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Zodiac Awakening

Page 2

by Drew Smith

  “Not my father?” Ruben sat down on a rock nearby.

  “He is my realm copy or familiar some would say.” Orson threw back his hood, revealing an aged by familiar face.

  “You! But how?” Ruben stood up in shock.

  Orson’s face resembled that of Ruben’s father’s exactly, except that Orson was human, and did not share his father’s light blue skin.

  “I don’t understand, how could this be?” Ruben shook his head, and the light around his body flashed intensely.

  “You’re not use to your power yet Lumus, you need to calm yourself.” Ruben fell to his knees, and for a moment was still. When he was calmed down he looked up at Orson.

  “Lumus? Why did you call me that? My name is Ruben.” He stared at Orson.

  “Ruben…? My familiar must have given you that name, but I did tell him your name. That is strange, but I suppose he had his reasons. Your real name is Lumus, the Prince of Light and Protector of Twilight.”

  “My name is Lumus? Twilight…?” Lumus held his head, and closed his eyes.

  “I know, my Prince, it must be overwhelming.” Orson placed his hand on Lumus’ Shoulder.

  “My Prince, you will understand in time who you are, and this power you have.”

  Orson tried to smile, but he could tell it wouldn’t help.

  “So, you left me here with my father Rozell almost twenty years ago, and I was raised here in this world… It makes sense. I have always had the feeling like I didn’t belong. I guess I always knew, or hoped anyway.” He replied.

  “I’m sorry Lumus. I couldn’t bring you with me. I didn’t know what to do, and the only thing I could think of at the time was to leave you here with Rozell. I knew he would keep you safe, and I am sorry that he…” Orson looked to the ground.

  “You don’t have to Orson. I just wish I had this power to save him when he was in trouble. Some hero I am…” He smiled, but it quickly faded. Orson wanted to ask, but felt he shouldn’t.

  “We need to return to Twilight Lumus. I came here to bring you back. Lears has had twenty years to… Well, let’s just say that Twilight is a different place now.”

  “Twilight, so it is real. Alistro mentioned it, but I had no memories of it until now.”

  “You remember Twilight Lumus? You were but a baby when we left. How could you remember Twilight at all?” Orson asked.

  “This power. The moment I transformed. I have memories of many things. Things I have never actually experienced.”

  “I see. I don’t quite understand, but maybe we can learn more about these memories later. For now, we need to leave this place. Alistro was just a grunt. I’m sure others will come looking for you.

  “Wait, I need to find my friend. She was here a moment ago. She gave me this sword during my fight with Alistro. If we are to leave this world, I have to bring her with us.” Lumus said as he looked around.

  “She has gone ahead. I saw her head toward the Aster Mountains.” A voice called out.

  “Orson…” Lumus called as he rose to his feet, and stared into the dark path toward the Aster Mountains.

  “Show yourself.” Lumus yelled out as his glow illuminated the area revealing a green demon in the distance. Orson drew his blade, and readied himself. The demon crouched down as if to prepare to dash at them. Suddenly the demon jumped with such speed that it looked as if he had disappeared before their eyes. Orson looked in all directions, but couldn’t spot the demon. Lumus turned around, and looked at the Aster Inn rooftop.

  “Ah, your reflexes are impressive. I sense something special about you.” The demon said with his arms crossed.

  “I am Brinx, Grenton Protector of Dystopia.” Lumus, and Orson looked at each other then back at Brinx.

  “A protector of evil” Orson interrupted.

  “No, the evil of this planet is not my concern. My concern is this planet itself. I live only for its safety and peaceful existence.” Brinx uncrossed his arms as he corrected Orson.

  “Demon trickery will not work on me,” Orson said in a rage.

  Lumus jumped just as Brinx did, with such speed that Orson couldn’t believe his eyes. Lumus landed right beside Brinx on the Aster Inn rooftop.

  “Ah, you’re quick too? Impressive for a human.” Brinx boasted. “I can only imagine what your familiar is like.”

  Lumus stared at Brinx without a blink. “My familiar?” replied Lumus.

