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Built For A Tank (The Rulers of Darkness MC Book 2)

Page 11

by Belle Winters

  “Hurry up.” He finally ordered and hung up.

  Danny looked up at me worried. “That was Prez, we got church.” I looked at the time. “And we have 35 minutes to get you to work on time.”

  His eyes went wide like he forgot about work completely. “Shit.” He muttered and went running off.

  I followed him upstairs needing to get dressed myself. Before he could part ways with me to head to his room, I couldn’t help but swat him on the ass. “And hurry up,” I ordered.

  He yelped, and I’m pretty sure I heard a light giggle as I went into my room. I was grinning like a loon my damn self. God, I was turning into a bitch.

  Chapter 9


  That whole thing that happened with Tank was… amazing. It was better than any fantasy I ever had about what it would be like to be touched and wanted by a man. I was shocked beyond words when he told me that he liked men too. I never would’ve guessed. I pretended to be pissed about not knowing, but the truth was I just didn’t know how to take it. I mean… it was a relief, and as soon as the words tumbled from his mouth, I felt real hope. I don’t know how it happened. One day, he was like my savior… my safe place, the person I could trust most. The next, he was this hot unattainable person that I was crushing on and had no chance with. I guess it was the beginning that did us both in. That bond we formed under difficult circumstances. I trusted him, and I felt I knew him which only added to his appeal. I guess that had made me actually see him. I haven’t found a man attractive in years. Naturally, I noticed if someone wasn’t exactly ugly per say, but I wasn’t looking for love either… or like.

  The way I felt… kissing him, his hands on me. I can’t stop reliving the moment in my head. The way we left things, I felt like there was more to come. When he dropped me off at work, I wanted so desperately to go to him and kiss him again to have it to hold onto for the day. He seemed to read my mind because he sat and watched me… waiting. But I wimped out. With the other guys and stuff around I was nervous. He didn’t seem bothered, and I didn’t think he was going to turn me down if I went for it, but I didn’t have the balls to do it. There was always that sliver of fear of rejection lurking deep down.

  That, however, was two weeks ago. I’ve been bored out of my mind and losing my shit. It was lonely at home without him there, and I was truly missing him. The ‘church’ meeting they had was because something came up and some of them had to go on a run. So that left me Tank-less. Go figure he’d be gone right after we had a breakthrough of epic proportions. The only consolation I had was that he checked up on me whenever he got the chance. Either calling me or texting me, it was the thought that mattered, and I wasn’t complaining. He told me every day in his own words that he missed me.

  They were due back in two days, and I was brimming with excitement. When he told me last night that he’d be home on Wednesday, I was able to sleep well for the first time. Today though, I wasn’t looking forward to going home and being alone. I feel like I’ve been zip lining or bungee jumping with the amount of adrenaline coursing through me. There was no way I would be able to just go home and twiddle my thumbs again tonight.

  So, then I had minimal options. I could ask Rip to hang with me, he was a good friend and despite Tank’s freak-outs that was all I thought about him and I was almost certain the feeling was mutual. However, I wasn’t going to create an argument with Tank over that… so what was left? Psycho was gone on the run with Tank, so I decided to call Siarra. One of the what… ten contacts I had on the phone that – I’m now thankful, although initially reluctant – I have that Tank forced on me.

  “Hey, Danny.” She greeted me, sounding somewhat surprised. This is the first time I’ve ever used the phone to communicate with anyone but Tank.

  “Hey, Siarra. I was wondering… what are you and Addie up to today?” I asked.

  “Nothing, I’m cooking dinner… is everything alright?” she asked worriedly.

  I frowned. “Yes, of course. Why do you ask?”

  She laughed. “Well honey, I’ve had your number since before Tank gave you the phone and this is the first time in how long that you’re calling me. I know he isn’t around, so I wanted to make sure things were okay.”

  I smiled. “Yes. But it’s kind of boring… and quiet… anddddd lonely.” I confessed.

  “Come on over for dinner and hang with us girls. Addie will be ecstatic.”

