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DUPED! (Letta Storm)

Page 8

by Dee Dawning

  I elbowed him.


  "You would. All men think about is sex."

  His manner grew serious. "I do with you. I even dream about it."

  That surprised me. "You too?"

  Surprise colored his face. "Do you?"

  I nodded. "Ah-huh. Every night since the party. I even have…"

  "Me too."

  I laughed. "Sounds messy."

  He laughed. "It is."

  "You're very good."

  He took my hand and this time I didn't pull it away. "So are you. So tell me, why does Letta think you should have sex with me?"

  "She found out some very interesting things."

  "Such as?"

  "It's kinda involved."

  He shrugged and sidled up to me. "Got nothing better to do unless…" Accompanying the twinkle in his eyes, the corners of Tony's mouth curved upward into a mischievous smile. "You change your mind about having sex with me."

  "Believe me I think about that a lot. I just don’t want someone telling me when to be intimate.”

  He kissed my cheek. "I would never want to make love to you unless you wanted to. Just tell me what Letta found out and I'll drive you home."

  I gritted my teeth. "I…yah. I'm afraid you're…stuck with me."

  Tony's head tilted. "Why's that?"

  I sighed. "Letta drove off with my purse. My keys, my phone, my money, and credit cards, everything is in it."

  Tony snapped his fingers. Dang, I guess I am going to have to put up with you then."

  "Yes, you are." Now, that I wasn't so angry, Tony's proximity started to affect me. "It's hot in here. Could we go out on your balcony?"

  He jumped to his feet. "Sure, are you ready for some more wine?"

  A coy smile formed on my face. "That would be nice."

  He helped me up with his hand. "Go on outside while I fill our glasses."

  I unlocked and slid the large glass door to the left. It was dark, so I turned on the nearby light switch before stepping outside. The balcony, running the width of the house had scattered patio furniture and seemed to be about twelve feet deep. I eased up to the wood railing at the edge of the balcony and rested my hands on it. The view was even more impressive from outside.

  Tony came out with two full glasses, sidled up beside me, and handed one of the glasses to me. "What do you think?"

  I took the glass and kissed his cheek. "It's magnificent. I'm sorry I was such a grouch."

  He smiled. "All's forgiven. Would you like to sit down? You could tell me your involved story and then we could just talk and get to know each other."

  "I'd like that." I snickered. "Letta did say I should get to know you…before I 'fuck you'."

  "How romantic. I'm starting to feel insulted." He took my hand and led me to the exterior loveseat located against the wall beside the sliding door.

  Reclining into the small exterior couch, he sat and snuggled in close to me.

  The moon over downtown LA, aided the song of the crickets, set a mood for romance with the attractive man who sat next to me. Lowering my head to the crook of his neck, the bouquet from his lemon-spice cologne wafted through my nostrils, taunting my senses. I inhaled and sighed. "This is nice and romantic out here."

  When he whispered in my ear, "It is, but honestly, anyplace would be romantic with you," aided by a gust of cool air, shivers ran down my arms and my nipples hardened.

  * * * *

  He was behind the counter when I walked up to him. "Hi Sal. Remember me. I'm Letta Storm."

  "Of course I remember you. Jamilla's friend. Have a seat, would you like some coffee. I just made it."

  "No. I can't stay. I wonder if you would do me a favor."

  "Sure, what do you need?"

  "I dropped Jamilla off at her new boyfriend's house and she left her purse in my car. I was hoping I could leave it with you and you could give it to her when she comes to work tomorrow."

  Sal scrunched his large nose. "Her boyfriend's house?"

  "Ah-huh. Tony Castanza, a nice guy. You know him?"

  Sal raised his hands and smiled. "Of course, he's my cousin. I introduced them. Let me have the purse."

  Letta handed the purse across the counter.

  "Thanks. I'll take it to her when I close up."

  I frowned. "Ah, I would prefer you didn't. With lovebirds, no telling what you might interrupt."

  Sal smiled and winked. "Not to mention she can't drive her car or get into her house without it."

  Letta winked back. "I see we have a similar objective."

  * * * *

  I yearned to kiss him. It was beginning to seem like what Letta wanted me to do wasn't so outlandish, so I purposely broke the mood. "I guess you're waiting to hear what Letta found out."

  "Whenever you feel like telling me."

  I sat up straight, took a deep breath and exhaled. "Well, here goes. As you probably gathered when you found out my birthday was the same as my look-alike—Shana—I'm adopted and Shana is/was my twin sister. Letta talked with Shana's and, I guess, my mother. She confirmed that my mother gave birth to twins and offered one—me— up for adoption. I haven't confirmed that with my parents yet. However, knowing Shana and I have the same birthday and seeing her snapshot, I have no reason to doubt Shana was my sister."

  "Yeah. I was fairly certain you and Shana were twins when you said your birthday." Tony chuckled. "I'm not complaining, but how come Letta's so set on us becoming intimate?"

  "Letta thinks it's what Shana wants. She believes Shana's, for lack of a better word, spirit, is trying to fix us up. She says it's like her last wish."

  "And you don't think that's possible?"

  "I suppose it's possible, but how likely is it."

