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Warlord's Enigma MM BDSM Sci-Fi Erotica

Page 4

by Yamila Abraham

  Janus’ breathing changed, from short desperate breaths, to deep and calm inhalations. When he exhaled, there was a tremor between his shoulders. It grew more pronounced as Kinthor continued.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Whatever I want. You belong to me.”

  Janus let out another sigh of exasperation. It seemed feigned now. His body had assuaged over his lap.

  Kinthor wet a finger in his mouth. “Keep still. Don’t flinch or fuss.”


  He parted his cheeks with one hand and touched the moistened finger to his asshole.

  Janus hadn’t flinched, as ordered, but Kinthor felt his muscles stiffen.

  “Umph! Why are you…?”

  He swirled the finger against his ring, wetting it with his saliva, and then compressing the pad of his digit against him.


  “You’re fussing.”

  “I’m not! I’m being incredibly tolerant considering what you’re doing.”

  Kinthor gave a low rumble of laughter.

  Janus made an indignant huff, but to his credit did not resist.

  He parted his ass cheeks and spat with perfect aim on his hole. Two fingers rubbed against it, sliding on the wetness. His ring was soothed inward without being penetrated.

  Janus tilted his hips. The movement wasn’t big enough to be taken as resistance, but it caused Kinthor to feel his erection against his thigh.

  “How long are you planning on…umph.”

  Kinthor saw his toes curl. “Did you think you would earn my help for free?”

  He thrashed his legs. “I’m extremely sensitive.”

  Kinthor’s smile showed teeth. Oh, yes.

  “Are you getting aroused, my lovely prince?”

  Janus gave a strained grunt. “Obviously. It’s a natural physical reaction.”

  What a fucking delight he is.

  “One finger. Let’s see how well you take it.”

  He waited for Janus’ normal protests. The prince was silent. His feet squirmed in expectation.

  Kinthor coated his forefinger in spit and nudged the tip against his hole.



  “I’m trying!”

  He laughed again. He’d misinterpreted his defiance as prudishness before. The discovery was luscious to him.

  He pressed in the digit to the first knuckle. Janus squirmed as he opened. His grunts sounded erotic.


  “What is it, prince?” He pushed deeper.

  “Oh!” He grasped the bedsheets with one fist.

  “You are sensitive, aren’t you?”

  “I told you.”

  He worked the finger all the way in. Janus gave an ecstatic groan while arching his back.

  “Good boy.”

  “I’m going to...”

  Kinthor’s brow lifted. “You’re going to come? Just from this?”

  Janus nodded with the whole of his head as though speaking were too difficult.

  Kinthor wiggled his finger. Janus kicked with one of his legs. His thighs trembled.

  “Like it?”

  He gave a shuddering outward breath. His muscles had gone rigid. “I haven’t excreted in a long time.”


  He glided his free hand over his shoulder blades.

  “Poor stressed-out little prince.” His finger swirled.


  “I’ll see to your…excretion, but are you going to make a fuss about it?”

  “What will you…? Hah.”

  Kinthor removed the digit, harvesting another moan. He lifted him and then cradled him to sit on his lap. His erection was an impressive ruddy shaft standing straight upwards. The cap had swelled from the foreskin allowing him the view of his glistening slit.

  Janus hugged himself around the chest with his eyes closed tight.

  “Look at me.”

  His plaintive eyes opened. Kinthor’s expression was placid.

  “This is what you’re here for.”

  Janus looked confused.

  His hand reached for his cock. He gasped, so Kinthor hesitated. He locked his gaze with the prince.

  “This is what we do with each other.”

  “I’m embarrassed.”

  Kinthor half-smiled. “You want me to get naked too? I’m just as hard.”

  An angry furrow formed between his brows. “I want you to give me a pair of shorts to replace the ones you tore off me.”

  Kinthor muttered out another grumble. He seized the prince’s cock in his fist. Janus gasped, his wide eyes fixed on his crotch.