  Orson still stood below, and began to walk closer to try to speak to Lumus.

  “Lumus, you must know, or have heard the tale before. There exists in this universe two worlds, or dimensions I suppose. Each in their own dimension of space, but everything here on Dystopia has a copy on Twilight. A person, place or thing must exist on both planets. From the beginning of time it has always been this way, but only when I came to Dystopia with you twenty years ago did I start to believe this myself. If anything lives here, it must live in the other dimension, so the stories go. You’re pure Lumus, you have been since you were born, but you were not born naturally. You were created using the blue core in the centre of Twilight. A wish was made in hopes that a perfect warrior could come here, and wipe out the demons so that we could have two peaceful worlds. Well I shouldn’t say we. Truthfully it was never our plan at all, but the plan of a child. The wish of a young girl created you, and all of Twilight’s positive energy was used to make you. But when this happened, a rift in both worlds opened and sucked anyone under it through to the opposite world. Demons made their way to the core of Twilight, and I had no choice but to take you, and try to escape. I took you outside, and we were both sucked into the sky. That’s how you ended up in this dimension, but like I said, my prince, every person place or thing in one dimension must have a copy in the other dimension for the balance of our worlds. Our blue core turned red with negative energy since the positive was transferred to create you, and so the core of Twilight became unstable. After you and I came here another baby was born from the negative energy. I found that out when I had returned to Twilight twenty years ago. He was named Lears, and the surviving demons watched over him as he grew to be the one we all fear in Twilight now. He looks just like you, but pure evil and hatred. Lumus, you are Twilight’s last hope.” Lumus diverted his attention from Brinx to Orson.

  “I understand, Orson. Ever since I changed into this form, I have been able to sense a strange power. I understand what that is now. It’s him.” Lumus crossed his arms, and closed his eyes. Orson stared in silence.

  Brinx looked down at his hands.

  (“I have watched over this planet from evil all of this time, but this is far more important than this world alone. I must help in this cause. The true evil seems to be in Twilight? Then I must go.) “Lumus, I will accompany you if you will accept?” Brinx asked. Orson had a look of disgust on his face, but Lumus smiled.

  “You would leave Dystopia?” He asked.

  “I have protected Dystopia for over one hundred years, and this new situation concerns this dimension too. I must see to this matter, and I am sure you understand my reason.” Lumus opened his eyes to look at Brinx.

  “Are you mad, demon? Why would we bring you to Twilight? Our mission is to get rid of you demons from our world. Why would we…”

  “Orson.” Lumus interrupted.

  “My prince.” Orson replied.

  “Brinx, I can sense your spirit. You are not evil within. I will accept your offer.” Lumus jumped down from the rooftop. Brinx followed after him.

  “Prince Lumus, I don’t understand.” Orson said in confusion.

  “Please Orson, just call me Lumus.” He replied with a smile on his face.

  “Orson, your familiar… he was killed trying to protect me.” He hesitated to say if fear of his reaction. Orson turned his back to him suddenly.

  “I went to the farm where I had left you. I found nothing there but charred wood. I feared you had been killed, but I found the fire was fresh. I also followed the tracks from the demons to here. That is how I ended up
finding you. Lumus, I should tell you when a familiar dies, the other gets his strength, and knowledge that the other had in his lifetime. The other learns every little memory over time. The only things you learn right away is the recent thoughts going through their mind before they die, which can be a terrible experience. I knew he was killed, because I felt the transfer. I went to give him a proper burial.” Lumus put his hand on his blade, cutting it slightly. A drop of blood spilt down his fingertips and fell to the dirt.

  “You mentioned strength?” Lumus asked.

  Orson took a minute to realize why Lumus had cut himself.

  “Yes, his physical power is not transferred, but his spirit and his knowledge are. Anything he may have learned in his lifetime will eventually make its way to me.” Orson explained.

  “Hmm, that is quite interesting that you humans and demons share such a bond,” Brinx added.

