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Improper Fraction

Page 18

by V. L. Locey

  “You are so damn tight.” I coughed when I was in him as deeply as I could be. The feel of those tight walls of his squeezing my cock nearly did me in. Garrison groaned like an animal, the sound primal and gritty. My balls drew up tight and I started to move – slow at first – but the heat of him and the low, guttural sounds he made every time I plunged back into him incited me. With just a few long strokes, I was beyond caring about taking it slow to build tension. Now it was all about the release. I grabbed his hips and fucked him as hard as I could. The brass headboard creaked dangerously.

  “Come on me,” he said through gritted teeth. “I want you to come on my back.”

  I yanked my cock out of him, pulled the condom off, and coated his ass and lower back with semen. Garrison moaned in pleasure while I pumped myself dry then placed my hand to his ass and worked my spunk into his tacky skin.

  “I would love to come inside you.” I confessed while I worked warm semen into his flesh. He slid a leg around me and flopped to his back. His dark eyes were shining with emotion.

  “When can we do that?”

  I reached out to touch his stomach, my fingers damp with come. The firm flesh twitched when I ran my fingertips over his abs.

  “I read online that we should test, wait three months, test again, and then if we both come back negative and haven’t had any risk of exposure to HIV then we should be okay to stop using condoms.”

  “I am totally with that. Can we test together?”

  “Of course, I would love that.” I laid down beside him, my fingers still moving over his stomach. “It’s really a terrible time when you test alone. It would be nice to have support.”

  He rolled to his side and stared right into my core. “I will never be unfaithful, Mal. I swear it. I don’t want to sleep with anyone else.”

  “I know, I trust you,” I whispered and his eyes flared. Then he kissed me, softly and with such depth of emotion, I nearly started crying. “I don’t want sex outside of this either. You’re really all I need, all I ever wanted.”

  “I love you.” He grabbed another kiss then removed my glasses. He pushed me to my back and ran a large hand over me, touching and kissing, burrowing into my side and then slinging a powerful leg over one of mine. “I love you so much,” Garrison whispered into my ear then tucked my head under his chin. “I have something I want to show you tomorrow morning before you go back home.”

  His body heat leeched into me. I was drowsy and sated, contented as a puppy with a full belly curling up with its littermates. My eyes drifted shut. I think I may have mumbled “okay” right before I dropped off in his arms.


  Morning came too early but in a most enjoyable way. Coming awake with someone’s wet, warm mouth on your dick is one of the best ways to wake up. Flat on my back, arms under my pillow, I let my heavy eyelids drift back shut. Garrison brought me to the edge twice and then left me dangling to nibble on my inner thighs or suckle on my belly. I pushed up to my elbows and squinted down at him lying between my legs.

  “You liking this patience thing?” he asked then sucked the head of my cock into his mouth. My head fell back, and I moaned in reply. He deep throated me, gagging slightly. I wavered on the cusp for another second then threw myself over the abyss. My hips punched up, Garrison gagged, and I came hard.

  “Oh damn, damn.” I groaned as he milked me eagerly. When the tremors subsided, Garrison slid out of bed after pressing his mouth to mine.

  “Come on, I want to show you this,” he said as he padded into the bathroom. I slowly sat up and threw my legs over the side of the bed.

  “What exactly is this thing you have to show me at five in the morning?” I asked before yawning deeply. “And why five in the morning on a weekend?”

  “Because my dad will be ready to roll home at seven to avoid traffic.” That sounded like Mr. Rook. “Just get on in here.” He called back. I shoved myself from our bed and dragged my ass into the steamy bathroom. Garrison pulled me to the shower stall and we stepped in, him first and then me. He maneuvered me around so that the hot streams of water beat down on his wide shoulders. He handed me the bar of hotel soap, his hair growing sodden and flattened to his head. “You ever bottom?”

  “On occasion, if it’s with a man I trust,” I replied as I worked up foam on his chest. He tipped my chin up. Water misted my face.

  “You trust me, right? I’ve earned your trust, haven’t I?”

