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Page 8

by Jessica Prince

  His feather light caress gets more aggressive the higher up his fingers travel and, purely on instinct, my legs fall apart as he reaches the juncture between my thighs. I can’t contain the gasp that escapes me as he brushes across the silk of my panties, right over the place where I need him the most. All logic has escaped me. Feeling Gabriel like this has short-circuited my brain, leaving me unable to do anything but pant and writhe against his hand, desperately chasing after the orgasm he’s stoked to life with his caress. I don’t even notice he’s yet to raise the partition between us and the driver until a voice sounds from the front of the limo.

  “Mr. Bertozzi, we’ll be arriving in five minutes,” the driver says. The man’s voice causes ice to run through my veins, successfully dousing the desire coursing through them just moments before.

  “Son of a bitch,” Gabriel hisses through clenched teeth. I can see the ticking of his jaw as he squeezes his eyes closed and rests his forehead against mine. I try to slide away from him but, as if he senses my need to retreat before I even act on it, he wraps an arm around my waist, holding me in place.

  “Marley—” he starts, but I cut him off.

  “That was a mistake,” I say quietly, my voice not holding an ounce of the strength I’d hoped for. “We can’t keep doing this, Gabriel.”

  His jaw ticks again as he turns his face from mine. “Drive around back,” he calls to the driver. Turning back to me, he must see the confusion in my face because he states, “Press. They’ll be in front of the hotel. I assume you’d like a more private entrance.”

  Being in his presence, knowing Gabriel the way I do, I find it’s so easy to forget the wealth and privilege that comes with his name. Of course, the press would be camped outside a party for Bertozzi Enterprises. It’s not hard to believe some of the city’s most elite will be in attendance tonight. “Thank you,” I mumble, appreciating his consideration.

  The limo pulls to a stop near the back entrance of the hotel, and I breathe a sigh of relief. The stifling atmosphere in the limo is quickly becoming too much to handle. I try to sit up tall and straighten my dress, but Gabriel’s hold is unrelenting.

  “This isn’t over, Marley,” he tells me, his voice as commanding as ever. “I’ll keep pushing you until I have what I want. Until you’re naked underneath me with my cock buried so deep, you’ll never be able to live without it again.”

  I don’t respond. I physically can’t. He’s rendered me speechless with one simple statement.

  Climbing from the limo, he reaches back, offering me his hand, and helps me out. Squaring my shoulders and lifting my chin, I put on my mask, feigning a confidence I most definitely do not feel as he guides me toward the party. My mask comforts me, the one thing I’ve always been able to count on. And tonight, I have no doubt I’ll be dependent on it.

  Walking into the ballroom where the party is already in full swing, it’s apparent Gabriel lives to be fashionably late. The lavishly decorated room is already bustling with people dressed to the nines in exquisite gowns and impressive tuxedos. If I hadn’t been nervous before, having all eyes in the room turn to watch Gabriel and me enter definitely does the trick. The moment we step through the ornate double doors, people bombard Gabriel with handshakes and pats on the back, compliments on a wonderful party, and praises on topping last year’s. It’s as if everyone in attendance is vying for his attention. The amount of brown nosing in the first ten seconds of entering is beyond nauseating.

  Gabriel’s hand snakes from the small of my back around my waist, holding me securely against him in a protective fashion. But it does nothing to lesson my nervous energy. Being so close to him puts me in the center of all the commotion, a place I’m far from comfortable.

  Trying desperately not to show my discomfort, I keep my mask firmly in place and smile at everyone I’m introduced to. I’m amazed at not only the number of people at the party, but also at who they are. So far, I’ve been introduced to the Mayor, the Governor of Illinois, several congressmen, a handful of celebrities, and two models I’m certain I’ve seen on giant billboards scattered throughout the city. It appears as though everyone who’s anyone in Chicago is in this ballroom. The richest of the rich are all in attendance. Newscasters, sports stars, and politicians are rubbing elbows with owners of Fortune 100 companies. It’s surreal. And, without a doubt, I do not belong.

