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The Sexy Librarian's Big Book of Erotica

Page 22

by Rose Caraway

  Clara’s bloodless lips stretched. Even as he looked at her, the skin of her bottom lip cracked, a bead of brilliant red welling on the parched surface. Picking up a tissue from the bedside table, Shaun blotted it away and then applied a thick slick of balm from the small pot in his pocket.

  “I never agreed to that,” Clara murmured against his finger.

  Shaun couldn’t help but smile at the echo of her usual mischievous tone. “Stubborn bitch.”

  Clara kissed the tip of his finger. “Don’t you forget it.”

  He wouldn’t. He wouldn’t forget anything about her.

  The idea had blossomed in Shaun’s mind the night before as he’d sat in the armchair in the corner of Clara’s hospital room. He’d been unable to sleep, terrified he’d wake up to find that she’d died in the night. It had given him time to think and then to plan.

  Perching on the edge of her bed, Shaun stroked his hand down her right arm. His fingertips glanced off the port hidden in the underside of her forearm just beneath her elbow. His mouth dry, he reached for the dual-headed jack that sat coiled on the table. Luckily, he’d had one in his car.

  “I can’t let you go.” His words were a rasp.

  Clara’s eyes were glazed, but for a too-brief moment the flame of her former vivaciousness flickered in their depths. “I don’t want to go either.” The light in her eyes died, eaten by the cancer that had destroyed her body. “Shaun, I’m so tired.”

  Panic squeezed down on Shaun’s heart as he watched her eyes flutter closed. They had run out of time.

  Peeling back the skin-plas that covered his own port, Shaun slid in one of the jacks and twisted it until it secured with a subtle click. A needle of cold pierced him in the shoulder, a metallic taste coating his tongue. He did the same for Clara, ignoring her restless shifting.

  Shaun’s right hand moved in a complicated gesture, the movement accessing his neural implants through the signals generated by his nervous system. Years ago, they would have been able to connect with a wireless connection, but there had been too many instances of people being hacked and wireless neural components had been outlawed.

  “Shaun, wh-what are you doing?”

  “Shh, shh,” Shaun soothed her. Brushing lank strands of hair from Clara’s face, he leaned over and kissed her cool forehead. “It will be all right, baby.” His mind worked on bringing down her firewalls, the embedded tech still strong despite her body’s weakness. “Just go to sleep. When you wake up, I’ll be here.” Information started to stream into his mind. “You’ll be with me forever.”

  A year later

  “Come on Shaun, don’t you think it’s been long enough?”

  “How long is too long?” he shot back.

  Concern darkened Peter’s eyes. It was the only thing that kept Shaun from punching him out for bringing him here.

  The bar was packed and it hadn’t taken more than a minute after walking through the door to realize that everyone in here was looking for a hookup. Surrounded by a combination of prowling men and scantily dressed women, Shaun nursed his third beer and tried to ignore the flirtatious looks being cast his way.

  “Shaun, it’s been a year. A year. This is, what, the second time you’ve been out since the funeral?” Peter didn’t wait for him to answer. “Clara wouldn’t have wanted you to cut yourself off from the world like this. You know that.”

  No, his extroverted Clara wouldn’t have, but she was dead and his own love of socializing had waned. The only way he wanted to spend his nights now was at home, where he could close his eyes and access the memories nestled safely in the center of his mind.

  “So I should just, what?” Shaun asked. Anger thrummed beneath the surface of his skin. “Just find some woman and fuck her? Maybe then I’ll forget all about my dead wife, yeah?”

  Peter recoiled at his friend’s vehemence, but then anger lowered his brow. Leaning into Shaun’s face, he hissed, “You know that’s not what I meant, you stubborn bastard. I loved Clara too. She was one of my best friends.” The grief on Peter’s face was genuine and seemed to douse his temper. “I know you miss her, Shaun,” he said, his voice softer. “How could you not? But Clara wouldn’t want you to bury yourself along with her. She would want you to be happy again.”


  Shaun frowned and looked around.


  His head swung back to Peter. He struggled to remember what Peter had been saying. “I just, I just need more time.”

  “Look,” Peter said after taking a swig of his beer. “I’m not saying to jump into a relationship or anything. Just…”

  He floundered and Shaun saved him. “Find some woman and fuck her,” he supplied with an amused smile.