  “I told you last night I trust you. That hasn’t changed overnight.” I leaned in and stole a kiss then started working on soaping up his neck and shoulders. “Now let me get you cleaned up so we can go see this mystery thing of yours.”

  He nodded silently. I soaped him well, turned him into the stream, and then worked on his back. When Garrison turned back around to rinse the soap from his back and ass, I handed him the soap and then knelt before him. His cock, which had been erect since we had left the bed, stood stiffly proud yet. I sucked him hard and fast since time was limited. His big body jerked and tensed when his orgasm hit him. My tongue slid around his glans, lapping up every droplet of his release.

  “Wow, imagine waking up every morning like this,” he said as he gently tugged me to my feet then wrapped his arms around me.

  “We’ll have to set the alarm an hour earlier or we’ll lose our jobs within a week of moving in together,” I said and dropped a kiss to his chin.

  “I’d be willing to do that.” He responded as he nuzzled my neck.

  “Mm, me too.” I admitted. Garrison smiled and reluctantly let go of me. We quickly finished our showers. Within ten minutes, we were both walking down the sidewalk away from the hotel with large cups of coffee in our possession. Thank God for breakfast buffets. We made a left turn and walked for another block. Downtown Columbia was beautiful, full of charm and urban appeal. We stopped in front of a three story modern building with a sign nestled amid a flower-filled bed that read Bevelle. I threw Garrison a curious look. He gave me a wink and then entered the lobby of the building. To the left were mailboxes set into a wall and to the right were two elevators. The lobby was tasteful and open, with lots of light and tall potted plants arranged artfully amid tan and brown loveseats.

  “Morning, Mr. Rook.” A thickly built security man seated behind a desk in the far corner of the lobby called. He was an older black man with a pleasant smile.

  “Morning, sir,” Garrison and I both said in unison. The elevator pinged and the doors opened. We stepped inside.

  “Okay, exactly what kind of place is this?” I asked. Garrison waggled a dark eyebrow and sipped his coffee. “You know I hate it when you do this? It takes me right back to middle school and that time you hauled me to Ricky Bell’s backyard to see that dead copperhead.”

  “Okay, in my defense, I didn’t know Ricky was going to prank you like that,” Garrison quickly said. I rolled my eyes at the excuse even though I believed him when he had said it then and I still believed him. Garrison wasn’t the kind to terrorize his best friend. And perhaps, if the shoe had been on the other foot, seeing someone else bend down to touch a dead copperhead and then have some jerk tug on a string tied to the damn dead snake’s tail to make it move, might have been funny. Okay, to be honest, to a pack of thirteen year old boys, it would have been hilarious and I would have wet myself laughing. However, since I had been the butt of the joke…“Stop looking so mad. Y’all had a good chuckle over it afterward.”

  “Just promise me there are no dead snakes where we’re going.” The elevator reached the third floor and the doors slid open silently.

  “Not a one that I know of.” Garrison vowed. I followed him down a short corridor that had several doors on each side. Between the doors were lovely oils of seascapes and beach scenes. He stopped in front of the last door on the right and pulled some keys out of his pocket. The door to 3-G opened and Garrison walked inside as if he owned the place. I peeked around the open door and gave the living room a quick snake check. “Come on in and let me know if
you think I did good.”

  “Did good how?” I asked confused as I stepped inside and closed the sturdy door behind me. The living room was lovely, done in shades of light gray and teal. The floors were hardwood but charcoal gray, as were the walls. A small white couch and chair sat along one wall under a modern oil of teal, white, and aquamarine waves. Tiny dark tables sat beside the sofa and chair. All of this rested on a large teal area rug. “This is really nice. Who lives here?” I asked as I tiptoed to a pair of sliding doors that looked down on a gorgeous inground pool surrounded by tables with big yellow umbrellas and matching yellow lounge chairs.

  “We do, as of October one,” Garrison said. I spun from the pool to stare at him. His playful smile grew into a huge grin.

