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The Journey Home

Page 14

by K'Anne Meinel

  That night it was hard to get them to go to bed but when Stephanie threated to tell Santa Claus that they had not gone to bed when they were told Timmy hurried his way upstairs with Tommy in hot pursuit crawling up the steep steps. Stephanie laughed as she followed to tuck them in. Cass was rocking Summer in the same rocking chair her mother had rocked her in when she was a little girl. She felt tender towards the little girl but it didn’t give her the feeling she wanted one of her own. She thought herself unnatural that way but it didn’t really bother her. She was content with the family she had created here by having Stephanie and her boys come live here. She had never felt the urge to procreate.

  “There, they are both in bed,” Stephanie came carefully down the steep steps.

  “That didn’t take long,” Cass commented looking up from the now sleeping baby in her arms.

  “I think the threat of Santa Claus is what did it and they were both tired.” She smiled at the picture of her friend holding her daughter. “I’ll take her up,” she reached for the sleeping baby.

  Cass wouldn’t let her. “You took the boys up, I’ll take her up,” she offered as she got up to do so.

  Stephanie watched her as she effortlessly made her way up the steps with the baby tucked in her arm safely. It amazed her how well Cass did with the children when she had never had any of her own. She certainly had birthed a lot of them around here though according to Melanie. A lot of the women around had come to rely on her midwifery skills as well as some minor doctoring and she was well respected in the community.

  Cass and Stephanie put a large glossy apple and an orange all the way from the state of Florida in each of the stockings. Also nuts, a packet of dried berries, and Cass slipped in a shiny penny in each of the children’s stockings. Then she brought out packages well wrapped in newspaper and slid them under the tree as well as a cutout for each of the boys. She attached a name tag to each of the cutouts and Stephanie looked at her curiously but didn’t question it.

  Stephanie put a package under the tree for Cass, another for each of the boys, and one for Summer and then they stood back and looked. The house smelled wonderful with the spruce tree giving off its rich odor. The ornaments, all handmade, looked very nice, the popcorn strung all around and the balls wrapped gaily. Even the packages underneath looked cheerful. The two of them finished admiring their first Christmas together and Cass turned to Stephanie and said, “Merry Christmas Stephanie, I hope you’re happy here.”

  Stephanie looked at her in surprise and said, “Merry Christmas Cass, I am happy, the boys are happy too, thank you!” She impulsively pulled her friend into a hug.

  It felt so good to feel her there against her but Cass was tense not wanting to make any more of the embrace than what it was.

  Stephanie sensed her tension but put it down to the unfamiliarity of the embrace. Together they locked up the house for the night, banked the fire, and headed up to bed.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  “Mommy?” a voice whispered in the predawn darkness.

  Stephanie forced her eyes open. There was no one in front of her and she thought she had imagined hearing someone call her.

  “Mama?” another voice whispered, not quite as softly as the first one.

  That was when she realized the boys were awake and on Cass’s side of the bed. The other woman moved as she began to awaken.

  “I’m over here,” Stephanie whispered, hoping not to wake Cass but knowing it was inevitable.

  The boys came around the bed, tripping over the shoes on the end and creating a lot of noise. If Cass was asleep before this, she wasn’t now. Her head bobbed up looking for the source of the noise and saw the two boys trooping noisily around the bed to their mother’s side.

  “What’s going on?” Cass asked trying to squint in the dark at the clock on the bedside table and saw it was 4 in the morning, a whole half an hour before she needed to get up for chores.

  “I’m sorry the boys woke you,” Stephanie said quietly and glared at the boys but knew they couldn’t see her clearly in the lighting anyway. She reached for the lamp on the side table and turned it up brighter to reveal two anxious looking boys. “What are you doing up out of bed?” she asked sternly.

  “We wanted to make sure…” began Timmy hesitantly and then having realized he had angered his mother he began again, “We wanted to see if Santa came,” he finished lamely.

  Cass barely kept herself from sniggering. She knew this was something that only Stephanie could handle.

