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Her Silent Spring

Page 10

by Melinda Woodhall

  “She’s mine.”

  Mack’s voice cracked on the words as Summer turned to him in silent reproach. But Locke just shook his head and laughed. It was an ugly sound.

  “You want to keep this lovely piece all to yourself, Mack? That’s not very generous is it? Especially for someone who owes me, big time.”

  Unable to meet Summer’s pleading gaze, Mack turned to Locke, but the man’s hard face was unmoved.

  “She knows who I am, Mack, and she knows I’ve been here.”

  Locke shuffled backed toward the car, pulling Summer with him.

  “Once she runs home and tells her daddy I was here, the place will be swarming with feds. You and the old man don’t want that, do you?”

  Watching as Summer slipped out of his grasp forever, Mack tried again.

  “But…she’ll…she’ll be missed. They’ll be looking for her, and-”

  “Then you’d better think of something fast,” Locke advised, sounding impatient. “I’m pretty sure you inherited your old man’s talent for lying.”

  Forcing Summer’s hands behind her back, Locke pushed her toward the car as she began to struggle and scream.

  “Help me, Mack! Please, help me!”

  But Mack’s feet wouldn’t move. His dream girl was in the middle of a very real nightmare, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

  “Where…where are you taking her?”

  He sounded weak, and he knew it, but the rage had shriveled into shame. Another man was claiming his prize while he could only stand and watch.

  “Don’t you…worry about…that.”

  Locke huffed out the words as he opened the trunk and shoved Summer inside. Once he’d slammed the lid, he turned back to Mack.

  “Don’t worry, you’ll never see her again,” Locke assured him. “It’ll be like she never even existed.”

  The buzzing of his phone in his pocket startled Mack back into the present. He looked around, half expecting to see Locke walking toward him. But Locke was in the past now, and Mack needed to focus on the present and the future.

  The feds knew something, and if they connected him to Donovan Locke, they’d find more than just his connection to Summer.

  I’ve gotta make sure they never find my little secret in the cemetery.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Veronica walked to the front window again and peered out onto Marigold Lane, hoping to see Hunter’s black Audi pulling onto the drive. She’d already checked to make sure his flight had arrived on schedule, and Hunter had promised to come to the house as soon as he landed, but the street was still empty.

  Looking down, Veronica saw Winston nestled in his favorite spot on the windowsill. The big tabby seemed to be keeping an eye on the street as well. His soft purring was the only sound in the quiet room.

  The whole house felt strangely empty as Veronica turned away. Skylar had been on the back porch most of the day, voraciously reading the stack of books she’d checked out at the library, still overwhelmed that there were so many books in the world, and that she was allowed to checkout as many as she wanted.

  And Ling Lee had driven off to attend the last of several going away parties organized by the teachers and staff at Willow Bay High School. After decades as a popular teacher and principal, Ling was finally passing the reins to assistant principal Jai Patel so that she could move on to her role as Willow Bay’s new mayor.

  The thought that it was Ling’s last day sent an unexpected wave of nostalgia through Veronica. Her mother had been a fixture at the school for so long; it was hard to believe it was all coming to an end.

  But after the last year of turmoil and all the big changes that had taken place in her life, Veronica knew it was time to accept the hard truth that nothing ever lasted forever.

  A flash of movement outside the window caught her attention, and her heart leapt as she saw Hunter climbing out of his Audi. Her melancholy mood lifted as her eyes studied his tall figure.

  While the world had been changing around her, there was one thing, one person, that had remained strong and stable. Through it all, Hunter had been there for her, the one constant in her tumultuous world. The only one besides her mother she could truly count on.

  Catching sight of a blonde head emerging from the passenger’s seat, Veronica’s dreamy smile faded. Special Agent Charlie Day must have decided to come back with Hunter. Perhaps she felt it was her duty to give Skylar the news about her mother in person.

  Veronica smothered the spark of jealousy that flickered inside her at the sight of the lovely agent climbing out of Hunter’s car. She couldn’t let herself fall into that trap again.