  Out of the blue, I felt cold. I rubbed my bare arms.

  Tony must have noticed. "Are you cold?"

  "Yes, all of a sudden it got colder."

  "It happens here in the canyons." He looked me up and down, but seemed to be concentrating on my breasts. "No wonder you're cold. You have a very thin dress on."

  When I glanced down, to my chagrin, my nipples had stretched the fabric of my dress. "That's because I put this dress on to meet you for lunch. I didn't know I'd still be wearing it at eight p.m. in a cool breeze."

  He wrapped and arm around me. "Does that help?"

  It felt good, but I was still cold. "Some, but I'm still cold."

  Chuckling, he joked, "Well, then I guess it's time to get in bed like Letta wants and make love. That'll warm you up."

  At first, I uttered a hysterical laugh at Tony's suggestion. However, I must still have been warming up to the idea because an image of Tony and me entwined, naked and going through the motions flittered through my mind. As a result, my nether region, which had been simmering since I arrived, came to life, heated up like a convection oven on pre-heat.

  I gulped and stared at him. Feeling how wet my panties had become, I admitted. "I do want to make love. Just give me a little more time. We haven't even kissed yet."

  Tony snapped his fingers. "You're right. We need to get that out of the way."

  I got a kick out of his brashness. His hand went to my left shoulder rotating me for a better kissing angle. Turning my head to him, I waited expectantly, as he jockeyed into position to kiss me. Kiss him I would, fuck him, I wouldn't—at least not yet.

  Chapter Eleven - Lust

  My pulse soared as Tony's soft lips brushed lightly across mine. His tongue laved my top lip, and my tongue slipped between my teeth to meet his. Between us, together they danced in mid air, as if performing an erotic duel. As the strum of my pulse increased, I felt the thumping of my heart beating in my ears.

  My tongue retreated into my mouth and his followed, drawn in by a vacuum. It swirled around the roof and soft cushions of my mouth as if he couldn't get enough of me—wanting to transfer his fever to me with his passionate kiss.

  After a short minute, I pulled away to catch my breath. "Phew." I waved my hand in
front of me, signifying I was now hot instead of cold. "I need a break. Can we go inside?"

  "Sure. Would you like to watch a movie I just rented?"

  "What is it?"

  "Date Night. Have you seen it?"

  I tittered. "Yes. It's funny. I wouldn't mind seeing it again."

  "Are you sure, I have other movies we could watch. Or…we could just talk."

  "Date Night sounds fine."

  "Good, let's go into the family room." He took my hand and led me from balcony past the kitchen, into the next room. We stopped in front of a couch placed in front of a large flat panel screen TV. "Have a seat while I start the movie."

  I sat and with the short shift I wore, made sure my legs remained together. I studied him as he inserted the DVD into the player. Straightening up, he started the movie with the remote and bypassed the previews. Tony glanced my way and smiled. "If we had popcorn, we'd be all set."

  "I'm not hungry, but some more wine would be nice. Is there any left?"

  He shrugged. "Should be. I just opened a new bottle."

  I admired his poise as he walked through the kitchen. A half-minute later he returned, held up an almost full bottle. "Just like I thought, barely touched."

  After retrieving the empty wine glasses from the balcony, he filled them and sat very close. I gulped when an arm circled around me, and his hand lingered upon my thigh. I looked down, then at him. The proximity of Tony's hand so close to my nether region spurred a delicious throb of anticipation throughout my body.

  Apparently feeling frisky, he dipped his head to my shoulder and tattooed a line of butterfly kisses across the curve of my neck and up to my ear.

  I sipped my wine and after setting it down, rested my hand on his thigh. He gasped and I smiled when I noticed him adjusting the bulge that had tented his slacks.

  I was having no luck following the movie, with him kissing my neck. I could have asked him to stop, but resisted as an ethereal feeling permeated me. Out of the blue, I turned my head and attacked him. Frenzied, my lips merged with his, my tongue whirling around his mouth on a mission of desire. Still kissing, I pushed him down on the couch. As I straightened and straddled him, confusion crossed his wide-eyed face, which evolved into admiration, then lust. His penetrating gaze seemed to have substance. When he scrutinized my body, I felt it caressing my breasts, soothing my abdomen, invading my privates.

  My skirt had risen up as I straddled him and I felt his hardness through the thin silk material covering my nether-lips. Awash in cream, my clit beat a frantic tattoo against the seam of my lace panties. Contrary to what I'd thought, I wanted, more than anything, to be seduced—by Tony. I wanted him to take me, to ravish me over and over.

  Reacting brazenly, I rose up and became a mad woman. With buttons flying everywhere, I ripped his shirt off. When he responded with his large hands grasping and kneading my ripe wanton breasts, my back arched, and I rose up on my knees and pulled the sleeves of my dress over my shoulders. Pulling my arms free, I lowered the top of my dress to my waist.

  Exposed to the air, my nipples, hardened and to Tony's obvious pleasure jutted out. Like a magnet, his hands were drawn to them, his fingers plucking, pinching and running pleasure circles around each aroused nub. My blood pressure pounded against the top of my skull and I could hear the steady beating of my own heart inside my head.

