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Personal Guardians

Page 26

by Rachel A. Collett

  Faster than I thought possible, Theron rushed us. Jonathan swore under his breath and pushed me away. “Go, Ava.”

  He met his challenger with a clash of steel that rang through the night. I stumbled backward, covering my ears as the vibrations wracked me, but I could not run away or take my eyes from the battling demons. Jonathan blocked a downward stab with his arm then knocked Theron away with a side kick to the solar plexus. The land shook and grumbled when Theron’s body fell, but in an instant, he was up again, knocking Jonathan off his feet with a tackle true to his line-backer form. The two collided into the dirt with a puff of dust so thick I could barely see my demon.

  The earth threatened to crack beneath their thrashing bodies. Jonathan blasted his enemy off him with a wave of power that catapulted Theron back, bringing him within yards of where I stood. Theron landed on his feet and whipped around, his sight trained on me. Taking Jonathan’s advice, I bolted for the veil only to be thwarted by a solid hit that knocked the air from my lungs.

  Jonathan’s feral roar sounded; another rumble vibrated the ground. As I pushed my face from the dirt, pain shot through my arm and up into my head, and I cried out again. Forcing my body, I rose, seeing sparks. I grabbed the handle of Theron’s knife that was now implanted in my left arm. With a grunt, I ripped it from my flesh.

  Breathing hard, I studied the blade—so like my father’s knife—in a dreamer’s reality, heat rising to my face. The demon hadn’t meant to kill me with that throw. He meant to stop me from leaving so he could take me to his master, the Destroyer, the one who had killed my father.

  Pain, not only physical, laced through me, but I pushed it back. I peered through blurred sight to see Jonathan on his back, Theron’s hands around his neck. Jonathan held Theron’s neck in a large-handed grasp as well—the two demons in a stalemated death grip.

  And my vision clouded over.

  I ran through a red haze toward the demon. Gathering my energy, I unleashed it with a frontal kick. Theron flew over Jonathan, who rolled like a boulder through the dirt.

  He unfolded on his back, his body rolling to a stop. I tore into the air, and with a downward strike, stabbed the demon through the heart.

  My pendant exploded.

  I fell backward onto my hands as the Demon’s Eye burst open. White-shadowed light peeled from the stone, casting Theron in its beams. With effort, I stood, bracing myself against the power emanating from the pendant.

  Eyes wide, he gaped at the Demon’s Eye, his mouth working but emitting no sound. His soul—a dark and shadowed entity—pulled from his body, grabbed by the light within the pendant. When it collided with the black stone, the force knocked me flat.

  And the world went silent.

  Jonathan stood over me, speaking words that I could not understand. He sat me up, but still no sound came to my ears. I watched him as he spoke to me, concern etched upon his features. I smiled at him. He didn’t need to be concerned anymore. He was safe now.

  “Ava.” He patted my cheeks. “Ava, snap out of it.” He patted again, but with greater force.

  “Ow.” I knocked away his hand.

  “Ava, you must go. Your friends would have felt the disturbance. You must go.”

  He pulled me to my feet and the pain returned to my arm. Jonathan threw me over his shoulder. My breath went out in an audible whoosh as he ran me toward the veil. I screamed my objections to his harsh treatment. Hadn’t I just saved his life? But he ignored my pleas and kept running.

  The world spun as he set me on my feet. “They will be here any second,” he said.

  He tucked Grayson’s dagger in my boot, slid my father’s knife into my pocket—when had I dropped them both?—then presented me with Theron’s blade. It was covered in blood, a combination of both his and mine. I took it with a shaky hand, folded it and placed it with my father’s.

  “Now go,” Jonathan ordered, but before I could stumble through the veil and back into my sanctuary, he seized me by the hand. Pulling me into his arms, he pressed his lips against my cheek, just grazing the corner of my mouth. He opened to me. Thank you, my darling, but never try to save my life again.

  He shoved me through the veil. I barely caught myself before falling. Finding my bearings, I scanned my surroundings. The ancient stone archway loomed before me, and the ground rumbled, but it wasn’t demons that caused the noise.