  “Look at me, prince.”

  He winced, but obeyed.

  Kinthor started pumping gently with the hope he could draw out the moment. Janus’ twitching and whimpers told him he wouldn’t last long. His organ pulsated with heat in his hand. The face of his beautiful comfort slave was a pleasure to watch. He kept his eyes on him as ordered, despite looking desperate with lust.

  His member convulsed. Kinthor pumped fast enough to make his fist a blur. White rivulets erupted from Janus’ slit. He contracted his body with his spasms, moaning throughout his release. Kinthor continued until his face relaxed. His seed coated his belly.

  Janus panted with heaves of his chest. His cock wilted slowly in Kinthor’s grip. He felt sure he could be coaxed to more pleasure, but was satisfied for now.

  “What a lovely surprise. You’ll turn out to be a magnificent comfort slave.”

  Janus stopped gasping long enough to swallow. “You promised to help me with my royal court.”

  No I didn’t. He was too pleased to contradict him.

  “My highest minister is down there, determining what happened.”

  “Oh thank goodness.” He rubbed his face. Then he gave an angry glare to his crotch. “Take your hand off me.”

  Kinthor scowled. “Right back to brattiness, hm? And you didn’t thank me for your climax.”

  Janus tried to pluck his fingers off his cock. “Thank you,” he said while sneering.

  Kinthor dumped him off his lap and stood. “Go shower in the guest room. You deserve more punishment, but I’m giving you a reprieve. This is a good enough start.”

  Janus stayed in place. “I need pants.”

  Kinthor slapped his ass. “Go, annoying wretch. There’s more clothes for you in your closet.”

  Janus walked off while soothing his buttock. “Oh.”

  Kinthor locked him out and kicked off his own pants while returning to his bed. He reclined on his back and pressed a console on the wall. A vacuum hose with a cushioned mouth came out. Kinthor slid it over his cock and turned it on.

  He wanted a loving slave in time. That meant proceeding with him in calculated sessions. Today had given him more than he expected. It was too soon to fuck him.

  He closed his eyes, picturing his member deep inside his defiant slave. He humped him from behind while hearing his delicious yelps of ecstasy. In moments he came. His seed was sucked from his slit by the powerful tube.

  Once finished he went to his console. Even without Rodin present there were things he had to see to. First, he brought up Rodin’s report.

  The story about the calms made him turn away from his monitor. Was Janus distraught to the point of going temporarily insane? He instincts told him it wasn’t true, but he trusted Rodin’s instincts more.

  He may have to handle him with gentler hands.


  Rodin’s room in Sensicry’s palace was spacious but drafty. It provided him an ornate desk that had to be cleared of plants and vases so he could setup a workstation.

  Before diving into the mission, he went over the messages from the ship, replied to some, and sent a few new ones. Arda would have to be his surrogate during his absence or Kinthor would treat things like a vacation.

  It was late by the time he’d finished putting out fires on the megaship. He turned off his portable console and took off his robes.
Most of what he needed to do here was elementary. He could make a definitive action plan the next morning.

  There was a knock at his door just as he climbed into the squeaky bed. It annoyed him because he knew it wasn’t one of his people. If they needed him they’d call him on their communicator. His sleeping gown was not appropriate attire to deal with anyone in the castle.

  “Who the hell is it?”

  The large wooden door cracked open.


  The king was dressed even more inappropriately than him, in nothing but satin shorts and an open robe. He padded in on bare feet and closed the door behind him. Rodin stood in front of the bed with his arms crossed.

  “Do you have everything you need?”

  “You could have sent a servant to ask that.”

  Janus lowered his head and ventured in further. “True. There’s something on my mind.”

  Rodin noted his slinking movements. He kept stern eyes fixed on him.

  Janus gestured to a spot on the bed. “May I?”


  He went to the desk and sat on the chair instead.

  “You’re pestering me.”

  “I’ll only be a short while.”

