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Zodiac Awakening

Page 22

by Drew Smith

  “(Lears, and now Kontaminate, this is getting complicated. Jasper rest well. You have lost so much, but I won’t forget you. Thank you my friend.”) Lumus thought to himself, then made his way toward the docks.

  Orson came walking down the docks with Cinnus at his side. Cinnus seemed relieved to see Lumus in his city. Scarlette, Zephry, Frostear and Zynx carried crates onto a large vessel. The ships mass rose twenty feet into the air, the deck was big enough to fit a hundred people Zelkem thought.

  “Hey Dyne, Brinx. How about helping out huh?” Zelkem called out.

  “And take all of your glory? No sir, this is one battle you can be the hero of.” Dyne laughed. Brinx turned his attention to Lumus, and Cinnus over by the destroyed pub. They were too far away to hear though.

  “Lumus you don’t have to worry about the damage. I understand that we are basically at war with Lears, and there is bound to be some damage.” Lumus smiled.

  “Thank you Councillor Cinnus. We have found a captain that has agreed to take us across Twilight Lake.” Cinnus smiled.

  “At a cost I see. That would be Captain Nex. He is a good man, provides this city with a lot of tourism, because of that massive boat of his. If the stories are true it is the largest one on the planet. So he’s making you earn your ride by putting your friends to work?” Cinnus laughed. Lumus smiled again.

  “Yes he refuses to let me help though. All he said was, save your strength lad, but I must thank you again Councillor. We need to be going though.” Lumus said with a bow. Cinnus stepped toward Lumus, and put his hand on his shoulder.

  “You be careful, Lears has been in the shadows all these years. We may fear him, but truthfully all people see are his minions doing all the work. I don’t think anyone knows what he can really do.” Lumus sighed.

  “Yes, well I can’t say for sure. I guess I will see for myself when I confront him.” Lumus tried to reassure Cinnus. Cinnus smiled.

  “Don’t worry Lumus. Time will show you the way. Just wait while fate finds you a path. Lumus smiled, but didn’t say a word.

  Orson made his way to the boat. Lumus turned to follow. He turned his head back at Cinnus.

  “Thanks again Councillor. I hope to see you again soon.” Lumus said as he waved farewell.

  Lears stood in the deepest part of Twilight at the planets core. He stared into the light of the core with his arms crossed.

  “Soon Lumus. Soon.” Lears laughed with a sinister smile on his face deep in Aster Mountains.

  Chapter Thirteen- Kontaminate

  The wind gently brushed against Scarlette’s face as she stood at the bow of the ship. Zelkem leaned on the railing overlooking the lake. He occasionally glanced over at Scarlette. He noticed once in a while she would close her eyes, and throw her head back. He smirked.

  “What is she trying to do?” He whispered to himself. Brinx snuck up behind him with his eyes on Scarlette.

  “I would assume that she is currently living in the moment, it would seem she realizes the dangers ahead, and is taking in what she can in case we meet our end upon facing Lears.” Brinx interrupted. After his short rant he gave Zelkem a moment to respond, but he didn’t say a word. Brinx snuck away just as fast as he appeared.

  “Lumus!” Orson shouted out.

  “Come over here, the captain would like a word.” He added. Lumus was sitting against the ships center mass. His head was down, and he was almost relaxed, His head rose, and he turned to Orson. Gave him a quick nod, and began to stretch as he got up. Lumus took a quick look back at Sagnet, but was still in view.

  “Lumus please, we need a word with you.” Orson said calmly, he didn’t want to let the others know there may be something wrong.

  “What’s the matter Orson?” Lumus walked over, and entered the captain’s cabin with his attention to the window facing Dornet region. Orson sat down in an old chair. He looked over to Lumus, and then looked over to the seat across from him. Captain Nex was sitting at a grand table made of old mahogany. His feet were up, and his arms crossed with his eyes closed. Captain Nex wore a black vest with brown baggy pants. He also had a brown undershirt with a black belt stretched from left his shoulder to his right side.

  “Lumus, I have been given new information from a mate of mine residing over in Canby. My contact, and I exchange information here and there to keep up to date on sea related events. At any rate he has mentioned a large unidentified creature making its way up the south water ways. From the note I can say this is no friendly creature, and it must be dealt with immediately. So here is my question for you, you and your mates are all adventurers, and have skill in battles, so I offer you this…” Captain Nex sat up, he walked over to the window behind his desk.