  “No we do not,” I stupidly said to which Garrison chuckled. I hustled over to him, thrust my coffee into his hand, and ran through the apartment. It was small, just a kitchen, living room, bath and bedroom, but it was perfect for two lovers. The gray, teal and white motif carried on throughout the apartment. I fell in love with the kitchen and its gray counters and dark brown cabinets. There was a small island as well and the appliances were all sterling and modern. Our bedroom was amazing. The king-sized bed had an abstract white headboard. There were two huge closets, dark dressers, and a huge TV bolted to the wall.

  When I dashed back into the living room, I found Garrison standing out on the patio. I threw open the door in a rush and it rattled dangerously when it slammed around on the track.

  “Note to self, take care not to shatter the glass in the new doors.” I muttered as I stepped carefully over the threshold and gently shut the door.

  “Hey, that reminds me, whatever was it that happened to the window at your dad’s agency?”

  I made a face at myself in the still quivering glass. My father had asked me not to tell anyone about that incident. I felt he was embarrassed by his actions and how cowardly they may seem to others. Also, there was the fact that if I told Garrison about the hate crime, it would take his mind off baseball and that just was not acceptable. This was his dream. He needed to be focused on his game and the good things that were now in his life. I chose not to tell him the truth at this time. Once we were settled, then I’d pass along the grim facts.

  “Oh, that was my father being his usual graceful self.” I lied and then had to come up with something more. “He dropped his hammer while trying to tack up a sale banner inside the window.”

  “Seems he should know better,” Garrison replied. I wrapped my arms around him from behind while trying to get the bad taste of that fabrication off my tongue. He handed me my coffee and I took a sip, swished it around my mouth, and then handed it back to him so I could hug him a little longer.

  “I love this place almost as much as I love you,” I said and kissed the fine dark hairs on the nape of his neck. “How did you ever find a furnished apartment like this one? I don’t recall it being on the list I sent you.”

  “It wasn’t. Ivan used to rent here before he bought his house.” I kissed his neck again, and then again, and hugged him as hard as I could. “He called the realtor for me and set up a meeting. As soon as I saw it, I knew you’d love it. And look here.” I slipped around to stand beside him. I put my arm around his waist and he did the same. Then he raised his left arm and pointed west with his coffee cup. “You see the ball park? I can walk there in less than ten minutes.”

  “This is too perfect!” I giddily said then something not so perfect flew into my head. “I don’t have a job here yet. How are we going to pay for a luxury place like this?”

  “I’ll pay for things until you get hired. It’ll happen soon, I can feel it. Life for you and me is going to be perfect, Mal.” He gave back my coffee and then pulled me into his side and I stayed there, staring at the pool sparkling down below.

  “From your mouth to the Columbia School Districts ears,” I whispered then took another sip of perfect coffee and admired our perfect pool from our perfect apartment’s patio. A stray thought crossed my mind as we stood on our patio looking out over what would soon be our new town. Would Garrison be standing here, arm around me, if our new neighbors were up and moving yet? It seemed there was just a touch of tarnish yet on the shiny perfect dream – dammit.


  I was in the middle of going through all the crap in my closet the week after the family trip to Columbia, when my dad burst into my room, eyes wide, breathlessly gripping the cordless phone in his hand. I threw aside the comic book I had been reading instead of sorting and leaped to my feet.

  “Dad, are you okay?” I nervously asked. He nodded and held out the phone.

  “Fine, fine, it’s Headmaster Lee from the Brewster Academy in Columbia,” he said, tears leaking from the corners of his light blue eyes. “She’s calling about an opening in the mathematics department at her middle school.”

  I could barely speak – or think. All my ducks were running around quacking in joy about a phone call. My dad waved the phone in front of my face. I snapped out of my daze and gently put the phone to my ear. Dad swiped at his tears with the back of his hand. Joy radiated out of him.

  “Hello, Headmaster, it’s a pleasure to hear from you,” I said into the phone while my father beamed at me. She was a fast talker, and it took all I had to keep up with her. She wondered if I was interested in coming into town to meet with her after lunch today to discuss an opening in the math department. Seems one of the older teachers had passed away unexpectedly the week prior. At the wake last night, Headmaster Lee bumped into her old sorority sister, Professor Belshaw, and they had a long talk about a bright, young replacement for Mr. Arlington, the dearly departed. I gave my dad a thumbs up and he began doing the funky chicken. “I’d love to come in and visit the academy. Yes, I’ll gladly send you my portfolio. This afternoon will be fine. Yes, I’ll see you at two. Thank you, Headmaster.”

