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Caveman Alien’s Claim

Page 11

by Calista Skye

  “Ready?” Tamara calls.

  I draw the sword. “Ready.”

  “Here come the danger irox! It is highly deadly!”

  She drops the ball until it’s eight feet above me, and I jump to slash at it. At the moment of impact, she yanks on the rope and pulls the thing back up, out of reach.

  “Too slow, warrior,” she calls down to me. “Irox fast, must surprise!”

  Then she lets the ‘irox’ down again, and this time I meet it going down, cutting into it so leaves and twigs fly.

  Tamara cheers. “Yeeeeyyy, good warrior! You wound irox. Now irox fly away, highly furious and will bitch about you to his friends. But here come friend, want revenge for first irox! Also slept bad and is cranky.”

  I jump and slash and Tamara has ever more ‘irox’ attacking me, each one more deadly and cranky than the last.

  And I do improve. When I’ve ‘killed’ eight irox, I’m able to surprise Tamara with my jumps, and I defuse one or two of the attacks before they have really started.

  I’m not sure how realistic this scenario is. But it does give me confidence. The irox are not impossible to defeat. Not these ones, at least.

  “Here come last irox,” Tamara calls, happily dangling her legs. “It deadliest of all. Also, think you stole his girlfriend. But is only Tamara. Mistake for girl irox. Very blind irox! But deadly.”

  I mobilize all my strength and chop this final ‘attacker’ into six parts in one jump.

  When I land again, my knees almost give out after this very strenuous practice session. My thighs feel like soft twigs in the spring.

  “Okay,” Tamara says and drops the rope down to me. “You kill most attackers. Some wounded only, highly miffed. Now go home to cave and — aaaaeeeiii!”

  As she tries to get to her feet and swing her legs back over the edge, part of the cliff is dislodged and falls down, with Tamara managing to hang on to the edge with her fingers for about one second before she too plummets, screaming in terror.

  I drop my sword, avoid the small avalanche of rocks, and then jump, forcing my exhausted legs to obey. I meet the falling Tamara in mid-air, catch her in my arms, and then prepare for the landing. Tamara is light, but my legs will not be able to handle this impact.

  When we hit the ground, I let my legs break the fall as much as they can before they give in, and then I tuck my head in and roll backwards, keeping Tamara’s head safe with one hand.

  We only tumble once before we settle down.

  I check myself for injuries. My legs ache, and my lower back must have hit a pebble rolling back, but that’s it.

  Tamara stirs in my arms, and her fast breath and rapid heartbeat resonate through me.

  The she looks up at me with huge eyes, as if in wonder. For a moment, we’re frozen like that.

  Then she reaches up to put her arms around my neck. “You,” she says and kisses me on the lips, so passionately it takes my breath away. “You.”

  And somehow that little word says a lot that makes my heart swell.

  We finally get to our feet and brush the rubble off each other.

  “Now you irox killer,” Tamara says as we resume our walk back to the cave. “Practiced more than any other warrior.”

  I scan the skies for dragons and irox. “I think one has to actually kill an irox to say that.”

  “Bah,” Tamara says. “That not necessary. Only a formality.”

  “Ah. A fomalti. Yes, of course.”

  We get to the cave in the sunset, and Tamara stands admiring the view for a good while as I prepare the fire and the food.

  Then she comes and sits close to me. She puts a slender hand on my thigh and squeezes. “How your leg feels?”

  “I don’t think I have legs anymore,” I say earnestly. “Not legs that can be used, anyway.”

  “You catch me from high fall,” she marvels. “Jumping up to get me. If only can use half of that strength for killing irox, will kill every irox on Xren in two days.”

  “You showed me how,” I state as we start eating. “You see things I don’t.”

  “I’m used to looking at Smalls,” Tamara says and chews meat and a mix of moderately well-tasting leaves we’ve collected on the way here. “It my task on Earth. Look at Smalls, see how live.”

  “Andestani esoloji,” I state. “Yes, I know. But I have lived here all my life. I’ve seen many irox. And yet I never noticed how they change their stance in mid-air while attacking.”