  Friend or foe

  Three trucks peeled to a stop before the archway. Frozen to the spot, I watched as most of the security team, along with Laith and Elisa, Fiona and Cedric, jumped from the vehicles. My heart went into overdrive knowing what came next.

  “Ava?” Elisa ran toward me, clutching my arms. I hissed in pain at the fiery shockwave it sent through my body. She pulled back, blood on her hand. “Dear heavens. You’re bleeding!”

  “I’m fine,” I said, waving away her concern even though blood trickled down my arm, soaking my shirtsleeve. “Isn’t that part of the calling?”

  “But we avoid it as much as we can.” She gave me a look that suggested I didn’t. I cupped my hand around the opened gash.

  Others ran past with Laith to check beyond the border. I grasped at my pendant that still rang high with tension. Did the Demon’s Eye experience its own reaction or feed from my response to killing my first demon? My hands and insides shook, almost violently, but as I thought over what had happened I didn’t sense anything except confidence that I had done the right thing. Theron had come to kill Jonathan and take me to the Destroyer.

  Despite my self-assurance, I couldn’t slow the shaking. I looked up in time to see Charlotte watching me with suspicious eyes.

  “What have you done, my niece?” Fiona glided over, one brow raised in disconcertion.

  “Fiona, can you heal her please?” Elisa asked.

  Fiona looked me up and down, her senses probing my body. “Her adrenaline is high. She barely feels the pain of the knife wound. I need to ensure my healing isn’t needed elsewhere, and for something far more important.”

  “Knife wound?” Elisa’s expression was near furious. “Why would you have a knife wound?” She stripped off her black hoodie. Using her knife, she cut off the long sleeve of her sweater, using it as bandage. “You have got to stop getting yourself hurt.”

  “Where is Darius?” I asked instead, glancing around the rest of the group.

  “My grandson said he gave Darius something to sleep. He wouldn’t wake. Benito feared for Darius’s safety and asked to remain behind.”

  My brows shot up. Had the doctor covered for me?

  Heavy footsteps caught our attention. “Nothing is there, but we did find evidence of a skirmish,” Laith said, jogging to a stop. Roman followed in his wake. “Ava, what happened? Why are you here?”

  Obviously Jonathan had moved the evidence of Theron’s body.

  A voice called over the walkie-talkie Roman held. “Sir,” Roman addressed Laith. “Zane is awake.”

  Laith cursed beneath his breath. “Alright. We’ll be there as soon as we figure out what happened.”

  “I’ll go,” Charlotte interjected, avoiding my gaze. “I’ll go to him until you can return, my Herald.”

  Laith nodded and she ran to her vehicle, leaving with a roar of the engine and a cloud of dust.

  “Ava?” I grimaced when Elisa pulled the knot tight around my arm.

  “I feel it would be best if we discussed this at the compound,” I said, unwilling to allow the whole security team to know of my foolishness.

  Fiona grunted but followed with her husband to the trucks. My mind raced as I thought over what I could tell them that would satisfy their questions, but no answers came.

  Hector went to retrieve Dr. Maynes, and Charlotte was radioed to meet us in the library. Noah and Roman stood guard outside. When we entered, Darius waited on the sofa. His eyes followed me into the room, zeroing in on the makeshift bandage around my arm, and I internally shrank.

  The leather protested the abuse as I s
ank into the seat next to him.

  “So,” he said, directing his gaze into mine. “How long did it take you to get out from beneath me?”

  “Seconds,” I lied. “And just how are you awake, may I ask?”

  “Caffeine.” He smiled, his voice like honey. “Lots and lots of caffeine, Ava. The doctor’s sleeping pill really did the trick. I’m sorry I was unable to join the party until now—obviously, it was a good one,” he said, gesturing to my arm.

  “There was no party, Darius,” Fiona interjected, “and you need to make us aware of any sleeping problems you experience in the future. This could have been dangerous, and you might have been needed. As temporary Guardian, you cannot be so foolish again.”

  Darius nodded. “Forgive me, my Healer,” he said, casting me a sideways glance.

