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DUPED! (Letta Storm)

Page 4

by Dee Dawning

  I pulled into the darling little town a little after nine a.m. I worried I might have to call Letta for directions, but The Spa was right on the main street, Ojai Avenue. I pulled in the parking lot, grabbed my bag and locked my car doors. About two minutes later, I knocked on the door to suite seventeen.

  A round faced, mildly attractive, somewhat overweight sister with bright magenta hair opened the door and flashed a friendly smile. "Jamilla?"

  I returned the smile and nodded.

  "I thought so." Her cheeks rose as her friendly smile grew wider and she drew me into an embrace. "Thanks for coming. Come in, please. Would you like a drink from the refrigerator? They even have alcoholic drinks if you're in the mood."

  I laughed. "I've been constantly in the mood since I got a call from the original Mrs. Maximilian E Randle III, but it's a little early."

  A smirk formed on Letta's lips. "Which original one was that? The one in Jonesboro, Tennessee, the one in San Antonio, Texas or the one in Bel Air."

  I felt my jaw fall precipitously. "Honest to God. I'm wife number four?"

  "That's right."

  "Now, I do feel like a drink."

  "Come in and sit down. What can I get you?"

  I took a seat at a corner table. "Too early for alcohol. I don't suppose you have any coffee?"

  "Wait here while I make some."

  As I glanced around her room, Letta asked, "What do you take in your coffee?"

  "Just a little creamer if you have it."

  "Yeah. They have packets of the powdered stuff."

  Letta returned after a couple minutes with two cups of steaming hot coffee. I picked mine up and sipped it. "Umm, hit's the spot."

  "Yes, it does. So, which Mrs. Randle called you?"

  "Bel Air. Her name is Jeanette. I even met her Attorney."

  Letta's brows arched. "Really? That must have been interesting."

  "It was. He showed me pictures of them together. They even have two kids. You must think I'm stupid."

  She shook her head. "My job is to help my clients, not judge them."

  I straightened. "Well, I'm not stupid. In five years I built a tiny beauty shop into the biggest and busiest beauty salon in North LA."

  Letta's head tipped slightly and she cast a tight-lipped smile. "I know. I checked you out, remember?"

  I took a sip of coffee and shifted around. "This one time I was stupid and I knew better. It was like going into your favorite dress shop and this gorgeous two hundred dollar dress has been marked down to twenty dollars. You know something's wrong, but you want it so bad you go ahead and buy it anyway.

  "Letta, I wanted Max so bad, I went ahead and bought him. Only he wasn't on sale."

  Her smile straightened. "What do you mean, you bought him?"

  "Max wasn't free and he wasn't cheap."

  She frowned. "I'm listening."

  I shook my head again. "Unless you can save my ass, I'll be dead broke in six months."

  "I'm not a mind reader. Spell it out for me."

  My throat felt dry. "Huh-hum." I continued, "Max told me he was starting a new business. Something to do with renewable energy. Wind farms in North Dakota. He showed me some lease options and some graphs that showed once he got going, his company would be grossing a million dollars a month."

  "Go on."

  "Besides being extremely good looking, he is charming. The combination is deadly. He claimed he wanted to marry me, and it goes without saying, I wanted to marry him. But he said not until he got the small business loan he'd applied for so he could support me, or at least be an equal partner in the marriage."

  The sarcasm rolled off Letta's lips like honey. "How noble of him. Let me see if I can guess the rest. His application was shot down, but if he could find a co-signer, or better yet, submit a joint financial statement with you as co-borrower, they would reconsider."

  "Pretty much. In addition he borrowed twenty-five thousand from me to tide the business over until the new loan application was approved, which the loan officer said should be no problem."

  "Did he get the loan?"

  "Yes, soon after we married, four months ago. He took me to Vegas where we married and honeymooned for a week. A week after that the loan was approved and funded."

  "He didn't pay the twenty-five grand back yet, did he?"

  Explaining all this to Letta, made me see how stupid I'd been. "No, he said he would as soon as the business was in the black."

  Letta scrunched her nose. "Not surprising. Frankly, I doubt there's a business. How big was the loan?

  "Seven-hundred and fifty-thousand."

  She winced. "Ouch! Three-quarters-of-a million! Girl, you really screwed up."

  "I know. What makes me mad is how I could fall in love with such a conniver."

  "Don't beat yourself up. It's what he does. He's attractive and charming and there are lonely women around who need affection."

  "Humph! In my case, it was mighty expensive affection. I figure this little lapse in judgment cost me ten thousand dollars a fuck."

  Letta threw back her head and howled with laughter. When she stopped laughing, she said, "I'm sorry. I know it's not funny. You just hit my funny bone. Anyway, you're not the only one. I discovered three complaints against him where he bilked wealthy women out of thousands of dollars over the years. One was filed in San Francisco, just twelve days ago."

  "That's terrible!"

  "I know. I figure for every woman that filed a complaint there are five that are too embarrassed or not in a position to do anything."

  "What do you mean not in a position?"

  She crossed her legs, raised her hand and flicked it. "Married."