  He sounded undeterred. Rodin wondered about a man so forthright in his actions, immune to rebuffs even if things grew embarrassing. It was as if Janus understood him intimately. The king felt confident in his ability to get what he wanted. Seeing this on such a primitive world, a planet that could not possibly have the psychological and persuasive studies he’d been privy to, amused him. This little king really believed he could manipulate him.

  Rodin sat on the foot of the bed to face him. “Speak.”

  “My father had to give a bodily surrender to Kinthor.”

  Here we go.

  “Am I expected to do the same as the new king?”

  “Not usually. Kinthor doesn’t return to our conquered worlds fucking every viceroy who takes power.”

  Janus peeked up. His mauve lips parted in a sultry way. “You say not usually, meaning there are exceptions.”

  Rodin’s eyes narrowed. “Your ass is safe, king. That’s only in the case of a revolt, when the leader must give a demonstration of fealty.”

  “I'd like to demonstrate my fealty.”

  Rodin glowered at him.

  “There shouldn’t be any doubt I’m as obedient as my father. I want what’s best for my people.” He stood. “You said you had dominion.” He crossed the space between them until his legs nearly touched Rodin’s knees. His voice grew soft. “Could I show how eager I am to obey?”

  Janus’ eyes glimmered. He reached up and wove his fingers through Rodin’s long white hair. Before he could finish the caress Rodin snatched his wrist and twisted. The king’s face contorted. He put enough pressure on his carpals to make him drop to his knees with a whimper.

  “Kinthor and I are different. He likes kissing and cuddling.” He gave another twist to hear him scream again. “I prefer giving pain.”

  Rodin released his hand by throwing his whole arm away from him. Janus bundled himself on the floor, holding his smarting wrist. After a few moments of gasping he looked up at him.

  “I’d still do it—if…”

  “If I stop meddling in your affairs and go on my way?”

  Janus nodded.

  Rodin reached down to lift Janus’ chin. He gazed at him while taking short breaths that made his shoulders rise and fall.

  “Your brother claims someone murdered King Shalen—a man my master was extremely fond of. I may have to execute a few people before I leave.”

  Janus grew stricken. “No…”

  “If one of them is you, this would make things awkward.”

  The prince’s eyes strayed from him. “I’m not worried about what you’ll find. We told the truth. He died because of an accident, an allergy.”

  “Of course.” Rodin released his chin. “I’m sure it’s as simple as that. You’re just coming here to offer me sex in exchange for me leaving because you’re being polite.”

  “I’m being what I thought the Xen-Kroth wanted.” He lifted demure eyes. “Am I completely unappealing to you?”

  Rodin grinned. “Your conniving is unappealing.”

  The king reached for his knee with his good hand. He trembled a moment before connecting. His palm rested on Rodin’s leg, letting him feel his warmth. For now it appeared he didn’t dare caress him.

  “You can relate to conniving, can’t you? Trying to gain points through whatever methods one has.”

  He’s changed tactics. Rodin was impressed.

  “I’m going to say something you’ll think is a lie. It doesn't matter. I know it’s true.” His gaze locked on him. “You’re the most stunning being I’ve ever seen. Your beautiful face with gorgeous full dark green lips, your white hair and shimmery eyes—your right out of our tales of fantasy creatures.”

  “Laying it on thick, aren’t you? And you’re about to lose your other hand.”

  Janus’ smile was diabolically familiar. He hated that the king reminded him of himself.

  He fondled his knee. “Go ahead, if that’s what turns you on.”

  Rodin swatted his palm off him. Janus flinched from the smack, but then resumed his smile. He braced himself on the edge of the bed with his uninjured hand to stand. His ass was planted right beside Rodin’s, not even allowing an inch to separate them. He tolerated his impertinence for now.

  “Tell me how someone who isn’t a Xen-Kroth ended up being the second in command of their Empire?”

  “I’m not flattered by invitations to talk about myself. It sounds like you came up with a plan on how to handle Kinthor and aren’t modifying it despite a different person coming.”

