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The Sexy Librarian's Big Book of Erotica

Page 12

by Rose Caraway

  Desperate for the van to stop moving, but nervous about what Ryan would do when it did, Beth’s imagination went into overdrive. How is he going to get the plants out without anyone seeing me? What will happen if someone does see me? Will Ryan let him touch me? Will Ryan fuck me in the van like in his dream?

  As she continued to think, Beth’s chest swelled to fill up more of the cutout rectangle. The edges of the doctored hole chafed at the tender undersides of her breasts, and Beth couldn’t stop thinking how good it would be when Ryan kissed her sore flesh better.

  Even though the sheet prevented her from seeing, Beth’s eyes were open. Each time she blinked her eyelashes scraped on her shroud, a sensation that would normally have been annoying, but at that moment was simply an insubstantial touch against her naked body.

  As the surface beneath the wheels changed from smooth tarmac to rough gravel, Beth’s ample tits wobbled, and her body vibrated with the engine. Even in her disorientated state Beth knew that they must have turned into a garden center’s driveway.

  When the van finally came to a stop, the stillness and quiet after the noise and jostling of the motor felt almost spooky. Beth couldn’t begin to think what the tape recorder might have picked up as they’d traveled. Perspiration dotted her body, making the sheet cling to her, and the sticky surface of the parcel tape that tethered her began to itch. Beth didn’t care about that though. Every inch of her was tense, frozen; waiting for the moment when the back doors of the van opened.

  The slam of the driver’s door sent an extra dose of uncertain desire through Beth. Is Ryan really going to open the doors while other people are about and act as if I’m not there at all? In his fantasy he did, but surely in reality he wouldn’t risk losing his business just so he gets the thrill of letting others see how far his girlfriend would go for him?

  Ryan was talking to someone outside. Beth thought she heard the name Ian, which meant they were at the Summertown Garden Center. Hoping Ryan had parked at the back entrance where the deliveries were supposed to take place and hadn’t just pulled up by the public entrance, Beth totally failed to relax. Of all the people they could have met today, Ian had to have been on the top of her I hope he isn’t working today list.

  She’d seen the way Ian ogled her when she was fully clothed. What he’d make of her like this Beth didn’t even want to guess. He was so sure of himself, so cocky and—a treacherous voice at the back of her head reminded her—so fit!

  Beth found herself slipping into fantasy mode. She couldn’t stop herself from wondering what it would be like to have Ian’s hands on her chest as she lay there. After all, I couldn’t do anything about it could I, so Ryan could hardly complain…

  The laughter of the men from outside, and the rush of air that flooded across her body as a back door opened, bought Beth back to reality. Clamping her mouth closed, trying to make her breathing as quiet as possible, Beth squeezed her eyes shut. She was fairly sure Ryan had only opened one of the van’s back doors, as the draft from outside was stroking her side rather than stroking her pussy, so for now at least, she wasn’t on public show.

  “You wanted six dozen trays of violas and twenty-four individual giant geraniums?”

  The voice that replied to Ryan’s order check was definitely Ian’s. “Sure do, mate. Plus the special order if it’s still on offer?”

  Special order?

  “It is, I sorted it specially, but we’ll leave it until the end if that’s okay.”

  Ian’s laugh was deeper as he replied, “I’ll look forward to that.”

  Beth went hot from top to toe. She wasn’t sure how she didn’t cry out and give herself away as the stacks of plants were untied, and then passed to Ian’s waiting arms. It was only when she heard Ryan call, “One more tray and we’re empty,” that the nerve-heated perspiration on her body turned abruptly to cold sweat.

  If the van was already empty, that meant this was the only garden center they were visiting today. If Ryan was going to do anything to her, it was going to be here. And if Beth had gauged the tone of Ian’s laugh correctly, the special order wasn’t a plant at all. It had to be her. Which meant Ian had known this was going to happen before she had.

