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Addictive Page 7

by Jessica Prince

  The stress from my disastrous life is really beginning to hit me hard. My stomach is in knots twenty-four seven; and each word out of Carmen’s mouth beats down on my head, making my existing headache all the worse. I’m surprised I haven’t gotten an ulcer. “My apartment was broken into last night,” I finally manage to get out when she finally takes a breath between rants.


  I cringe away from the phone at her scream, rubbing at my temple to try to ease the dull throbbing that’s happening behind my eyes. “Car, can you please stop yelling? My head feels like it’s about to split and you screaming at me isn’t helping.”

  I hear her inhale deeply through the line. “Since you’re not feeling well, I’ll let you cliff notes it, but you better start telling me what the hell is going on.”

  Now it’s my turn to suck in a deep breath. I spend the next few minutes regaling her with my adventures last night, conveniently leaving out the conversation I had with Gabriel on his balcony.

  When I’m finished talking we both remain silent for a while. “Do you want to come stay with me?” Carmen says, finally breaking the silence.

  I know staying with her is the smart decision. Being so close to Gabriel on a regular basis isn’t healthy, but there’s no denying the twist in my gut at the thought of leaving. “I think it would be best if I just stay here,” I tell her hesitantly, ignoring the rational side of my brain currently screaming at me for being such an idiot. “It’s only for a few days, and it’ll save both of us the stress of having to deal with another Gabriel-sized tantrum.” I attempt to laugh at my own joke, but it comes off weak. And judging by Carmen’s lack of response, I know she sees through my lame excuses.

  “Please be safe, honey.”

  I open my mouth to respond just as someone knocks on the bedroom door. “Marley?” a feminine voice calls when I don’t immediately answer. A relieved breath escapes at the sound of Jane’s voice.

  “Gimme a sec, Car,” I say into the phone as I walk to the door and throw the lock before pulling it open. When I do, I’m instantly hit with the delicious aroma of coffee and bacon. After watching Gabriel walk away again last night, my appetite disappeared with him. Now it’s back with a vengeance.

  “I brought you some breakfast,” Jane says with a warm smile. “Pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Oh, and coffee. Hope you’re hungry.”

  “Starved,” I say at the same time my stomach emits a loud rumble. She must catch my eyes glancing over her shoulder and down the hall because she says, “He’s already left for work.”

  Without hesitation, I take the breakfast tray from a chuckling Jane and walk over to place it on the table next to the chaise lounge, which makes up the little sitting area in the guest room.

  She follows me in and places a shopping bag on the bed. “A change of clothes and some toiletries,” she says in response to my curious expression. “And Mr. Bertozzi left his card for you to go shopping. He was rather insistent.” She holds up a black credit card.

  “I won’t be needing Mr. Bertozzi’s credit card, Jane.” I don’t mean to come off short with her; I just can’t help my reaction to Gabriel’s controlling, asshole tendencies.

  A knowing grin spreads across her face. “He expected you’d say something like that. So he asked that I tell you, if you don’t take the card and go buy yourself what you need to replace the things from your apartment, he’d be forced to drag you from store to store against your will. That’s a direct quote, darling.”

  Of course it is. Knowing Gabriel’s penchant for control, he probably wrote a script for her to memorize before leaving this morning. Rolling my eyes, I take the credit card when she shoves it at me. Gabriel insists I spend his money. Fine then, I’ll go nuts with it.

  I lift the phone back up to my ear. “Hey, Car?”


  “Feel like going on an all-expenses paid shopping spree?”

  Carmen shrieks at the same time Jane lets out a loud laugh. Maybe today won’t suck so badly after all.

  The number of bags I’m dragging back up to Gabriel’s apartment is insane. There’s a strong possibility Carmen and I might have gone a little overboard in my attempt to stick it to Gabriel. Sixteen bags full of God knows what—most of which I will probably never even wear or use—is excessive no matter how you try to justify it. And that’s just counting my bags. Carmen’s purchases make mine look like child’s play. I have a feeling she completely bought out a shop or two with her ecstatic embrace of today’s retail therapy.

