Book Read Free


Page 13

by Talia Carmichael

  “I know. Robert said to meet him here.” Miguel shrugged.

  “What about you?” Tomas asked Hector.

  Hector shrugged. “Simon said to come here. I wouldn’t want to miss your reaction. No clue what they’re up to.”

  “He went too? How many of them went to buy this car?” Tomas asked.

  “Simon said Robert called him to join them. They needed another pair of hands,” Hector said.

  They went into the living room, and Tomas took his seat.

  “So why’d I get a warning about Wilbur?” Miguel asked from where he sprawled on the couch beside him.

  “Hector, you’ll recognize this.” Tomas pressed the remote.

  Hector rose abruptly from the chair. “That’s it. He’s the Bur. Oh my God. Simon will go apeshit.”

  “He’s who?” Miguel asked.

  Hector filled him in. Tomas was impressed he knew so much. He had only learned about Bur when he looked him up.

  “So, he’s a rock star. And you’re a fan?” Miguel asked, bemused.

  “Simon loves his stuff. And I got hooked too,” Hector mumbled.

  “Sure. It was all Simon’s fault,” Miguel teased.

  “Shut up. You’re hooked on those damn science programs because of Robert,” Hector pointed out.

  “They’re interesting,” Miguel defended.

  Tomas stood, laughing as they bickered back and forth.

  “Tell him, Tomas. Watching science programs isn’t so bad,” Miguel said.

  “I wouldn’t know,” Tomas admitted.

  “What? Bernie doesn’t watch them?” Miguel frowned.

  “He didn’t used to watch much TV until I got him into it.”

  “Please tell me you didn’t get him hooked on SyFy,” Hector groaned.

  “It’s good,” Tomas defended.

  “It is, but not with you yakking through the movie.”

  “But that’s the good part. Bernie doesn’t mind,” Tomas said smugly.

  “We can all see you’ve corrupted Bernie,” Hector said.

  “Every chance I get.”

  “I don’t want to know,” Hector and Miguel screamed together.

  Tomas laughed and looked out the window.

  “What the hell?” He frowned, then walked to the front door. Opening it, Tomas stared at the truck parked at the sidewalk. From commercials he had seen, he recognized the Silverado 3500HD. The brand-new blue truck shone in the sun. He turned his attention to a Toyota Sequoia, also gleaming.

  “Wow. Bernie bought two new cars.” Hector whistled.

  “Where is he?” Tomas asked Robert, Alex, Simon, and Bur, who were strolling up the walk.

  “He’s coming,” Robert replied.

  “Can you believe Bernie’s brother is Bur? I knew there was something familiar about Bernie,” Simon said.

  “I think you need to take a seat,” Alex said cheerfully.

  “I don’t want a seat. How could you all let him convince Bernie to spend so much money? He can’t afford this. It’s your fault.” Tomas glared at Bur.

  “Damn right, it is. ’Bout time Bernie had some fun.” Bur rocked back on his boots, smirking.

  Tomas opened his mouth. The sound of an engine made him shut it. His eyes widened. He recognized that sound.

  “You did not let him get a motorcycle!” Tomas roared at Robert.

  Robert leaned against Miguel, laughing. Alex slung an arm over Bur, chuckling. Bur’s eyes twinkled. Simon snickered. Tomas cursed and rushed down the steps. His heart raced as visions of Bernie tripping over his feet filled his mind. He could only imagine what would happen to him on a motorcycle if he got nervous. The Harley pulled into the drive. Bernie took off his helmet. He got off and stumbled. Tomas rushed forward, catching him.

  “That was awesome.” Bernie’s eyes were alight.

  “You’re not keeping the bike!” Tomas roared.

  “Of course not. It’s Bur’s,” Bernie replied.

  Tomas took a breath.

  “Why didn’t you all tell him that?” Bernie glared at the men on the porch.

  “It was fun to watch him lose his shit,” Alex said.

  They all came off the porch. They crowded around the bike and cars. Tomas pulled Bernie back.

  “Why’d you get two vehicles? How can you afford it?” Tomas asked.

  “See you later, Bur!” Bernie called.

  Tomas watched as Bur waved and took off on the bike. His brothers and their partners waved and left.

  “Come let me show you the truck.” Bernie pulled him to it.

  He opened the driver’s side and gestured to Tomas. Tomas frowned but got in. Bernie jogged around to the other side and got in.

  “Do you like it?” Bernie sounded eager.

  “It’s nice,” Tomas said.

  Bernie jumped up and down on the seat. “It’s yours.”

  “What? You bought me a truck?” Tomas stared at the brand-new interior, then back at him. “You can’t do that.”