  Hunter was doing everything humanly possible to find out what had happened to Skylar’s mother, and Charlie had helped him get access to information he’d have had a hard time finding on his own.

  Telling herself she should be grateful to have Charlie involved, Veronica hurried to the front door and swung it open.

  “Agent Day, how nice to see you. I didn’t know you were coming.”

  Hunter bent to give Veronica a distracted kiss, then followed her into the living room, his handsome face tense.

  “I know you have important news to share,” Veronica said, meeting Charlie’s somber gray eyes. “Should I go get Skylar?”

  “I’m here,” a soft voice said from the doorway.

  Veronica turned to see Skylar leaning against the doorframe, balancing a stack of books in her thin arms. Her green eyes were hopeful as they rested on Hunter, and her mouth lifted in a shy smile.

  “I heard your car pull up. I was hoping Gracie might be with you.”

  “Sorry, she’s with Finn,” Hunter replied with a wince of regret. “But I did bring someone who wants to talk to you.”

  A glint of panic appeared in Skylar’s eyes as she saw Charlie standing behind him, and Veronica stepped forward to lay a calming hand on her sister’s shoulder.

  “Skylar, this is Special Agent Charlie Day with the FBI.”

  Stiffening at the words, Skylar turned her eyes to Charlie.

  “I already told Deputy Santino everything I know about my…my father,” she said, her voice faltering on the word.

  “Yes, Deputy Santino told me how brave you were, Skylar. He said you were a big help, but I’m not here to talk about your father.”

  Charlie hesitated, as if gauging Skylar’s reaction. When she continued, she spoke in the soft, soothing tone that Veronica associated with therapists and grief counselors.

  “I want to tell you what we’ve discovered about your mother.”

  The words sent a shiver down Skylar’s small frame, and Veronica felt her own heart begin to hammer in her chest.

  “I think you’ve been told that remains found at Donovan Locke’s ranch match your DNA, so you know they belong to your mother.”

  Skylar nodded gravely.

  “Yes, I know that. Hunter and Veronica told me.”

  “That’s good, because we now know who your mother was.”

  Charlie produced a reassuring smile, but Skylar’s expression didn’t change. She just stared at her in stunned silence.

  “Your mother’s name was Summer Fairfax.”

  Pulling out a photo, Charlie held it toward Skylar, who stared at the young woman in the photo with wide eyes.

  “Your mother was only eighteen years old when she went missing from a small town in Kentucky.”

  “Sky Lake,” Skylar murmured. “She told me stories about it.”

  Nodding, Charlie stepped closer.

  “That’s right. After she left Sky Lake, she somehow ended up at Locke’s ranch in the Bitterroot Valley.”

  Skylar looked up, her eyes suddenly bright with tears.

  “My mother…did she have any family in Sky Lake?”

  Veronica held her breath as Charlie nodded.

  “Yes, her father still lives in the area.”

  Charlie’s words hung in the air for a long beat. When Skylar spoke, her voice was hopeful.
r />   “So, I have a grandfather?”

  At Charlie’s nod, Skylar turned eager eyes to Veronica.

  “Can I meet him, Ronnie?” she pleaded. “Can I go to Sky Lake?”

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Veronica followed Hunter out to his car, impatient to have a few minutes alone with him before he drove Charlie back to the airport.

  But when they reached the Audi, she hesitated, suddenly scared to hear what he’d found out about Locke’s mother and brother while he was in Kentucky.

  Do I want to know the family who produced a monster like my father?

  Of course, if Skylar went up to Sky Lake to meet her grandfather, she would undoubtedly find out about their father’s connection to the town. She might even run into Harriet and Tom Locke. The possibility gave Veronica no choice.

  “So, did you see Locke’s mother and brother?” she asked Hunter in a low voice before he could unlock the car door.

  “No, Charlie wanted to speak to Skylar as soon as we confirmed that Summer Fairfax was her mother.”

  He looked back to where the agent stood on the porch, animatedly talking into her phone, then turned back to Veronica.