  Caught between shame at how easily she’d allowed Ryan to put her in this position, and confusion at the fact that, in spite of the knowledge, her body felt inflamed and extremely aroused at the idea of more than just Ryan’s hands falling on her, Beth’s throat turned bone dry.

  Beth tried to remember precisely what Ryan had said during his fantasy talk last night. He’d mentioned hands running all over her as she lay, taped in the bed of his van, like a living mattress. At the time she’d assumed he’d meant his hands. Now she thought differently.

  The unloading had finished, and Beth was aware that the voices outside the van had faded away. The door was still open, but she wasn’t sure if there was anybody there. Her legs were beginning to feel cramped from being strapped in one place for so long, but she was too scared to flex them and risk being seen. Straining her ears, convinced she was alone, Beth risked a slight roll of her neck. Her movement made the sheet above caress her flesh, causing her to sigh far louder than she intended to.

  “I’m not sure that sigh was loud enough to be picked up by my old tape recorder, baby.” Ryan’s voice made her jump. “When I come to play the cassette back to you later on, I think it would be nice if there were more interesting noises to listen to, don’t you?”

  Beth was too busy thinking to reply. Are we alone, or is Ian still there?

  “I asked you a question.” Ryan’s tone was firm, and this time Beth found herself answering.

  “Yes, Ryan.”

  “Good girl.” With the plants gone, there was room next to Beth, and she felt the van rock as someone climbed into the van and sat by her head. It was Ryan. “I can’t tell you how amazing you look.”

  His hand came to Beth’s stomach, smoothing the sheet over her. The frustration of the cotton’s presence between her and the touch she longed for was overwhelming, and Beth failed to hold in a groan. “That’s more like it, baby. Nothing like a grunt of frustration from a bitch in heat, all hot and ready to be serviced.”

  Beth’s pussy rippled with lust as she recalled him saying those very words to her the night before. They hadn’t seemed strange then, just sexy as he’d share his erotic dreams. Now they really meant something. She felt every bit his bitch, and Beth couldn’t have denied the heat if she’d wanted to as warm cunt juice flowed from her.

  The other back door opened. “I promised no one would see you to the extent where you could be recognized, didn’t I?”

  “Yes, Ryan.” Beth’s mind raced. She knew Ian was looking at her, and wondered if his dick was stiff, and what he was thinking.

  “I didn’t say I wouldn’t let anyone else touch you though, did I?”

  She swallowed carefully, her reply barely audible, “No, Ryan.”

  “Louder for the tape!”

  “No, Ryan!” Beth shouted, biting back the temptation to tell them to get on with it. If someone didn’t touch her chest soon she was going to explode.

  “That’s better. Now, I have a lovely surprise for you.” The van rocked again as someone else clambered inside. “I can see from your nipples how keen you are to have a good seeing to, and so I’ve asked a friend to help out. If you’re good and make lots of lovely sounds, I’ll let him touch you wherever you ask him to. If you don’t ask for something, it won’t happen.” Ryan bent down and kissed his girlfriend’s mouth through the hole, before adding, “The louder you are, the more fun you’ll get, baby.”

  Beth found herself pulling at her tethered wrists and ankles, desperate to be able to touch her companions, but the tape was industrial strength, and she had no chance of escape. Then, suddenly, she was pinned further in place by a body sitting astride her legs. Beth could picture Ian staring straight down at her neatly trimmed pussy.

  She lay there waiting for his next move, imagining Ryan’
s cock trapped, flagpole like, inside his work clothes, but nothing happened.

  Impatient, Ryan snapped, “If you don’t speak soon, then I’ll take you home again without so much as a finger being laid upon you.”

  Beth licked her lips and, her need for a fuck greater than her self-consciousness, cautiously said, “Suck my tits.”

  A foreign mouth was over her right teat in less than a second. An agile tongue lapped over and around her nipple, making her groan, and her left teat feel poorly neglected.

