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Zodiac Awakening

Page 20

by Drew Smith

“Scarlette! Hey Scarlette. ” Zephry shouted behind him. Lumus turned to see what was happening.

  “Is everything okay? You look distracted Scarlette.” Lumus said abruptly. Scarlette looked ahead to everyone staring at her face becoming increasingly calmed.

  “No it’s nothing, it’s just everything seems so peaceful that’s all.” Lumus smiled. Frostear sighed as he, Zelkem and Frostear passed them by. Dyne walked by with Zynx, and as they passed by he looked over to Zynx.

  “Hey buddy you think these guys are going to be this dramatic about everything that happens?” Zynx grunted.

  “Yeah I thought so too.” Dyne replied.

  “Scarlette we should keep going, we can’t stop now. We’ve barely even left Librine.” Lumus laughed. Scarlette laughed too.

  “You’re right Lumus, I’m sorry. It’s just… we haven’t had many peaceful moments lately.” Scarlette replied as her smile faded. Lumus turned to the group walking off.

  “I know, Scarlette. But that’s why we can’t stop. I don’t want just moments. I want it to be peaceful all the time. I don’t remember a time when we weren’t fighting, even when I lived in Dystopia. I fought all the time, sometimes it was life or death there. So I know what I need to do and I know with all your help I can do it. I don’t want to fight anymore, but until this is all over I have no choice, and it is you, Scarlette… I fight because of you. Even though I was born from the planet, at that moment I heard your wish. These memories have been coming back to me over our time together. I heard that you wanted someone to protect you. A warrior pure and strong to defeat the monster from your nightmares. That was your wish, right?” Lumus said softly, Scarlette was speechless.

  “I will fulfill your wish it’s what drives me each day.” Lumus turned back to Scarlette to smile, and then continued to follow the others. Scarlette stared as Lumus walked away, speechless. She looked once more to the light glistening off the river, and then followed behind Lumus.

  “Hey Orson, What are we going to Sagnet for anyway?” Zelkem asked, eager to hear his answer. Brinx shifted his gaze over to see Orson’s response.

  “Well… Sagnet is a respectable town, but its slums have some pretty bad neighborhoods. The plan is to get some information on anything we can about Lears whereabouts. I’m certain someone there would work for Lears, but we are mainly going to make sure that councillor Cinnus is okay.” Orson replied.

  “I may have an idea, Orson.” Brinx interrupted.

  “What do you have in mind?” Orson asked eagerly. Brinx sped up to Orson’s side.

  “Lears knows us all, this is obvious. Yet he does not know of Dyne and his beast companion.” Dyne clenched his fists.

  “What did you say, green man?” Dyne shouted. Orson spoke as if he didn’t hear him.

  “I see. So you think we could send them into the slums to gather information?” Brinx nodded.

  “It’s brilliant! If they are willing to do this then we have a plan.” Orson looked for a response.

  “So what do you think, Dyne?” Dyne laughed.

  “So the plan is to send me and my buddy here into a pub and have a few drinks, and try to listen to a few drunks talk? I’d be a fool to object to such a mission, wouldn’t you say buddy?” Zynx grunted. Dyne smiled at Zynx then looked back to Orson.

  “Yeah we’re in.” Dyne finished with a smile.

  Lumus looked to the sky and noticed the day was slipping away. Scarlette trailed behind with Zephry. Brinx was now leading the group with Frostear at his side. Lumus began to speed up to the middle of the group, and as he approached Orson’s side he began to power himself up, emitting a dim blue glow.

  “I’m starting to understand how to use my powers. I think I can keep this up for a while, at least for most of the night. We can make good time as long as we can see.” Lumus said with excitement.

  “You’re like a little night-light, it’s beautiful.” Zephry smiled with her eyes locked on Lumus. Up ahead Brinx stopped walking and began to look around. Frostear looked back at Brinx with a look of concern on his face, everyone stopped.

  “Brinx what is it?” Orson said quietly. Brinx looked to his right, then to his left.

  “We are not alone. Something is watching us.” Zynx ran to the front of the group drawing his spear as he moved.

  “I feel an evil presence too.” Frostear drew his sword.

  Lumus clenched his fist as he began to power himself up. He glowed brighter, revealing hundreds of Krotins all around them.

