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Caveman Alien’s Claim

Page 6

by Calista Skye

  We crest a ridge, and then I grab Car’rakz’s upper arm and gasp in astonishment. “That is… highly wonderful!”

  “Highly,” Car’rakz agrees. He has to raise his voice a little over the thunder of the river that flows beneath us.

  Except it doesn’t really flow. It runs so wild, I’ve never seen anything remotely like it. It’s as if the Mississippi fell down a steep mountain and was turned into gigantic rapids and waterfalls so violent that you can’t actually see the water, just the dirty white foam it creates.

  We’re on one side of a canyon, and the other side is a hundred yards away. Below us is the river, filling the canyon almost all the way up to where we’re standing. And I think this canyon is very, very deep. It’s a lot of water.

  But that’s not the most important thing. The thing that made me gasp is something else. It’s a gigantic arch of stone that crosses the river and looks most of all like the Gateway Arch in Saint Louis, except less regular. This thing is not as perfect as that man-made structure, but that only makes it more wonderful. This is a natural wonder. The river has somehow bored a hole in a mountain, widened it over millions of years until the mountain has been transformed to a dainty, elegant arch that crosses the river. It’s huge and tall and probably the most incredible thing I’ve seen.

  To make matters better, right at that moment the sun comes out from behind the clouds and illuminates the top of the arch in splendid yellow.

  “The river can’t be crossed now,” Car’rakz says. “Except here.”

  “Is it a… a… oh!” Yeah, my vocabulary is still not great.

  “It’s a bridge,” he says gently. “I’ve been across it once. Just to see if it was possible. It looks steep, but you can cross it.” He draws his sword and cuts the rope that’s tied around my ankle in one accurate slice, then tosses it in among the trees. “I’ll take you safely across. Then you make your way to your tribe.”

  I look up at him. God, he’s huge. And his profile against the arch is so regal and manly, it creates that feeling again in the pit of my stomach, the feeling that this is the most gorgeous person I’ve ever seen.

  And he’s willing to let me go.

  A bright euphoria at my unexpected freedom fills me up and makes me dizzy.

  I’m free.

  Then I’m so moved, I feel my lower lip tremble. He’s saved my life and given me perfect care and safety and gotten hurt in the process, but he hasn’t complained. And now he’s letting me go. Just like that.

  It all adds up to one thing.

  I reach up to his face with both hands, place them at his cheeks, and pull him down to me.

  “Mate with me,” I whisper in a throat that’s suddenly hoarse. For some reason, I know that phrase in cavemanese.


  Damn the noise from that river!

  “Mate with me!” I yell.

  His jaw hangs open. Yeah, he heard it that time. But does he get it?

  I pull him further down and place a clumsy but sincere kiss right on his wide, thick lips. He has to understand what I mean now.

  He stares into my soul with those yellow searchlights he has for eyes.

  Then something pokes my stomach, and I look down. The tip of his cock has ruptured the fabric in his pants and is now standing proudly between us, bare and hard and so alien I almost squeal in glee and fear.

  I think he probably gets it.

  We’re frozen like that for a few moments, Car’rakz, his cock, and I. Well, all three of us are virgins, so we’re entitled to a little bit of time coming to terms with this.

  A good few thoughts race through my brain during these seconds. Does he even want to? Well, his cock does. Will he let me go after? Where will we do it? Can I get an STD from this? What if he gets me pregnant? What if his cock is too big? Will I be any good? Will he make me come? Will it hurt? Will he be disgusted? Will I be disgusted?

  But most of all, I feel horny. This is the guy. And I doubt I’d find a man even half as good on Earth. I’ll just do it this once. Just to see what it’s like.

  We’re both virgins, but I guess that with my blowjobs I’m the least virginy of us. I take one big, rough hand in mine and look around for a good place.

  I find one right away and lead Car’rakz over to a portion of the canyon that has been polished to a fine, smooth surface and which has a rock leaning over it, creating a roof. That must have shielded this half-cave from the rain, and now it will shield us from the dactyls.

