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DUPED! (Letta Storm)

Page 11

by Dee Dawning

  I picked the vase with the red roses back up and headed into the kitchen with Tony following me. "These must have cost a fortune."

  He shrugged.

  After setting the flowers on the island counter, I turned and faced him. "Well, you shouldn't have. The red ones would have been fine."

  He cocked his head and smiled. "Is that your favorite?"

  I took the flowers from him. "No, I suppose I like the coral ones best, but they're all so lovely, any one of them would have worked for me."

  As I set the flowers I'd taken from Tony with the others, he snaked his arms around me and pulled me into a light embrace. "Well you can't be too careful when you are trying to get the girl of your dreams to fall in love with you."

  I purposely raised a single eyebrow at his declaration. "Oh, is that what you're doing?"

  My pulse sped up when he pulled me tighter and his lips nuzzled the crook of my neck. "Ah-huh."

  "Well smarty, you may be wasting your time and money."

  He pulled away. His frown was so deep his eyebrows almost met his eyelashes and I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing.

  He said one word, "Why?"

  "Because I think I already love you."

  His frown transformed into a grin as wide as the Mississippi. "That makes two of us, baby. We should celebrate."

  "I agree because in addition to loving you, I have something else to celebrate."

  "What?" He reached under my arms and started tickling me. "What? What" What?"

  I pulled away and shouted, "Stop."

  His grin slid to the side and turned mischievous. "I'm waiting?"

  I moved my hands around excitedly. "Letta got my annulment and get this. She got me taken off the huge bank loan."

  "That is reason to celebrate. What should we do?"

  I smirked. "That's easy. Dinner and sex."

  A solo eyebrow rose as looped his arms around me again. "Which first?"

  "Correction. Sex, dinner and sex."

  He laughed.

  Just then, my cell phone rang. Picking it up, I recognized Letta's number. Setting it back down on the coffee table, I entwined my fingers in his and led him into the bedroom.

  "Aren't you going to answer?"

  "Naw, it's a wrong number."

  * * * *

  The day of the première arrived and I was as nervous as an Oscar nominee on the big night. When I first found out I was going to the première, I'd had Darla clear the calendar for Friday, so it was a day to relax. After a hot evening of sex, dinner at a swank restaurant and more sex, Tony and I slept until noon. The dinner was good, but who can think of food when it's sandwiched between sex with an Italian hunk.

  When we woke up, I was still hungry…for more sex, so we stayed in bed until two o'clock. Tony had some things to do, so we kissed goodbye. "I'll pick you up at five."

  "Why so early, I thought the première started at eight?"

  "I'll take you to dinner first."

  After Tony left, I soft-boiled a couple eggs. I had almost three hours to kill before he returned so I fixed a relaxing bubble bath and brought my portable CD player in the bathroom. I wasn't in the tub more than five minutes when my cell phone went off. With clusters of tiny bubbles clinging to me, I rose, reached over to the vanity, turned down the music, and answered the phone,


  "Where are you?" Letta screeched.

  "What d'ya mean?"

  "I went to the shop and they said you were off so I figured you were home, but I'm ringing the doorbell and you're not answering so where are you?"

  I frowned. "I'm here. I'm taking a bubble bath. What d'ya want?"

  "What d'ya think? I came here to talk to you. Are you gonna let me in?"

  "I'm in the tub and I don't have any clothes on. Let yourself in."

  "I don't suppose you could tell me how to do that?"

  "Sure. Go around the garage and just behind the gate is a door into the garage. Beside the concrete in front of the door is a flat rock. The key to the door is under the rock."


  "You're welcome. Oh, Letta."


  "Don't let the spiders get you."

  "Very funny."

  I sneezed.


  Cold, I lay back into the warm water. "Thank you."

  "You're welcome. Ah here it is. I'll be there, in a jiffy."

  Letta came into the room a couple minutes after we disconnected. "Hi, getting ready for tonight?"

  "Trying to calm down. What's up?"

  "Max seems to think you have his clothes and personal effects."

  "I do. Why? I was thinking of having a garage sale."

  She sat on the edge of the tub. "I told Max, if you had them I would get them back for him."


  "I have good reasons. Just humor me."

  I sighed. "All right. They're in the garage. Ten boxes with rat written on them in bold lettering."

  Letta laughed. "Yeah, he's a rat, but he's soon to be a caged rat, living on an allowance in Jeanette's guest house."

  "What kind of person is she?"

  "A bit bitchy, but maybe putting up with Max's antics for four years could do that to you. She's all right. Very nice looking too."

  "I know, I saw her picture."

  "I forgot."

  "How long do you think she and Max will last?"

  She raised an eyebrow. "You never know. Apparently, their sex life is what connects them and they both get bed privileges. From what I can tell that's what they both yearned for when she threw him out. He told me he missed her and was tired of playing around. Time will tell."

  Chapter Fifteen – The Première

  Upon finishing my bath, I stepped on the scale and couldn't believe my eyes. Oh my God. I'd lost two pounds. Could it have been a by product of the sex with Tony? It's going to be fun finding out.