  The good news is I was able to assuage Carmen’s concerns about my well-being with several hours of shopping.

  “I take it you had fun?”

  Kicking the door closed with my foot because both of my arms are loaded down, I look up to see Gabriel standing at the entrance to the foyer, leaning up against the wall with his muscled arms folded across his broad chest. I try not to let my gaze linger too long as I take in his casual outfit of jeans, t-shirt, and bare feet, but from the cocky smirk on his face when my eyes reach his, I know I’ve failed.

  Narrowing my eyes, I glare and mumble, “Not really,” as I step around him and go to drop my revenge purchases in the guest room, sensing he’s following behind me.

  “Well, the massive dent you made in my bank account and the shit load of bags you walked in carrying would say otherwise.”

  “You told me to shop. I shopped,” I spit out.

  “Since when do you listen to what I tell you to do?” he asks with a lighthearted chuckle. All signs of the morose man from the night before are gone. Gabriel’s back to his normal, annoying self again.

  “Since I was able to get my best friend an entirely new wardrobe out of it,” I answer snidely.

  He chuckles again. “Well played, baby.”

  I let out a frustrated sigh and look up at the ceiling for patience. “I’ve asked you to stop calling me baby.”

  Gabriel walks over to my bags and begins rummaging through, completely disregarding what I’ve just said. “I don’t suppose you’d have an evening gown buried in one of these bags?”

  I quickly snatch away the bag he’s digging through and pin him with an annoyed glare. “Of course not. Why in the hell would I need an evening gown?”

  “Because you’ll be accompanying me to the Bertozzi Enterprises annual holiday party,” he states matter-of-factly.

  “Uh…like hell I am!”

  He turns to me and cocks his head to the side as though he’s studying my expression carefully. “I RSVP’d with your name a while back, so you’re already on the list. This party is a big deal, Marley. Everyone who’s anyone will be there. You’re going.”

  “Am not!” I shout childishly, getting more and more heated by the second. It’s only by the grace of God I manage to refrain from stomping my foot like a petulant little girl.

  He simply stares for a few more seconds before his lips tip up in a grin. “Keep fighting with me…baby. You know it gets me hard.”

  Before I can even form a comeback, he turns and strolls out leaving me livid and undeniably turned on all at the same time.


  Four days. That’s how long I’ve been stuck at Gabriel’s. That’s how many days I’ve been doing my best to avoid my new roommate. That’s how long I’ve fought with myself, going back and forth, over whether or not I’d be attending his holiday party with him. And just like every other time, he’s gotten his way. After yet another heated argument the night before, I finally decided it would just be easier to spend a few uncomfortable hours with people way beyond my tax bracket than it would be to continue putting up with Gabriel’s threats to ‘fuck the fight out of me’. It was a useless battle anyway. I know deep down he’d have inevitably won, no matter what. And that just pisses me off even further.

  I have no doubt he’d drag me kicking and screaming to the party if I hadn’t begrudgingly relented. And that’s why I’m now sitting in front of the mirror in my temporary bathroom, staring at my reflection while Car
men works her magic on my long black hair.

  “You sure about this, babe?” she asks for what feels like the millionth time.

  “No,” I answer flatly. “I’m not sure about much of anything anymore.”

  Pulling my eyes from my own made up face, I look to see Carmen’s reflection staring back at mine with a combination of concern and pity.

  “Why can’t I tell him no, Car? It’s like no matter how hard I try, how many times I tell myself I’m being a fucking idiot, I just can’t deny him.” The pitch of my voice rises with each word until I’m almost yelling hysterically. “What the hell is wrong with me?”

  She quickly spins me around on the stool I’m sitting on to face her and leans in so we’re eye to eye, her expression fierce. “There is nothing wrong with you. You hear me? Not one fucking thing.”


  Her hand slices through the air to cut me off. “No, don’t argue, just nod in agreement.” She stands there waiting for me do as she ordered. I don’t.

