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Dirty Player: An International Alphas Romance

Page 3

by Lula Baxter

  I was more worried about him reading the lie on my face. Obviously, I’ve seen a cock before. I’m not that inexperienced. It’s just that looking is about all it’s ever amounted to. Even with Bruce….

  I stop myself right there. No need to ruin today with that business. I crawl over to the edge where Alexandre has fallen into the sea. His smiling face stares back up at me as he treads water.

  “Come in, the water is perfect,” he taunts.

  I don’t know why I’m so scandalized. The girl who couldn’t wait to sneak away every day to go to the topless beaches of Nice and strip down to nothing but a bikini bottom, now balks at the idea of actually going the extra step.

  When I think about it that way, it does seem silly. Alexandre was right, there is no one here to judge. Even the bodies sprawled out on the beach vary from the fit and trim to the, well, the exact opposite. They haven’t even bothered to pay any attention to us since we’ve arrived.

  Alexandre has begun backstroking toward the beach, still watching me with that grin on his face. It softens when I pull my dress over my head, leaving me in nothing but my bra and underwear.

  Now it’s my turn to smirk. His progression toward the beach has halted and he remains practically motionless, kicking just enough to stay above water as he watches me with intense eyes.

  I sit down to quickly remove my sandals, then pop back up to find him still in the same position, staring my way. I raise one eyebrow as I reach behind me to unhook my bra. I take my time removing it, enjoying the fact that he has to strain to stay afloat while observing me. One hand slides a strap down my shoulder. I tilt my head to the side giving him a coquettish smile.

  I’ve never flirted this boldly before. The mixture of the wine, the adrenaline rush of the trip in, and yes, Alexandre himself, has me feeling incredibly wicked. I’m actually enjoying this.

  I slip the other strap down and let the entire bra fall down my arms, exposing the fact that there are no tan lines.

  How about that, Alexandre?

  I see the broad grin come to his face as he blatantly covers every inch of my exposed skin with his gaze. Despite the heat, my nipples harden painfully. Now comes the bold part. It’s one thing for me to expose my rather smallish, barely-a-handful sized breasts. It’s another to reveal the rest.

  I’m far less flirty this time, closing my eyes and holding my breath as I push my panties down my ass and quickly step out of them. My heart pounds as I re-open them long enough to find the edge of the boat and struggle to straddle over it into the water.

  Instead, my legs get tangled up and I stumble headfirst into the sea with a yelp. A rush of salty water cuts it short. I panic as I feel myself choking on it while floundering in my attempt to find the surface. Just when I’m sure I’m going to drown, two strong hands find me and grab hold of my arms. I feel my body being lifted and my head breaks through the surface, somehow making me even more disoriented as the sun hits my eyes, blinding me. I kick and splash, still in panic mode, until I feel Alexandre’s muscular arm come around my waist, holding me up against him.

  “Shhh,” he says soothingly. “You’re fine, it’s just a little water. Relax. Relax.”

  The mantra-like words in my ear are enough to get my heart back to a normal pace. I’m still coughing up water, but at least now I feel safe. With one hand, Alexandre holds me and with the other, he backstrokes toward the beach. When we are in shallow enough water to stand, I feel my body being lifted up. He keeps me pressed back into him and my ass falls into his crotch. It’s a vivid reminder that we are both naked as I feel his large cock meet my right cheek.

  I instinctively pull away and try to stand on the rock-covered bottom on my own. Alexandre just laughs as I slide off one slippery, smooth surface and fall onto my ass in the water.

  “Careful, it’s slippery,” he teases, staring down at me with a huge grin on his face.

  I scowl at him and try lifting myself up. The only result is my hand sliding across another slick surface and me falling on my ass again. I cry out in surprise and frustration.

  “Here,” he says, offering his hand to me. How the heck is he able to stand on these things?

  I know I should be focused on his hand, but the long shaft dangling between his legs is too distracting. It glistens as the sun reflects off the drops of seawater snaking along each thick vein. Even now that it’s lost its earlier tumescence, it still seems massive. Are all men this big?