  I raised my hand to my mouth to cover the smile that played across my lips. "How embarrassing to be taken for a ride, in more ways than one, I might add, and be married."

  Letta cracked up again. "Girl, you are funny. You ought to be a stand up comic."

  I rested my fists on my hips. "I'll keep that in mind, if I lose my business."

  "Well part of my job will be to keep that from happening. Tell me, Jamilla, what would you like to do about your situation?"

  I shrugged. "I don't know. What can I do? What do you suggest?"

  "Well, I'm sure I can get your marriage dissolved. Do you want to press charges against him?"

  My gaze drifted to the ceiling. "I don't know. Would that help at all with the money we borrowed?"

  "Nope, probably make it worse, because he'd have to spend the money on bail and attorneys."

  "We don't need that. Jeanette's attorney said she didn't want the father of her children in jail anyway."

  "Well, it's not really her call, is it? There are five other women besides you who have been victimized. What's more, if he isn't stopped, he will keep victimizing women."

  "You're right. Can we talk about that later? Obviously, I want a divorce. Is there anything you can do about the loan and money situation?"

  "Oh. I'll do something. I'm just not sure what yet. Let me think about it. In the meantime, I'm getting hungry." She rubbed her tummy. "Let me take you by my weight control instructor so you can talk with her and then we'll grab some of that delicious diet food."

  "Let's go."

  "And while we're eating portions that wouldn't fill a small dog, you can tell me how this husband of yours conned a smart cookie like you into doing the dumb things you did."

  Chapter Five - Ojai

  "One forty-eight and a half pounds, the instructor said, as I stood on the scale, the ideal weight for your height and build is one hundred and twenty-five pounds, which makes you almost twenty percent over your recommended weight."

  "Hmm. Actually, that's not as bad as I thought. My scale must be off. So according to your figures, I'm roughly twenty-four pounds over weight."

  "That's right." she said, "Give me twenty days and I'll take most if not all of those pounds off you."

  I stepped off the scale, "Really?"


I thought about it and decided it was possible. "If I can work my schedule around, I'll do it."

  "Good for you. Looking forward to it. In the meantime, here's our recommended diet and a booklet that describes a regimen that can help you lose weight."

  "You mean I can lose weight, like Letta did, at home."

  She smiled. "Sure, but not as fast. If you follow this program faithfully, you can lose two to four pounds a week. When you come back here we'll get seven to nine pounds a week off."

  I got so excited, I hugged her. "Thanks, I can't wait."

  At lunch, I was glad to find out Letta exaggerated about the food. I got a salad with oil and vinegar on the side, grilled vegetables and some special kind of iced tea. For what it was, I enjoyed it. It was good and filling. I found out later, the bread served with the salad was wheat free, but I didn't even notice. After clearing our plates we ordered coffee.

  Letta leaned forward, and crossed her arms on top of the table. "So girl, tell me how you fell for Max's line of bullshit."

  I rolled my eyes. "I wonder that myself. He swept me off my feet, but the whole time I went with him, this little imp on my shoulder kept saying why me?" I laid my hand across Letta's wrist. "He was like a movie star."

  Letta ran her tongue across her upper lip. "I know, I dug up a couple photos up of him. He is gorgeous."

  "Right, that's why I was so distrustful, but once he proposed, I figured he was for real and all my reservations foolishly disappeared."

  "Have you had any contact with him since you talked to the other wife or the attorney?"

  "Yes, but just by email. I hope it's all right. I called him immediately after talking with the other woman. Of course he didn't answer, so I left a message to call me. Instead of calling, the coward sent an email." I dug a hand into my purse and pulled out the email he'd sent and handed it to Letta. "Here's a copy."

  She unfolded it and started to read. Shaking her head, she started to snicker. "This guy is unbelievable. You didn't buy any of this crap did you?"

  I shook my head. "No, the love bug is gone. I'm clear headed now."


  I fidgeted in my seat. "Letta?"


  "How long will it take to get divorced?"

  She grinned. "You won't need to get a divorce, honey. Your marriage is illegal. Therefore, it's just a formality to get it annulled."

  I set my cup down. "That's wonderful, but how long will it take?"

  She shrugged. "It's just a matter of going through the motions. What's the hurry?"

  Knowing she wasn't going to like it, I grit my teeth. "I met someone."

  Gulping her drink, Letta started coughing then spit it out and, when she recovered, she flashed me a stern voodoo eye. Two octaves lower she admonished me, "What you talking about? You haven't got rid of the bigamist yet. Christ, you only found out you weren't legally married two days ago. Girl, you are certainly a fast mover."

  I stuck my hands to the side palms up. "C'mon Letta. It's not like I went looking for him. My best friend had a barbeque and introduced us. I sat and ate dinner with him and we danced. I like him and he likes me, so I told him I'd go out with him when I could. "

  She stared at me, fire in her orbs, eyebrows barely above her eyelashes and nostrils flaring. "You didn't sleep with him, did you?"

  "Not yet, but frankly, parts of me wanted to and I don't think I need to tell you which parts."