  “Carmen—” She opens her mouth to interrupt again, but I place my hand over it. “You have to admit, this is not a normal reaction to have to a guy that’s done the things Gabriel has done.”

  She stands and props her hip against the bathroom counter as I look up at her. “You still love him?”

  “I’m not…I don’’s not…” I stutter. “God! See what I mean? I can’t even answer that question! Part of me still does but the other part is screaming at me that I should be terrified of him. That’s. Not. Normal!”

  “Babe.” She takes my hand in both of hers and squeezes affectionately. “I’m not saying this to offend you, but you haven’t exactly had the most normal life so far. No…just hear me out,” she says when I go to speak. “You know I think you’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. What I’m getting at is, because of how you grew up, and the seriously fucked up shit you’ve had to deal with all your life, you’re so much stronger than most people are. It’s given you the ability to look at a person and see beyond what anyone else can see. You’ve been so guarded, all I can think is that if someone is actually able to penetrate that armor of yours, then…well, there must be something seriously special about that person.

  “Gabriel’s done some really questionable stuff, but you’ve told me the reasons behind that. I’m not saying that makes it okay by any means, but it does make it just a little more understandable.”


  “Yeah, honey, really. Now, that said, I can’t tell you whether you should or shouldn’t be with Gabriel. That’s not my call to make. You have to make that decision all on your own. But whatever you do, please, please, please just be careful. I want you to follow your heart, just make sure your brain is on board too. Always trust your gut.”

  She isn’t telling me anything I don’t already know. It’s just that my gut is the problem. I can’t follow it if it doesn’t know what the hell it wants.

  “You sure you don’t want to come with me tonight?” I plead for the hundredth time.

  “And play third wheel to you and Gabriel’s soap opera drama? No thanks,” she laughs. Besides, I’ve already got plans. I need to blow off a little steam tonight, clear my head, you know?”

  “You can do that at Gabriel’s party!” I say, pouring a little too much enthusiasm into my words.

  “Yes, because nothing screams balls to the wall party like a bunch of society rich bitches. Now, turn that frown upside down, and let’s get you beautified!” Doing what she says, I let her finish her work.

  Twenty minutes later, I’ve been primped, polished, and plucked thanks to Carmen’s insane eye for detail. My hair falls down my back in dark, shiny waves and my makeup, while subtle, is still stunning in shades of bronze and gold. The way Carmen lined my lips makes them look full and plump under the pale pink lipstick.

  Standing in front of the full-length mirror hanging on the closet door, I take everything in. The gown I purchased—with Carmen’s help and Gabriel’s money, of course—hangs off my curvy frame like it was tailor made specifically for me. Everything about the black dress is elegant, from the open shoulder design with triangle sleeve details, to the plunging V neckline that stops right below my breastbone. The back of the dress is almost non-existent. The material hugs my body from my ribs, all the way down to my knees before flaring out slightly the rest of the way down, and the risqué slit up the side hits me right about mid-thigh. Without a doubt, this gown was worth every one of the thousands and thousands of pennies Gabriel spent on it.

  The Christian Louboutin strappy high heel sandals on my feet are the perfect shoes to showcase such an exquisite dress. The gold crisscross design snakes up my foot and wraps around my ankle. For someone not very comfortable in heels, I have to admit, I’m infatuated with these shoes.

  “You. Look. FABULOUS!” Carmen cries when I turn toward her.

  “You think?” Gabriel and I have to leave for the party in just a few minutes, and now that the time is here, my stomach feels like a million butterflies just took flight inside it. I’m a nervous ball of energy.

  “Oh yeah, babe. You’re absolutely stunning. I don’t know if you’ll be able to beat that man off tonight.”

  I know she’s joking, but her words don’t help. “Maybe this is a mistake. Maybe I shouldn’t go.”

  Carmen steps up to me and places her hands on my shoulders. “Honey, go to the party and have fun. Give yourself this one night just to enjoy yourself, yeah? You deserve it. Drink free booze, eat free food, and rub elbows with all those hoity-toity bitches we always make fun of. Then tomorrow, we’ll gossip and make fun of all the bad nose jobs and fake tits you see tonight.”