  Peter’s expression was chagrined. “Yeah, I guess so. Come on Shaun, after a year don’t tell me you aren’t interested.”

  In fact Shaun’s body was raging at him to get laid, a state not currently helped by the women that frequented this place. All of them seemed to be in dresses that revealed more than they concealed. A parade of barely covered flesh that had his cock standing at attention since they’d walked in.

  “I dunno,” he hedged. Pride wouldn’t allow Shaun to admit that maybe his friend was right.

  A glimmer of gold at the corner of his eye snared Shaun’s attention.

  A blonde walked past their table with a sidelong look from her smokily made-up eyes and a curl to her red, red lips. Her hair tumbled around her shoulders to her lower back, an artful cascade of glimmering curls in a hundred shades of gold.

  Clara’s hair.

  “See, I knew I was right.”

  Peter’s smug voice snapped Shaun’s head back round. He glowered at him. “Fuck off, idiot,” he grumbled.

  Peter grinned at him unrepentantly before sliding his gaze to the blonde that had caught Shaun’s attention. He went a little slack-jawed himself. “Jesus,” he breathed, his eyes roving over the sweet curve of her ass as she stopped at the bar. “You should go talk to her.”

  Despite his earlier denial, Shaun found his gaze being drawn back. Christ, she was sexy.

  More than me?


  Peter snorted. “Dude, you are crazy.”

  Shaun jolted a little in his seat. Who had he been talking to? He frowned. “Why don’t you take a run at her then?”

  “ ’Cause I was balls-deep in a girl last night,” Peter told him with a cheekily smug grin. “So I’d thought I’d let you have this one.”

  Shaun rolled his eyes. “God, you’re a pig. How you get any woman is a goddamned mystery.”

  Peter laughed and admitted, “I’m gonna be seeing her later on tonight too.”

  “Really?” Shaun’s eyebrow twitched up. Peter had always been a love-’em-and-leave-’em kind of guy. “Is it serious?”

  The streak of red that suddenly colored the other man’s cheekbones was telling. “Maybe. Kelly—” He sighed, his expression softening. “I know you’re going to tease me unmercifully, but she’s not like any girl I’ve ever met.”

  A shadow of grief passed over Shaun. He swigged his beer to cover it. He knew exactly what Peter meant. It had been that way with Clara.

  At the bar, the blonde turned her head. Her eyes caught at his and the smile that pulled at her lips was a tease and an invitation.

  She wants you.

  Shaun’s cock twitched. He talked to Peter, asking about his Kelly, but his eyes rarely left the blonde who kept giving him flirtatious looks as she talked to the friend beside her. Refusing to sit at the bar like her friend was, the blonde leaned against it instead. She knew exactly what she was doing. Just in Shaun’s line of sight, he could see at least half a dozen guys eyeing the elegant line of her back, the luscious curve of her ass, the long lengths of her legs. Her painted-on dress, the exact scarlet shade of her lipstick, ended just beneath her bottom. If she leaned over any more then she’d be showing the entire bar what was hidden between her legs.

  Do you think she’s wear
ing panties, baby? I bet she isn’t. I bet she’s bare, in more ways than one. All slick and pink.

  That voice stroked him, inside and out. He had either drunk too much or he was going mad. Shaun found that as long as that voice, Clara’s voice, whispered in his mind he didn’t care.

  Look at her.

  Shaun did. He even smiled and watched the heat in her eyes flare. Red lips parted, a dark pink tongue darting out to lick at the full curve of the bottom one. She turned her upper body a little toward him, displaying her undoubtedly augmented body to full advantage. Her gravity-defying breasts were barely contained by the low-cut neck of her dress, the valley between them a dark invitation. The image of sliding his dick there imprinted itself on his mind.

  Fuck her Shaun. You know you want to.

  “I love your place.”

  The blonde, Monica, threw her purse on the sofa as she looked around Shaun’s apartment. The floor-to-ceiling windows that encompassed the living area caught her attention. Kicking off her stilettos, she sauntered over to them. The sway of her hips was mesmerizing.