  His smile became soft. “It’s true. The Xen-Kroth are very sexual. My people aren’t as liberal as yours. I was looking forward to a legal opportunity for excretement.”

  Rodin’s face grew bewildered and disgusted at the same time.

  “—especially if I was treated the same way my father had been.”

  “You were hoping to use sex as strategic capital.”

  Janus gave a noncommittal shrug. Rodin started to like him.

  “Why don’t you tell me what’s got you so scared about my presence here?”

  Janus pursed his lips, showing a spark of weakness Rodin would have been able to hide. His demure expression returned with fluttered lashes.

  “You first.” He took Rodin’s hand in his as though they were on a date. “Explain how you attained such a high post when you’re not a Xen-Kroth.”

  Rodin considered a moment. “Very well. Kinthor had a brother seventeen years older than him. This brother, Randor, was the long-time ruler of the Xen-Kroth. He thought nothing of destroying whole planets and populations to get what we needed for the megaship.

  “Kinthor was from a new generation, one that intermingled with the aliens we’d incorporated into our society. They were his peers and his friends, and it no longer felt right to continue devastate the worlds we plundered. Randor insisted we were the rightful conquerors of the universe and other peoples should suffer for our needs. His stance grew unpopular.”

  Janus listened while fixed on him. Their faces had become too close. Rodin looked straight ahead as he spoke.

  “Randor conquered my world and gave me to Kinthor as a comfort slave.”


  “Kinthor told me how disillusioned his people were with his brother. He was young and unsure of his abilities but I saw things clearly. He was the only male relative of Randor, and that granted him the credibility he needed to become his successor. I built his confidence over a year, convincing him that he should take control. I helped him organize a revolt, and then emboldened him to finish the hardest task, murdering his own brother.

  “From then on we’ve led the empire together. Kinthor relies on me for the skills he lacks to rule. It was natural for him to make me his highest minister, and also a message to a
ll—we are an integrated society of many aliens.”

  Rodin looked at Janus despite their faces being close enough for their breaths to touch.

  “Is there anything in my story familiar to you, Janus? The destroying of an ineffectual ruler so a better leader could rule?”

  His face grew somber. “That’s a horrible thing to say about my father’s death.” He hesitated with a word forming on his lips. “But—I am like your Kinthor. I wasn’t ready for the throne. Mechel helps me the way you help Kinthor. In the end we all seek what’s best for our people. Not just those we rule, but the ones in our court…our families.” He met Rodin’s white eyes. “I didn’t want to send my brother away. Haine is the other half of myself. I love him more than anyone. Tell me he’s okay, up there, on your ship. He’s being cared for, right?”

  “You disposed of him like trash. You don’t get to reassurance about his condition.”

  He shook his head mournfully. “It wasn’t like that. I wish you wouldn’t pursue this situation. It’s painful for us all.” He used his injured hand to cover Rodin’s. “Pursue me, instead.”

  “I haven’t given you the slightest indication I’m interested. Why do you persist?”

  Janus leaned closer to him. “I’m the one interested in you.” He joined their lips.

  Their mouths sealed only for a moment before Rodin knocked him away with the butt of his palm. He jerked him by his shoulder so he was face-down on the bed. The two had the same stature, but Rodin’s combat training gave him an advantage. He pushed his knee into Janus’ spine and pinned back his arm.

  “You’re hurting me.” He said this quietly as though still trying to seduce him.

  Rodin felt blood rushing to his cock. “Why do you bait me?”

  Janus turned back. He licked the corner of his mouth. “Am I making progress?”

  Rodin doubled the pressure on him.

  “Ow!” He started gasping. “You don’t have to hold me down. I won't resist.”

  He grunted through his teeth. “You need a few stripes of a belt.”

  Janus winced from the strain. “Go…go ahead.”

  Rodin grumbled and pulled himself off. Janus remained where he’d pinned him and unraveled his arm from his back.


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