax, tensing up against his own, and she could feel her heart beating faster and faster. This felt like the first time all over again, but it felt different.

  There weren’t any awkward questions about their relationship, about what this meant for them, or the future of what they wanted, there was just the desire for one another, the growing need to make the other person happy, and the raw pleasure that made her shiver with delight.

  He began to press his lips against her neck, lightly pushing a bit harder than he did before. He sucked on her flesh, causing her to let out a moan as he left a mark against her neck. The lips moved away shortly afterwards, but she remembered the way that this felt, the aching need for more as he started to smile at her.

  “Feel good?”

  “Y-yeah,” she said to him.

  “Don’t worry, I'll take it nice and gently tonight,” he told her with a purr.

  She blushed, but he soon descended down her neck, peppering her with kisses. She shivered, moaning in response to everything. He was making her feel things she normally didn’t feel, and she liked it. She knew that he wouldn't give up until she felt satisfied, and as he got to where her collarbone was, licking and sucking on the flesh there, she cried out, moaning in response to his actions.

  She wanted more. She craved more from this shifter, and he wouldn't let her go. His lips then moved towards the side, nibbling on the flesh there and eliciting a moan from her lips. She then felt him pull back, and she could feel the beginnings of a bruise start to form.

  “It’s my way of saying that you’re mine,” he said, smiling at her.

  “I… I like it,” she told him with a smile.

  ”Good, because I want to hear those sounds from you again,” he said with a low, rumbling sound.

  She moaned in resp
onse to his words, the aching desire growing within as he started to press his lips towards the edge of her shirt. His hands moved to each side, pulling the garment off, over her head. She gasped as she felt the cold air hit her body, her nipples hardening from her bra. He then moved his lips towards the outer crevices of the small mounts, teasing the edges of it, making her shiver with delight.

  “Ahh,” she cried out.

  “It’s okay to make sounds, my dear. I like hearing them,” he said with a purr.

  The way he uttered those words turned her on more than it should've, but she loved hearing it, and everything about this moment was driving her to the edge. She knew that he was the one for her and that this was what she needed. He moved his hands to the back of her bra, undoing the clasp like it was nothing. She shivered as she felt the underwear fall to her hands, and she soon tossed it aside. Sven looked at her, his eyes glazed with lust as he started to move his hands up to her nipples, touching them slightly, causing her to let out a small moan of desire. It felt so good, the pleasure of all of this driving her to the very edge of it all.


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