  Shaun prowled after her as she looked out at nighttime Seattle. His apartment was only a few floors shy of the penthouse and had spectacular views. Monica seemed entranced by the twinkling sea of lights.

  Coming up behind her, Shaun braced his hands on the window on either side of her. He pressed the front of his body tight against her back, pushing her against the glass. Monica gasped as her body met the cool surface. Or it might have been because of Shaun’s erection digging into the furrow of her ass.

  “What are you doing?”

  There was a tremor in her voice, but it wasn’t fear. She proved that when she tilted her hips back, rubbing her butt against him.

  Nuzzling his face into her neck, Shaun kissed and licked at the long line of her throat. “I’m getting ready to fuck you.”

  In the reflection of the glass, Shaun watched her lips curve upward. “Mmm, such a sweet-talker.”

  Shaun nipped at the flutter of her pulse making her gasp again. “You didn’t object at the bar.” It had taken surprisingly little conversation to get her to come back to his place.

  “What can I say? I’m a girl who knows what she wants.”

  Capturing her hands, Shaun pressed them palm down on the glass. Skating his hands up her arms, feeling goose bumps roughening her silky skin in their wake, he touched the thin straps of her dress.

  “And what is it you want?” he asked her, his voice a low murmur in her ear.

  All the reluctance that Shaun had expressed at the bar was gone. Burnt away by the fire of lust raging through his veins. That whispery voice in his head had helped too.

  Monica made a little hungry noise at the back of her throat, an adorably feminine growl. “I want to come.”

  Greedy little slut.

  Shaun answered that amused observation in his head. Like somebody else I know.

  A silvery laugh shivered through his brain.

  Hooking his fingers around the straps of Monica’s dress, Shaun pulled them down her shoulders. Monica’s breath hitched and then a little moan feathered past her parted lips. He pulled the straps farther down her arms until her breasts popped free.

  Large and round, capped with small dusky-pink nipples, Monica’s tits were luscious. They overfilled Shaun’s hands as he palmed them. Her nipples were hard little darts and exquisitely sensitive when he pinched them lightly. Monica’s head lolled back on his shoulder as he teased her. Her hips rolled back, massaging his dick with increasingly frantic motions.

  Shaun could smell the heated wetness of her pussy. He clenched his jaw to keep from groaning. He hadn’t realized how much he had missed the musky-sweet perfume of a woman’s arousal.

  “Anyone can see you, you know?” They were high up, but there were other buildings overlooking them. With the lights on, they were lit up like there was a spotlight on them. “But I bet you like that, don’t you? Thinking there could be someone out there watching you.”

  A ripple.

  “Yes,” she hissed. “I like it.”

  Moving his hands down to her waist, he pushed her forward onto the glass. She cried out as her flushed breasts squashed against the cool glass. Shaun’s hands smoothed over her hips, gripped the hem of her dress and pulled it up. Instantly, her legs parted in invitation, one that Shaun took her up on. His hand slid between her legs.

  See, I told you she wasn’t wearing any panties.

  She was bare too, the plump folds of her pussy waxed clean. Lust surged through Shaun’s bloodstream, his cock trying to poke a hole in his trousers to get to the slippery, wet flesh between her thighs.

  She was so wet, her clit a hard little pearl poking out from between her slick pussy lips. Shaun teased it with his fingers, glancing little touches that drove her wild.

  “Please,” she begged.

  “What?” Shaun whispered in her ear. “Tell me what you want.”

  She moaned, tremors running through her body. Her reflection showed that her eyes were closed, her mouth slack as she gasped for breaths. “Touch me,” she pleaded. “Please. I think I’ll go crazy if you don’t.”

  She’s so hot for it, Shaun. Give it to her. I want to see her come.

  Shaun speared two fingers deep into Monica’s dripping wet pussy.

  Monica screamed out at the sudden penetration. “Oh god yes!” Her hips gyrated wildly, helping Shaun finger her.

  More, Shaun. Give her more.

  Obediently, Shaun added another finger to the two already inside Monica. She was so tight there was barely enough room, but the slick juices that spilled from her compensated for it.

  “So wet,” Shaun purred in her ear. Curling his fingers toward his palm, he pushed them deep. He knew when he hit her G-spot. Monica’s hoarse shriek reverberated off the glass. “That’s it. Show all those people watching just how dirty you are. Come on, let’s give them a show.”