  Already bolder, she added, “Touch my other side as well.” Again the response was instant, and Beth felt infused with a combination of physical relief and ever-growing desire.

  Now it was her nub that felt left out, and she yelled out, “Finger my pussy!”

  The mouth came away from her right nipple, and a hand dived to the lower opening in the sheet. Beth’s voice became huskier as her unseen lover swirled and flicked his fingers over her nub. Still it wasn’t enough. “Stick a finger inside me!”

  Her silent suitor did just that, his slim digit at once blissful and yet unsatisfyingly narrow as it pumped in and out of her.

  Feeling utterly wanton, revelling in her role as the object of Ryan’s voyeuristic pleasure, Beth hoped her boyfriend was enjoying watching another man service her. Raising her hips, she begged for a second finger to be added to the first. Even though her request was instantly granted, she craved more. She needed to feel a dick in her mouth, to be kissed on every part of her flesh. She was long past caring if she was recognized or not. Ian knew she was Ryan’s girlfriend anyway, so he must realize she was the one beneath the sheet. In a haze of lust, Beth started to call out for everything to happen to her at once.

  “Pinch my tits, let me suck your cock, lick my clit, kiss me and FUCK ME!”

  In that moment life became a whir of sensation. In less than ten seconds, Beth found a shaft between her lips, hands molding her breasts and fingers tugging at her nipples as if her handler was seeing if they might be detachable. As her moans of ecstasy escaped louder and louder from the corner of her full mouth, her requests granted, a tongue came to her clit, and Beth’s butt began to lift again, this time in her urgency to thrust more of her mound toward the face that was lapping at her.

  She deliberately became noisier still, slurping and growling against the length down her throat, confident now that with each fresh sound she made she would get more rewards.

  Gasping, Beth suddenly pulled back her head, resting the taut muscles of her neck that had been lifted to give the blow job properly, and virtually screamed, “Get that cock between my legs NOW!”

  The rip of a condom packet being opened ricocheted around the van as the man that had been in her mouth headed south. “Oh no you don’t, you stay here,” she called out, “There’s two of you in here. I want one of you in my mouth, and one of you in my cunt. Do it! And make sure you touch my clit at the same time!”

  Never had she felt so full. The penis plunged back down her throat so hard she nearly gagged, while the man between her legs pumped like a thing possessed, his fingers dancing over her snatch. His comrade, who Beth imagined on all fours over her gobbling face, rubbed the tips of her teats until they felt as if they had been hot-wired.

  Her climax, which had been building ever since Ryan had parked his van, erupted within her with a force that took her breath away. With a primeval howl from her semi-gagged lips, Beth’s body jackknifed until she collapsed exhausted against the soft rugs.

  The cock in her mouth withdrew, and Beth could hear the spatter of spunk over the sheet, while the pronounced shudder and bitten-back groan of Ryan as he orgasmed informed her that it had been her boyfriend’s dick wedged so beautifully within her channel.

  Two hours later, Beth listened in shock. The voice of the woman on the tape was so certain, so secure in the knowledge of what she wanted, and so loud. “That can’t be me yelling like that!”

  Ryan, his naked body pressed against hers, brought his lips to the sore patches on her wrists where the packing tape had been ripped away. Kissing her, he murmured, “It most certainly is you, baby. I could listen to you giving orders like that all day.”

  Beth still couldn’t believe she’d let Ryan do that to her. She asked, almost shyly, “Did he enjoy it, the other guy?”

  “You do ask some stupid questions!” Ryan laughed as he tickled a finger over her chest.

  “I was so wrapped up in how I was feeling; I didn’t even know which cock belonged to you toward the end!” Beth spoke as if in disbelieving awe of her own behavior. “I was surprised you chose Ian to help you though, seeing how full of himself he is. You don’t think he’ll tell people do you?”

  Ryan looked confused. “Ian? He only collected the plants. He was long gone before the action started.”

  Beth frowned. “But, I thought…what about the special order? Who was it then?”