  “We notified Conrad Fairfax about his daughter, then came here.”

  Sensing her disappointment, Hunter moved closer, lifting a hand to brush a strand of dark, silky hair back from her face. Veronica inhaled the familiar scent of his cologne and sighed.

  “It’s just that Skylar doesn’t know Locke was from Sky Lake, too,” Veronica said, resisting the impulse to lean forward and rest her head against his broad chest. “She doesn’t know she has other family up there. I’m not sure how she’ll take it.”

  Reaching out to put a finger under her chin, he tilted her face up.

  “They are your family, too, you know.”

  He raised his eyebrows and cocked his head.

  “But if you don’t want to meet them…”

  The click of Charlie’s heels on the driveway behind them saved Veronica from having to respond. Instead she turned to ask Charlie the other question that had been eating away at her.

  “Do you know how Summer Fairfax ended up on Locke’s ranch?”

  The agent dropped her phone into her pocket and shook her head.

  “Not yet. Locke left town when Summer was just a little girl, so it’s unlikely they knew each other before she went missing.”

  “But they could have had a mutual acquaintance,” Veronica suggested. “Someone who’d kept in touch with Locke might have known Summer, or at least had access to her.”

  Charlie arched a delicate brow and smiled.

  “That’s exactly what I’m thinking,” she said. “Which is why our cybercrime team is focusing on any of Locke’s activities or connections linked to Kentucky. If there’s someone in Sky Lake that Locke kept in touch with, we’ll find them.”

  Satisfied that the FBI seemed to be making every effort to find out how and why Summer Fairfax had ended up with Locke, Veronica watched as Hunter and Charlie got back into the Audi.

  But before they could drive away, Charlie rolled down the window and waved Veronica over.

  “Chief Ainsley keeps asking for an update in the Locke case,” she said as Veronica bent down. “I wasn’t sure who you’ve told about Skylar’s connection to Locke. I know how information can spread in a town like Willow Bay.”

  Veronica hesitated, her mind whirring through the possibilities.

  “Skylar’s been through so much already,” she finally said. “If she decides to stay in Willow Bay and build a life here, she may not want to be thought of as the serial killer’s kid.”

  Remembering all the attention she’d had to endure after the news about Locke got out, Veronica was terrified of Skylar facing the same media storm.

  “And I’d hate for the press to get hold of the story,” Veronica admitted. “I know that sounds hypocritical coming from a reporter, but I know better than most what can happen when someone’s private trauma becomes big news. Skylar’s not ready to handle that.”

  “Okay,” Charlie agreed, putting on a pair of dark sunglasses and settling back into her seat. “I’ll try to keep the connection between Locke and Skylar confidential for now. But eventually these things have a way of coming out.”

  The words started an uneasy ache in Veronica’s stomach.

  “Oh, I know that better than most,” Veronica agreed with a grimace. “But I hope Skylar has a little time to come to terms with the situation before the whole town knows. Or the whole country for that matter.”

  Watching the car pull away, Veronica tried not to worry. Skylar would be okay. Once things settled down, she could start a new life. Dr. Horn’s words came back to her as she turned toward the house.

  “A wise man once said that new beginnings are often disguised as painful endings. With time, you begin to see the difference.”

  The thought reminded Veronica of Misty Bradshaw, and the call she’d had to send to voicemail. She pictured the young woman’s hopeful smile, and the flash of dimples on her pale, freckled face.

  Misty was trying so hard to start a new beginning, but she needed help. Pulling out her phone, Veronica scrolled through the calls and texts she’d ignored during Hunter’s and Charlie’s visit. Tapping on the message from Misty, she listened with growing anger.

  “Veronica? This is Misty. I haven’t heard back from Detective Bell and I’m getting scared. Some guy tried to follow me back to my new place today. I think I lost him, but he…well, what if Amber sent him?”

  The fear in Misty’s voice was palpable even over the phone.

  “Please, can you find out what’s going on?”

