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Zodiac Awakening

Page 12

by Drew Smith

  “Lumus maybe now is not the time to day dream.” Brinx called out. Lumus gave his head a shake.

  “Yes of course. We have six days, let’s make the best of this.” He announced. Brinx crossed his arms. Why pair us up together? Were you curious who was stronger? I can see you being stronger than the others, but I would be the odd one out I suppose.” Brinx felt unsure of Lumus’ choices.

  “Well, I have seen what you can do, and I wanted to see if you can use your vines to maybe encase your body. Maybe something thick enough to withstand a swing from my sword.” Brinx opened his eyes wide.

  “I have never tried anything like that. It may be possible if I have enough time to focus.” Brinx clenched his fists and bent his knees. He cringed as his body began to morph. All of the sudden multiple vines shot from him in every direction. Lumus had to dodge most of them that flew toward him. Brinx let out a monstrous roar as the vines came together. Tightly they wrapped his body, making him look at least five times his normal size. Lumus was in a bit of shock. He could not believe his eyes.

  “Well, it seemed to work. Although with this I feel a bit slow. It may be harder for me to move quickly. Take a swing Lumus, and let’s see how I fair.” Lumus took a step forward, and he drew his sword slowly.

  “Alright, let the training begin.” He announced as he dashed at Brinx. As he did Brinx let out another roar that caught the attention of all the others this time. Small debris came from the ceiling, Dust shot up from the floor and blew around the room. Lumus didn’t notice though.

  The battle started to heat up until Lady Concy entered the room.

  “Brinx end this now. I have just got word that the councillors have arrived. Lumus, I’m sorry, but you will have to join me along with Orson. Everyone else can resume training.” Brinx calmed down as Lumus lowered his sword.

  “I have to be honest Brinx, I wasn’t sure what to do there. I think you would have had me beat.” Brinx began to shed parts of himself, returning to his normal size.

  “Maybe Lumus, but you have something hidden inside you. It is that something that scares me, even with my strength I do not think I would have won. That form hinders my speed as well. I also think you should lose the sword. A strength like yours does not require such primitive tools.” Brinx added.

  “Twenty seconds of training, but I feel like I have learned something. Thanks Brinx.” Lumus said as he rested his sword against the wall. Lady Concy grabbed him, and pulled him off.

  “Come, we must hurry! I don’t wish to keep the councillors waiting. Orson was waiting in the centre room with his arms crossed. He had a look on his face as if he was disappointed about leaving his training.

  Lady Concy led the way back up to the main floor. Lumus followed closely with Orson behind him.

  “Now this is important, the councillors will be entering the city gates soon. Lumus, people are in a bit of hysteria about you. I am sure the councillors are very interested in seeing you as well. I have to ask you to wait in the conference room until I greet them. Orson will wait alongside me.” Concy demanded.

  “Maybe I should wash up first? I don’t think it would be fitting for me to…” Lumus noticed that Orson and Lady Concy were sweating a lot as well.

  “I wouldn’t worry Lumus, I’m certain the councillors will have more pressing matters to address to us than our hygiene.” Orson put his hand on Lumus’ shoulder.

  “Just give us a moment to greet the others. We will then meet you in the conference room.” Orson instructed. Lumus turned around, and began to head to the west of the palace.

  “Orson, they are here.” Lady Concy took a step forward as the large palace gates opened. The gigantic doors screeched open, and a beam of daylight shot in from the blue moon outside. The Councillors came in one after the other. Orson was happy to see so many old faces. He remembered fighting alongside most of them during the Dragon Wars. Lady Concy introduced each councillor as they entered.

  “Introducing Councillor Mack Yozii of Ariond. Lady Councillor Anna Heloris of Geminite. Councillor Orgu Blank of Canby. Councillor Alexander Strife of Leodot. Councillor Owen Markus of Virphire. Lady Councillor Tilza of Librine. Councillor Tank Linjor of Scorpial. Councillor Cinnus Zarie of Sagnet. Councillor Brunius Dargon of Capaz and Councillor Geare Cogz of Aquoise. Please fellow Councillors, follow me to the Conference room.” Concy said with a bow.