  As one large hand held my breast, the other looped behind me, and urged me down and forward. "Come here. I want to taste your sexy nipple."

  "I took a deep breath and sighed at the idea of his mouth and tongue teasing my nipple. When I eased forward, his sensuous lips encircled first one and then the other stiff nub. The erotic sensations that coursed through my body amplified the lust that was building in my loins. My pussy reacted by releasing a fresh quantity of crème to moisten my channel, which ultimately dampened my panties. Tunneling my fingers through his mane, I cried, "Oh God that feels so good. I can't wait to have you inside me."

  Tony stopped and asked, "You mean it?"


  "Would you like to go into my bedroom?"

  "Yes, I'm ready." I slid off Tony and rose. The minute I stood, his cell phone started ringing and I came to my senses. As he reached for his phone, I glanced down and realized, to my shock, my chest was bare. I scrambled to cover myself.

  Tony answered, "Hello." Then after a five second pause, handed it to me, "It's for you. Is something wrong?"

  I took the phone, but before answering, asked, "What just happened?"

  "It's Letta, you better answer it."

  "I will, right after you tell me what happened."

  "You got very passionate, I responded and we were about to go in my bedroom when my phone rang."

  I lifted the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

  Letta was laughing. "Sounds like your sister's been busy."

  Seeing the humor in the situation, I snickered. "Maybe. It's you fault for leaving me here in such temptation. Why'd you do that to me?"

  "So you could do what my call interrupted. Now, I'm sorry I called. Sweetheart, it's inevitable. You know you want to. Just do it and get it over with."

  I scrunched my nose and lips. "What did you call for?"

  "Two things. First, if you want to go to the movie première with Tony, it's all right with me, and second, I left your purse with Sal, because I'm on my way to Vegas."

  "Vegas! Why are you going to Vegas?"

  "To see your husband. Now, get in that bedroom and fuck that white boy's socks off."

  "You're going to see Max? What for?"

  I stared at Tony and he asked, "Is there a problem?"

  "She hung up. She said, and I quote, I should 'get in that bedroom and fuck that white boy's socks off.' Then she hung up."

  "Boy she's bound and determined to see us make love."

  "I know, and so is my sister, apparently. This is getting embarrassing."

  Tony patted the cushion next to his on the couch. "What was that about Vegas?"

  I sat next to him. "I wish I knew. She said she was going to see my soon to be ex-husband."

  Circling an arm back around my shoulder, he reached for the remote. "Since you are bound and determined to not give me the thrill of my life tonight, shall I start the movie."

  I giggled. "I'm sorry, that must have been pretty hard on you."

  "I'll live."

  I rested my hand on his knee. "You're sweet. I just want it to be my idea, instead of Letta's or Shana's."

  "I don't blame you."

  "Can we start the movie from the beginning?"

  * * * *

  As Max instructed, I pulled into the beat-up Lucky Louie Motel on a side street, just off Casino Center, in downtown Las Vegas. Driving slowly until I spotted the room, I pulled into the space directly in front. There were no lights on in room 12A, so I glanced at the clock on the dashboard. It was almost two o'clock and chances were Max was in bed.

  Locking the car, I knocked on the door. After a few seconds a light came on and Max's baritone voice mumbled, "Just a minute." Of course, I'd seen pictures of Maxwell and knew how handsome he was, but I had no idea of the imposing aura the man projected, especially buck naked.

  * * * *

  Halfway, through 'Date Night,' Jamilla fell asleep. She'd had a rough day and I didn't want to wake her. I thought about taking her to my bed and cuddling, but I was afraid she might have a fit if she woke up in my bed. So, I carried her into the spare bedroom.

  It was eleven o'clock, but I wasn't the least bit tired. I decided it was because Jamilla and I had come so close to making love and having her in the house with the way I react to her had my adrenalin up. I thought about reading a book, but decided I'd bring my laptop into bed and start a paranormal screenplay about twin sisters.

  I'd been working on it for about an hour when I heard Jamilla's musical voice coming from the bedroom doorway, "My God it's déjà vu. I remember this bedroom set from my dreams, your walnut bedroom set." She gazed at me questioningly
. "Did you have this when you were with…?"

  I glanced at her and smiled. "Shana? Yes. Actually, she picked it out. She liked the posts."

  Jamilla's eyebrows widened. "She did?"

  "Yes, she was quite adventurous when it came to sex, but I probably shouldn't talk about that with you."

  "With anyone else, no, but with my sister, yes, I want to learn everything about her." I snickered. "Even how she liked to have sex. Now, what did you mean by adventurous?"

  "That, she was spontaneous."

  "There you go with those big words again."

  I chuckled. "Sorry, that means impulsive. She liked to have sex whenever and wherever she felt like it."

  "I don't think I could do that."

  "You don't have to. You are Jamilla. I know that. Just do what feels right for you."

  She gazed around the rest of the room in wonderment. Then she sat on the other side on the king sized bed and bounced. "What are you doing up?"

  "I couldn't sleep. I should ask you the same question."

  "I forgot to tell you. Letta said I could go to the premiere with you this Saturday, if I wanted to."


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