  Monica’s hands flexed on the glass. Her panting breaths misted the gleaming surface. A bone-deep shake jittered through her body, the movements of her hips becoming increasingly erratic. Whimpers and desperate whines squeezed from her lungs.

  Shaun didn’t know whether the woman’s reactions were natural or something she’d learned from a porn flick, and he didn’t care.

  Insinuating his other hand between her breast and the window, Shaun pinched her budded nipple as he ground the heel of his palm against the throbbing knot of her clit. Monica came with a shrill shriek, falling forward against the glass as orgasm juddered through her. A flood of juices squeezed past Shaun’s fingers. He could feel them shooting out of her, drenching his hand. He wondered if she’d squirted all over the window.

  “Damn,” Shaun breathed. Her cunt spasmed tightly around his still-pumping fingers and all he could think of was how good she was going to feel around his aching dick. He grimaced, lust a dark taste in his mouth.

  Monica mewled, a kittenish sound of disappointment, when he slid his fingers free. It turned into a sharp cry when Shaun gave her ass a slap.

  “Behave,” he growled.

  Turning her head, Monica pouted. The playful glint in her eyes tempered the spoiled princess nature of her demeanor. “I was enjoying that.” Her voice was husky, roughened to a sexy murmur by her screams.

  Stepping back a little, Shaun’s hands went to his belt buckle. He undid it and then gripped the top button of his trousers. He paused. “Really? Maybe I should take my cock somewhere else.”

  “You’re a hard-ass,” Monica told him. “I like that.” The brightening of the lustful gleam in her eyes showed it.

  Taking a couple of steps back, Shaun started to unfasten his trousers with a leisure he didn’t feel. “Bend over,” he ordered her.

  She obeyed eagerly, her hands sliding down the glass until her back was level. The lush globes of her ass parted as she canted her hips up, revealing the flushed folds of her pussy, glossy with her juices. Her asshole winked at him invitingly.

  A flicker of
movement at the corner of his eye. A flash of gold and cream.

  Shaun stilled. He didn’t look away from the blatantly exposed flesh of Monica’s cunt, afraid of what he would see, afraid of what he wouldn’t.

  A whisper of sensation through his mind, a soundless hum.

  I’m here Shaun. I’m always here.

  Clara’s voice sent a wave of lust crashing through him.

  Do it Shaun. Do it. I want to see you fuck her.

  Not bothering to undress more, Shaun roughly shoved his trousers to his thighs.

  “Brace yourself,” he rasped out hoarsely.

  A second later, barely enough time for Monica to obey him, Shaun was pushing his cock inside her.

  Pleasure ripped up his spine as he drove into Monica’s scorching-hot pussy with relentless force.

  “Oh god,” she cried out, her entire body shaking as she stretched around him. She was so tight, her sheath swollen from her previous orgasm.

  That’s it, Shaun. Make her scream.

  Monica did scream as he pushed into her to the hilt with one forceful shove. He didn’t stop for her to get adjusted to him, immediately pulling out only to thrust into her again and again, hammering her pussy with near-brutal lunges. Their flesh slapped together, hard enough to leave bruises. Monica didn’t seem to mind. She pushed back into his rough fucking. Words, hoarse and barely coherent, tumbled from her lips. Shaun blocked them out. All he cared about was the way her hot, silken, wet cunt gripped him as he pumped his cock into her. That and Clara’s voice whispering through his head.

  Does she feel good, Shaun? I bet you feel good to her. A flutter of pale fabric on the edge of his vision. I remember how good you could make a girl feel. Your big cock filling me up, stretching me wide.

  He could almost feel her behind him, the material of her dress, his favorite, brushing against him. Closing his eyes, he imagined her pressing close to him as he worked his cock in and out of the woman in front of him. His lust surged.

  Look at her Shaun. Look at how wet she is.

  Opening his eyes, Shaun looked down, watched as his dick shuttled in and out of Monica’s cunt, the blood-darkened flesh coming out streaked with the thick white cream of her arousal. He groaned, his pleasure heightened as much by Clara’s voice as the sight of what he was doing to Monica. It was madness and he surrendered to it completely.


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