  I hear a man with a heavy accent speak, “Gabriel, it good to see you again, my friend.” I turn to see Gabriel shaking hands with a man in a designer tux. Everything about his demeanor screams money, but I sense something below the surface that I can’t put my finger on. There’s a…darkness to this man. That’s the only way I know to describe it. Something about how he carries himself and the look in his eyes is exceedingly intimidating.

  “Reyes, good to see you as well.” The smile on Gabriel’s face doesn’t show a hint of discomfort, but it doesn’t carry any affection either.

  “Marley,” Gabriel says, turning to me. “This is a business associate of mine, Juan Reyes.”

  Fake smile in place, I extend my hand to the man in front of me. “Mr. Reyes, pleasure to meet you.”

  He takes my hand in his, and with his full attention on me, I’m hit with a pang of recognition, but I’m unable to place from where I know this man. Raising my hand to his lips, he places a light kiss on my knuckles, and I try my best not to cringe and jerk my hand away. “The pleasure is all mine, Marley. I’ve heard quite a bit about you from Gabriel. But I have to say, he did not do your beauty justice.”

  Gabriel’s hand flexes on my waist. When I chance a peek over at him, the muscle in his jaw ticks. “You can let go of her hand now, Reyes.” His words are clipped as annoyance rolls off him.

  To his credit, Reyes doesn’t seem the slightest bit intimidated by Gabriel’s threatening demeanor. He throws his head back in laughter, finally letting go of my hand. “Very possessive, my friend. Glad to see you aren’t immune to such a stunning woman.”

  “Not immune at all,” Gabriel states, pulling me even closer.

  Reyes gives Gabriel a friendly pat on the shoulder. “Well, I’ll let you enjoy your evening and your date. We should schedule a meeting after the holidays to discuss business.”

  “Looking forward to it. Enjoy the party. The bars are stocked with top shelf liquor.”

  “Only the best, my friend,” Reyes says with another laugh before disappearing into the crowd.

  “Sorry about that. Reyes tends to be…overly friendly at times,” Gabriel says. As we begin walking through the ballroom toward one of the bars set up in the room, I managed to put a tiny bit of distance between us. His arm is no longer wrapped around my waist, but he still keeps a firm hand on my naked back.

  “Yeah, I got that,” I mumble as I stare straight ahead.

  “If he made you feel uncomfortable, let me know. I’ll take care of it.”

  “I’m fine. You can’t go around threatening anyone that makes me the slightest bit uneasy.”

  His warm palm slides a little lower down my back and I feel his breath against my ear. “Says who, my bella?”

  The smile he’s wearing when I look up at him causes warmth to spread through my chest. “That’s not how the world works, Gabriel.”

  “That’s how my world works,” he tells me seriously. “I’ll gladly spend the rest of my life threatening anyone and everyone who causes you the slightest discomfort.”

  I turn away from his gaze, trying not to let his words affect me so deeply. “That’s not a healthy way to live.”

  “Fuck healthy, Marley. My soul purpose on this earth is to keep you safe.”

  His words are so passionate, so sincere; I find it hard not to believe him. That is until I remember how we got to this place in our relationship.

  “But that wasn’t always the case. Was it?”

  Gabriel lets out a long-suffering sigh as we step up to the bar. “Marley—”

  I hold my hand up to stop him. “Let’s just drop it. Please. I’m
sorry I even brought it up.”

  He’s just finished ordering a glass of sparkling water for me and a scotch for himself when a voice calls out behind us. “Marley, I’m so glad to see you!”

  I manage to turn around just moments before being engulfed in a tight hug. “Annabel,” I say in surprise, “I didn’t know you were going to be here tonight.”

  “Of course, dear, I never miss the company’s holiday party.”

  “Well, I’m glad to see a familiar face,” I respond with sincerity. Even with Gabriel and I being on such rocky ground, having someone I know at this party helps ease some of the discomfort I’ve experienced since we walked into the room.

  She looks up at me with a heartwarming smile. “You look stunning tonight, darling.”

  My eyes scan the length of her emerald green dress. It’s classic and sophisticated, as is the woman wearing it. “So do you. Your dress is beautiful, Annabel.”