  She led the group toward the west wing. Orson stood at the rear with his head down.

  “(Geare… I know him but from where?)” Orson seemed confused, but he saw the others leaving him behind so he quickly caught up.

  “It has been sometime, Lady Concy. How is Piscyst doing these days?” Brunius said with a smile.

  “Piscyst is doing well councillor Brunius, and as you can see Orson and I have been taking care of Capaz in your absence.” Concy bowed.

  “I see, so that was Orson? I barely recognize him after so long. Does he know Taurald is without a councillor because of his leave?” Concy raised her head with hesitation.

  “I’m not sure. He has been traveling with Lumus.” Concy replied.

  “Lysilus, gather everyone in the south room. I have some new plans.” Joffree demanded.

  “Sir? Yes sir.” Lysilus ran off to the other rooms quickly.

  “Plans? Who says you’re running the show?” Zelkem said in anger.

  “Listen you little punk I don’t have time for fools like you.” Joffree barked back

  “What did you say to me? You think I don’t care? Why the hell would I be in a basement of some old palace training with all of you if I didn’t?” Zelkem barked as he clenched his fists.

  “Well you may have a fighting spirit Zelkem, but you are still no warrior. You should watch what you say.” Zelkem stepped closer to Joffree just as the others entered the room.

  “Listen you polished pawn! Wearing a badge and swinging a fancy sword at a few dragons doesn’t make you a brave warrior either. You think because the dragons missed burning you up that you’re something special? I bet everything you have was given to you. When’s the last time you really earned something for yourself? And I don’t mean a badge, or some war trophy. Have you ever lived off the land? Have you ever saved someone without being ordered to? Have you ever helped someone because you felt it was the right thing to do, and not just an order? You’re the fool, and you are the one that should watch what he says.” Zelkem turned, and began to walk toward the exit.

  “Hold it! I’m not done with you yet.” Zelkem stopped, and turned his head to look over his shoulder.

  “Oh? Some other crap you need to say before I leave?” Zelkem said with a smirk. Joffree drew his sword.

  “If you think you’re so great, how about you spar with me? If you truly are a warrior I should be no problem.” Joffree declared. Zelkem looked over to the others standing at the door.

  “Zelkem don’t do this, you have nothing to prove.” Scarlette yelled out.

  “He has to Scarlette, look into his eyes. He is looking after himself, just as he has his whole life. This may be the moment he proves that he wants to be here.” Frostear explained.

  “What does that mean? Has he said he didn’t want to be here?” Scarlette started to get confused.

  “You don’t understand; he doesn’t have to say it. Think back to everything that we know of him. He fought Orson at Twilight Prison, and again in Taurald. He never wanted to stay with us. Zelkem just wanted to prove that he is stronger than his brother. Now he is fighting with Joffree to defend his position here with us.” Frostear said with a smile. Scarlette looked back to Zelkem.

  “I see. So he is doing this for himself…” Scarlette whispered under her breath. Frostear took a deep breathe.

  “Well? What do you say, will you fight me?” Joffree laughed. Zelkem turned around.

  “Hey Joffree, tell me again what they call you in your knight ranks?” Joffree griped his sword.

  “I am Sir Joffree of the Piscyst Regiment! First ranked knight, you fool!” He
announced with a maddening rage in his eyes.

  Zelkem clenched his fist even tighter, and widened his stance. Joffree ran at him wildly with his sword high above his head. Joffree brought his axe down hard on top of Zelkem’s head. Just as Joffree’s axe was about to hit him. He moved to the left quickly, and Joffree’s axe crashed hard into the floor. Just then Zelkem grabbed Joffree’s axe with his left hand using it as support as he forced his body up into the air. He landed a kick to Joffree’s face, throwing him into the wall. His axe had stuck in the floor, and Zelkem stood beside it with a serious look in his eyes. Joffree got up quickly though.