  “That’s why. I see with eyes that is new. New on Xren. See things warriors don’t. Some things, anyway. If you go on Earth, you see many things I not see.”

  We finish dinner while the sun sets and bathes the jungle below us in red, then in darkness.

  “No irox close,” Tamara observes. “Not see all day.”

  “The dragon scares them,” I explain. “There haven’t been irox near the village since it was discovered.”

  “One flying thing scares the others,” she concludes. “Yes, is not hard to understand. Car’rakz.”


  “You saved my life many times now. Tamara dead again and again if big strong warrior not protect.”

  “It is natural to protect a woman.”

  “Yes. It is natural. And the woman who is protected is thank. Thanksome? Thankling? What you say?”

  “Grateful?” I suggest.

  “Grateful. Woman is grateful. And also rili turnd ahn rait nao.”

  “Alien words.” I nod. “I would recognize them anywhere. Clearly alien.”

  She turns to face me and puts a hand right on my manhood, which immediately begins to strain against the fabric of my pants. “That’s right. Can you guess what they mean?”

  “Is it about hunting?”


  “About the gray ghosts?”

  “Um. No.”

  “Something about how I sharpen my sword.”

  “No!” she rubs my crotch through the pants. “This not should be this difficult.”

  “Ah,” I exclaim while my cock straightens to full stiffness inside my pants. “You wonder about how my tribe celebrates the election of a new chief! It is a process with many steps. First, the shaman proclaims that a chief has been found. Then—”

  “You!” Tamara says and slaps my crotch. “Stop! Is serious matter. Not joking!”

  I raise my eyebrows as innocently as I can. “Who’s joking?”

  “You are, naughty warrior. So this woman is grateful and wants thing in her slit. Can you guess now?” She opens my pants, and my cock stands skywards between us.

  “I think I can,” I gasp as she grabs the shaft in both her small hands. “It’s about Mating?”

  She doesn’t reply, just pulls her dress off and tosses it aside. Her chest jiggles enticingly. “I want show you nice thing. And you joke only! Now maybe will not show.”

  “Is better if show nice thing,” I state, my breath shallow and my mouth dry. “If not, will keep joking all night.”

  She holds one finger up in the air in an alien gesture. “Will show nice thing if stop mock Tamara speech.”

  “I stop mock speech.”

  She slaps my chest. “You terrible. Will show anyway because ahm so faking horni ah think ail dai iff ah dohnt.”

  I can only nod. Those alien words have a nice ring to them.

  “You Mate me now,” she says and gets down on her hands and knees with her back to me. Her behind is spread and presented to my eyes, and I can’t help gasping when I see her slit between her legs. Truly, this is a remarkable woman!


  - Tamara -

  It’s pretty much lordosis position, the one females of some species will assume when they’re in heat and ready to be mated. In them it’s an involuntary instinct, but in humans it’s a very conscious thing to do. I’m raising my butt and hips and putting my head down, then arching my back downwards to make my rear the highest point and presenting it as lewdly as possible to the male.

  It’s the most subm
issive position a female can get into, and I have been fantasizing about it for years. I always knew it would take a very special man to inspire me to present myself like this, but Car’rakz is plenty special, and it feels so right to do.

  I can hear his sharp intake of air, and I know this is going to be a hit. I check with my finger, and yeah, my pussy is very hot and wet and ready. I need no more warm-up. I can be mated right now.

  The caveman who’s suddenly become the most important person in my life is on his knees behind me and squeezes my ass cheeks in his hands. Yeah, it was always a good size, that thing. Even here on Xren.

  I put my head down on the not-sheep fur, letting him deal with me as he pleases. If I raise my head, I can see the dark jungle again, just like last night. I guess this will be another demonstration of just how little this jungle has scared me from enjoying my life, in spite of the many dangers.

  Car’rakz’s cock is at my entrance, and I push back a little, wanting him inside.

  Shit, he practiced hard today, giving his all with each jump.