  “You have skin?” I ask and pinch the hem of my dress to show him what I mean.

  Car’rakz immediately takes a large, stitched-together not-sheep skin out of his bag and lays it on the smooth rock, creating a pretty decent mattress for a prehistoric planet like this.

  Then he stands there, towering above me with wide eyes.

  Fine. I pull the dress over my head and toss it away. It lands on the flat rock with a wet splat, and I’m naked in front of the alien who’ll take my virginity.

  And he is very alien. That cock… well, I’ve sucked a couple and I’ve seen quite a few in porn. But that thing there is something else. It’s large, of course. Huge, to suit the man it’s attached to. And it has all kinds of ridges and bulbs and knobs and I don’t know what. Some of them look like they’re pulsating with a life of their own. It looks downright dangerous. And it makes heat shoot to my girly parts in anticipation.

  “Careful,” I beg. “It is highly big.”

  Then it’s like Car’rakz wakes up from a trance. He comes a step closer and lifts me off my feet, lays me down on the skin, and proceeds to kiss me with surprisingly good technique while one of his hands finds my breasts and caresses them, one after the other, sending wonderful little sparks of heat from the nipple down to my pussy.

  Yeah, I didn’t need to worry. He might be a virgin, but I know these cavedudes get a pretty good course in sex from their shamans when they’re young. All theory, of course, but still.

  His manly scent fills my nose, his smooth muscles are covering my naked body, and his lips are on mine, surprisingly soft and sensual. He moves further down, kissing my neck and my collar bones and down to the chest. When he puts his mouth on one nipple and gently bites it, I buck from the pure sensation it triggers all over me. I have goosebumps everywhere and arch my back to offer my breasts up to him and his lips.

  He goes crazy. Kissing me all over, he caresses and squeezes my flesh with his huge hands, making little arrows of lust pass through me as he makes me aware of points on my skin that I never knew could feel like this. It’s like he’s feasting on my body, just taking in as much as he can of me, the first woman he’s been this close to.

  He kisses down my legs while squeezing my hands and forearms; he rubs his nose on my knees and just explores me all over.

  Except my pussy. He keeps his distance from it, paradoxically making me more aware of it and its quickly growing need for some serious attention.

  “There,” I whimper. “Put mouth there.”

  He responds by placing a trail of soft pecks up my stomach and chest until he’s sucking on my nipples again, just on the edge of what is pleasurable.

  I groan in delight and frustration, a mix of emotion I have never before experienced.

  Then the caveman just licks down my chest and past my stomach with a course straight for the mound down there. He goes slower and slower, and I hold my breath as he gets closer to my slit. It’s the sweetest torture I’ve had.

  Then he engulfs my whole pussy in his mouth and sucks on it, sliding his tongue up the slit and hitting every single nerve ending I have.

  “Yeeahhhhh!” I buck hard and squeal as he takes possession of my sex, stirring it up and setting off a shower of heat and arousal. I don’t even know what he’s doing down there, I just know it’s going to make me come.

  But I don’t want that yet. “Your staff,” I whimper, cursing myself for not at least learning the cavemanese word for cock. “Your staff there.”

  I don’t thi
nk I needed to ask. He’s way ahead of me, getting up on his knees and spreading my thighs so he can get a good look at the womanly things I keep there.

  Even over the thunder from the rapids, I can hear his sharp intake of breath when my pussy is opened for his eyes. I open my legs even more, raising my feet off the ground.

  “In me,” I beg. “Staff in me.” Pulses of heat and liquid shoot to my pelvis, and I know I’m more than wet enough for even his exotic rod.

  There’s something hard at my entrance. Hard and insistent, pushing in. I bend my legs even further back in welcome, and then his cock is pushing against the obstacle.

  “Yes,” I wheeze. “There.” I want his cock to obliterate that insignificant defense, to invade me and make me his.