  “Impressive, but not good enough!” Joffree yelled out. Zelkem dashed toward Joffree. As they got closer to each other Joffree threw his left fist forward. As he did, Zelkem threw his right fist forward colliding with his. Joffree grabbed his wrist in pain as Zelkem spun and landed kick to Joffree’s face knocking him to the floor unconscious. He stood over Joffree with a grin.

  “A true warrior cares for more than himself. Maybe you’d learn that if you pulled you’re head from your ass.” Zelkem walked out of the training room, and headed upstairs to the palace gates.

  “Do you see Scarlette? Zelkem is one of us now.” Frostear announced as if proud he was right after all.

  “Are you sure Frostear? I think he is leaving.” Brinx moved in front of the exit.

  “Leave him alone. The boy doesn’t need us now. If he is to join us, then he will when he wants to.” Brinx crossed his arms as Frostear walked up beside him and Scarlette.

  “I suppose the no leaving rule has been waved?” Frostear said with a laugh. Scarlette sighed.

  Lumus stood watching the townspeople from the balcony window in Capaz Palace. Time seemed to go by slowly these days, he thought.

  (“Things sure have changed. I guess I have to learn to change with it. I went from a farmer to defeating Lears to training with the best fighters Twilight has to offer. He is still alive though. I can almost feel Lears as if he was here in the room with me, his very being calls to me, haunting me. What makes things worse is that Zephry is out there on her own, and the roads are not exactly safe. I don’t really understand what I should do.”) Lumus looked down to the palace bridge.

  “Zelkem? Where is he going?” He said aloud.

  “Lumus, please have a seat.” Lady Concy asked as she entered. The eleven councillors including Orson followed behind her. Lumus sat down at the end of the large table closest to the window. He tried to present himself as formal as he could pass off. As the Councillors sat down Orson closed the door behind him. Lady Concy sat opposite to Lumus.

  “The first order of business. We must discuss regiment reports. Councillor Alexander please begin.” Concy announced. Alexander stood from his seat.

  “As you all know by now Taurald has been destroyed, but many of the people inhabiting the town were able to escape just in time. There were many deaths within the decoy soldiers from Taurald that were killed during the attack. We are currently rebuilding but with so few soldiers we are taking every precaution. Also, a new enemy by the name of Coldblood led the attack yesterday. We believe this man is working with Lears.” Alexander said sadly. Orson stood up.

  “All of the people were decoys?” Orson interrupted

  “The people that were in Taurald were in fact decoys, trained knights that laid in wait for Lears to attack them. In this case, the knights were outnumbered. You were there Orson, and you as well Lumus.” Concy added. Lumus stood up.

  “Yes we were taken there late yesterday for recovery. That was the night before we fought Lears at Twilight Prison.” Lumus sat down. Alexander looked at Lumus then over to Orson.

  “I will be pulling my soldiers from Taurald within the next few days. I must protect Leodot from the same fate. I am sure you all understand?” Alexander added.

  “We do. I will send some of my soldiers from Ariond.” Mack announced. Brunius was still looking at Lumus.

  “You two fought Lears and survived?” Brunius asked. Orson sat down.

  “Actually Lumus fought him alone.” Orson blurted out. Everyone looked over to Lumus.

  “Yes, and I thought I had defeated him too, but I had failed. I can still feel him, and somehow I know he is still alive.” Lumus said as he put his head down. Geare stood up.

  “I have to know...., you say you can feel him. Do you feel his life force?” Geare asked. Lumus got up and looked out the window.

  “I guess you could say that. It is more than that though, I can feel the energy he emits. I guess I have always been able to sense his star energy.” He added.

  “Could you explain what you are saying?” Tilza replied. Councillor Owen leaned forward, eager to hear his answer.

  “His Star energy, you know… The power or life force that everyone has inside them. With every life experience with every life choice your star energy grows. When you die your star energy is placed into the galaxy contributing to the knowledge of the cosmos.” Lumus replied thinking everyone knew what he was talking about. The entire table went silent.