  “The special order was some seedlings Ian’s been after for ages; I had them in the cab. My helper was someone you don’t know, and who doesn’t know you. I promised I’d protect you, keep you safe and keep you anonymous.”

  Beth smiled with relief, nuzzling into Ryan’s neck.

  “But now I know you’re the brazen hussy I always thought you were.” Ryan’s eyes shone. “I might well get Ian to help me out next time…”

  Lauren’s Journey

  D. L. King

  The Perspicacity would be delivering colonists and equipment to a new home in the Alpha Centauri system. All things considered, in the great vastness of the universe, the trip wasn’t all that long. At just under light speed, the journey would take a little over five years. It was, however, long enough to place the precious human cargo in stasis. The amount of energy needed to manufacture life support and artificial gravity for spaces large enough to accommodate the 500 colonists, not to mention storage space for the food required, would be staggering. That’s why they always put the passengers to sleep shortly after leaving Earth.

  Leah Malone, the ship’s captain, along with two other crew members and Rajit Harrison, the ship’s doctor, and two med techs would make the journey awake. Leah would be able to pilot the ship, should anything happen to the AI. She and her crew would also keep an eye on the systems and make any necessary repairs. Rajit’s job was to monitor life support and to see to the colonists’ general health and well-being. It was also the doctor and his assistants’ job to place the passengers in stasis and to wake them up a few weeks from their destination.

  Psychologists had long since discovered that the human psyche fared better during long space flights if people were allowed a brief period of adjustment to being in space and to their fellow passengers before being put to sleep. Allowing for a waking period before arriving at their destination was also beneficial.

  The colonists were healthy young adults. Emigrating to another star system had been their choice and they had jumped through hoops to get this posting. They had filled out applications, participated in several interviews and been subjected to many and varied medical tests before being chosen. Intellectually, they knew how the trip would work. They knew they would be spending the majority of their time asleep. Most of them had never been in space before and had no personal point of reference as to what the next five years would be like.

  After takeoff the passengers spent some time exploring the common areas of the ship and began the task of getting to know one another. After dinner the first night out, Dr. Harrison called everyone to the Great Hall to explain stasis and answer questions.

  “As you know, you will all spend close to five years in stasis. You will be housed and cared for all together in the passenger hangar. General life support and artificial gravity will be shut off everywhere in the ship except the bridge and living quarters of the few of us remaining awake, in order to save energy reserves. Let me assure you that I will be keeping careful watch on your monitors in my office and I will spend at least five hours every day in the passenger hangar, seeing to each of you

  “Now, in order to keep your muscles from atrophying, they will be constantly stimulated and exercised. When you are awakened, you should exhibit no ill effects from your weightless confinement. You may actually be in better shape than when you went to sleep.”

  A young woman toward the front of the auditorium raised her hand. “Doctor, will we be aware? I guess what I mean is will we dream?”

  “Although I have never experienced stasis personally, I have been told by other travelers that they do dream. They say their dreams are very vivid and become their reality while they are asleep. The dreams tend to be centered around their body’s activity.”

  A man in back said, “It’s a little scary, isn’t it; to dream for five years. What if the dream becomes a nightmare?”

  “I’ll be monitoring your brain waves and I will be able to tell if you become agitated. Don’t worry, in that case I’ll guide you into something more pleasant. I’ll be meeting with each of you privately, to get a sense of what makes you happy and what frightens or upsets you so that I can vary the activity. I haven’t had any complaints yet.

  “Because there are so many of you, I’ll be putting you to sleep one at a time, over the course of about a month. A random order of your names was generated and put on the lists, posted outside the hall. Mail has been sent to you, in your quarters, giving you the date and time you should report to me for your presleep consultation. Office appointments will begin tomorrow. About a month after that, you’ll begin your sleep journey. I’ll give you the date and time to report to the passenger prep room for your consultation. In the meantime, enjoy the ship and each other’s company.”


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