  “I did. Happy anniversary?”

  “We just got together, so it’s not our anniversary.”

  “It’s one of them.” Bernie smiled.

  “You can’t use the trick Miguel did to give Robert a car. It won’t work on me.” Tomas got out of the truck and slammed the door.

  He went up the walk, then up the steps. He heard Bernie behind him. Going into the living room, he turned to face him.

  “You can’t just go spending money, just because Bur gave you a few bucks,” Tomas said.

  “Sit. Let me explain,” Bernie said.

  Tomas reluctantly sat. Bernie sat beside him, putting his hand on Tomas’s leg.

  “As I mentioned earlier, I’ve been talking with Bur, and we’re going to set up a place to help others—a sort of a community center, which will also offer living facilities for people. We’ll offer a place for anyone to come if they want to learn any number of professions, kids or teenagers who need a safe place. We plan to set up dorm-style living for the younger kids and cabins for adults.”

  “That sounds nice, Bernie, but that’ll take a lot of funding, red tape, and a lot of other things. How are you all going to do that?” Tomas hated to dissuade him.

  “Well, Bur bought some property in the Westlake area.”

  “That’s more ranching land,” Tomas said.

  “It is. He bought two adjoining spreads out there. And he’s willing to donate one for the center. He did want to pay for everything—the building of what we need and so on—but I told him I’d put in some of my money. He’s still footing the majority of the bill, but I want to do my share.”

  “What money?”

  “I told you Bur gave me some money.”

  “I know you mentioned it. But buying brand new cars is one thing. This sort of project needs lots of money.”

  “It does. But even investing some of the fifteen million dollars he gave me leaves me with a lot.” Bernie said it so matter-of-factly.

  “Fifteen million? He gave you fifteen million dollars?” Tomas gaped.

  “Yes. I took it with every intention of donating all the money to charity. But when you asked me what I desired to do, I decided to do this instead.”

  “You’re a millionaire.” Tomas tried to wrap his head around what he was saying.

  “Don’t say that.” Bernie’s grimaced.

  “It’s true.”

  Bernie shifted, pushing him back on the couch. He straddled him. Tomas automatically put his hand on his waist.

  “I want you to keep the truck.”

  “I don’t want it. Take it back. Just like you wouldn’t let me buy you a car, you can’t get me one.” Tomas shook his head.

  “But it’s for our anniversary.”

  “That lie still isn’t flying with me.”

  “It’s not a lie. Don’t you know what today is?” Bernie asked.

  “It’s the anniversary of the first day we met, when you told me you were thinking of a way to paralyze my vocal cords.” Tomas ch

  “See? Anniversary of the first day we met. So a present is called for,” Bernie wheedled.

  “Not happening,” Tomas said.

  Bernie put his hand over his heart. “Let me do this for you, Tomas. Te amo.”

  His breath caught. Clearing his throat, Tomas replied, “Saying I love you to get me to keep the truck is not playing fair.”

  “Think of it as a gift for the first day we met, and when I first said I love you. I do, you know. Love you. I’ve loved you a long time,” Bernie said.

  “Since when?” Tomas squeezed him.

  “I started to fall from that first night I cooked for you. You were so kind to me, although you tried to act like an ass. Since then, all those little moments when you showed you cared made me love you even more. I was just too afraid to admit it to you, or myself. I’m not afraid anymore.” Bernie’s voice was intense.

  “Te amo, Bernie,” Tomas replied.

  “Then you’ll take the truck?” Bernie asked.

  “Yeah, I will.”

  “Good. Then we can use it to move me into your house,” Bernie said.

  “I don’t remember asking you to move in,” Tomas teased.

  “Hey, you’re the one who said we’re moving slow by Rodriguez standards. I’m speeding things up. We can move me in. Bur can use this place until his place in Westlake is built,” Bernie said.

  “Sounds good. I have a perfect room for your lab.” Tomas winked.

  “Good. Come let me show you the truck and my Sequoia. I’ve always wanted a Sequoia,” Bernie urged.

  “Wait. Here. Open this.” Tomas handed him the bag on the table.

  “What’s this?” Bernie frowned.

  “Sort of a gift for our anniversary,” Tomas said wryly.

  “Thought you said it wasn’t one.”

  “Well… I planned on using today to get you to accept this, since I knew you would be stubborn about it. Now I don’t have to. You’ll have to take it, since I’m taking the truck.” Tomas smiled smugly.

  Bernie gave him a dirty look. “Gloating is so not nice.”

  “I ain’t nice.”

  Bernie opened the gift. He took out the Blackberry and Bluetooth.