  I slipped on some workout clothes, and with a bounce in my gait went to help Letta load the boxes into her SUV. By the time she left, it was past three o'clock so I started getting ready, saving my contemporary, strapless, full-length gown for last. By four-thirty I was ready and looking pretty good if I do say so myself. I was also jumpier than a Mexican jumping bean so I pulled the bottle of crème de cocoa down from the cupboard and poured myself a brandy sniffer almost full.

  Tony saved me from pouring my second glass, arriving ten minutes early. I opened the door and looked him over. My chest swelled with pride. Dressed in a tux complete with bow tie and a lavender cummerbund—matching the color of my gown—he was the handsomest man I ever saw and he'd just professed his love for me. He wasn't pretty like my faux ex husband Max. No, his fabulous looks were more rugged like Patrick Dempsey or Hugh Jackman.

  "Wow! You look fabulous."

  "Thank you. So do you, baby. This dress you bought is lovely, but you shouldn't have."

  Tony waved a disagreeing hand. "Don't be silly. I wanted you to go to the première with me and look your best, so it shouldn't cost you a thing."

  "Well thanks again for the gown. I never thought I would own a Donna Karan." I noticed he held a corsage. "You'll be hard pressed finding a place to pin that on this dress." I hitched my head toward his hand.

  "I know. Hold out your wrist."

  I held out my arm and he slipped the elastic band around my wrist. "There."

  "Oh, it's beautiful." She kissed him. "Guess what?"

  She graced Tony with self-satisfied smile. "Now that we are intimate, I…want to make love at least an hour every day. You know why?"

  Tony waggled his eyebrows. "No, but whatever the reason, I'm for it."

  I giggled. "I figured you'd like that. I lost two pounds since we started having sex. You're like my personal trainer. Starting tonight, I'm going to wear you out making love to you."

  He flashed a wall to wall smile. "I can't wait. Are you ready, the limo is waiting?"


  He grinned. "Certainly. This is a
big night. We're going to arrive in style."

  "Let me get my wrap and purse."

  The ride to Lawry's was quick and uneventful. Tony started our meal by ordering with a bottle of Tattinger champagne. After the wine steward served the premium effervescent drink, Tony offered a toast. "To happiness in the arms of the new love of my life."

  A flush of heat surged through me as our liaison of the previous night flashed through my mind like a pornographic movie.

  Tony laughed. "You didn't just blush, did you?"

  I set my champagne flute down. "Maybe. Let's talk about something else."

  "Like what?"

  "Like writing. When—"

  I paused when the waiter came to our table with a pitcher of water and filled our water glasses. "Hi my name is Michael, may I get you something to drink?"

  "Yes. I'll have an iced tea."

  "Very good, and you sir?"

  "I'll have coffee later with desert. I'm fine for now."

  "As you wish, sir. I'll be back with the lady's iced tea in a minute and take your order."

  As the waiter disappeared into the busyness of Lawry's, Tony asked, "You were saying, before Michael showed up?"

  "Oh, yes. I was about to ask when you knew you wanted to become a writer?"

  He took a sip of his champagne before answering, then snickered, "If you're thinking I had some kind of epiphany, I didn't—nothing that dramatic. From the time I learned to write in kindergarten, I wanted to be a writer," he chuckled, "While my classmates would draw airplanes and dogs, I would draw word pictures."

  Michael appeared and set my iced tea down. "Are you ready to order or do you need more time?"

  Tony fidgeted in his seat. "We're ready. Jamilla?"

  Since this was a special evening on a date with my man, and had just lost two pounds, I placed my diet on hold and ordered the specialty of the house. I closed my menu and passed it to the waiter. "I'll have the California cut prime rib, medium with creamed corn."

  "Very good and you sir?"

  "I'll have the prime rib also, Lawry's cut, medium rare and a baked potato."

  Michael took Tony's menu, and said, "Thank you," and disappeared.

  "So you always wanted to be a writer."

  "I guess so. Your sister was a fantastic writer. Did you ever think about writing?"

  I shook my head. "I guess so, but not a screenplay. I tried to write a novel in my teens, but I never finished it."

  Tony's brow dipped low over his brooding eyes. "Why not?"

  "It just didn't seem good enough. Plus I couldn't come up with a good ending."

  Tony wrapped my hand in his. "Would you let me read it?"

  I sighed. "I suppose, if I can find it."

  "When we go back to your place after the première could you look for it?"

  The smirk on my lips was from my devious thoughts. "I would, but I want to go back to your place."

  The expression on Tony's face was so incredulous, I giggled.

  "Why I thought…you…Shana."

  "I know, but I think since we are now intimate, she won't bother us. Besides." I glanced around to make sure no one was listening then continued under my breath, "I want to see what it's like to be tied up and helpless in your four post bed, like you used to do with my sister."

