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Training Cole [Hard Hits 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 3

by Tatum Throne


  “Shut up for a minute.”

  “Why? I get that there’s nothing going on here. It was an accidental hard-on. We don’t need to talk about it.”

  “Cole. Close your mouth.”

  “Why? You don’t…”

  A frustrated groan tore from Bane’s mouth as he pressed his lips to Cole’s. Surprise shuddered through Cole’s body as Bane took the kiss fast and deep, owning and controlling his mouth with his powerful lips. The pressure of Bane’s mouth had Cole instinctively parting his lips for more. A groan of approval sounded from Bane as he flicked his tongue across Cole’s lips. He loved the feel of their mouths locked together. Their tongues flicked, rolling and dancing. Their hips rocked, causing their cocks to rub against each other.

  Bane sexed Cole’s mouth as lovers did who were really comfortable with each other. Cole dipped his fingers into Bane’s hair, pulling him closer and closer so that nothing was between them. A spinning sensation started in the pit of Cole’s stomach. He knew he was falling hard for a man who he didn’t know.

  * * * *

  Bane’s hard cock pressed against the hard line of Cole’s. They were like two soldiers preparing for a long drawn-out battle Bane had never experienced before with a man. Oh, he’d been there lots of times with women and the sex always left him feeling empty inside. Now, he understood why those interactions had left him wanting more. He had always needed a man.

  Wet. Hot. This was the most intense and erotic kiss Bane had ever experienced. Their tongues tangled in long licking strokes. Bane smoothed his hand down to Cole’s ass, grabbing it hard. He slipped the tips of his fingers up between Cole’s ass cheeks. If he reached a little higher, he’d be touching Cole’s rim. That thought alone nearly made Bane come. He’d never fingered a guy before. Desperation had him wanting to fucking play with Cole for a very long time.

  He wanted to find Cole’s sweet spots and play with them until they were both so twisted up they had to have sex. A moan escaped from Cole’s mouth as Bane slid the tips of his fingers higher. Bane’s cock flexed hard. Pre-cum wept from the tip of Bane’s cock. He shuddered. He was so close to coming after one kiss. As a Dom, he usually had better control over his emotions when fucking around. This time was different. This was so unlike anything he’d ever experienced before. This time he had his first taste of a man. All he could think about was having more and taking more.

  Bane flicked his tongue with Cole’s, loving the feel of their mouths dancing together. He wanted this kiss to go on forever, but Bane knew it was time to come up for air. They shouldn’t be doing this here and now. With his head spinning, Bane reluctantly pulled his lips away from Cole’s with a sucking wet sound. It sounded like sex and it felt like it, too. Nothing had ever felt so right to Bane before this moment in his life. He looked down at Cole’s puffy lips and his stunned face. He had to have another taste.

  Cole murmured something seductive as Bane took a deep breath and dove in again for more. Their breaths were racing in and out of their nostrils as though they were two charging racehorses.

  Cole pushed against Bane’s body, wanting and eager for more. Bane muscled him up hard against the lockers when he started to push away. A loud bang sounded as their bodies slammed home. Bane licked his tongue over Cole’s, flicking and probing it hard. Their lips moved faster the second time and their tongues went wild. All Bane could think about was getting Cole strapped down and fucking him in the ass. He could almost hear the slap, slap sound of their bodies in his mind.

  Bane didn’t want to pull away, but he knew he had to or he wasn’t ever going to stop kissing Cole. He broke his lips away from Cole’s. Bane looked down at Cole’s parted and red puffy lips. He loved the fact that he messed Cole up so thoroughly. Cole’s eyes were heavy lidded when he opened them to Bane’s. He loved how he put that dreamy look in Cole’s eyes.

  Frustration tightened Bane’s balls up close to his body, making pain sing through his prick. Bane was very aware of the fact that his hand still possessively gripped Cole’s ass. Slowly, he released his seductive hold, sliding his hand up Cole’s hip and side.