  My insides plunged with guilt.

  “You better be more careful, Ava.” Cedric took my arm in his, removing the improvised bandage. After tearing away my shirtsleeve, he examined the knife wound with narrowed focus, blotting away the excess blood. “We’ve healed you more times this month than everyone else combined in our little sanctuary.”

  I bit back a sarcastic retort and instead looked away when I felt his healing take place. “Thank you,” I mumbled when he released my arm.

  His expression was curious. “You’ll have to clean that up later, but you’re welcome, my dear.” He dropped the blood-soaked fabric in a nearby wastebasket. “I’m sure the story attached to this wound will be very intriguing. I look forward to it.”

  I cringed and the Demon’s Eye pressed nervously against my chest, making it hard to respond.

  The doors to the library opened. Charlotte entered; a somber expression darkened her face. “Zane has eaten and wants to rest again.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Apparently, he’s not ready to talk yet.”

  “But he just woke up,” Laith said, pacing the room. “We don’t have time for him to sleep. We need answers.”

  Elisa stopped him, taking him by the hand. “Wouldn’t he be more willing to work with us if he’s rested? Maybe if he’s given a little extra time, he’ll tell us all we need.”

  “Should I go check on him?” Dr. Maynes asked from the doorway.

  “No.” Charlotte looked away, sullen. “He wasn’t very receptive, even to me. Maybe we should let him stew a bit longer.”

  The doctor nodded, taking a seat next to his Nana.

  Laith sighed. “Ava? What do you think?”

  Charlotte glared, offended that her suggestion was being overlooked for mine, but I did my best to ignore her. I took hold of my pendant, still affected by the evening’s events, and closed my eyes to search for Zane. His soul was not open to me and I told them so.

  “I think Elisa’s right. If he’s given time and the proper encouragement, he should talk to me,” I said.

  “Very well. Let’s move on.” Laith took a seat across from me. “Ava, what was going on tonight? Whatever happened beyond the border rattled the entire sanctuary. Why were you out there alone?”

  I let out a deep, contained sigh. “I was given information on where Cheryl was being kept—”

  “Information? From who?” Charlotte interrupted, her words incensed. “Who would give you information and not the rest of us?”

  I looked away, focusing on my friends. “I was going to meet the informant and learn of the location. He told me Cheryl was alive, and I felt I had to see her for myself but we were attacked and a battle ensued.”

  “I demand to know who your informant was,” Charlotte said, but her demand made me only want to ignore her more.

  Cedric seemed to sense this and intervened. “While we understand your reasons why, do you believe this was safe to do by yourself?”

  I only shrugged. “I didn’t think you would let me go.”

  “And we wouldn’t have, not by yourself; but that’s the problem, isn’t it Ava?” Darius leaned over, resting his elbows on his knees. He cracked his knuckles in frustration. “You think you have to do everything alone, but you have friends. You have The Three, and now you have me. I am your temporary Guardian.”

  Charlotte laughed, a high burst of sounds that rang through the library.

  “That’s enough,” Fiona barked. “If you so much as breathe loud, Charlotte, you will be escorted to your room. I demand that you act like a grown adult.”

  Charlotte clamped her mouth shut. Angry blotches exploded upon her face.

  “A battle with the magnitude we felt, expending enough power to disrupt our sanctuary, is only possible between an immortal and a demon, or a battle—”

  “Between two demons,” I said with a sigh. “And it was. My personal demon is the informant.”

  Fiona stilled and Elisa looked away.

  It was Laith that finally asked, “Who?”

  I took a deep breath to calm my over-excited nerves. “Jonathan. The one you fought in the forest. After the battle, he claimed me as his mortal and he’s been around ever since. I decided to use him to my advantage to get to the Annihilator. The Fallen and those that follow the Destroyer hate the Annihilator. She’s getting too powerful. They want her dead just as much as I do. Jonathan found Cheryl, thought I was bringing The Three with me, and was going to show us the location.”

  “And you trusted him enough to go out there alone?” Darius’s voice was a frightening calm.