  Her cheeks turn a slight pink beneath her flawlessly applied makeup. “Thank you, my dear.” Her attention switches to Gabriel and she rises up on her tiptoes to place a kiss on his cheek. “And you’re looking as handsome as ever, son.”

  “Thank you, Mother. You’re simply breathtaking, as always.” He smiles down at Annabel with so much affection that I feel the warmth in my chest spread even further, taking over most of my body.

  A tall figure steps into my peripheral vision just before a deep voice cuts through the air. “He’s not lying, Annabel. You look lovely.” Aldo bends to place a kiss on her cheek before standing back up to his full, towering height. I’ve never seen Aldo in a tux. To be quite honest, I didn’t think they made one that could fit the giant of a man. However, I have to admit, he’s only slightly less mouthwatering than Gabriel. “Marley, you look stunning as well.”

  I smile my first real smile of the night. “Thank you, Aldo. I have to say, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look so handsome.”

  He chuckles deeply at the same time Gabriel releases a sound similar to a growl from beside me. “He looks like a goddamned gorilla in that tux.”

  “Gabriel!” Annabel scolds. I shoot him a glare at the same time Aldo lets out a bark of laughter.

  “Don’t be jealous, boss,” Aldo says as he throws a massive arm around my shoulders and pulls me to his side. “It was only a matter of time before Marley came to her senses and realized who the real man is.”

  “I’m two seconds from ripping your fucking arm off. Stop touching her.”

  “For goodness sake. Can you at least try to refrain from using such foul language tonight?” Annabel lectures. I have to place a hand over my mouth to cover my smile as I watch Gabriel’s mother knock him down several pegs. “Come, Marley. Let’s leave these two to fight it out.” She grabs my hand and starts pulling me away from the men.

  “Where are you going?” Gabriel calls out.

  “To the ladies room. We’ll be back once you and Aldo can act like grownups.” This time, I don’t hold my laughter in.

  After checking my makeup in the mirror and reapplying my lipstick, Annabel and I head back out into the ballroom. When she’s stopped by an older couple and pulled into a conversation, I politely wave her on, letting her know that I’m going to find Gabriel and I’ll see her later.

  I’m at the edge of the dance floor when a good looking man steps into my path. “Well, aren’t you a sight,” he says. His tone is polite, his dark eyes kind. He isn’t leering at me in a disturbing manner. That’s when recognition dawns on me. “Carlo, right?” I ask with a smile. “We met that night at my apartment?”

  “That’s right. You look amazing, Marley.”

  My cheeks heat and I can’t help but look down at my feet. “Thank you,” I say softly.

  “I have no doubt Gabe will break both my arms for this, but would you like to dance?”

  I let out a carefree laugh at just how right he is about Gabriel. “That’s really sweet, but I’m afraid I don’t dance.”

  “Of course you dance. Everyone dances,” he jokes.

  “Not everyone. I’ve always been a horrible dancer. Trust me; I’m doing you a favor, saving you from two broken arms and public humiliation.”

  “Well, I’ll be around if you change your mind.” He smiles fondly and I turn to head back in the direction of the bar and Gabriel.

  The crowd opens up once I’m about thirty feet away. What I see before me knocks all the breath from my lungs.

  Kiersten’s arms wrapped tightly around Gabriel and her lips are planted firmly on his. I think I’m going to be sick. I stand frozen in place as the kiss comes to an end. Despite its briefness, witnessing that kiss is enough to make my stomach begin to churn. I watch as he takes a small step away from her, causing her arms to slide from around his neck, but he does nothing to disengage the hold she now has on his forearms. He leans in and whispers something in her ear as his eyes dart around the room. I can’t let him see me. The last thing I need is to make a scene in front of all these people, and if he gets anywhere near me right now, I’m afraid that’s just what I’ll do.

  Swallowing painfully past the lump that’s formed in my throat, I turn and quickly head in the opposite direction. I don’t know where I’m going; I just know I need to get the hell out of here.