  He pushes it in, and now his cock knows my pussy so well that he knows there’s no need to pause — he can just go all the way inside in one slow thrust.

  And then he saved my life. Again. Just like that. Making sure I came to no harm at all, after my own lack of caution.

  I moan loudly as the alien cock goes deep in me and stretches me again, making me feel him taking possession of my sex. I arch my back even more, opening myself to the alien caveman so he can fuck me good.

  God, he’s spectacular. After we did the practice thing he seems to have thawed a little, too, even joking with me sometimes.

  “Aaaahhh,” I moan in encouragement as Car’rakz fucks me harder and faster than he’s done before, taking me from behind.

  And I’m only too willing to be mated.

  I raise my head. There’s a little bit of moonlight tonight, and it lights up the millions of treetops in the jungle that lies in front of me. That’s good. I want the whole planet to witness this.

  My pussy is now recognizing that Car’rakz’s cock will give it great pleasure, and that in itself is enough to make his hard, fast strokes feel even better.

  I whimper with every thrust, his cock makes loud squelching noises as it squeezes the liquid in my womanly tunnel, and the caveman himself grunts in bassy tones. It’s the most primal experience I’ve ever had. This is how humans used to mate. Outdoors, just enjoying each other’s bodies in the most natural act there can be. I’m sure of it.

  Sparks of lust accumulate deep in me, and I know that I can come really soon if I want. But I also want to prolong this. It’s not a race, it’s an experience that will always be with me.

  I’m being fucked by a caveman on a dinosaur planet.

  I buck under him as his cock strikes a particularly sensitive spot inside me. And right after, my clit is being stimulated in a way that shouldn’t be possible in this position. But of course, I am being fucked by an alien...

  Okay, so I’ll be coming whether I want to or not.

  I hold my breath as I’m being forced over the edge by the huge cock inside me, taking me and owning my sex and my mind.

  I can hear my own scream echo from the trees and the valleys, soon accompanied by a loud growl of victory from the caveman who’s taking his pleasure from me.

  He stays inside me while he collapses on my back, cupping my now very sensitive breasts in his hands. “You’re sure you’re not The Woman?”

  I can’t even reply. My climax isn’t over yet, and my pussy is uncontrollably clenching around his cock.

  “No,” I’m finally able to wheeze. “Not sure now. Feel much like The Woman. And I think maybe you the Man.”

  - - -

  I sleep deeply in the cave with Car’rakz’s strong arms around me and his vigilant eyes on the cave opening. But I guess the dragon has one thing going for it: it’s chased all the predators away from this mountainous part of the jungle.

  When I wake up in the morning, I feel his hardness against my ass, so I grab it and position it at my soaked pussy without a word.

  Car’rakz fucks me slowly, giving me a soft, gentle orgasm to start my day.

  I know that, of course, this will get me pregnant if it goes on much longer. But I can’t be without this anymore. All my rational thoughts go out the window when I see and feel his cock. And after all, so many of the girls are pregnant or even mothers, and they seem to be pretty happy. The only ones that are truly not happy here on Xren are us dragon girls.

  Except me. Right this moment, in this cave right before the sun rises, I’m absolutely happy. If I don’t think too far ahead.

  We eat breakfast, and Car’rakz has been able to track down three types of fruit and berries that aren’t all that sour. It’s a nice change from the incessant turkeypig and not-sheep.

  “Your tribe makes good food?” I inquire.

  “Sometimes,” Car’rakz says, biting into cold, roasted not-sheep. “But my tribesmen mostly have other things on their minds.”

  “What things?”

  He thinks about it. “I will show you. It’s hard to explain.”

  I nod. “Today we spy on the dragon. I will not panic again.”

  “I’m sure you won’t.”

  “How are your legs today?”

  He slaps his thigh. “Very weak. But they’ll be even worse tomorrow.”

  “Probably,” I agree. While I was never a gym rat, I have exercised once or twice in my life. And I do recall that the muscles were always at their most sore two days after the workout.