  “Okay sure. I’ll be there in about 15 minutes or so?”

  I could hear the smile in her voice. “can’t wait.”

  We hung up the call, and I tossed on some clothes and walked over to her house.

  When I got there, all I smelled was food and stomach growled. I needed to learn how to cook real food for myself because I really don’t go out unless I’m with Tank. These microwave pizza’s and dinners that I’ve been eating were wearing on my stomach that’s for sure. Maybe Siarra would teach me how to make a kitchen smell like this house.

  “Danny!” I heard my name yelled and turned just as Addie ran down the stairs. I gave her a huge hug.

  “Hey there.”

  “You’re staying for a while?” she asked hopefully.

  I nodded. “Sure.”

  “SOOO cool. I have a show you just have to watch!” She demanded taking my hand and dragging me towards the living room.

  Siarra laughed the whole time. “You two go on, and I’ll let you know when dinner is ready.” She yelled out to us. I couldn’t stop smiling, these were two of my favorite people these days.

  We had just finished eating lasagna when Siarra got a call. She excused herself as Addie, and I started to clean up the kitchen together. It wasn’t very long before she was back with a confused and worried look on her face. I immediately tensed.

  “Is something wrong?” I asked hesitantly.

  She looked at me and cocked her head to the side. “I… I don’t know. Sy called me and asked if I could go to the club for him, to call him when I got there. He needs a favor.”

  I was confused. “isn’t that normal?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “No. he never asks me to interfere with anything to do with the club. Insists it’s not my business. I have to practically bust his balls for a hint of information, it’s ridiculous if you ask me. That’s why I’m a bit weirded out right now.”

  I thought for a second and came up with the perfect explanation. “Well, Tank did go on the run with him… I don’t know who else. That’s probably why he’s asking you, he doesn’t have anyone else on hand. I’m sure if it were actually really club related or dangerous he wouldn’t even bring it up to you.”

  She thought that over and rolled her eyes. “This is probably payback for me making him run errands for me the other day. If it is, there’s a flower pot with his name on it.”

  My eyebrows flew up. “Do I want to know what that means?”

  She gave me a devilish smirk, and I couldn’t help but smile back. “He better hope he comes home with some damn good reflexes… otherwise, he might have a concussion if he’s trying to get payback.” I laughed. She really was a hellion. “Do you want to go with us? Or I can drop you home.” She suggested.

  I only had to think for a second. “I’ll go. There’s no volatile screaming man in my house right now… so weird.”

  She laughed, and we were off.



  I felt a prickling down my spine the moment we entered the club. The aura in the place was all wrong. It felt tense and uncomfortable. Everyone seemed on edge and unsure, and I felt like I made the wrong choice coming here. I started to make an excuse to leave, but then Addie grabbed my hand in an iron tight grip. Whatever it was that I was picking up on, so was she.

  “It’s alright,” I said automatically although I wasn’t sure.

  She looked up at me and leaned onto me to whisper, “are you sure?” she asked.

  I nodded. “I’ve got you.” It’s odd enough that no matter how I initially felt, she gave me
the strength to be strong enough for her. Got to love the girl.

  Siarra walked over to a pale-faced Misty. “Sy told me to come here… I – “

  Psycho’s screaming voice trailed into the room. “I DON’T GIVE A FUCK!”

  Siarra frowned, and she picked up speed following the sound of his voice. I frowned, surely, they weren’t back yet. Tank didn’t say anything about being back early. My stomach tightened at the thought that he was lying to me. I couldn’t take it if he was.

  We followed quickly behind her, and I was halted in my tracks. Psycho was fuming, and red-faced and looked ready for murder. Rip and Kitty were in front of him. Kitty looked about to shit her pants while Rip seemed to be trying to keep his own anger in check. Those were all small factors in my eyes. What had my attention was Tank, standing beside Psycho trying to calm him. What the hell was he doing here? I felt instant betrayal and stupidity flood through me.

  “Prez!” Tank warned.