  “Do you see that cave there by the water fall?” Captain Nex continued. Lumus stood, slowly made his way beside the captain, and peered toward the waterfall.

  “I see a small opening, yes” Lumus replied. Captain Nex nodded.

  “In the cavern leads a single path to an underground waterway. That is the resting ground rumoured to be the beasts’ lair. I propose you, and your mates go inside, and slay the beast.” Captain Nex sat down once more. Orson stood with his arms crossed, and his head down.

  “I know we are going to find Lears, and we need to end his plot, whatever it may be, but I have been talking to the captain, and we both agree that this is priority. If we let this beast continue roaming the seas it will potentially harm the lake side towns, and anyone out at sea such as us if we are to need Captain Nex’s services once more. So we need to know if you agree since you are our leader.” Orson explained. Lumus turned to Orson.

  “Yes. We shall deal with the beast. Our goal is to stop the harm to the people of Twilight anyway we can. Lears can wait, with luck he will still be where we think he is, but we can’t let the people live in fear from anything, not just Lears. Captain, Do you know how far the cavern goes until it reaches the creature’s lair?” Lumus asked while looking out the window.

  “Unfortunately no, but I can position my ship behind the falls to stop it from escaping while you, and your mates make your way down.” Captain Nex replied. Orson nodded. “Yes, also Lumus we should leave a few of us on the ship in case the beast tries to attack it while we are gone.” Orson added.

  “We need to leave half of us on the boat as a distraction, and as a defence so the rest can enter the lair. Orson, you keep Scarlette Zynx and Zephry on the ship, I will take Brinx, Zelkem, Frostear, and Dyne with me.” Lumus ordered. Orson nodded then headed for the door. He turned his head back to Lumus.

  “I will tell the others the plan, also I will have the ship turned to our new course.” Orson left the captains room, and shut the door behind him.

  “Lumus I must say I thought you would have said no to all of this. Orson told me why you all need to cross the lake in the first place. I thank you sir, when this is all over the sea will be a safer place.” Captain Nex sat in his chair. Lumus took a look out the window for a moment.

  “It will be a better place for everyone. It is because of me that everyone lives in this nightmare. It is only right I be the one to set things right again.” Lumus explained.

  The boat began to turn; Lumus and Captain Nex made their way to the deck. Brinx, Frostear, Zelkem and Dyne stood by the cabin waiting for Lumus. No one said a word as Lumus walked by. Orson had the crew ready the cannons from the one side to all face the waterfall for their defence. Captain Nex raised his arm, with a swift movement of his hand his crew shuffled to various locations around the boat. The boat turned just missing the water crashing down into the lake, Lumus ran up to the railing, and took a quick look below. There was a small landing he could see that looked safe enough to jump down to. He turned to Brinx, and the others with a quick nod then turned and jumped overboard. As he landed he rolled and scanned the area once more. Brinx leaped just past him with a soft landing. Zelkem jumped over and landing with a minor thud. Dyne walked over to the side of the boat.

  “Yeah I’m not j
umping down there. You guys most work out a lot cause that would hurt like crazy.” Dyne slowly climbed over the railing. The crisscrossed rope along the side waved along with the boat. Dyne looked down and sighed.

  “You guys are nuts, and what’s at the end of this crazy ride? A big creature we know next to nothing about…wonderful.” Dyne yelled out.

  Dyne made it about half way down the ropes when a small wave shifted the boat up against the rock line. Dyne reached, but missed then fell crashing down onto the rocks below. Zelkem approached his side.

  “I hope you’re better with that rapier then you are with heights…” Zelkem reached his hand to aid Dyne.

  “Real funny there little man, how about we leave the one liner’s to me yeah?” Dyne disregarded Zelkem’s hand, and made his way to his feet. He brushed himself off, and turned to see Lumus and Brinx waiting at the cave opening. Zelkem and Dyne looked at each other, then Frostear came crashing down beside them. “I guess it’s time to get serious.” Zelkem said with a laugh as he waved his hand to brush away the dust.