  After the message ended, Veronica quickly scrolled to Nessa’s number. But the call rolled to voicemail. Walking back toward the house with angry strides, Veronica decided she’d have to pay the chief of police another visit.

  No matter what else was going on in her life, she had a duty to protect her source.

  I helped Misty get into this situation. Now, I have to help her get out.

  Chapter Fifteen

  It was well past lunchtime when Nessa realized her appetite had suddenly returned with a vengeance. The nausea that had plagued her for months had been miraculously replaced with hunger pains, and she was craving comfort food.

  Leaving her office, she headed for the lobby, distracted by thoughts of the grilled cheese sandwich with extra pickles she was going to order at Bay Subs and Grub. She pushed through the front door and barreled straight into Jankowski, who was followed by his new partner, Diego Ramirez.

  “Whoa there, Chief,” the detective said, putting out a hand to steady her, his eyes falling to her stomach. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine,” Nessa snapped, pulling her jacket over her mid-section. “I’m just in a hurry.”

  Holding the door open with one thick arm, Jankowski moved to the side, giving her plenty of room to pass. As she stepped through the door, he cleared his throat.

  “Did you know Agent Day was in town?” he asked. “Ramirez and I just saw her drive by with Hunter Hadley.”

  “Charlie Day is in Willow Bay?”

  Nessa stood awkwardly on the sidewalk with both Jankowski and Ramirez staring at her. The older detective raised his eyebrows.

  “You sure everything’s okay, Nessa?”

  Diego Ramirez had a round, weathered face and kind, brown eyes. She suddenly felt foolish for her childish behavior.

  I blame my hormones. That, and being hungry.

  “I’m fine, guys,” she said, forcing a smile. “And I’ll call Charlie now and find out what she’s doing in town.”

  Once the detectives were gone, Nessa pulled out her phone and tapped on Charlie’s name. The agent answered on the second ring.

  “If you’re still in town, let’s grab lunch,” Nessa said, foregoing a greeting. “Unless you prefer to be alone with Hunter Hadley.”

  “How’d you know I was in Willow Bay?”

  Nessa hea
rd a loud announcement in the background as Charlie spoke.

  “I have spies everywhere,” she teased. “You didn’t think you could come to my town without me knowing, did you?”

  “I’m impressed,” Charlie said with a laugh. “But it was really just a drop-in visit to take care of some loose ends on the Locke case. I’m already back at the airport.”

  Frowning at the vague answer, Nessa wondered what the agent was really up to. And why was Hunter Hadley involved?

  “You’d tell me if there was something I needed to know, right?”

  “Of course,” Charlie assured her. “And I’ll give you an update soon. But right now, I have to catch my flight and-.”

  Another announcement drown out Charlie’s voice.

  “Where are you headed?” Nessa asked, once the announcement was finished. “You on your way back to Montana?”

  “No, I’m off to Kentucky. One of Locke’s victims was from a little town called Sky Lake, so that’s my next stop.”

  Charlie sounded tired. Nessa wondered if the stress was finally getting to the normally calm and collected FBI agent.

  “We’re still trying to identify the victims and notify next of kin when possible,” Charlie added. “Donovan Locke created a lot of heartache for a lot of people, and it’s…it’s hard to witness.”

  Wincing at the raw pain in Charlie’s voice, Nessa felt a new burst of anger and outrage toward Locke and every animal like him.

  How dare these bastards hurt so many good people?

  Just then she heard a voice calling her name and turned to see Veronica Lee storming toward her on the sidewalk. The reporter’s eyes were blazing, and her face was set in an unhappy scowl.

  “I’ll let you go, Charlie,” Nessa said, keeping her eyes on Veronica. “But when you have more time to talk, call me back.”

  Ending the call, Nessa stuck her phone back in her pocket and braced herself for whatever Veronica was about to throw at her.

  “I need to talk to you, Chief Ainsley.”

  “I was just heading out to lunch,” Nessa said, feeling another pang in her stomach. “But you’re welcome to walk with me to Bay Subs and Grub if you’d like.”


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