  Passion had Bane’s heart racing away. Bane blinked hard, seeing Cole for the very first time. His blue eyes were the lightest blue he’d ever seen. A streak of copper highlights were stacked in the natural layers of his white blond hair. Dark bruises were scattered across his skin from his fall on the bridge.

  This was the first time Bane ever kissed a man. He had wanted to for a very long time, but the opportunity never presented itself with anyone. He didn’t get on with women and now he knew why. Deep down he always knew he’d been gay, but now he really knew. Like really, really knew the truth of his fantasies and desires.

  Bane hadn’t meant to kiss Cole. It just happened out of desperation to get the man to listen to reason and to shut his mouth for two minutes. The powerful connection that followed wasn’t something Bane ever intended.

  “This is going to be a problem,” Bane said.

  “It doesn’t have to be.”

  “It will be. I’m training you as part of your job with the department. That’s a big conflict of interest.”

  Bane paced away, trying to get control of his emotions but failing miserably. He didn’t regret the kiss they shared. They couldn’t be sneaking around the department like high school kids.

  “It’s okay. I get it.”

  “Do you?” Bane leaned back against the lockers opposite Cole. “I just can’t. We can’t sneak around. I don’t want to jeopardize what we have going on.”

  Cole turned around, getting into his gym bag. He pulled out a pair of jeans and a fresh shirt. “No problem. Nothing will happen here again.”

  Bane ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “Okay. We’re good then?”

  “Yeah. Perfect.”

  “Good. I’ll let you change.” Bane started to leave, but stopped. He froze when he saw Cole pull his shirt over his head. His chest muscles rippled. Dark blond hair covered his chest. “Hey, I’m picking you up tomorrow night.”

  “What for?” Cole asked.

  “We’re going to the brewery, but we’re going to take a walk across the RBS first.”

  “You don’t need to pick me up.”

  “Trent mentioned that you live near me on the eastside. I don’t mind. You’re along the way.”

  Bane had a hard time keeping his eyes from venturing south on Cole’s chest. His nipples were dark brown and pebbled hard. His skin was smooth and perfect, unlike what was hidden beneath Bane’s clothes. A picture of Cole spread and tied naked with his ass in the air snapped into Bane’s mind. He saw his balls hanging low like a sweet peach ready to be licked and sucked. He imagined the long length of Cole’s cock brushing the top sheets of his mattress. A strangled sound tore from the back of Bane’s throat when he imagined leaning down and fucking Cole’s rim with his tongue. He coughed, looking away.


  “I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  The locker room door slammed shut behind Bane. Cool air blowing down from the vents in the training center slapped Bane in the face as he stood next to the locker room door. His cock throbbed hard for release. The image of Cole tied to his bed was burned onto his mind. He wanted to spank Cole’s ass until he was begging for more. He wanted to go there with Cole, but he knew it wasn’t the right time or place. They had to keep things professional. He just wasn’t sure how that was going to happen when they had to be so close to each other for the next few weeks.

  Chapter Three

  Bane was feeling romantic as he stood beneath the golden lights of the Roebling Suspension Bridge. He had purposely parked on the other side of the Ohio River in Kentucky so that they could walk across the RBS to the brewery.

  “Why are we doing this?” Cole asked.

  “It’s part of your training.” Bane walked ahead of Cole on the pedestrian sidewalk. “Revisiting a scene can trigger a fear response. I want to know how you’re feeling.” />
  “I’m good.”

  Their eyes locked. Bane loved the way the golden lights set his hair on fire. He never noticed those strawberry-blonde tints before. “You’re lying to me.”

  Having a nice evening out should’ve been the only thing on Bane’s mind as he walked with Cole across the RBS. Despite Cole’s protests that he was fine, Bane knew that he wasn’t. He was distant and shell shocked from the standoff. It was about eight in the evening. Not quite the same time Cole had been called in to help them, but close enough.

  “It’s normal to be afraid after being involved in a workplace situation. That’s common.”

  “It doesn’t feel normal to me. I used to sleep with my windows open at night. I’m not used to feeling so helpless.”

  “It’s going to take time.”

  “I know.”