  “Look we don’t know what to expect, everyone keep your eyes open, Brinx you lead the way with your night vision sight, and I’ll take the rear. Try to be as quiet as possible so we don’t stir up any unnecessary trouble.” Lumus said as he allowed the others to pass him. Brinx entered the cave following Dyne and Zelkem, then finally Lumus.

  “I will stand guard at the entrance. Don’t worry. If the beast somehow makes it up here he will have me to deal with.” Frostear said. He smiled as the others continued into the cave.

  “Okay they’re in, everyone get ready there is no way to tell how long this will take.” Orson alerted the others. Orson looked up toward the falls. Scarlette readied her bow. Frostear closed his eyes while he drew his sword. Zynx unclipped his spear from his back harness. Orson looked back to see everyone was ready in their own way, once more he looked back to the cavern entrance.

  “(Lumus, be careful down there, this isn’t our fight as much as you may think. Defeating this beast is really only slowing us down.)” Orson thought to himself.

  Brinx lead the way down the narrow cave, he paused once in a while to listen for anything up ahead. The others didn’t question his methods, they just simply followed as he proceeded. Brinx noticed further up, there was a small opening letting down a small amount of water from the falls above.

  “Lumus, it seems the cave structure is not as strong as we thought. It would be best if we made haste to the beast’s lair.” Brinx said as he kneeled to see where the water was heading from its fall.

  “There seems to be no water on the ground here, the water must be falling further down. Lumus moved up from the back to investigate for himself.

  “Yeah, I agree. Never know what may happen, or when the rocks may give out.” Lumus turned his attention to the light up ahead.

  “Look over there; I can see some light shining in down this path.” Lumus pointed out.

  Zelkem sighed.

  “Let’s hope this beast likes company.” Zelkem replied as Dyne laughed.

  “Yes I suppose that would be nice for a change. Although we wouldn’t be down here in the first place if it was known as a friendly monster now would we.” Dyne laughed once more.

  Lumus made his way toward the light with Brinx, and Dyne close behind. Zelkem kneeled down to look at the water falling down the cracks. He put his hand on the ground to detour the water.

  “What is that?” Zelkem stood up to notice the others had gone without him. Zelkem looked to the right. It was pitch black, but Zelkem could tell that the area was wider than the others had thought.

  “Hey guys I found…” Zelkem stopped talking as he entered a large room. Lumus Brinx and Dyne all stood just a foot from the path, they entered the beast’s lair, and it stood staring back at them.

  “Spread out, don’t give it a chance to attack.” Brinx called out.

  The beast was pure blue with gold around its four legs, its neck stretched high, and its tail ended with a large golden spike. It almost resembled a dragon, but had too many other features that seemed unique to this monster.

  Lumus began to glow with a yell. Brinx leaped over the beast. Zelkem and Dyne both dashed to opposite sides to get to the beasts back.

  Dyne and Zelkem stopped before making it to the back of the cave. Brinx landed on the beast’s back.

  Brinx landed on the creatures back causing it to fall to the Zynx charged with his spear, but a fierce strike from the creatures tail flung him across the cave. Lumus launched himself at the creature toward its face. He threw a devastating kick that stunned the creature. Lumus landed just in front of the cave entrance.

  “Everyone move!” Lumus called out. Dyne, and Zelkem ran behind Lumus. Zynx laid on the ground still winded from the creatures attack. Dyne quickly realized, and ran to his side. Dyne used every ounce of strength to lift Zynx over his shoulder. Lumus yelled out will a flash of light. He put one hand up, and his palm facing the creature. Lumus shot a large sphere of light at the creature, but to his amazement the creature’s tail countered Lumus’ attack back at Lumus. Lumus was hit with his own attack. He had no time to dodge at all. His own attack flung him back into the cave walls behind the entrance. Dyne looked at Zelkem, and Zelkem looked at Dyne.

  “Lumus and Zynx are out Dyne. Make sure you watch over Zynx. I’ll hold this thing off!” Zelkem assured Dyne.

  “Don’t get yourself killed man!” Dyne called out.

  Zelkem ran at the creature with his fist clenched. The creature let out a roar, and noticed Zelkem running toward it. It swiped its tail at Zelkem, but he jumped to avoid it. Zelkem stopped then began to chant words under his breathe.