  “Tank… no. I’m done with this bullshit. Get that bitch out, and Kitty don’t bring your ass back. This ain’t no fucking whore house, and I have every right to fucking kill you.” My heart was racing with fear. I knew this type of anger, and there was no questioning the truth in his words.

  “Sy…” Sia said softly.

  His eyes swung to her. They softened for a second and then hardened. If anything, he was even more pissed. “Take them to my room.” He demanded.

  She didn’t question him and instead grabbed Addie’s free hand. They tried to pull me along, but I was rooted to the spot. I was still too stunned at Tank’s presence, and there was no way I was going anywhere without an explanation. Siarra watched me worriedly for a moment before quickly walking away with Addie.

  “Psycho, don’t you think you’re overreacting a bit?” Kitty asked as she pushed her breast up.

  He shoved Tank away from him and advanced on her. “You know the fucking rules. That’s not the type of business we associate with. You have the fucking nerve to bring that shit here after everything that just recently happened?” he grabbed the front of her shirt and shoved her against the wall none too gently. “You finding fucking junkies on the street and bringing them here trying to pimp them out to my brothers when you know I’m away. You thought I wouldn’t find out about this shit you stupid bitch?”

  Psycho turned his attention to Rip. “And you… fucking engaging in this bullshit?” he spit at him.

  Rip held up his hands. “No. I swear it ain’t nothing like that.”

  Psycho folded his arms. “Why the fuck the bitch in your room then?” he questioned.

  Rip shook his head. “Look. I’ve seen the bitch around before in the streets and shit. I helped her a few times. She ain’t used to be on drugs and shit just down on her luck. I even offered her to come to the club for a bit before, but she said no. When I saw her with Kitty, I took her away, tried talking to her. That’s all.”

  Psycho watched him for a beat. “She gotta fucking go. I don’t want that shit here.”

  Rip looked ready to argue, but then a figure appeared at his back. A small girl was standing behind him who gently put a hand on his shoulder. She looked at each of us with wide afraid eyes, and I could tell she was ready to bolt. When her eyes met mine, she froze. She stared at me and stared, and I had a strange feeling of recognition. Was she taken by Acid too? Is that where I know her from possibly? Or is it my imagination telling me things again.

  She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. I looked around quickly feeling awkward that all of her attention was focused on me. Everyone looked as confused as I felt. Tank was the first to talk.

  “Who are you?” he asked quietly. His voice was intense, and he was eyeing her with the same dose of recognition I saw in her.

  Her gaze swung to him, and she frowned. After they continued to stare at each other wordlessly for a minute, she took a hesitant step towards him and then another… then another until she was right up to him. Tank was tense, and I felt jealousy begin to stir in my gut. Is this someone from his past? An old flame? When he reached out a hand and gently brushed her hair back, and behind her ear, I wanted to puke. It seemed so intimate, so caring. I felt like I was intruding on a private moment, but I couldn’t stop watching. He cupped the side of her face and tilted her head up, so they were looking at each other eye to eye. They were both searching each other.

  She reached up and put her hand over his holding in place, and I saw the first tear fall. I couldn’t take anymore. I started to take a step back but wasn’t steady and tripped. The commotion caused everyone’s attention to swing my way.

  “I’m… I’m going to go.” I said.

  “Danny, wait!” Tank called out.

  I shook my head and met the girls’ eyes again. Hers was now narrowed at me and full of questions. Her cheek twitched, and I felt that somehow, I knew that face, that movement. I was losing my fucking mind.

  “Where… where are you going?” she asked me.

  I shook my head. “I just…” I didn’t know what to say. Surely, I wasn’t ready to admit how I was truly feeling about all of this.

  “Please… don’t leave.” Odd. I shook my head and turned around. I heard a gut-wrenching sob break free from the girl and then a shriek. “What’s wrong? Why is he leaving? He can’t go… not again. Paul… why’s he leaving me?” she was in full on hysterics, but that last sentence chilled me to the core and made me freeze.