  “What do you mean Brinx? If you exist then you would have a familiar too would you not?” Lumus protested.

  “No, for us Grenton. We are grown from the great tree of Gaia,” Brinx added.

  “Orson is there not a tree like that in Twilight?” Lumus asked.

  “Not that I know of, but I am sure we would know if little green men were running around in Twilight,” Orson shot back.

  Brinx laughed.

  “If you are coming demon, then I will be watching you. We know nothing about you, and I simply don’t trust you,” Orson announced.

  “I see. I am a Grenton. I am not human, nor demon. I exist to protect life, and I intend to follow you to Twilight to protect that very belief,” Brinx explained.

  “I suppose that…” Orson crossed his arms.

  “Look, if my friend went up toward the mountain, then that is where I’m going.” Lumus interrupted. A flash at the peak of the Aster Mountains lit up the area.

  “What? Someone has entered the portal to Twilight?” Orson called out.

  (“Scarlette? You went to Twilight? Why would she help me, then leave me behind?”) Lumus thought to himself.

  Lumus began to head toward the mountain to the north.

  “I have been up the mountain here before. The portal to Twilight is up at the peak, and that is exactly where we need to go.” Orson said with confidence. Orson and Brinx followed behind Lumus as they began to walk.

  “Brinx you said you were not a demon?” Lumus asked.

  “That is correct Lumus. We Grenton are grown in a seed on the Gaia tree. Each of us are closely equal, and born as I look now with some minor differences. The Gaia tree produces thirty orbs with full grown Grenton’s like myself, though they must fight to the death leaving only one. The Gaia tree then become that Grenton. I live forever without ageing, but if we do die in combat or natural calamities then my spirit returns to the Gaia tree, and then the growth cycle can start again with another shell for me to take over. For I am the tree, and this is just my vessel.” Brinx spoke as he walked beside Orson, but Orson kept his hand on his sword under his cloak.

  “Why wouldn’t you all work together to protect the planet?” Lumus replied. Brinx laughed again.

  “When each of the orbs drop, a poisonous gas is released. The gas keeps anything or anyone from interrupting us from our battle. If there is no winner before the gas clears I eliminate the shells. If this happens, then another growth cycle will start, and I would have to select from a new batch. Brinx explained.

  “Let me see if I understand, you all fight as if you have no other meaning for life, but those are just shells with no mind, am I right?” Orson asked.

  “You are right Orson. I am the tree, and the poisonous gas is my defence against the Grenton that are defective. When there is one left I transfer myself into the Grenton that won, and I protect the planet as that warrior. Not all Grenton are the same, they are all given a somewhat unique look.” Brinx ranted. Lumus stopped walking.

  “What is it Lumus?” Orson asked with concern.

  “Brinx… what happens if you go into Twilight? If you die in another dimension then what will happen to you?” Lumus asked.

  “I cannot fully answer that my friend. I know that I have the ability to sprout a seed where I die if my host is damaged, but I must be buried. So if I must, I will sprout on Twilight.” Brinx announced. Lumus’ interest grew.

  “What would happen to the Gaia tree in Dystopia if you die in Twilight?” Lumus asked with a concerned look.

  “Like I said, I cannot fully answer your question. I don’t know much of my kind since I have never encountered another of my kind.” Brinx replied.

  “I see… I’m sorry I brought it up.” He said as he looked away.

  “Not at all. We are all just looking for answers. Is that not what life is?” Brinx said with a smile. Orson tried to seem distant, but even he was taken by his words.

  They continued up the path to the Aster Mountains. The wind picked up, and mist blew around like a constant cloud in front of them making it difficult to see. Orson lead the way followed by Brinx and Lumus in the back.

  “Orson, you know where you’re going I hope?” Lumus figured he did, but wanted to know more without seeming pushy.

  “Yes the Temple is near the mountain peak. I’m surprised your friend was able to get up here so quickly, and to know of the portal… She must be something else.” Orson shouted over the wind.

  “The Temple holds the only way for us to get home. I found it twenty years ago.” Orson yelled again.

