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Picture of Love

Page 7

by David Horne

  He wasn't.

  Sleepy brown eyes were looking at him as if trying to take in any details they could.

  "Morning." Tony greeted him, mouth still halfway smooshed on his chest. Sebastian ran his fingers through Tony's blond hair.


  Tony's stare settled onto his lips, unmoving.

  "I really want to kiss you." Tony said softly as if he was scared that saying it would ruin the moment they were having. Sebastian stared at Tony's mouth now, thinking back on what it was like to kiss the other man.

  "Tony, we have to talk about this."

  Tony got an annoyed look on his face; it was oddly cute to Sebastian. Tony groaned as he sat up, still sitting on Sebastian's lap area. There was a moment where Sebastian and Tony stared at each other.

  "We will get through this. I refuse to let that person come between us." A sudden look of surprise came onto Tony's face.

  "You know who they are." He breathed out, a sad look on his face as he met Sebastian's face. Sebastian nodded, a pained look on his face. He sighed and sat up himself, Tony only lifted himself so Sebastian could sit up before he plopped himself back on Sebastian's lap.

  "Remember when you asked if I have a boyfriend?" Sebastian didn't meet Tony's eyes but he still kept them on his face.

  Tony nodded, a sick feeling beginning to form in his stomach.

  "I lied. I never had a boyfriend either but I did have someone that wanted to be my boyfriend. I didn't like them that way and gently told them no. We didn't match well. I think they wanted to date me for the novelty of dating someone out of their social circle." Sebastian's face twisted to show how he felt about that idea.

  "When I rejected them, they got mad. I’ll admit, he did ask me in front of everyone but I told him that we wouldn't ever work but, they still took it hard and vowed to make me regret saying no. He followed me into college and well, he stayed in his social circle and gained popularity, enough to get a gossip mill going and well, it's obvious what happened after that."

  Tony's mind whirled with all the new information.

  "Oh my gosh…" Tony breathed out in shock when he figured out who it was.

  "Justin Davis?" Tony looked Sebastian in the eye. Said man just nodded, a blank look on his face. He was watching Tony's face closely.

  "Justin… Davis… I always thought there was something slimy about him." Tony frowned as he thought back to every time he interacted with Justin. Sebastian just blinked up at Tony, people usually fell for Justin's front with all his smokescreens and manipulations.

  "Slimy?" He asked breathlessly.

  Tony shrugged and started to stroke, pet and play with the fabric of Sebastian's shirt, they had fallen asleep in what they were wearing when they had fallen asleep.

  "Honestly, he just seemed fake to me, like he was wearing a mask of some kind. He just…" Tony scrunched his nose in thought, bringing a smile to Sebastian's face.

  "I don’t know, he gave me like, used car salesman vibes."

  Just hearing that had Sebastian howling with laughter, he clutched Tony to his chest as he soon joined in with the laughter. The truth was that Justin came from a very rich family and was seen in only the most obscure and obscenely priced. Justin didn't look like a used car salesman if anything he was more likely to be thought a model.

  Tony lifted his head, looking at Sebastian. Sebastian sensed this and looked at Tony as well. Again, there was a stare off and mentally Sebastian counts to ten. He held Tony closer and started to run his fingers up and down Tony's back.

  The slope of Tony's back was fascinating to Sebastian. His back was so smooth. Taking a risk, Sebastian pushed the blanket off, he absently wondered how it got there when his mind supplied that it was most likely his mom. Back with Tony, Sebastian snuck his hand underneath Tony's shirt and felt the smooth skin as he moved his hand up and down.

  Tony shivered as the still sleep warm hand of Sebastian touched his skin, and when the hand touched his lower back he gasped and felt his cock twitch. The more Sebastian stroked the length of his back, the harder he got. Soon his hips gave an impulsive thrust, he whimpered loudly when he felt and answering hard cock in Sebastian's jeans.

  "Please." Tony whimpered, eyes meeting Sebastian.

  "Please Seb, I need you, I want you. I don't care about the rumors. Please, please don't push me away. Please just kiss me again."

  Sebastian's will broke like a dam, the wall crumbling. It allowed all the affection and sexual attraction to come out in a tidal wave.