  They stopped midway down the bridge. They were about in the same spot the standoff took place. Cole’s gaze went to the middle of the bridge.

  “I thought for sure he was going to jump with the kid,” Cole said.

  “I did too.” Bane stepped closer. “You saved both of their lives.”

  “It was dumb luck.”

  Bane shook his head, disagreeing with Cole. “Luck has nothing to do with what we do in the field.”

  “If it’s not luck, what is it?” Cole asked.

  “Good police work.” Bane smiled. “Do you feel safe now?” Bane asked.

  “With you, I do.”

  Their eyes locked. Something clicked deep inside Bane’s heart. He felt suddenly possessive of the man standing across from him.

  “I can’t be with you all the time. When do you start back up with Trent?”

  “Monday, if Chief Anderson clears it. I’m ready to get back to work. I don’t like not working.”

  “Work will be a good distraction for you.”

  “I know. I’m just feeling out of control. Like my life has been yanked hard to the right.”

  Bane could hear the pain in Cole’s voice. Cole was judging himself harshly. There was doubt and fear in Cole’s voice too. Cole was blaming himself for what happened in the field. A group of teens walking down the sidewalk caused Bane to have to step closer to Cole to let them pass. After the kids passed by, Bane didn’t move back. He stayed close to Cole as they leaned against the railing of the bridge. Rough waves of the Ohio River crashed up against the flood walls on the Cincinnati side of the river.

  “You did the best you could with the tools you had at the time,” Bane said. “You saved that kid’s life.”

  A wry grin twisted Cole’s lips. “Now, I have better tools.”

  “Add a little self-confidence and you’ll be perfect.”

  Cole gasped. “You don’t think I’m perfect now?”

  Bane liked the way Cole smiled. “Everyone has room for improvement.”

  “Listen to you, Dr. Improvement. You should have your own television show.”

  Bane laughed. “I’ll settle for being the evil genius behind the scenes.”

  Their eyes caressed. Light from the street lamps turned Cole’s blond hair golden. “We should get over to the brewery. They’re going to wonder where we are.”

  Sexual tension undulated between them as they headed across the bridge. Bane felt hyperaware of Cole’s presence at his side. He could feel his body heat as they walked side by side.

  “Are you worried about people wondering about us?” Cole asked.

  “Not really. Are you out?”

  Cole grinned. “What do you think?”

  “I’m guessing you don’t make a big secret out of it.”

  “Nope. I never guessed you were gay.”

  Bane thought about his past experience with a long list of women. He didn’t know how to tell Cole that he was inexperienced when it came to men. Bane was a virgin with men. That made him feel vulnerable. He didn’t want Cole to see his vulnerability. Cole needed him to be the strong one right now.

  “I don’t advertise.”


  “I just like to keep my private life private.”

  “I guess you won’t be doing reality television with me anytime soon.” Cole sighed. “I was really hoping you would do Survivor with me.”

  “You don’t look the Survivor type.”

  “Really? What type do I look like?” Cole asked.

  They were near the end of the walkway and beneath a stone archway that gave them the sudden allusion of privacy. Bane slowed down, wanting to savor these last few moments alone with Cole.

  “You look like the type of guy who enjoys comfortable things.”

  “Do I?”

  “You probably would rather spend an evening in than go out to a bar. You love to wear earth tones. I suspect you have a passion for nature. But you’d rather see nature at a distance than slog through the mud. Am I right?”

  “Perhaps on a few things. I guess you’ll have to find out sometime.”

  Cole started to move away, but Bane stopped him with a hand on his arm. “You have something on you.”


  There was a petal from one of the flowering dogwood trees in his hair. The trees lined both sides of the riverbank. Bane picked the off white petal from his hair. Cole’s gaze dropped to Bane’s mouth. He was feeling the need to kiss him too, but they couldn’t. There was too much of a risk that someone from work would see them.

  “Come on. We’re running late,” Bane said.

  Bane was enjoying the stunned expression on Cole’s face.

  * * * *

  “About time you got here,” Trent said. “We were ready to send out K-9 to look for you guys.”