  Car’rakz makes me a wooden spear, which is really only a pointed stick. “It’s often better to have a weapon in your hand. It can give you some bravery. We’ll find a better spearhead for it at the village later today.”

  “Going to tribe today?”


  I’m still not thrilled about that. “You protect me in village. Tribesmen can be worse than irox, sometimes.”

  He packs up the food and gets ready to go. “I will protect you.”

  When we reach the observation point for the dragon’s cave, I can feel that it’s not in there. I don’t feel the dread it radiates. Just general unease.

  “We explore the woods around,” I suggest, getting bored by staring at an empty cave.

  So we do, quite safely because there are no dinos around. And to my satisfaction, we find a better vantage point with a perfect view of the dragon’s cave from higher up and further away.

  Here I can even sit on the ground and see everything that goes on around the opening, while being behind decent cover myself.

  “All I need now are binoculars, earphones, a podcast, and coffee,” I state contentedly as I lean back on a well-placed tree. “And it would be just like Canada.”

  “I should learn the alien speech,” Car’rakz sighs. “Impossible to understand you otherwise.”

  “I just said, highly like this place. Very. Very like this place. And yes. Should learn English. Maybe teach later. If Car’rakz very good warrior.”

  “Then I will do my best to be a bad one. Now you just want to sit here and spy?”

  “Hey! We agree: understanding ethology. Not spy. And yes. For now, I just want to sit while understanding ethology.”

  Car’rakz leans into a tree. “Very well. I’m not in the mood to walk much more today. My legs are like soft twigs.”

  I get into observation mode. What do I know about dragons? Not much. I remember watching The Hobbit and the sequels and liking the dragon’s silky voice in those movies.

  Okay. So they spew fire. They have this kind of telepathic ability that I think has something to do with an old sense that humans don’t have anymore. They can fly with bat wings that seem too small for them. They have long tails. They’re evil like Troga. They’re so beautiful they can hypnotize you just by looking at them. They always have one weakness. Like a chink in their armor that you can just about hit with an arrow if you’re super lucky. What e

  Of course, all this is mythical stuff from Earth. But Troga fit those things so well that the legends have to be based on reality. Dragons plainly are real. They’re space aliens who like to hunt other sentient species.

  Isn’t it possible that those things visited Earth in the distant past, and the traumatic memory of that still lives on in myths and fairy tales that are told to this day? If so, there might be a lot of truth in those myths.

  I’d love to have a pad for taking notes. In Canada’s cold winter, I had to use a pencil and paper, because pens would kind of freeze and my iPad would run out of charge in no time. And the screen became sluggish and unresponsive. I have none of those things now.

  Apart from those rags I had to wear for months while being kept captive by Troga, I have nothing that was made on Earth. Except the bangle on my wrist, now so scratched and dented that it’s probably beyond restoration. But it is my prized possession. And, it could be argued, my only one.

  “Tomorrow we get here early,” I state before I lose my nerve. “Before the dragon fly away. We’ll watch it go up in air. Then we enter the cave. See what is there.”

  I can sense the alien frown Car’rakz is giving me behind my back. “You want to go into the cave?”

  Actually, the thought alone makes me shudder. “Not want, Car’rakz. Not want at all. But might have to. We must find the weakness!”

  “That’s how my tribesmen died,” he reminds me. “They were curious, like you.”

  “We’ll be smarter than your tribesmen,” I assure him. “Run at first sign of trouble. Wait until dragon is far away. Then short look only. Probably cave smells bad.”

  He doesn’t reply, and I glance up at him. “What you think?”

  “I’m thinking we might have to recruit someone to help us with this. From my tribe.”

  The thought doesn’t appeal to me at all. “Maybe.”

  The day passes slowly, with no sign of the dragon. We eat the food Car’rakz has brought and drink some water from the sack.

  From sheer boredom, I give him a quick blowjob while he’s standing up and watching the cave. He comes in my mouth, and I let him, before I discreetly spit his copious juices out onto a leaf.


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