  Alexandre’s fingers beckon my attention, curling in and encouraging me to take hold. My eyes roll up to his to find them laughing at me, as if he knows exactly what they were just preoccupied with.

  I grimace with self-reproach and take hold of his hand. He easily lifts me up and when I struggle to find a foothold, his other hand is around my waist again, pulling me in toward his solid build, like an anchor holding me in place. I’m too focused on not falling on my ass again to realize that now our naked bodies are pressed together, this time from the front.

  With a man who isn’t my fiancé.

  The thought should have me pulling away again. Instead, my body rebels against my morals, no matter how misdirected they are. I lean in, letting the heat radiating from him counter the chill of the air as it hits my wet skin.

  Slowly, Alexandre guides me to the small little inlet that serves as a beach for the few people occupying it. By now, they are definitely paying attention to the newcomers, thanks to the embarrassing little show I’ve just put on.

  A thin older woman who somehow has pert, perfect breasts—how do the French do it?—leans up on her elbow and lifts her sunglasses, staring at us with a worried look. She says something in French and I don’t need an interpreter to know she’s asking whether or not I’m okay.

  Alexandre says something back to her in perfect French and she just nods. I note that the sunglasses have stayed perched atop her head and her attention is still on him despite his assurances about me. It’s becoming glaringly apparent that it isn’t my welfare she’s interested in, at least if those hardening nipples on those perfect breasts are any indication.

  I give her a direct stare, long enough for those sunglasses to come back down. She shrugs and settles herself back on her towel.

  Why the hell am I being so proprietary? Alexandre is hardly mine. This whole little adventure is nothing more than a lark. Come tonight I’ll be back with my mother—facing her wrath no doubt—but also with Dad, who is flying in specially to meet us. I can’t wait.

  Chapter Six


  That little rescue mission was enough to test the limits of my libido. As enticing as Astrid was in that sundress, what lies underneath is a masterpiece of pure perfection. I want to touch, smell, and taste her all at the same time.

  Her fascination with what lies between my legs was the kicker. The usual reaction ranges between awe and pure, unadulterated hunger. The raw, open curiosity in Astrid’s gaze was something I hadn’t seen in a long time. It was the gaze of a novice…the gaze of a virgin.

  I look at her with fascination. It’s been a while since I’ve been in the presence of someone so inexperienced sexually, at least one in this state of undress. I smile to myself as I settle down next to her. The beach underneath us is uncomfortable, being nothing but smooth stones, but at least the sun feels good as it warms our bodies. Now that she’s recovered, she’s back to being self-conscious. Her knees are pulled up so far they press into her breasts. She wraps her arms around them and sets her chin on top.

  I laugh lightly and fall down to lean on my side, facing her, making sure my elbow is safely on the cooler wet rocks. “Still shy? It’s a shame. There’s nothing as enjoyable as the Mediterranean sun on your naked body.”

  She turns her head to frown my way. Then she scans the people behind us, most of whom have gone back to minding their own business. I can still feel the eyes of the woman who asked after Astrid’s welfare surreptitiously boring into me underneath her glasses.

  Astrid turns back to the s
ea before us, biting her lip. I say nothing, waiting for her to ease into it on her own. Eventually, she exhales a small breath and straightens her shoulders. She gives me one short, suspicious look before releasing her knees and quickly flipping over onto her stomach.

  “Ouch!” she yelps, curving her upper body away from the hard, hot stones that haven’t been cooled by the water. I don’t envy the nice little burn her nipples just experienced.

  “Careful there, the stones are hot,” I point out unnecessarily.

  She scowls at me as she straddles above them on her palms. Her small breasts dangle enticingly over the pebbles, causing my dick to revisit its earlier indulgence.

  “I suppose at this point you’ve already seen it all,” she finally sighs, sitting up again to face the sea. This time, she doesn’t bother bringing her knees up. Instead, she leans back, legs straight out in front of her, head turned up to the sun, basking in it.