  “Everyone listen up, Frostear and Zynx take the front, Zelkem, Orson to the rear. Zephry and Dyne take the sides. Scarlette with me in the middle.” Everyone ran into formation. Scarlette drew her bow, and readied an arrow. Lumus noticed Brinx jump off into the darkness, but Lumus ignored it.

  “Take them out! Watch your flank!” Orson drew his blade, and swung his sword as Zelkem ran to his side.

  Lumus clenched every muscle in his body as he drew in star energy. Scarlette shot arrow after arrow trying to stop the Krotins from getting close to Lumus. Scarlette almost danced around him, her movement’s swift, and light. She was almost touching Lumus with every move. The horde of Krotins seemed endless. Dyne thrusted his sword quickly as he dove out of the way of two Krotin rushing him. Brinx came crashing down on them as Dyne passed them by, he turned quickly to see him jump off again. Frostear’s sword shone as bright as day. His sword gleamed a red glow in its wake, making it almost impossible to track where he was attacking.

  “Lumus, what are you doing? If you do what I think you’re going to do then we will all go down in the attack.” Frostear shouted out. Lumus was curling his body as he began bending his knees, his glow started to brighten around his hands, but faded around his body.

  “Scarlette… I can control it. Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.” Lumus seemed out of breath. Scarlette lost focus on the battle as she worried for Lumus. A pair of Krotin dashed at Scarlette without her noticing. As they drew closer, Zynx appeared from behind them slashing one from the side. The power of the attack ripped the Krotin clean in half. The other Krotin kept going toward Scarlette, Zynx jumped forward with his massive paws, and grabbed it by its head. Quickly he twisted his wrists until Scarlette heard a loud snapping sound. As she looked, Zynx threw the Krotins body to the ground.

  “Zynx… Thank you.” Scarlette said with nod. Lumus let out a monstrous roar then threw his hands out away from his sides, he opened his hands, and twisted his body. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, and he spun around like a twister shooting beams of energy. Scarlette dove to the ground while the others just stood looking back at Lumus. After a moment Lumus came to a stop. Scarlette looked up at him, but to her surprise he looked fine.

  “Lumus…? How did you do that? You beat them all!” Orson said with disbelief. Brinx came crashing down behind Lumus.

  “We made too much noise. If you are fine I suggest we move, and quickly.” Lumus nodded.

  “There is no point sticking around. Everyone collect yourselves, we need to get going.” Orson demanded. Lumus’ glow faded. The Red moon lit the way for the others to follow.

  Several hours had passed, and the group made haste as the first glimmer of day was rising behind them. Rain fell on them lightly as they scurried by the city walls of Capaz. Scarlette turned to lay eyes upon her home once again, thinking she may not returned again for some time. Lumus led the group, and everyone kept pace until he stopped without a word. Everyone slowed down wondering what happened.

  “Lumus, are there more Krotins?” Zephry asked with a hint of worry in her voice. Lumus hesitated before he turned around.

  “It’s nothing, I just thought I heard something. It’s nothing. Frostear, Brinx, take the lead. We are getting close. The two ran off leaving the others behind, Orson walked over to Lumus slowly giving the others time to leave.

  “It’s not nothing is it?” Orson seemed sure Lumus was hiding something from the others. Lumus sighed.

  “I heard the planet again. This was dif
ferent though. It didn’t speak this time. I just heard something…something else. I could almost see it from its vibration. Whatever it is, it’s big.” Lumus replied. Orson put his hand on Lumus’ shoulder.

  “Whatever is out there I know we can handle it together. The truth is we need to tell the others. If this thing was to attack us they should know to be prepared rather then caught off guard. We can’t let this distract us now. We can tell everyone in Sagnet. For now we need to save our energy for the rest of the trip. Let’s get going.” Orson walked ahead but soon stopped to look at Lumus once more to see him staring off at nothing. Orson continued behind the others.

  Lumus turned to Twilight Lake, just west of the city of Capaz. He paused to search the area for movement, hoping to see a glimpse of what he had sensed earlier. After a moment Lumus followed behind Orson.