  I turned around slowly, this time looking at the girl with a fresh pair of eyes. When she noticed that I stopped leaving she stood up slowly from her position on the floor. Somewhere in that breakdown, she ended up on the ground. I walked over to her and really looked at her. Jet black unruly hair, pale, sunken skin. She was a small thing… probably from the drugs and lack of eating. Her eyes though. Were crystal clear. They were blue, and they reminded me of… oh my God. I looked to Tank who looked bewildered by her outburst. I was sure I was going to have a heart attack any moment or die from shock.

  I practically ran to her and scooped her up into my arms. She was crying quietly in my arms, and I ducked my head down to her ear. “Oh, baby girl. Ang, I’m so sorry… I didn’t know that was you. I would never leave you again, never.”

  My eyes were burning with the need to cry. I couldn’t help but to continue to look at Tank who was confused and by God… Ang knew him. She called him Paul. It couldn’t be…

  “How’d you know now?” she asked.

  I smiled. “Your eyes will always be blue as the sky and clear as the river.”

  She pulled back, and when she grinned at me, I knew I was looking at my baby sister. That smile was still the brightest part of the day. My heart was working overtime, and I looked back to Tank. It would appear he was starting to realize what was happening.

  Psycho cleared his throat. “What is going on?” he asked.

  I looked over at him and watched as his eyes danced between all of us. He looked weary and highly lost. I grabbed Angie’s hand and walked her over to Psycho. “This… is my sister Angie.”

  Curses rang out from everyone at the revelation. I turned to Tank. “Can we take her home? If not, I can find a hotel…”

  Psycho shook his head. “Or you two can stay here.”

  I looked back to him and gave him a grateful smile. Kitty stomped her foot. “This is bullshit. How does she get to stay, and I’ve got to go? I brought her here, and you ain’t even want her staying. This charity case says she his sister and so now she can do whatever?” she said crossing her arms.

  Psycho looked ready to explode. I never hear anyone talk to him that way. Before he could say anything though Tank spoke up. “Oh no. You ain’t going nowhere…” he turned to Rip. “Take Kitty for holding.” He said.

  Both Psycho and Rip grinned evilly at the order. I had no idea what that was or what it meant… but if Kitty’s expression was any indication it wasn’t anything good. I barely heard her pleading as she was taken away too filled up with emotion.

sp; “Let’s get you two home.” Tank said exhausted.

  I nodded. “Ok.”

  Tank turned to Psycho. “Can you give us a ride? I just got my bike here.”

  Psycho nodded and then we were off.

  Chapter 10


  I was sitting on my bed with my head in my hands. What the ever-loving fuck? It was like a bad drama movie. I’d recognized Angie once I’d gotten a good look at her. She looked worse for wear, but that angelic baby face of hers never changed. I knew she’d grow up to be a beauty and I figured she was going to be breaking hearts everywhere. I didn’t think mine would be one of them. Seeing her like that, I was instantly filled with guilt and regret. She was so sweet, so innocent… what the hell happened to her?

  I knew how much Joseph’s family meant to him. It was why he was the way he was. Always working, never hanging out or partying unless it was with me. I loved those times though, spending time with him was my favorite thing to do. He was my best friend… really my only friend. Sure, I was popular, and there were the girls and the guys I played ball and shit with, but they weren’t what I considered friends. They were just there like I was.

  He knew all of my secrets… he knew me. That’s because he wanted to know me, you ain’t find that back then. Hell, my parents ain’t even want to fucking know me. Back home, we were all the same ya know? None of us above the other. None of us had shit out there, and no one in the world gave two shits about the gutter and its rats – being us – that occupied it.

  Joe was real. I just knew that he was going to make it out. He was too motivated and wanted better more than anyone I knew. I knew that I wasn’t good enough for him, but he liked me anyway. He was amazing like that. I only hoped to hold onto him for as long as possible. I just didn’t think it would be as soon as it was.

  There was a gentle knock on my door, and I looked up as Danny let himself in. He shut the door quietly behind him. “How is she?” I asked. When we got back, I let him get her settled and to give them some time alone. I needed a minute to get myself together too.


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