  I hung up then joined my father in doing the funky chicken. After we finished flapping our wings, I sent Garrison a text, took a shower, dressed in my best suit and tie, and jumped into my Outback and headed to Columbia. I stopped for gas halfway there and checked my texts. There was one from Garrison, who was up north in Maryland for a three game stand.

  Told U! Life is going 2 B Gr8 4 us, Mal. Best luck 4 meeting. Miss U so much. XXOO - G

  I tucked my phone back into my suit jacket, paid for my gas, and sailed into Columbia forty minutes later with a belly full of nervous excitement. The GPS app on my phone led me right to the Brewster Academy. It was located in the Heathwood section of the city, an upper-class area if I had ever seen one. The private school had a lovely campus, covered with ancient trees. There were three buildings arranged artfully on the large campus, one for elementary, one for middle school, and one for high school I assumed. Behind the long two story glass and brick buildings sat a large auditorium with a modern roof that resembled the Sydney Opera House.

  Children of all ages and races mingled on the neatly mowed lawn. The boys all wore white shirts, brown ties, and dark brown slacks. The girls were in white shirts, slim brown ties, and dark brown skirts. I stopped a young black girl of ten or so to ask where I might find the headmaster. She directed me to go around the auditorium to the sports complex. I thanked her kindly and she gave me a smile filled with braces. After she bounded off to catch up with her friends, I hoisted my bag onto my shoulder and set off around the auditorium. Spread out before me was a sight that would make Garrison drool. The academy had a football field, a baseball diamond, a tennis court, and another large field with older girls playing field hockey.

  “Are you O’Malley Ramsey?” A petite older Asian woman in a stately blue dress shouted down at me from the stands surrounding the field hockey pitch.

  “Yes, I am.” I yelled over the shouts of young women. She waved me to her. I jogged over to the bleachers and then climbed up to the middle.

  “I’m glad you could make it. I apologize for the short notice.” Headmaster Lee took my hand then motion
ed me to share the blanket spread over the metal bleacher seat. We both sat. I let my satchel slide off my arm and held it on my lap. “Do you like sports?”

  “I enjoy watching them, yes.” I confessed as I drank in her profile. She was a firm looking woman but her eyes held great warmth. “I’m currently—” I stopped myself before I said dating. “I’m currently getting ready to move in with my childhood friend who happens to play for the Carolina Cutters.”

  Headmaster Lee’s head swung around as if it were on a swivel. “Which Cutter is that?”

  “Garrison Rook,” I replied. One of the coaches down on the pitch blew her whistle and shouted something.

  “Oh, he’s good,” she said with enthusiasm. “We have Cutters season tickets. My husband thinks Rook will show us some great things.”

  “Yes, he is and I agree.” What else dare I say? “I think you should know something about me before we begin any kind of interview. I’m openly gay.”

  “And I’m openly Asian,” she said, and I mentally exhaled in relief. “So, I read over your portfolio and was quite impressed with what I saw. Tell me a little about yourself, O’Malley. What do you think you can bring to Brewster Academy if we hire you?” She crossed one leg over another and settled her full attention on me.

  “A fresh perspective,” I said, the answers lined up in my head falling into place nicely. “Also, I’m hoping to help instill a love of math in all the students. Would you like to see the portfolio?”

  “I already did. Although is there something in the paper one that wasn’t on the electronic file?” she replied as her sight stayed glued to the Brewster field hockey team.

  “Well, no, but sometimes tenured teachers like paper.” I stumbled over my reply.

  “I like how neatly you danced around using the word old.” She heartily laughed. I felt a blush creeping into my cheeks. “You have a very quick mind. You’ll need that working with our students. They’re all exceptionally bright and eager to learn.”


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