  Everyone ran with all their strength, knowing they would have plenty of time to rest when they reached Sagnet. Lumus caught up to Orson, and as he did Zephry reached a little hill just a bit ahead. She slowly climbed up to take a look.

  “Look there it is! There’s Sagnet just beyond the river!” Frostear climbed up beside her as the others kept pace, heading South.

  “Yes there it is, but we still have another day’s trip around the bend, and through Valley Cove Region. Sagnet is a big city, easy to see, but still deceivingly far from this point” Frostear smiled.

  “Don’t feel too bad about it, if we can see it, then we can make it.” Frostear added. Zephry groaned.

  “You say that like it will be easy…Aren’t you tired?” Zephry replied. Frostear jumped from the small hill. Then he turned his head back to Zephry. He laughed once more.

  “I’ve lived through worse.” Frostear replied. Zephry groaned once more.

  “What does that even mean?” Zephry said in confusion. Frostear laughed, and then he made his way south to the others.

  “Hey, don’t leave me here! I know we’re in a rush, but come on!” Zephry scurried behind trying to catch up. She leapt off the small hill, but slipped on her way down. As she got up she noticed the red moon had not moved.

  “Strange, I thought it would be early morning by this time, maybe we are making better time to Sagnet then we thought.” Zephry brushed herself off as she rose to her feet. She glanced once more to the sky then ahead at the group slowly making their way out of sight.

  “Guys! Hey, wait for me!” Zephry called out.

  Zephry ran off to catch up with everyone. Her face was slightly dirty, and her cloths torn, but still a smile found its way to her face. Lumus turned back to see Zephry in good spirits, then locked eyes with Scarlette who returned his smile.

  Chapter Twelve- New Enemies

  Bright above, the red moon still shone down, and it wasn’t alone. The blue moon was making its way over the horizon. Night was meant to fade, and day was to replace it. Things began to feel unbalanced among the darkness. Monsters were still roaming the plains on the hunt for food, while smaller animals stayed in the shadows in fear.

  Lumus led his companions through Canby region, passing the bridge dividing Canby and Torson region. Even at night the group pressed on, knowing that anything could happen, that even Lears and his Lords could appear at any turn.

  Lumus turned back to the group to make sure everyone was keeping up. Orson brought up the rear, but Lumus noticed he was trailing. Lumus turned to let the others walk ahead of him, but Orson walked slowly behind. Finally he made it to Lumus. As he did Orson stopped and paused nervously.

  “Lumus, I think we are being followed. For some time now I have felt like something was right behind me.” Lumus looked over his shoulder.

  “Are you sure? Maybe you are getting paranoid.” Orson took a step forward, and his hand rose to his sword’s hilt.

  “No, something is there. Listen closely.” A small Krotin hopped out of the tall grass beside the path.

  “A Krotin!” Orson ran forward with his sword drawn. Lumus bolted in front of him, drawing his blade against Orson’s.

  “Lumus! Why are you stopping me?” Lumus looked back at the small Krotin.

  “Look, it’s injured and alone. I can’t allow you to harm it.” Orson took a step back. He looked at the Krotin and then back at Lumus.

  “This is not the time to be kind, these creatures are our enemies.” Lumus turned and kneeled down to the injured Krotin. Orson sheathed his sword.

  “Hey little guy, are you all right?” The Krotin shifted on the ground in fear.

  “I’m not going to hurt you, here.” Lumus put out his hand.

  “My name is Jasper.” The creature said with a quiet, snakelike voice. Lumus stood up quickly in shock.

  “Krotin’s can speak? I had no idea.” The group were out of sight, Orson realized, as he turned to see how far they may have gotten.

  “Lumus, the others have gone out of sight. We need to catch up to them.” Orson interrupted. Lumus was still staring at the Krotin.

  “We need to get going. Well then. Jasper, are you able to walk?” Jasper looked at Orson then back at Lumus.

  “I fear your companion wouldn’t think that a good idea.” Lumus looked back at Orson. “Yes well, when I look at you I see someone in need, not an enemy. You are welcome to join us if you like.” Jasper rose to his feet then fell to the ground once more.

  “I fear I am too weak to accompany you.” Jasper replied. Lumus smiled.

  “I suppose I will have to carry you then.” Jasper smiled back. Lumus bent down as Jasper climbed into his back pack.