  With a throaty groan, Sebastian grabbed Tony by the jaw and brought his face down, their lips meeting in a hungry kiss. Tony moaned as his mouth was again plundered like it was in the dressing room, only this time Tony could move his hands as he pleased and used it to his advantage.

  Deciding to return the favor somewhat, his own hands moved down Sebastian's torso, the fabric of his shirt rippling with his hands, until he was at the hem of the shirt.

  His hands slipped under the shirt and felt up the smooth skin of Sebastian's tummy, then up to his ribs to his chest and then back down again.

  It seemed to rile Sebastian up something good because within a few blinks they were standing and Sebastian was mouthing at his neck as he guided him toward the door leading to his bedroom.

  They stopped when Tony was pushed up against the door. Sebastian pulled back to make eye contact, Tony breathing haggardly.

  "This is the last chance to change your mind, after this, I'm not sure I'd be able to stop." Sebastian warned the blond man before him. Tony just moaned at Sebastian's darker tone, his body giving an appreciative shiver.

  "Seb, I've been hounding you for days, just trying to tell you that I wanted what we had in the dressing room and so much more." Tony moaned again when Sebastian bit lightly at his collarbone.

  Sebastian reached for the doorknob and opened the door, they fumbled inside. Tony didn't even try to look at the room as he was pushed onto Sebastian's bed.

  Tony practically ripped his shirt off in his haste to remove it and groaned when Sebastian did the same but didn't go further, his hungry eyes trailing down Tony's body.

  Feeling a little braver, Tony slipped off his shoes and socks. Sebastian did the same. Tony caught on after that, a small hum vibrating from his chest.

  He didn't have a belt but Sebastian did, he stared at the metal-studded leather strap. Sebastian seemed to notice the fact he was the only one wearing a belt, slowly. It made Tony's blood simmer in his veins, he watched as Sebastian unbuckled his belt and slowly pulled it out of the loops. The belt met the floor with a sharp click and thump.

  Sebastian kept his eyes on Tony, with those lust-filled indigo eyes on him, Tony slowly ran his hands down his chest to his stomach until he reached his pant button and zipper. Sebastian's hands followed Tony’s; they both undid their pants at the same time.

  Having run out of patience, Tony slid both his pants and underwear down his legs and kicked them off.

  Looking at Sebastian's body from his shoulders, down to his chest to his taut stomach to the prize lying between Sebastian's legs. Tony felt his stomach clenched at the idea of finally having his wet dreams come true.


  Chapter Eight

  Sebastian looked down at the naked angel on his bed, Tony had his hand next to his head in a relaxed pose, his leaking cock laying on his belly, a small pool already forming.

  "You're so… damn beautiful." Sebastian moved to the bed and slowly crawled onto the bed and over Tony. As he went, Sebastian ran a free hand here and there, smoothing his palm over the smooth skin. Tony would moan and shift with each touch.

  Tony noticed for the first time that Sebastian's hair was tied to the back of his head, the front parts of his hair the only parts loose and hanging free, they tickled Tony's skin.

  "Get rid of the hair tie." Tony moaned just as Sebastian's mouth met his left nipple. Sebastian gave one last hard suck before he lifted his body until he was on his knees. It a quick yank, Se
bastian's hair was freed and spilling over his shoulder like black ink.

  Tony didn't even have to ask for Sebastian to continue. Sebastian was on him like a hungry man, his right nipple getting the attention this time. Tony's fingers dove into Sebastian's thick tresses, holding on tight as Sebastian got well acquainted with his chest, his nipples were tortured sweetly. They were pebbled and red when Sebastian was finished.

  Sebastian worked his way up, kissing, sucking and nipping as he went, leaving marks that Tony knew would be hard to hide if he kept his current wardrobe.

  When lips met the junction of his neck and jaw, Tony arched his back and moaned in surprise when Sebastian took his earlobe into his mouth and gave it a soft suck, then nipped along the ridge of his ear.

  Not wanting to be outdone, Tony ran his hands down Sebastian's back and marveled at the fact that he had Sebastian on top of him, lavishing a place that Tony didn't know was sensitive.