  “You woke us up in the middle of the night,” Stephanie knew she was stretching it since technically it was morning, just early morning. “To see if Santa had been here?”

  Timmy realized what had seemed like a good idea when he awoke and woke Tommy now didn’t sound too good. He started to squirm under the look of his mother now that he could see her clearly. Cass looked over her shoulder at him and she didn’t look too happy either. He nodded hesitantly.

  Stephanie shook her head at him and the little shadow that accompanied him. She looked over her shoulder at Cass and they exchanged an understanding look.

  Cass took control of the situation. “Well,” she flipped off the covers to get out of bed in her nightgown. “We are going to have to go see and look,” she began to pull on her socks and then stopped to look at the anxious little boys. “But you two aren’t dressed for the day, so the longer you take…” she left off because they had scattered, running pell-mell down the hallway towards their room.

  “I’m sorry they woke us up so early,” Stephanie apologized as she stretched prior to getting out of bed.

  Cass averted her eyes, she didn’t want to see Stephanie’s body like that as the nightgown outlined her breasts and supple body, and she worked hard at maintaining her distance this way. She shrugged. “Well, it gives us half an hour more to enjoy our presents.”

  Stephanie liked her attitude, now come to think of it, she rarely got angry at anything the boys did.

  Soon, everyone but Summer was up and dressed for the day. Nothing special, their everyday work clothes, but they were dressed and heading downstairs to see if Santa Claus had been there. As Stephanie and Cass turned up the lights in the living room they got a glimpse of the boys faces as they realized there were things in the stockings and packages under the tree.

  Stoking up the fire, Cass added more wood and it was soon crackling merrily. Stephanie handed each of the boys their stocking and they reached in to pull out waxed paper wrapped candy, nuts, the largest apple they had ever seen, and an equally large orange, its brilliance looking bright in the lamplight. The penny’s shone just as dazzlingly and both boys were careful with the money, they had never had a penny of their very own before. Cass and Stephanie both pretended surprise at their own food filled stockings for the boy’s benefits.

  Then came the packages, Cass insisted that Stephanie open hers first. The boys watched with wide eyes as she carefully unwrapped a box from its newspaper wrappings to find a perfectly new pair of boots. They matched Cass’s well-worn pair exactly but their new color looked bright by comparison. Off came Stephanie’s worn shoes and on went the perfectly fitting boots. She clumped around the living room for affect, holding up her skirts to show the boots off. The boys clapped with glee at their mother’s antics.

  “Thank you,” Stephanie leaned over and gave Cass a kiss on the cheek.

  Cass blushed but said, “Your turn to have someone else open a package.”

  Stephanie chose one of the packages she had put under the tree and handed it to Cass who opened it to find a knitted scarf and mittens; the mittens went halfway up her arms which would keep out the snow and the cold admirably. “Thank you!” she said happily and returned the gesture of a kiss on Stephanie’s cheek, they both blushed.

  “There’s more,” Timmy was hopping on his heals looking at the small packages still under the tree and trying to hurry the adults along. His impatience was rewarded as Cass handed him and Timmy both a package she had put under
the tree.

  The boys ripped open the newspaper and found perfect little pairs of boots inside. Both were a little large but Cass pointed out when they wore socks, especially more than one pair, it would keep their feet warm in the overly large boots and it would be perfect for doing chores. The boys were delighted with their noisy boots on the wooden floors, clumping them grandly in imitation of their mother. Stephanie was pleased, they had worn out their shoes and she had despaired affording more, not wanting to dip into their nest egg but seeing no alternative, she had hoped their shoes would last until spring and had tried repairing the torn leather. Stephanie had decided both boys needed new boots when she saw the socks peeking out of the torn leather and when Jack had finished the first pair she ordered the second.

  Both boys got mittens, hats, and scarves of their own in the packages under the tree. There were still the cut outs and Stephanie frowned as Cass solemnly handed each of the boys one. They were in the shapes of horses and one read Timmy and one read Tommy. “In the barn is one of each of these for you boys to take care of, it’s a big responsibility to take care of your own pony but I think you boys are up to it, what do you say?” Cass asked them. Their eyes got round as her words sunk in and the word ‘pony’ seemed to echo.