  “Rambosho!” Zelkem yelled out.

  Suddenly Zelkem’s fists began to glow faintly. He took two steps toward the beast then disappeared. Dyne was watching with confusion.

  “Where did he…?” Dyne whispered to himself.

  After a pause Zelkem reappeared striking the creature with a hard punch to its head, but then disappeared once again. With a second of delay Zelkem appeared again with lightning speed striking again. Each time he disappeared, he reappeared faster and faster. Eventually to Dyne it seemed like Zelkem was in a dozen places at once. Each time striking with powerful blows to the creature. Zelkem finally appeared above the creature with his fists facing down as he dove into the creatures head. The creature fell hard to the cave ground. A small shake woke Lumus from the cave floor.

  “Zelkem!? Lumus looked over, then he ran to Dyne’s side.

  “He did it Lumus, I don’t know how, but he did it.” Dyne said with relief. Zelkem walked over with the light around his fists slowly fading.

  “Zelkem… That power? You have learned how to utilize star energy?” Lumus asked.

  “I suppose, though I didn’t know that was what it was called. I call it Rambosho. I learned it from… well that’s another story.” Zelkem smiled.

  Suddenly a huge crash shook everyone to the ground. It continued for some time. Lumus rose to his feet.

  “Orson, the boat.” Lumus ran out the cave door. Orson turned to the others.

  “Come on, the roof could collapse. We need to move outside.” Lumus shouted.

  “You want to live to see the next day don’t you mates, move your asses to shore!” Captain Nex and most of his crew stood on the rocky shore watching there massive boat sink to the bottom of the lake.

  “Salute men that is your life sinking there.” Captain Nex said as he squeezed clenched his fists. Lumus now stood behind Captain Nex out of breath from running up the waterfall path.

  “Captain what happen here?” Captain Nex turned to look Lumus in the eyes.

  “The boat drifted into the falls.” Captain Nex replied. Lumus looked out to the lake. “Captain we ah, we defeated the beast.” Captain Nex turned his attention to the sky. “Then what is that?” Captain Nex pointed. He pointed up to the sky. A small shade was seen in the purple moon. Almost looks like a dot. In a flash the
dot disappeared from sight. Lumus readied himself.

  “Captain, get the rest of your men into the cave.” Lumus demanded. Captain Nex starred at Lumus for a moment.

  “You heard him boys, get your asses in the cave. ....Seven eight and nine. That’s everyone Lumus.” Captain Nex called back. Lumus’ power started to shake the land. His entire body began to glow brighter and brighter. His eyes overflowed with energy.

  “Lumus, what is it?” Zephry asked. Lumus could hear the fear in Zephry’s voice. “Kontaminate is back. Everyone follow Captain Nex through the caves.” Lumus bent his knees, and tightened his fists.

  “Lumus are you sure? We can help you here.” Scarlette tried to yell over the gust of wind blowing off of Lumus. Orson grabbed her arm, and pulled her into the caves. Lumus looked back to see everyone has made it safely into the cave.

  “I warned you Lumus, I told you that you had limited time. I had to see this Lears for myself. Now that I have I know that you both must die. Abominations will not be allowed to live. Now die!” Kontaminate shouted.

  Kontaminate began to glow bright purple. His back stretched out, and thorn like spikes pierced out of his back, and elbows. He landed on the rocky shore facing Lumus. Lumus had his back to the path entrance. Lumus charged Kontaminate, and threw a heavy attack at Kontaminate, but he had missed. Lumus jumped over Kontaminate, and elbowed him in the back sending him flying across the ground. Kontaminate got up quickly, and he raised his arms, and closed his eyes. Lumus crossed his arms in front of his chest and braced himself. A light from Kontaminate’s hands formed a ball. Lumus starred at Kontaminate waiting for the attack. He separated the ball of energy into both hands and he rushed forward at Lumus, just before he reached Lumus he through the energy from his left hand throwing his body into a right spiral Lumus slapped the energy away, firing it through the massive falls. Kontaminate was still spinning in the air, suddenly the other energy shot out at a tremendous speed hitting Lumus square in the chest. The impact blew Lumus off his feet, and slammed him into the rock wall. Debris fell, covering Lumus entirely.


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