  With my mind more on the première than sex with Tony, my dinner was spectacular. The première, like so many, was held at Grauman's Chinese Theater and I had a blast. When the film started, I was mesmerized from the opening credits. Throughout the movie, a wonderful romantic comedy, I kept thinking, my twin sister helped write this. She actually created something lasting. I create too—hairdos and do a credible job, but nothing like Shana did. I was suddenly in awe of my sister and Tony.

  After the movie, we stopped off at release party at the studio that had produced Between the Sheets. With other things on our minds, we didn't stay long, but we stayed long enough for me to meet the stars of the movie, as well as the director and producer.

  After a couple glasses of wine, we left the party and the limousine dropped Tony and me off at his house. Tony hung my wrap up and we reclined beside each other on the living room davenport. I didn't know what he was thinking, but he didn't say anything and neither did I. Even though we'd intimately shared each other's company the previous evening, and this morning, and had a wonderful evening, an awkward silence persisted. Maybe we weren't sure last night, and this morning wasn't a dream and we'd just had our first date.

  Finally, Tony asked, "Would you like a nightcap?"

  "I would like Amaretto if you have it."

  "I should have."

  While Tony looked though his liquor cabinet, I went to his stereo and looked through his music. When I came across one of my favorite songs by my almost namesake, Jamelia, I decided to loosen things up for the hot sexy evening I'd been looking forward to.

  * * * *

  I returned with a bottle of Serrano and two snifters, and took my seat on the couch. Jamilla stood by the stereo sifting through my music. I poured each snifter half full, and after a few seconds she turned and smiled at me. As music started to play, she began to sashay her hips to the rhythm of Beware of the Dog.

  God, she looked good. I couldn't wait until later when I would get to see her shapely frame naked. A striptease would be nice. "Can you sing?"

  Her lips formed a lopsided smile and a single eyebrow rose. "A little. Why?"

  I shrugged. "You could sing along while dance."

  Flashing a seductive smile she began to shimmy her hips and hum the tune. In a voice that seemed younger than her twenty-eight years, she sang, "You know how much you want it," as she reached behind and unzipped her zipper. She strolled over to the coffee table took a sip of her drink, then continued humming as she wiggled her hips back and forth until her gown slipped over her hips and down and rested in a pile around her high heels.

  Down to her lacy black bra, panties, heels, a pearl necklace and matching bracelet, my jaw must have dropped as I realized she actually was stripping. I started clapping and egging her on. "Take if off baby. You're looking fine."

  She belted out, "You're like a moth to a flame," as she stepped from her dress and kicked it away. Humming again she undid the clasp to her bra as she swayed her hips in time with the sexy beat. Holding the cups in place with her hands, she smiled broadly and winked at me. Turning her back to me, she wiggled her ass and threw the bra away as she sang the chorus very nice and very loud, "He's just another girl addict. And if you give it away. You gotta be crazy, crazy"

  She was down to her lacy black panties and I thought when she turned back around I'd see her perky breasts, but as she swayed around, her hands covered them. Smiling seductively, she pranced up to me and bellowed in my face, "You better shake him off. Before he gets ya.", Then she did something that turned me on so much, I nearly came on the spot. Bending down she freed her breasts to pick up one of the snifters. Straightening, she shimmied her sizeable rack before taking a sip of her drink.

  "Mmm. I love Amaretto." With a seductive smile on her pretty face, her gaze never leaving mine, when she dipped her index finger in the amber liquor. She sighed as she transferred it from her finger to her burgeoning nipple in a circular motion. Flashing a sensuous smile, she cooed, "You like?"

  "Very much."

  Lowering her face as she raised the breast, her tongue slipped through her lips and licked the sweet liquor from her nipple. "Mmm, that felt and tasted good. Would you like a taste?"

  "You bet."

  She giggled. "I'll bet." Dipping her finger in the amaretto again, she repeated the procedure on her other nipple, then positioned her beautiful, brown breast so it's glistening, chocolate colored nipple hung a hair's breadth from my quivering lips. God I loved her breasts. I loved everything about Jamilla. With a passion I hadn't known since my first love, one hand grasped he buttock and the other grasped her breast as my lips sucked upon the teat of my new love.

  For a minute or so she aided me, p
ushing her breast into my mouth as she moaned, while tunneling her sharp fingernails through my scalp. She pulled away grinning and wagging a naughty finger at me. "That felt so good, I could let you do that all night. But if I let you do that, we'd never make it to the bedroom where you are going to tie me up and ravish me."

  She spun around and bending over grabbed her ankles. Shaking her ass by putting weight on one leg and then the other, she turned her head sideways and looked up at me. Reaching behind, her thumb slipped under the top of her panties and snapped the elastic band. "Take them off."

  I laughed. "When you're naked you can masturbate for me."

  "We'll see."

  I dipped my fingers between the band and her smooth skin before dragging them over her ass and down to the floor. Bending down to get the panties over her spiked heels, the perfume of her pussy wafted the few inches to my nostrils. I was already hard, but the aroma of her smooth cunt elevated my arousal to another level, driving me mad with lust. When her panties were disposed of and I let go of her ankle she edged backward until her warm, liquid filled snatch rubbed against my nose and mouth, I could take it no more.


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