  And then it’s there, sliding into me with just a tiny bit of pain that is immediately drowned out by the pleasure of his sensational manhood caressing every part of my opening, soothing and still demanding. He’s inside me, where no man has ever been before. And my sex is the first he’s been inside. It feels so right I almost want to weep.

  He bottoms out in me, widening my tunnel with a burning sensation that tells me that right now, I’m totally his.

  I no longer know exactly what’s going on. My sex is a maelstrom of lust and heat and liquid arousal, and all that exists in my mind are his luminous, yellow eyes piercing me from above as the alien caveman fucks me hard.

  I come before I know it, because my vibrator never tore the orgasm from me like this guy is doing. I couldn’t stop it if I wanted to. I tremble and whimper as the climax washes through me, and my pussy clamps down on the cock that’s owning me.

  Car’rakz’s grunts change tone, his thrusts get a little jerky, and then he roars in victory as he sprays inside me, coating my insides in spurts so hard I can feel them. It gives my orgasm more energy and overwhelms me to the point where I forget time and place. All that exists are those yellow eyes, seeing right into me.

  I recover, panting and still whimpering when he withdraws from my hypersensitive pussy. “Every girl should have one,” I wheeze deliriously in English.

  Car’rakz just smirks, obviously happy with his performance. Which he really should be, too.

  “You highly wonderful,” I tell him as the final aftershocks pass through me, making me tremble.

  “And you,” he says and takes me into his arms, cupping my breasts and boring his face into my hair.

  We just lie there silently for a while as the river thunders loudly beside us.

  Okay, that was it. I got my wish and lost my virginity to a caveman. A caveman who just happens to be the most magnificent lover. Because I know this can’t be the norm for the first time. This was spectacularly good. And if the half-whispered things I’ve heard in the village are true, it only gets better from here.

  Except, it won’t be like that for me. So I’ll have to make the most of this.

  I snuggle close to Car’rakz’s wide chest and stroke his skin with the stripes. He’s warm and scarred, and his dry, spicy scent makes me heady.

  I reach up and place my whole palm on his burned cheek, feeling the dry roughness there.

  He first stiffens, then lightly leans his face into my hand as if afraid I’ll take my hand away.

  Neither of us say anything.

  I finally disengage from Car’rakz’s strong arms. “I’ll cross the bridge before darkness comes.”

  We get up and get dressed. Car’rakz somehow manages to pack his cock back into his broken pants and ties the old rope around the fabric in strategic ways to keep it closed.

  Then we look around to check for dactyls and walk over to the arch. It stretches up into the sky at least a hundred yards, but it’s pretty wide.

  And steep.

  Car’rakz sees my skepticism. “The rock is rough. It gives you the purchase you need.”

  He demonstrates by easily climbing up the first ten feet, then comes back and reaches out with his hand.

  I hesitate before I grab it. Do I really want this?

  Then Car’rakz takes my wrist and drags me up to him. From here the curve is gentler, and soon I’m standing on the top of the arch, feeling the breeze. There are no handholds or railings here, but the arch is wide enough that the vertigo doesn’t hit me too hard. The spray and the mist from the chaos below makes my skin moist with cold water.

  The view from up here is spectacular, but I can’t really enjoy it with my eyes full of tears.

  “Thank you,” I yell to be heard over the rumble of the river and hug the huge caveman. “Will I see you again?”

  “If the Ancestors are willing,” he growls with a gruff voice, and I get the impression he’s having an emotional moment, himself.

  The rapids roar underneath us, and when I look over to the side of the river where the girls and the village are, I reel as I suddenly remember what happened yesterday.

  Delyah and Sophia and the zoology. Me being charged with studying the animals here. Walking into the woods in the afternoon. Following that weird unicow that turned out to be more of a unicowcupine. Then the raptor attack and running and seeing the rocks under me as I fell.

  And Car’rakz. Sitting in my village, looking at me and showing me his burned face. And being rejected by the caveman in my tribe. For not having killed enough irox in his time.

  If only they knew what a man he is!