  “Ha-ha, well that works! I guess you fit, so try to get comfortable. Orson, can you grab his spear and shield please?” Lumus headed over the hill to the others. Orson shot a glance at Jasper, and noticed his eyes were closed.

  “(Maybe he isn’t bad after all. Lumus, you really are living up to what we thought; you are even taking pity on the enemy. I’m surprised to see how pure you really are, such a rare thing since all of this began.” Orson packed Jasper’s things into his bag and followed behind Lumus.

  “Look up ahead.” Zelkem said faintly.

  “It’s Sagnet, we are so close.” Zephry jumped in a fit of joy.

  “Did anyone else notice we didn’t take a break? That was a lot of walking.” Zephry said laughing. Orson caught up with Lumus while the others stopped to gaze upon Sagnet.

  “Lumus? Why is there a Krotin in you backpack?” Zelkem stared at Jasper as Frostear drew his sword. Jasper quickly retreated into Lumus’ bag.

  “This is Jasper. Orson and I found him awhile back. Jasper, say hi to everyone.” Jasper poked his head out and looked at everyone looking at him.

  “I’m Jasper. Hello.” Zephry took a step toward Jasper, and put her hand out to greet him with a smile.

  “Hi Jasper, I’m Zephry. It’s nice to meet you.” Jasper reached out to shake hands with Zephry, and smiled back.

  “It is nice to meet you too!” Zelkem crossed his arms with a puzzled look.

  “I didn’t know you little bastards could speak! I mean really we have killed countless Krotin’s, and none of them said a word.” Scarlette smacked Zelkem in the back of the head.

  “Ah what the crap was that for?” Zelkem said while rubbing the back of his head. Scarlette walked over see Jasper, and then turned to Zelkem.

  “Have some respect, Zelkem. You don’t have to be so insensitive.” Frostear still had his sword drawn.

  “I can explain, if you like. You see not all of us are as evil as people think. There are three types of Krotins; three species of my kind. The first are the evil ones you would see working for Lears. They don’t have the ability to speak, and they are mostly monsters, brutal savages that live for violence. The second race is mostly gentle but territorial over their land. They live in the south of Twilight. Then there is my kind. We are what is known among my kind as the elders. We are a dying race ever since Lears came to be.” Jasper explained. Scarlette bend down to hear him better.

  “The elders of my kind lived in south Twili
ght in a large region called Dongaro. We lived in a cave north of the region’s great city. One day many years ago a young woman brought many workers to our home, not knowing that we lived there. She had them build an orphanage above our home.” Jasper explained. Lumus bend down beside Scarlette.

  “Jasper, why are you a dying race? Does Lears have people in south Twilight too?” Lumus asked. Orson approached Jasper.

  “Allow me to help, little one. Jasper’s people were killed by a man named Don, he is a very wealthy man that used his wealth to build a huge city. He burned down the orphanage. I don’t know why. All I know is that only five children survived. I knew them very well. I do however know that Lears was the one that ordered Dongaro to burn it down, again I don’t know why.” Orson explained. Lumus stood up.

  “How do you know this Orson?” Scarlette asked. Orson turned away from the group and looked down.

  “When I left you as a baby in Dystopia, I knew the location of the temples that serve as a doorway to and from Twilight and Dystopia, and headed straight for them. I made my way back here to Twilight, and I searched.” He explained.

  “Brother what did you search for?” Zelkem asked.

  “I was looking for you. I went back to our hometown Geminite, and asked around. An old man told me of a small homeless boy who used to come to his home, and steal his crops. He told me one day the boy stopped coming around. I left and searched for almost eleven years. I forgot about Lumus, because all I wanted was to find you. Lears hadn’t made an appearance at that point.” Orson said as he wiped his tears. A single tear fell down Zelkem’s cheek.

  “That’s how I know about the orphanage. I traveled to South Twilight, thinking you may have gone there. I found a woman that told me her sister built the orphanage, I had little hope at that point, but I went there hoping you may have made it home. I stayed there for almost a year. I left one day, chasing a rumour of a boy stealing food from people’s homes. When it led to nothing I returned to find the orphanage had burnt down, and…” Orson’s eyes began to tear again. Scarlette rose to hug him from behind.


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