  It didn't last long before the other ear was given the same attention, Tony was near bursting at the seams from how hard and leaking he was. He pulled at Sebastian's head, getting the man to kiss him again.

  Sebastian ran his hands down Tony's neck, slowly, as if he wanted to learn the contours of his body, every dip, rise, and the slope was caressed, occasionally when a sensitive spot was discovered, Sebastian would tease it mercilessly.

  With tears of pleasure on his lashes, Tony finally succumbed and started to beg for Sebastian to do something, anything.

  "Please, please, please… please." Tony tilted his head back and arched his back in an attempt to rile Sebastian up.

  It worked as Sebastian kissed him one more time in a toe-curling fashion before he slithered down his body, Tony shivered when he felt Sebastian's warm breath puffing on his erect cock. He made a small whimper when Sebastian dragged his tongue from root to tip, swirling the tip of his tongue around the head before stabbing his tongue into the slit. It had Tony arching his back with a sharp cry.

  The cry turned into a gargled groan as Sebastian took his straining cock into his mouth; the warm wet suction had his back off the mattress. Sebastian held his hips down as he started to slowly bob his head. He continued to suck and on occasion, his left hand would slip down the dip of his hip to his crotch to fondle his balls gently.

  Tony tried to formulate words, he didn't want to come like this, without giving Sebastian pleasure too but he simply couldn't get his mouth to do more than moan, groan and keen.

  The only sign Tony could give that he was close to orgasm as small insistent tugs to Sebastian's hair but the man ignored him and increased the pace of his ministrations. It became too much all too soon, Tony felt the coil in his belly tighten up, the muscles in his legs tightened and his balls pulled up to his body before the tight coil snapped and he groaned Sebastian's name long and loud. His fingers going into small spasms.

  Gasping, mind sent reeling, Tony looked down just in time to see Sebastian slowly pull off his cock after the last few pulses of cum had left him. He groaned yet again when Sebastian kept eye contact and swallowed.

  Tony dropped his head back onto the pillow, his body felt like jelly. Sebastian's face suddenly appeared in his line of sight and Tony couldn't help but smile and pull him down for a kiss. Sebastian made a small noise of protest but went with it.

  The moment their tongues met, Tony tasted himself and moaned, he didn't like the taste all that much but the idea that it was him on Sebastian's tongue was enough that his cock gave a valiant twitch.

  Sebastian moved to roll off but Tony wrapped his arms around his neck and did the same with his legs. Both men hissed when their cocks brushed, Tony's sensitive one and Sebastian's desperate one.

  "Tony?" Sebastian looked at Tony after the kiss broke. Tony looked up at Sebastian and unwrapped one arm from around Sebastian's neck and gently ran a finger down his cheek.

  "You're not stopping now, are you?" Tony watched as Sebastian's eyes jumped all over his face, staying on his eyes for a while longer than anywhere else.

  "Tony, this will be your first time. It should be special." Sebastian tried again to get up but Tony just clung tighter.

  It is special because it's you and me. I don't want a fancy hotel room or a rose and candle night with all sorts of other nonsense. I only want you to be gentle with me, make love to me. I want you to hold me and just for a while forget about the world outside." Tony held Sebastian's face closely as he spoke.

  Sebastian stared at Tony for a few seconds more before he sighed with a smile. He gently got Tony's arms off him and leaned over to rummage in his bedside table. Once he found what he wanted, Sebastian kissed Tony deeply. The kiss broke and Sebastian pulled away and lifted a bottle and small foil package. Sebastian placed the condom on Tony's stomach and clicked open the lube. Tony shivered when he watched Sebastian lubed up his fingers and rolled the slick substance to warm it up.

  Feeling brave again, turned on by the hungry look Sebastian was aiming at him.

  "Just breathe, push back against it okay?" Tony nodded his head frantically as the hand disappeared from his view and he felt the slick fingertip of Sebastian's index finger circled the puckered rim of his hole before pausing. Tony looked at Sebastian.

  "Breathe in and breathe out when I push in, okay?" Tony nodded, his skin alive with energy.

  Tony followed through with Sebastian's orders and breathed out as well as pushed back when Sebastian's finger finally breached him, the breath he was releasing slowly was suddenly punched out of him by the feeling of Sebastian's finger. It slowly inched its way in, taking a break here and there.