  “Lumus I don’t think that is really something that happens. Who told you that?” Orson said tentatively.

  “The Twilight Core speaks to me. Ever since I came to Twilight I can hear it, and with the core I was able to defeat Lears. How do you think I learned how to use my powers so quickly? I thought you all knew this. The core told me about the dragons that are here on Twilight and the…” Councillor Tank stood up slamming his fist on the table, interrupting Lumus.

  “What! Did I hear you say the dragons that ARE here? Are you telling me Twilight isn’t rid of them yet?” Tank suggested. Lumus turned to the window again.

  “Sir I don’t know what your priorities are, but you have far worse problems than the remaining dragons. You should focus on Lears. He is the greatest danger to Twilight.” Lumus muttered. Tank shut up quickly.

  “I believe we are off topic. Please everyone settle down. We have order to these meetings.” Brunius demanded. They resumed their seats and took a moment to gather their composure.

  “Let us finish the little things first. Each regiment is returning to their towns in three days, which will give us time to restock supplies. Orson, your townspeople are in Valley Cove as ordered. We have workers in Taurald rebuilding as we speak. That concludes the report, Lady Concy if you please.” Brunius explained.

  “Next we need to talk about Lears. We have taken fights to him many times, but have never been successful. We need ideas on this topic.” Concy suggested. Orson stood up. “This may sound a bit crazy, but I say we use Lumus to fight Lears. To be honest, he is the only one that can. I have seen them fight, and I can’t say I know anyone else that could stand up to Lears. Lumus, do you object?” Orson asked.

  Lumus turned to the councillors, and nodded his head in agreement. Lady Concy called for a vote, and passed without any objections. Orson took Lumus outside the conference room and waited for Lady Concy.

  “Lumus you are taking a lot on your shoulders with this, you know that right?” Orson said. Lumus put his hand on Orson’s shoulder.

  “Orson, do you remember a long time ago when you told me that you were frightened because you didn’t know what you were up against. Well I know what I am up against: Lears.” He smiled.

  “I said that to you when you were still a baby. How could you possibly know…?” Orson became silent as Concy entered the hallway.

  “We don’t have time to waste. Let’s get back to the others.” Concy demanded. Orson led the way back to the training area in the basement.

  “Wait a moment, Orson before the meeting I looked out the window and saw Zelkem leaving the palace. Should we go after him?” Lumus announced.

  “No, let’s ask the others first. He would have a reason for leaving, and I’m sure they would know something.” He replied.

  “I will meet you down there. Orson, you and I must stay here. We have much to discuss with the other councillors. Remember you are councillor of Taurald.
You have a responsibility to the council.” Concy said with a tone. Orson stopped.

  “Lumus go on without me. I will be there as soon as I can.” Orson said through gritted teeth while looking at Concy.

  He continued toward the training area alone as Orson returned to Lady Concy’s side. “Don’t be upset with me Orson, I don’t want to be in here anymore than you do right now. I know we can do more good out there than in this room.” Orson left Lady Concy, and entered the conference room.

  (“Maybe Orson can help Lumus, but I know I can do more good if I stay with the council. At least I can strategize against Lears in favour of Lumus… If he goes down, we all go down. It’s just a matter of convincing the council”) Concy thought to herself as she entered the conference room. The doors closed, and the sound of the doors locking caused Lumus to look back, but he quickly continued on his way.

  Chapter Eight- Celebrating a Hero

  The afternoon light from the blue moon shone down on Zephry as she made her way closer to Piscyst. She was tired, and sweat ran down her face. She finally took a moment to rest, but she smiled.

  (“Boy taking the short cut northwest across Dornet was scary, but thankfully I didn’t run into any problems. Hmm, if this is Leodot, I should move on to the mountains. I can rest at my home town of Piscyst.”) Her feet ached and Piscyst was another day’s hike, but she pressed on anyway. She knew she only had five days left to get back to Capaz, but time wasn’t the problem. The idea of running into trouble alone scared her. Up until now she had her fiends to help her when she needed them. To fight alone seemed impossible.


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