  “Well, I have now,” I say with a laugh. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about, you know.”

  “I know,” she says smartly, then gives a soft, embarrassed laugh.

  My eyes wander from her collarbone which almost sparkles with its golden hue, down to her breasts, which are free of any tan lines. I compare that to the considerably paler triangle of skin where a bikini bottom once lay. “So you aren’t all that shy when it comes to showing yourself after all.”

  She squints one eye open and rolls it in my direction. Taking note of where my attention is focused, she laughs. “This is far different, but not completely terrible after all.”

  “It’s even better in the water,” I say standing up to head back in. “Why don’t you join me?”

  “I think I’ve had enough water for today,” she says, smiling.

  “Oh, that was just a little mishap. Don’t let it taint your opinion of the Mediterranean. There are few pleasures in life more enjoyable than swimming naked in perfect water.”

  I hold out my hand, waiting. She stares at it with consideration in her eyes and, seeing that I won’t go in without her, finally sighs and reaches out to take it.

  “Okay now, slowly.”

  “Yes, I know,” she replies, laughing as she focuses on keeping steady, despite the assistance of my grip.

  It gives me a chance to focus on her body while she’s not working so hard to hide parts of it from me. I wonder what it would be like slipping in between those long tan legs, piercing that barrier that for some odd reason hasn’t yet been trespassed. Thankfully, we reach deep enough waters before my erection is completely obvious. I release her hand and dive in before she takes note. When I come back up, I can see that she is still working her way in a bit more cautiously. The water is high enough to brush against the lips nestled between her thighs and I’m focused on them, again wondering what it would taste like if it were my tongue lapping at them.

  I’ve found a small shallow pool, deep enough for my feet to just barely graze against the rocks below. “Jump,” I encourage her, holding my arms up to catch her.

  She squints at me, the sun in her eyes. There’s a wrinkle of doubt in her brow before she smiles and jumps. I catch her easily and we both laugh.

  An hour later we are still there, diving deep below the water to explore the sea bottom, coming up to rest on the large rocks submerged in the shallow waters off the shore, racing one another to specific points and back again.

  “Let’s head back to the boat. I want to take you somewhere.”

  “Already?” Astrid asks, looking at me with disappointment in her face.

  She has lost all hints of modesty and I’ve taken every opportunity to see more of her. It isn’t just her body that I admire. Her vibrancy and zest for adventure stir something in me, piercing that hardened wall of cynicism that I’ve built up over the years.

  I should have left her there at the bar.

  I’ve used women before to get what I want. In many ways, it’s the easiest path. I’ve never taken what wasn’t willingly offered, and in almost every case left them quite satisfied. I’m a firm believer in a win-win situation, even if my own ulterior goals are less than ethical.

  “We should eat and drink some water. You would be surprised how easily dehydration can set in.”

  “Hmm, you’re right. I am thirsty.” She turns a devilish grin my way. “First one back to the boat gets first pick of the fruit.”

  Before I can agree, she dives in and begins stroking her way back to the boat.

  I smile as I watch her for a moment, then dive in after her. At 6’3” I have a good eight or so inches on her, so my longer arms and stronger muscles have me easily surpassing her to reach the boat first. I climb up the ladder and hop in, leaning over the edge to watch her make her final strokes.

  “No fair,” she says, frowning at me as she takes hold of the ladder. “You’re bigger.”

  “And you had a head start,” I tease, sitting back and watching her as she straddles over the edge. The blood comes surging back toward my groin as I get my first glimpse of the small pink inner lips and tiny nub nestled at the forefront.

  I definitely should have left her back at the bar.

  Chapter Seven


  “It’s beautiful,” I say looking around at the lush little cove Alexandre has brought us to.

  We’re both still naked, letting the sun dry us off in lieu of getting our clothes wet. Any self-consciousness I once had is long gone. He was right, this really is the best way to experience the Mediterranean. This day will be one that I’ll treasure long after I’ve returned home.