  When the finger was all the way in, Tony sighed, it wasn't painful per se, just odd.

  A few moments later Tony looked at Sebastian to see him looking at his face, as if for a sign. Tony nodded and Sebastian started to slowly move his finger back and forth.

  The odd feeling slowly melted away to pleasure and soon Tony was making small keening noises and lifting his hips to meet the finger. He made a pleading moan, eyes making contact with Sebastian. He got the idea and soon another finger joined the other and Tony winced at the new pain but it soon faded as well, the two fingers seemed to reach deeper and Sebastian seemed to be searching for something. Tony was about to ask what but a jolt of pure white pleasure zinged up his spine making him arch and cry out in shock.

  Sebastian seemed to turn wicked and abused that spot until Tony was a babbling mess.

  Tony didn't even register the third finger, only the slight tightening in pressure but it was soon forgotten. It all came to a screeching halt when the fingers driving him wild disappeared. Tony blinked and looked up at Sebastian who had taken the condom off his tummy and was busy wrapping it around his cock. He used the leftover lube from his fingers on his cock and looked back at Tony.

  There was just something about the way Sebastian was looking at him that made Tony feel so powerful, the sheer hunger in his eyes and that it was all focused on him.

  Sebastian moved until he was between Tony's legs, he ran his hands up his legs, once he had his hands on his hips, he slowly started to turn Tony around. Tony did as instructed and shuddered when he felt Sebastian hike up his hips. Sebastian then draped himself over Tony, using his long body's advantage to practically cover Tony and mouth and his shoulder while his other hand slowly guided his straining cock to Tony's fluttering entrance.

  "It'll be easier on you this way." Sebastian whispered into his ear, the soft puffs of air causing him to shiver. Tony moaned at the whole idea; that this was happening.

  "Next time I want to see your face." Tony mumbled into the pillow he grabbed to clutch to his chest and face. Sebastian chuckled ad kissed his shoulder.

  "I'd love to watch your face as you fall apart but I don't want to hurt you more than it already will." Tony's heart warmed at the sentiment but his face burned when he realized that if he could see Sebastian then Sebastian would be able to see him.

  It dawned on Tony that Sebastian didn't argue at the mention
of a next time and opened his mouth to ask if it meant that they were in a relationship now but all that came out was a wrangled and wobbly moan as Sebastian's girth stretched him wide and deep as Sebastian slowly inched his way in before pulling out and then pushing in again. Tony keened when Sebastian's cock brushed up against that wonderful spot from before and he had small stars in his eyes. Sebastian just watched his cock vanish into Tony, the small keens, moans, and groans just made his blood pump faster and making his cock harder if even possible.

  Once he bottomed out, Sebastian slowly placed his hands next to Tony's shoulders and lifted his upper body so he could watch Tony. The man's back was arched slightly, his ass pressed back into his pelvis, making him go deeper. Tony peeked from around his shoulder up at Sebastian and it was such an innocent gesture but it was ruined by the heat in those dark brown eyes.

  "Move please." Tony pleaded but his hips shifted back and forth, both men moaned when Sebastian's hips moved on their own and they jolted forward in an answering gesture to Tony's.

  It was enough for Sebastian to start slowly moving, the deep penetrating thrust made Tony's body come alive with each brush of his prostate. Sebastian's forearms started to quiver from strain, Tony having said arms right at his face noticed and then realized that his back was colder now.

  Smaller hands moved to grip Sebastian's wrists and began to push at them, slowly lowering Sebastian, forcing him to pause in his movements but he caught on as to what Tony wanted and lowered himself until his front was pressed against Tony's back, the weight of Sebastian made Tony lower his own upper body so only his hips were in the air.

  As soon as they were settled in their new position, Sebastian's hips started to move again. Tony groaned when Sebastian started to mouth at his shoulder and ear again. His body started to become overwhelmed with how good he felt.

  "Seb… Seb…" Tony chanted, his hands searching for Sebastian's hands, he found one and gripped it like a lifeline. The other missing hand soon showed itself when it wrapped itself around Tony's reawakened cock, it now drooling on the bedsheets.


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