  The brewery was packed for a Saturday night. The guys from SWAT were already there enjoying beers on the balcony. They were quickly pulled into their group with Bane saying hello to all his SWAT buddies. Trent was off to the side, but Ryan was nowhere to be found. Cole went over to him, lifting his hands he signed. “Where’s Ryan?”

  “Working at the hospital tonight. How are things going with your training?” Trent asked.

  Cole glowered. “Fine.”

  “Things don’t sound fine,” Trent signed.

  Cole was relieved that Trent was signing. He didn’t want Bane to know that they were talking about him in front of his face. “What do you know about him?”

  “Who? Bane?”


  “He’s not married. No kids. Likes sports. That’s about all I know.”

  “Is he gay?”

  Trent looked across the room at Bane who was chatting with Lt. Evans. “I thought he was into women.”

  Cole glanced across the room at Bane. “So did I.”

  “Hey, that reminds me. I have another question about a sign.”

  “Too chicken to ask your new interpreter?”

  “Fuck, yeah. You’re my go-to guy for smut. Now, what’s the sign for fingering?” Trent asked.

  Cole lifted his left hand, making a fist. With the fingers of his right hand, Cole pushed each one in the center of his fist one at a time. Cole emphasized the point by making his fingers go faster as his face twist up in erotic pleasure.

  “You’re such an ass,” Trent said.

  “You love me for it.”

  “That looked dirty,” Bane said.

  Cole signed what Bane said, making Trent chuckle.

  “Cole helps me out with the signs I don’t know,” Trent said.

  Trent flagged a waitress, ordering another beer. Cole found him suddenly alone with Bane. It was exactly what he wanted.

  “Can you teach me?” Bane asked.

  Cole let his gaze travel up over Bane’s long muscled frame as he thought about it. Bane was the type of guy who looked good in everything he wore. “Sure. I can show you some stuff.”

  “So what was that sign you showed Trent?” Bane asked.

  “Fingering,” Cole said.

  Something dangerous passed within the heat of Bane’s passionate green eyes, but it didn’t linger long
. TJ called him over, leaving Cole suddenly alone.

  Cole went to the crowded bar and ordered a drink. The bartender was quick to bring the frosty beverage over. From across the room, Cole watched Bane chat with his friends. That man was incredibly sexy. He was quick to laugh and smile. Several women walking by took note of him, but Bane didn’t seem to notice them at all. Cole couldn’t look at him without thinking about their kiss and wanting more. Bane had clearly put a stop to anything more happening. Cole ordered a second drink.

  The first drink hit him fast. Cole didn’t normally drink so much, but he was tonight. He needed to forget the feel of Bane’s lips upon his. Cole couldn’t resist the urge to search him out within the crowd. As soon as Cole’s eyes locked upon Bane, his breath left him. As though he sensed being watched, Bane looked around, searching Cole out within the crowd. It made Cole’s heart beat a whole lot faster knowing that Bane was looking for him. Cole glanced away from him. He didn’t want to be found right now. He wanted Bane to chase him down.

  Cole bit his lip as pain slashed through his heart. It sucked wanting something he couldn’t have. They wouldn’t ever, ever go there again. Bane made it clear that they wouldn’t.

  “Hiding from me?”

  Cole looked over his shoulder at Bane who was now sitting with him at the bar. “No. Just needed a drink.”

  “Mind if I join you?”

  “I was hoping that you would.”

  “Why is that?” Bane asked.

  “I don’t feel so alone when we’re together.”

  There was surprise in Bane’s eyes before he locked it away. Cole shouldn’t have spoken those words, but there was nothing he could do to take them back now. After a really long time, Bane finally answered.

  “Neither do I.”

  Beneath the bar, Cole felt the brush of Bane’s knee against his. The sudden contact made him instantly ready and wanting for more. Cole let his gaze move from Bane’s strong hands, up his arms, and to his beautiful face. The man was absolutely delicious to look at.

  Bane took note of the empty in front of him. “I think it’s time we got going.”

  “Is it?”


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