  “There are ponies in the barn?” Timmy finally asked.

  Cass shrugged, “Guess you’ll have to go see when you do your chores.”

  The boys forgot all else, the new boots were already on, they ran to get their coats and put on their new mittens. “Wait boys, you save those new mittens for when we go places, don’t do the chores in them,” Cass cautioned.

  “No, I can always make more,” Stephanie objected, she wanted to see the ponies herself.

  The four of them quickly got dressed, Stephanie rushed upstairs to check on the baby before they went out to the barn, lanterns held high to light the way in the pre-dawn light.

  There, lying quietly were two small ponies. The animals looked surprised to see people so early in the morning, usually Cass came out alone but today there was a whole group and the dogs greeted them enthusiastically. Barn cats yawned at being awoken from their various warm perches. A small cackling could be heard from the poultry on the other side as the commotion woke them. The cow, her calf, the extra calf, and the yearling all looked at them placidly as they chewed their cud. The horses looked over at the invasion but the ponies didn’t bat an eye, as though they were used to being awoken by two eager little boys. Cass let them into the stall.

  “Is it safe?” Stephanie murmured, not wanting to frighten the boys but concerned.

  “They’re gentle,” Cass murmured back eagerly watching the expressions of the boys. “Now, there is a lot of work with two animals such as these boys,” she told them sternly. “You have to make sure they get plenty of exercise, you can ride them in the spring when the ground isn’t so slippery. I think I might have a small cart somewhere around here too and we can hitch them to that.”

  Some folks might think giving a five year old and a three year old ponies of their own a tremendous amount of responsibility but Cass felt it was never too young to teach them. With help, they would both be taking care of their own pets. Timmy could do a lot more than Tommy but even then his ‘helping’ of his little brother would teach him a lot. Right now just feeding treats to the two ponies was all their little minds could handle. Petting the gentle small animals that were their own caused a sense of wonder to appear on both their faces.

  Stephanie watched as they carefully took ‘care’ of their ponies giving them carrots and hay. Cass even made them shovel up the manure, producing smaller shovels for them to push it into the pile she collected daily before hauling it out back to throw it on the pile there. Their faces were ecstatic. She watched Cass’s face too as she gently spoke to the boys about their ponies. Something about it made her feel all warm inside.

  “Well, I’m going back in to start breakfast for us all, you bring the milk in when you’re done with the chores,” she said to turn her thoughts away from the odd thoughts she had begun to feel.

  Cass looked up and said, “We will, I don’t think these two will be going anywhere anytime soon.” They shared a smile.

  Stephanie couldn’t believe the generosity of her friend. It went well beyond the norm of providing them a place to live. The boys couldn’t stop talking about their ponies, what to name them, what they should feed them, when they could ride them. Stephanie had to finally insist that they concentrate on their meal as she started making Christmas dinner and fed Summer. Cass looked on with pride at how enthused the boys were with their gifts and plans.

  “I can’t thank you enough for your gifts,” Stephanie told Cass as they got ready for bed that night. The boys were finally in bed, having argued that they should sleep with their ponies in the barn. Cass had put an end to that argument by pointing out that the ponies needed time to themselves, and that smothering them with attention might turn them into spoil them. Besides it was too cold to sleep in the barn for humans or so she told them, with all the animals it actually was quite warm.

  Cass smiled and blushed, shrugging she answered, “I haven’t had much occasion to give them.”

  “You made two little boys very happy,” Stephanie answered as she slid into her side of the bed.

  Cass slid in on her side and turned the light down but not off. “Did you see their faces when they realized what I was saying,” she remembered.