  “Deal,” I tell her with a genuine laugh. Once she leaves, I remain in front of the mirror, trying to calm my nerves until I’m officially out of time.

  Now or never. Sucking in a deep breath, I let it out slowly, stiffen my spine, and head into the living room. What I see when I get there takes my breath away.

  Gabriel in a suit is mouthwatering. Gabriel in jeans and a plain tee is sinful. But Gabriel in a tux is absolutely erotic. It truly is a sight to behold. Just seeing him like this is almost enough to bring me to my knees. Thank God, he hasn’t seen me enter the room so I have time to compose myself. I’m sure I’m drooling right about now.

  My eyes wander down his tall frame, appreciating the way his tuxedo pants hug his toned ass and legs and I have to clench my thighs against the rush of wetness that soaks my panties.

  His whispered, “Fuck me,” is what finally pulls me from my lustful thoughts. When my gaze meets his, I see the same desire I feel reflecting back at me in those deep gray depths. “Christ, my bella, you look so fucking beautiful.”

  My cheeks instantly heat and I can feel the flush creeping down my neck and chest. “Thank you,” I say to the ground, unable to maintain such heated eye contact with him.

  Before I realize he’s moved across the room, his fingers are under my chin, tilting my face up to his. “Eyes on me, baby. I love watching you when you’re turned on. Your eyes turn the deepest green.”

  My belly tightens and my nipples harden beneath my dress at his seductive tone. Turning my head to break our connection, I quickly change the subject. “We should get going. Don’t want to be late.”

  I grab the tiny gold clutch that goes with my outfit and move for the front door, only chancing a look back at him once I’ve pushed the button to call the elevator. His smile appears almost…triumphant, as if he knows what I’m thinking at this very moment.

  When the elevator arrives, Gabriel steps forward, placing his palm against the bare skin at the small of my back. I know he feels the involuntary shudder, which courses through me when his fingers clench, pressing deeper. His hand stays in place the entire ride down to the lobby, his touch unnerving me with every passing second. Just one simple caress has every nerve ending in my body sparking to life, igniting a fire deep in my belly.

  My breath turns shallow and my s
pine stays stiff, trying to lessen the skin on skin contact, but it’s pointless. This is going to be a long night.

  Accepting nothing less than the best, Gabriel’s rented a limo to take us to the holiday party that’s being held at The Peninsula. The driver holds the door open and I slide in first, making sure to scoot all the way over against the door.

  Gabriel climbs in after me. Undeterred by my obvious attempt at space, he sits so close our legs are resting against each other.

  “Would you like a drink?” he asks, pointing to the chilled bottle of champagne that’s been provided for us.

  “No, thank you.”

  “It’ll help loosen you up, my bella. Maybe, then you’ll be able to enjoy yourself.”

  “I don’t drink. You know that.”

  He places the uncorked bottle in the bucket and rests back against the seat. I try to keep my focus on the city passing by outside the window, but I can feel the heat from his stare.

  “Jesus, baby, you look phenomenal,” he tells me. “I’d give anything to pull that dress up around your waist and bury my cock inside you.”

  My panties are drenched at his words. “Gabriel, stop,” I breathe, looking to the lowered partition where the driver is sitting. My resolve is too thin. I’m afraid if he keeps going I won’t be able to resist.

  “I’ve fucking missed you.” He leans in and breathes against my ear, his words quiet enough only I can hear. “I’m dying to fuck you, Marley. Christ, I need you more than I need air.”

  Goosebumps break out across my skin as he trails his nose from my neck to my jaw. My chest rises and falls rapidly with each shallow breath. I’m so close to caving as I turn and meet his hungry gaze head on. “The driver…” I whisper, our lips only centimeters apart.

  “I’ll raise the partition. He’ll never know. Fuck me, I need you so bad right now.”

  His rough hand skates up my bare thigh where the slit in the dress has fallen to the side, granting him perfect access. I can’t think. I can’t do anything but react to his touch, leaning into it, craving it.


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