  I can’t imagine Bruce being into this sort of thing, certainly not with me. He’s all about appearances, and swimming naked in the French Riviera absolutely doesn’t fit with the image his family has cultivated. If they knew what I was up to, it would not be pretty. I frown as I think about it.

  I turn to look at Alexandre while he’s focused on dropping the anchor since there are no buoys here. I know he’s been taking every opportunity to look at me while I’m undressed. It sends a delicious thrill through me. Now, I’m the one letting my eyes wander. His thighs are thick with hard, tanned muscles that flex as he positions himself over the edge of the boat. Even bent over, there isn’t an ounce of fat on his stomach. His arms, shoulders, and back are like the rise and fall of the ocean as the muscles bulge and flex with each movement.

  I take a moment to sneak another peek at what hangs between his thighs, wondering what it would feel like to have him inside me. The surge of wet pleasure that rushes through me gives me a clue.

  The anchor is dropped and his head pops back up to look at me, catching me ogling him. The smile that comes to his face sends the heat to mine and I know even the tan I’ve built today can’t hide the red hue that must be blazing from my cheeks.

  The soft chuckle from Alexandre as he comes back toward me confirms it. He disappears below, where he’s stored the food and water, and I take a moment to recover, rolling my eyes at how silly I’m being. After all, I did just spend the past hour cavorting around in the nude with him.

  I laugh to myself as I consider that. My mother would have a heart attack. The Campbells would have a conniption. My father, well, I’d like to think he’d get a small chuckle out of it…if I wasn’t engaged. If there’s one thing my father is, it’s honorable.

  I feel a trickle of guilt creep through me. Not at betraying my fiancé, but at the lie I’ve built up, a lie so thick and complex that it would be impossible to find my way out of it.

  “Here you are,” Alexandre says, handing me one of the bottles of water and breaking me out of the gloom I always feel setting in when I think about my future.

  I twist off the cap and drink up greedily. He was right about the dehydration. I’ve never tasted water so delicious.

  “Since I was first back to the boat, I choose the nectarine,” he says, picking it out of the bag.

  I twist my lips his way, side-eyeing him. He just smiles as he bites into it, the juice trickling do
wn his chin in a way that gets my own juices flowing. I direct my attention into the bag and pull out a delicious looking plum. I settle back into the seat and bite into it, enjoying the delicious burst of flavor that hits my tongue.

  This is perfection, even with the salt drying into a crust on my skin and my hair probably a complete mess. Nothing could possibly beat the easy breeze that flows over my naked body, the warm sun baking me just enough to feel pleasant, and the taste of fruit on my lips. And of course, the company.

  “So, tell me about yourself, Astrid,” Alexandre says casually.

  I roll my eyes in his direction. “What do you want to know?”

  He just shrugs with a grin. “What do you want to tell me?”

  I laugh. “How boring my life is?”

  “Oh, I doubt that.”

  “Okay then, I’m twenty-one years old. I live in Boston and I’m about to finish my final year at Boston University, majoring in the oh-so-promising field of art education. That about sums it up,” I say, settling back into my seat and taking another bite of my plum.

  Alexandre grins and leans on his side to look at me. “Oh, I’m sure there’s more to it than that. No boyfriend?”

  It occurs to me that I have indeed left out that one very major part of my life. I think about it for a moment. “No, no boyfriend,” I say, swallowing my bite of plum.

  Technically, it isn’t a lie when your boyfriend is now your fiancé. I’m not sure most people, including the man sitting next to me, would appreciate that fine line, but I don’t care. By the end of the day, he’ll be a distant, fond memory.

  I can feel Alexandre staring at me thoughtfully. “I find that hard to believe,” he says softly.

  “Well, it’s true,” I say, giving him a sly smile. He just keeps staring back at me as though wondering how I, of all people, could be without a boyfriend.

  “So what about you, Alexandre?” I ask, mostly to ease the growing tension I’m beginning to feel.


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