  I cling to his wide, strong body while all the memories click into place. Everything is as he said. There was a raptor and a riverbed. And I was alone in the jungle. No other girl lies injured and alone. It was just me.

  “The dragon,” Car’rakz says gently into my ear.

  “No talk dragon,” I plead. “I highly not like.”

  “Is that it?”


  “From the description… I just thought maybe it’s that.”

  Huh? I crane my neck to look up at him. And I only see his chin, because he’s craning his neck too, looking up.

  A spear of ice shoots down my back. There’s a shape in the sky. High up, barely visible, just a speck. But the feeling I get from looking at it is the same as with Troga.

  The tail flows behind the creature as it soars on the air, so much more elegant than the dactyls that there’s no doubt about what I’m seeing.

  Shit. We thought we had time to prepare before the space dragons would arrive. But that’s one of them. Here. Right now.

  I want to cry from fear. “We go,” I urge, pulling at Car’rakz’s hand. “You come tribe, I tell tribesmen you perfect warrior man. They love.”

  He stands firm like a mountain. “They already said no. I’m not going back there.”

  Men! I yank at his arm. “You come! You save Tamara, I tell tribe! I tell tribe you highly wonderful warrior!”

  “That dragon,” he says and points, “lives close to my village. I will not desert my tribe.”

  Dammit. He’s stubborn.

  In a flash, I know I can’t leave this man. If anyone can keep me safe from the dragons, it’s him. I’m not sure how I know. But I just know it.

  “Close to tribe?”

  “I tried to tell you before. But you don’t like to talk about these things.”

  “I highly not like dragon,” I confirm as a thought takes shape in my mind. “You know where live?”


  This may turn out to be the stupidest thing I’ve ever done. But it’s weird — right now, I’d accept any excuse to not have to leave this guy. Even a dragon qualifies. Which technically is an animal. And while I’m technically not a zoologist, I’m only a few credits short.

  I take a deep breath. “I come your tribe. We find dragon, spy on it. Then return my tribe, you come, help fight.”

  He doesn’t even reply. He looks up, then just grabs me around my waist, throws me over his shoulder, and runs down the arch the same way we came.

  I twist around to see what he saw.

  The blood freezes in my veins. The dragon is much closer, coming down in l
ong, lazy spirals, deceptively quickly.

  And it’s a fair bet it’s coming for us.


  - Car’rakz -

  The dragon is coming for us.

  I’ve seen it before. It can dive down faster than any irox.

  I run down the final part of the stone arch, jumping the last portion and then making for the edge of the jungle as fast as I can.

  For once, I can feel Tamara weighing me down, although she’s very light. I can’t run quite as fast as I otherwise would.

  “Tell me if it gets close,” I order.

  I can feel her twisting and raising her head. “Is still highly deep in sky,” she reports.

  But that’s no guarantee for anything. That dragon has a way of making you see things different from how they really are. I saw it come down fast.

  I run up the slope and crash into the jungle, using one arm to protect Tamara from whipping branches and twigs.

  It’s the first time I think of the jungle as safe. Normally, that’s where all the danger comes from. Everyone fears the jungle, even accomplished warriors.

  Ancestors damn that dragon! My mind was still reeling from Mating with Tamara, tasting her slit and her body and then piercing her with my hard rod. I would have wished to continue feeling the bliss.

  Well, I suppose if the dragon hadn’t come, she would have been on the way to her tribe right now. I would have stood on the top of the stone arch until I could no longer see her.

  And even longer, probably. I would have remained there until darkness prevented me from seeing anything. Feeling incredible loss fill me. With a tiny spark of hope that maybe one day I’d see her again.

  Now, she’s still with me.

  I have to protect her from the dragon. And from everything else. Irox especially.

  The jungle is getting dark as the sun is setting, but I run on with no concern for what we might find in here. Or for what might find us.

  “Not can see dragon,” Tamara says finally. “Please put on ground.”

  Yes, it must be unpleasant to be carried like that while I’m running.


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