  “Marley.” A quick look to my left shows Aldo walking in my direction, his cell phone in his hand, his head bent to the screen. When he steps in front of me, his brows furrow and his lips tip into a frown. “Are you okay?”

  Clearing my throat nervously, I paste on my fake smile and answer, “Yeah, of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” I take a quick scan of our surroundings, hoping Gabriel hasn’t spotted me yet.

  “You look upset.”

  “Nope, not at all. Just tired I guess,” I lie. His lips form a tight line and I know he knows I’m lying, but he doesn’t push.

  “Do you know where Carmen is?”

  His question throws me for a momentary loop. “Uh, I’m not sure. She said something about going out tonight to blow off steam, but she didn’t tell me where.”

  His expression instantly grows dark. The fury radiating from him is so scary I immediately take a step back.

  “She said those exact words?”

  I try to think back to what all we discussed when she was helping me get ready earlier this evening. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s what she said.”

  He takes a deep breath and squeezes his eyes closed as if he’s trying to get a hold on his anger. When he opens them, his attention is focused on something over my shoulder. His head dips in an almost indiscernible nod before he looks back at me. “Right. Gotta go.”

  His short, clipped words send a chill down my spine. Not so much for me, but for Carmen. Aldo in a normal mood is frightening. Aldo mad as all hell is downright piss-your-pants terrifying. I need to try to help my best friend.

  “Aldo,” I warn, grabbing hold of his arm. “Maybe you should calm down before you do…whatever it is you’re about to do. Tracking her down when you’re as mad as you are right now isn’t going to end well for either of you.”

  “Why don’t you let me worry about me and Carmen?” His eyes shoot up again to something behind me. “I think you’ve already got enough on your plate.” With a wink, he spins around and heads out of the ballroom.

  “Hiding from me?” a voice whispers in my ear, causing me to jump. Turning around with a hand on my chest, I see Gabriel wearing a smug grin.

  “You scared me.”

  “Well, you’ve been gone quite some time. I was starting to get worried you’d ditched me.” I can see the humor flashing in his eyes and it does nothing but feed my anger.

  “I don’t know, you didn’t look too concerned about my whereabouts when Kiersten was kissing you,” I reply snidely.

  His humor instantly disappears, his expression growing cold from one blink to the next. Looking around to see if anyone has witnessed our little exchange, Gabriel takes hold of my elbow and starts leading me to the dance floor. “Let’
s dance,” he says flatly.

  “I don’t want to dance.” I try to jerk my arm from his hold, but his fingers only tighten further.

  “We’re dancing,” he demands, not even bothering to look at me as he bosses me around.

  “Gabriel,” I hiss through clenched teeth, trying again to escape his grasp. “I’m not dancing with you!”

  As if he doesn’t hear me at all, Gabriel makes it to the floor and deftly pulls me to him, chest to chest, his strong hold on me unrelenting. “Just hear me out,” he says under his breath so no one else around us can hear.

  I let out a sarcastic laugh and roll my eyes. “You’ve lost your fucking mind. I don’t need to hear shit from you. I know what I saw.”

  The hand holding mine clenches slightly as his arm around my waist tightens, pulling me even closer to him. “It’s not what it looked like.”

  “How original,” I deadpan. “You know, you could at least take the time to put a little effort into your bullshit.”

  “It’s not bullshit! She did that because she knew I wouldn’t be able to react the way I normally would. This is an important party for the company, Marley. I couldn’t risk making a scene. I broke the kiss and stepped back the best I could without drawing attention to us. This is the only time Kiersten could get away with something as fucked up as that, and she took advantage.”

  Our bodies sway to the beat of the music, but I’m not even paying attention to whatever song the band is currently playing. “You know, for someone so dead set against making a scene, you were pretty damn quick to put Aldo in his place just for touching me.”

  His face softens as he stares down at me. “I lose my mind when it comes to you.” His whispered declaration leaves me speechless. “You can’t blame me for that, my bella. I love you so fucking much, I can’t think straight most of the time. I want you twenty-four, seven.”

  “Gabriel,” my voice comes out pleading, desperate to get him to stop talking. I don’t know how much more I can take. I’m not strong enough to resist him.


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