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Lost and Found (A Werewolf Wars Novel Book 4)

Page 24

by Bethany Shaw

  “Hi,” he called.

  Emily’s head snapped in his direction. She smiled, bending down to collect her belongings, and headed towards him.

  “I didn’t realize you were out here.”

  “Went out for a run,” he explained. “I wish I would have known you were almost done helping your mom. I would have asked you to join me.”

  Emily plopped down next to him. “I’m usually done earlier, but we ran out of flour and I had to wait until my mom got back from the store to finish preparations.”

  “What is for dinner?”

  “Chicken and dumplings. One of my favorites.”

  Marcus leaned back on his elbows, looking back up at the sky. He’d only known her a few days but couldn’t deny that he craved her company. There was something about her. When he was with her he felt at ease—like he was home.

  “Vincent invited me out to the city tonight. Would you like to join us?” Marcus asked, holding his breath.

  “No,” she sighed.

  Marcus’ shoulders slouched and he blinked up at the bright sun, not wanting to look at her. He’d thought they had a connection. Maybe he was wrong.

  “It’s not that I don’t want to,” she whispered, touching his hand. “It’s just, my dad, he’s very protective of me. I’m the only female wolf in the pack and he doesn’t let me leave the property. He’s too afraid something will happen to me.”

  “You’re not allowed to leave?” Marcus questioned, turning to her. He frowned as anger surged through him. He understood they lived in a dangerous world, but it wasn’t right to hold her prisoner here either. Hopefully, he’d misunderstood what she meant.

  “I got to do odds and ends when I was younger, but after my heat cycle started, my dad forbade me from leaving the grounds. There is too much unrest amongst the packs in our area.”

  Marcus opened his mouth to protest, but stopped. He’d just lost his pack because of the tension amongst their kind. “You can’t even leave if Vincent and Devon are going to be there?” Surely if she had protection, the alpha would allow her some freedom.

  Emily shook her head sadly. “I would love to get out—believe—me but I know he’ll never let me. I’ve asked, screamed, and shouted until I’m blue in the face and his answer never waivers.”

  Marcus placed his hand over top of hers in an effort to comfort her. Arousal rolled through him at the innocent gesture, causing his cock to throb against his jeans. He gritted his teeth and inhaled a deep breath; he was not some horny teenager. “Maybe we could find something here to do then. A movie or a run? Something fun—just the two of us.” Hell, he’d even offer to rake leaves if it meant spending time together.

  “What? Like a date?” she asked, narrowing her eyes.


  Emily pulled away from him and stood up. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’m not sure that would be a good idea.”

  “Why?” he asked, standing up next to her. The fear laced stench of soured milk mingled in the air accompanied by her natural lilac scent. Is she afraid of me? But why would she be aroused if she was scared?

  Emily opened and shut her mouth. “It just wouldn’t. I need to get going. My mom is expecting me back in a bit anyway.” She turned on her heel and sprinted into the brush.

  “Emily!” Marcus called, taking a step toward her fleeting form, but she was already gone. What the hell just happened? He looked down at his feet’ her jacket and shoes still set in a tidy pile next to him. Scooping them up, he set off to find her.


  Emily breathed heavily as she dressed. Her run had been grueling and, instead of providing relief, it had only made her tension worse. Her body ached and muscles clenched painfully as she moved.

  Marcus wanted to date her. She’d hoped the attraction had been one-sided. It would have been easier. As a girl amongst a sea of men, she’d had more than her fair share of crushes, but this was different. Whatever this feeling was, it was more than a crush. She physically yearned to be near him—to touch him.

  Stop! Your feelings don’t matter. You’re the alpha’s daughter and you have certain obligations.

  “Emily,” Marcus called.

  Emily twirled around as he came jogging up to her. She ran a hand through hair and willed her body not to betray her true feelings.

  “You left these behind,” he stated as he handed her coat and shoes to her.

  “Oh. Thanks.”

  “I’m sorry if I made things awkward. I thought...” he paused clearing his throat. “I just feel this pull towards you and I don’t know how to explain it. I thought you felt the same way too, but that was my mistake.”

  He feels it too? Her heart swelled, but the chill of anticipation that shot down her spine almost immediately ruined it. No. No. This is bad. Dad will never let you mate with anyone but an alpha. Get it together and stop this before it consumes you.

  Emily swallowed, nodding.

  “I just want to get to know you,” Marcus explained.

  “I think we should just be friends,” she blurted.

  Marcus blinked. “Yeah, sure, okay.”

  “Okay,” she said, forcing a smile. “Thanks for bringing these back to me.” She slid her jacket on and tried to ignore the way Marcus’ smile wavered. “I have to get back to help my mom, but we’ll talk again later.” She shoved her feet into her shoes, waved goodbye, and took off back to the house. Friends—it’s for the best.

  Forbidden Hope is available to purchase at your favorite online retailer.

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  About the Author

  Bethany Shaw lives in Ohio with her husband and two kids. Writing has always been her passion and she loves sharing her stories with readers. When she isn't writing, she is spending time with her family enjoying bike rides, bowling, and board games.

  Also by Bethany Shaw

  A Hunted Novel

  Purr-fect Match


  Off Limits

  A Times Journey Novel



  A Times Journey Box Set


  Wayward Wolves

  In the Arms of an Enemy

  On the Run


  Midnight Run

  Healing Christmas

  Werewolf Wars

  Out of the Shadows

  Into the Unknown

  Finding Our Way

  Lost and Found

  Forbidden Hope

  The Werewolf Wars Complete Series


  Rescued by the Bear

  Watch for more at Bethany Shaw’s site.




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