  Letta shook her head. "No, please don't."

  I uncrossed and re-crossed my legs. "It was just too soon, and I thought I had to get a divorce."

  "What's his name?"

  "Antonio Castanza." Once again, my surprise announcement caught Letta taking a sip of iced tea.

  After she got control of her coughing, she blurted, "He's white?"

  "Ah-huh and I'm still getting used to the idea that he's white."

  "So am I. Warn me next time you're going to spring a surprise on me. Now, I'm glad you didn't sleep with him this soon, but there would be no repercussions if you had. You are not married and it's a mere formality to get the damned marriage expunged.

  "Now, as for your new love interest being white, that shouldn't matter. I have a couple of former clients who have found love and happiness with white men."

  "That's nice to know."

  "It is, but let me finish. I know there's a reluctance of sisters to socialize and date white men, but you're twenty-eight. Before Max came along had you ever been seriously involved with a brother?"

  "Only one, but that was nine years ago and we broke up when he went away to college. I've been so busy with my business that I'd only occasionally go on a date, and they've never led to anything much."

  "That's my point. It's not easy to find Mr. Right, because there're so few of them in any race. So if one comes along who, as they say, pushes your buttons, you need to take a serious look at him.

  "Now, before you get too serious, I want to size Mr. Antonio Castanza up. Can you arrange for me to meet him?"

  The waitress filled or cups.

  When she left, I answered Letta, "I can't ask him to drive here."

  "I know. I can leave for a day if I have to. Try to set something like a luncheon up with him and I'll meet you there. Now, I hate to bring this up, but I need to get a retainer from you."

  I reached in my purse to retrieve my checkbook. "I have my checkbook with me. How much?"

  She shrugged. "Ten thousand will do it."

  It was my turn to choke and start coughing. I wasn't sure what to do. In a whiny voice I pleaded, "Letta, I don't have that much."

  Her brows rose. "Can you give me five, for now?"

  I winced. "The best I can afford right now is two grand."

  "That'll do. You can pay me the rest when Max pays you the twenty-five thousand he borrowed."

  I snorted. "Like that's going to happen."

  Her brows rose even higher. "Oh, I'll bet he'll pay you now. He's probably thinking it'll throw you off balance and buy some time so you won't report him to the authorities, just yet. Don't be surprised if you get a check from him in the mail in the next day or two."

  I shook my head earnestly. "How would he justify it and why won't I turn him in anyway."

  "He'll say he closed the deal with an investor, so he can start paying you back. You're unlikely to do anything if you think he can start paying you back."

  "I could sure use it if he did, but I'm not going to hold my breath."

  Letta smiled. "He may not, but I have a feeling. Before you go back to L.A. come back to my room. I want hear everything you know about Tony."

  Later, in her room, we settled in with a glass of red wine. I told her everything I'd found out about Tony, which at that point wasn't much.

  Letta laughed. "Gee Jamilla, you meet the most interesting people, bigamists, screenwriters."

  I waved a hand at her nonsense. "Oh, be quiet."

  She laughed. "That'll be the day. I know you're a successful businesswoman. Tell me do you have any goals? Anything you are shooting for?"

  I shook my head. "I'm so busy working nine to six, five and a half days a week. I haven't really thought about it. On a personal level, I suppose like most women, I wouldn't mind finding that someone and having a couple of children.

  "On a business level, I wonder if it's possible to branch out and open a chain of Jamilla's Jamborees and maintain the quality and service we now offer."

  "That's a capital idea. Do you have any employees that have more on the ball than the others?"

  I thought for a second. "Yeah…a couple, maybe three. Why?"

  Letta took a sip of her wine. "Just thinking. I'm always thinking. What if you opened a new shop, not too far away, but far enough to draw new customers? Say San Fernando Valley. You leave your second most trusted and capable person temporarily in charge, and then your best employee and you go into the new shop where you train her to be the manager."

  I leaned forward and set my wine on the coffee table. "That might w

  Letta waved a hand around as she spoke. "I guarantee it would work if you give her a piece of the action…say twenty percent."

  "Yes, I might just try it, but I have bigger worries right now. Unless you can think of a way to get me from under Max's three-quarter-of a-million dollar loan, I won't have a business when the note comes due."

  Letta shook her head. "I know, I've been thinking about it. I have a couple ideas."

  Hopeful, I asked, "What? Don't keep me in suspense."

  "I'm not ready to tell you yet. I need to research my ideas thoroughly."

  "Well do it quickly."

  "Don't worry, I'm going to get on my trusty Mac as soon as you leave."

  "Well, I better leave you alone then. I'm exhausted anyway."

  "Before you leave, I need you to write down the details of your and Max's loan?"

  "Like what?"

  "Bank, branch, loan officer, date and anything else you can think of."

  I'd already made a copy of the loan agreement. I snatched it out of my bag and handed it to her. "Here're copies of the loan docs."

  "Great, and when you get home can you email me any information you have on Max's business?"

  "Sure, I have that information in my laptop."


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