  I stared into his honey eyes, hating myself for not telling him the truth before. “He’s saved my life twice now. He stopped Grayson from killing me in my sleep, and tonight a demon found us outside the veil and attacked, but Jonathan protected me.” And I had saved him, but I didn’t think that was a good thing to tell them at the moment.

  “I’ve heard enough,” Charlotte hissed, drawing everyone’s attention. “The Defender is a traitor. Conspiring with a demon? I demand she be cast out immediately.”

  Pain assaulted my brain as someone tried to push their way into my mind. I shook my head, attempting to clear my muddied thoughts, and extended my energy to open to the unseen presence, but it faded as quickly as it came. My breath accelerated.

  Charlotte, unaware of the turmoil raging inside me, looked about the room searching for a sympathizer to agree with her accusation. When no one spoke or moved, she became incensed. “What are you waiting for? Hector, take her away.”

  “Disregard that, Hector,” Laith snapped, but Hector hadn’t even moved, his eyes dead center and far away. “That’s not how this works, Charlie.”

  Charlotte cast an accusing finger my direction “This woman has been nothing but trouble from the moment she arrived. She is weak, and what’s worse, she is colluding with a demon. I would wager she is the reason they have been able to enter!”

  My pendant was near excruciating. I clutched at it, fighting the desire to rip it off to alleviate the pain.

  “Ava?” I jumped from my seat when Darius’s closeness caught me off guard. He stood, reaching out to me. “Ava, what’s the matter?”

  I shook my head. “I’m not sure. Something’s wrong.”

  As if in response, another clash of agony ripped through my mind. I grabbed the sides of my head. Someone was desperate to get to me. I opened, but saw only flashes of a blurred form.

  “Someone is trying to reach me,” I said between breathless gasps. Darius’s hands gripped my shoulders, holding me steady and upright.

  “Who is it?” he asked.

  “Oh, please,” Charlotte scoffed, kicking at a chair next to her. “Look at this fraud.”

  I straightened after the contraction ceased, and sneered at Charlotte, but before I could respond, a commotion at the door captured our attention.

  “My Immortals,” the voice called, pounding on the door. “Please! Zane. Zane has been attacked.”

  My eyes widened as Laith ran to the door. “Let him in!”

  Fear pressed against me… but it was not my own. I peered at Charlotte, noticing the blood drain from her face. My eyes narrowed at the beads of perspir
ation that formed on her forehead.

  “Are you afraid?” I asked her.

  Charlotte’s head snapped my direction. “Go to hell,” she hissed, her lips curled upward, exposing her teeth.

  Noah opened the door. Gerald’s face was void of all color. Tears poured from his eyes.

  “Zane has been stabbed—”

  “Someone killed him?” Elisa covered her mouth with her hands.

  “No, my lady. He lives. Please Fiona, Cedric. You must go to him.”

  But Fiona and Cedric were already running from the room, Laith and Elisa right behind.

  When Charlotte followed, I seized her by the wrist as she passed and yanked her back. Her responding expression was murderous.

  “You should stay with me, Charlie,” I said with feigned sweetness, tightening my grip. “For protection, of course. You are the second-in-command of security, after all.”

  My gaze tensed against hers, holding her tight when she tried to pull away.

  Darius hesitated halfway across the room when I hadn’t followed him. “Ava?”

  “Go.” I waved him ahead. “Bring Zane to me.”

  “I’ll stay.” He moved to take his place at my side, but I stopped him.

  “He is your friend, Darius, and he’s the one that was trying to connect with me. That’s why I was experiencing pain. I need to keep that connection open as much as I can.”

  He was about to argue when I cut him off. “Charlotte will stay with me, and you can leave Roman here if you’re worried.”

  Darius hesitated, glancing between Charlotte and me.

  “I’ll stay with her as well,” Dr. Maynes said, clapping Darius on the shoulder. “Go to Zane.”

  Darius finally nodded. “I’ll be right back,” he said as he raced from the room.

  Roman went back to the doors, stepped outside, and closed them behind.

  Dr. Maynes took his seat on the couch. Seemingly unconcerned, he picked up a magazine from the nearby side table.


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