  They shared their remembrances for a while before Stephanie leaned over to give Cass a kiss on the cheek. Cass didn’t realize she was doing that and her face turned slightly as she caught it out of the corner of her eye and accidentally their lips brushed. They both were startled at the mistake and Cass recovered faster than Stephanie as she pulled Stephanie in for another, this time deliberately. Her lips were warm and pleasant, her breath mingled in the kiss and her tongue darted out to lick at Stephanie’s. Stephanie pulled back in alarm, she looked deeply into Cass’s eyes to see if she were serious, that this wasn’t an accident but she knew that it wasn’t, she realized in that instant that the thoughts she had been having weren’t hers alone, Cass had been feeling them as well.

  Cass was holding her breath, waiting to see Stephanie’s reaction; it had been instinctive to pull her back for a second real kiss after the first accidental one. She was surprised to see the desire in her friend’s eyes, she wasn’t revolted, and she wasn’t disgusted. Slowly she watched as Stephanie’s hand came to her mouth, not to wipe off the kiss but to touch her lips tenderly, wonderingly.

  “You made them tingle,” she breathed as she looked steadily at Cass.

  Cass suddenly worried that she had ruined things between them and then was equally surprised as Stephanie leaned back down to kiss her back. It was obvious to Cass immediately that Stephanie didn’t know how to kiss but she didn’t mind, she quickly began to teach her how, to open her jaw slightly, to dart her tongue out, to play with each other’s tongues. Stephanie cupped her hand along Cass’s cheek, wondering at how soft it felt beneath her own, incredulous at the feelings that Cass was causing inside of her, this couldn’t be wrong, this couldn’t be…it felt so delicious, she felt warm, and the tingling that had started in her lips was traveling down her spine and causing wetness between her legs. It was happening so quickly and yet not fast enough she felt, she followed Cass’s lead.

  Cass rolled Stephanie onto her back and pulled back slightly, their breaths were coming hard, her own from her excitement and exertion, she could only assume that Stephanie’s were from the same. She looked down into her friend’s bright blue eyes and asked, “Are you sure?” and stopped herself from touching her further. At Stephanie’s nod she leaned down again to kiss her over and over again, teaching her to fence with her own tongue, suck on it and her lips. She caressed along Stephanie’s neck, unbuttoning her nightgown, caressing along her shoulders, pushing the gown wider so that she could caress and kiss her chest.

  Stephanie’s breath caught at the touc
h of Cass’s lips on her neck, her body arching against her in unconscious supplication, asking for more, her own hands caressing along Cass’s broad shoulders, drawing her closer as she hovered over her, enjoying the feel of her body against her own fevered one. Stephanie couldn’t stand the feelings, she wanted so much more, she didn’t know exactly what but she hoped Cass would, all she knew was that her nightgown was in the way, that Cass’s was as well. She began to raise Cass’s in great bunches in her hand as she pulled it up until it was around her waist. “Take this off,” she whispered urgently and then blushed at how bold she had become.

  Cass looked down in delighted surprise as she complied. She also took the opportunity to remove her drawers before pulling Stephanie up to a sitting position and helping her to raise her own gown up and over her head.

  Stephanie was embarrassed to see Cass completely naked in the dim light, she had never seen anyone other than herself or her children like this, even her husband had always turned out the light before coming to bed for copulation. She was surprised to see how well put together Cass was, she should have realized though, her massive strength was apparent in the well-proportioned shoulders and muscles that supported that strength. The embarrassment turned to desire as she realized she wanted to feel that body under her hands, she wanted the heat and weight of it against her again, the look in Cass’s eyes told her she felt the same.

  Cass couldn’t believe this was happening. She wanted to pinch herself but her desire was hard enough to keep under control, she had wanted Stephanie for too long, she wasn’t going to question what she was offering, she wasn’t going to worry about what this would mean, what the future would hold. Instead she looked down on the petite blonde’s body with desire, she wanted to take her roughly and instead she held herself in check to touch her tenderly, laying herself gently on top of her to feel her warm body beneath her own, she groaned in her head at the feel of the woman she had desired for months beneath her and unconsciously began to dry hump her. Her hands were busy caressing the petite blonde, worshipping her body, rousing her own passions.


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