  “You never explained where you were all this time? Why you left me here in the first place.” He pointed out. Orson stopped, turning to face Lumus. He looked at him ready to say something, but turned back and continued to walk. Lumus and Brinx paused.

  “When he is ready,” Brinx said calmly.

  Brinx then turned, and followed behind Orson.

  (“Orson what happened all those years ago?”) Lumus thought to himself.

  The three arrived at a landing near the peak, and the wind seemed calmer.

  “Orson, we should camp here and regain our strength.” Orson stopped, and turned around.

  “Yes a good rest would help us before we go to Twilight.” Orson declared.

  “I will keep watch from the trees.” Brinx announced.

  He jumped up into the branches without warning. Lumus gathered some twigs, and slashed his sword off a rock to start the fire. Orson sat on a stone across from him. It was silent for a while, before Lumus or Orson said a word.

  Orson looked up, and gave Lumus a full scan.

  “Hmm? What is it Orson?” Lumus asked. He paused.

  “Nothing Lumus, it’s just a shock to see you all grown up. You’re not a child anymore, and your power is very impressive to look upon. Orson looked back into the fire.

  “I have you, and my father Rozell to thank for that I suppose. I didn’t know it, but you had helped me all my life. Why did you do all of that just for me?” Lumus asked.

  “I did it for her. I did all of it for her. I was a soldier of Twilight. Protector of the Innocent. Sometimes demons were able to get into our dimension, but we don’t know how, or how they managed to get to us even before the rifts open to let them in our world.

  Twilight’s Capital city of Capaz called for any young warriors brave enough to join and trained as knights. If we were to prove ourselves, then we would be able to take the knight trial. I became quite famous over time, and eventually I became a first rank knight.” Orson smiled, and took a breath.

  Lumus thought that Orson was just like a real hero. One from the stories his father used to tell him about.

  “The council of Twilight elected me to a special job once I became knight first class. I took it as an honor, before I even knew what the mission was, but then a little girl came before me at Capaz palace, and I was announced her protector by the council. She was only nine years old. I had no idea who she was, and at first I felt like I had trained to become such a great warrior and ended up a babysitter. I realized, however, that she was very gifted in the time tha
t I spent with her.” Orson paused for a moment to fix the fire before it went out.

  “I see. You continued to carry it out even though you didn’t agree with them?” Lumus asked.

  “Of course, I’m a knight after all. It doesn’t matter what they tell me to do. I talked with the child, and asked her to tell me what she could. That’s when I learned of familiars. Her familiar had died, and she had gained all of its knowledge, making her very wise. I was skeptical about familiars at first. I didn’t really believe the whole idea of Dystopia, though it did explain where the demons came from all those years. She taught me everything about Dystopia as if she had been here before. I knew that my task was not a punishment after that moment. She and I became very close. She was like a daughter to me. We traveled to the Aster Mountains, and arrived at the blue core where you were born. When we used the energy of the planet’s core to create you, the rifts appeared in the sky, and it brought demons into the mountain straight to us. I was forced to take you to safety. I left the cave with you in my arms. My fellow soldiers fought off what demons they could but…The girl and I knew that you would be the only one to eventually fix the problem that we had created that day. When I took you and ran I heard her scream out my name. She was killed, and I wasn’t there for her. I had failed to protect her, and I told myself I would do everything I could to save you.” Orson took another deep breath. He went quiet. Lumus just stared at him.

  “I’m sorry Orson. I wish that this had not fallen upon you. Her death is my fault.” Lumus put his head down.

  “No Lumus, her death was not your fault it was mine, and it was the growing greed of our world. Twilight killed her. Not you. Her name will live on in me and the people of Capaz. I will never forget you, Scarlette.” Lumus looked up quickly, and looked at him with tears in his eyes.

  “What did you say Orson?” He stood up quickly.

  “I said, Scarlette.” Lumus turned to the fire, and went silent. Orson stood.

  “What is it Lumus? Tell me!” He demanded. Lumus faced the fire, and turned his head to avoid looking at him.


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