  “Hopefully you’ll give up the need to make me mute so I can talk to you.”

  “Nah, I won’t do that. Might make you some brussels sprouts if you piss me off,” Bernie replied. He held up the phone. “Thanks for this. I’ll read the booklet later for the tricks. Come let me show you the cars.”

  Bernie stood, tugging him up. Chuckling, Tomas followed him.

  TWO days later, Bernie stepped back and viewed the trays with snacks he had made for the movie night. He went to the fridge to get the drinks, but the doorbell rang.

  “I’ll get it.” Bernie hurried from the kitchen to the front door.

  Pulling it open, he pulled Harper inside, hugging him.

  “Hey, Bernie. Brought some pastries from the shop. I can’t wait to meet your brother,” Harper said, returning his hug.

  “Come on.” Bernie pulled him to the living room.

  “Bur, this is Harper. Harper meet Bur.”

  “He looks just like you.” Harper looked back and forth between them.

  “He looks like me,” Bur said.

  They laughed.

  “I’m going to get the drinks before the others get here. No, you all sit. I’ll get them,” Bernie said.

  He hurried into the kitchen. He readied the drinks. Mixing the iced tea, he cut up some lemons and put them in the pitcher. Making some more fixes to the tray of snacks, he then put the tea on a tray, along with some cups and sodas. He looked around to see if there was anything else he needed. He would come back for the snacks. Carrying the drinks, he went back into the living room. Putting the tray down, he looked at Bur in question. He had on his jacket, with his duffel by his feet.

  “Thanks for putting me up. Harper offered to let me stay with him for a bit.”

  Bernie looked at Harper, shocked.

  “I have the space,” Harper said.

  They headed for the door. Bernie followed, trying to think of something to say. Harper went out and down the steps. Bur paused in the doorway.

  “It’ll be okay. Harper needs me. I’ll be back for my things later,” Bur said.

  Bernie’s gut clenched at the look in his eyes. It was the one that said he was about to create all sorts of mayhem. Bur winked and went down the stairs. He put his bag in Harper’s 4Runner, then went to his Harley. In a second, they were pulling out of the drive. As they disappeared from view, Bernie bit his lip. Grabbing his cell, he pressed a button. The other end was picked up immediately.

  “Tomas… um… I think we have a problem.”

  “Bernie, what’s wrong?” Tomas’s tone was sharp.

  “Bur went to live with Harper.”

  “What do you mean he went to live with Harper?” Tomas demanded.

  “I went to the kitchen and came back. He had a bag and said he was going to live with Harper. And Harper just said he had the space,” Bernie said.

  “Ah… Christ. I’ll be there in a few minutes.” Tomas hung up.

  Bernie rushed to get his shoes. He put them on and went outside to wait. Tomas drove up. He hurried down the steps and into the truck. Tomas pulled out.

  “I called Ramirez. I hope we get there before him. He was livid. That’s all Harper needs… another body taking advantage of him.”

  “Bur wouldn’t do that,” Bernie said.

  “He’s only been here a week, and already he’s creating problems,” Tomas snarled.

  Bernie didn’t say anything else. They arrived at Harper’s house not too long after. Ramirez screeched up. Tomas exited the car. Bernie rushed to follow them.

  “Calm down, Ramirez.”

  “Who is this fucker, thinking he could just move in with Harper? Hell, I didn’t even know Bernie had a brother. Now he has two, and this Bur sounds like a pain in the ass. How the fuck did you let this happen, Bernie?” Ramirez demanded.

  Bernie opened his mouth.

  “Don’t talk to him like that!” Tomas roared.

  “He’s the reason that fucker is in there. I’m going to evict this fucker who is your brother.” Ramirez snarled.

  He stomped up the walk. Bernie and Tomas followed him. The door opened before they could reach it. Harper’s family ran out, carrying their bags. When they spotted them, they stopped.

  “Ramirez, he’s lost his mind. He threw us out,” Leroy, Harper’s brother, said.

  “Seems like he found it to me,” Ramirez said.

  “Damn right, I did. I don’t want to see any of you again!” Harper bellowed.

  Bernie looked at him, shocked. His eyes narrowed as Bur came out and leaned next to the door.

  “You. This is because of you!” Leroy snarled, rushing Bur.

  Moving quickly, Bur knocked him on his ass. “Don’t touch me, mate,” Bur growled.

  “Bur didn’t do this. You did, with your selfishness. You have only been taking from me since Provenza died. It stops today. Leave.” Harper pointed.

  The rest of Harper’s family picked up Leroy and sprinted down the walkway. Harper turned on Ramirez.

  “And you. Stop fucking acting like I’m a child. I’m an adult. Either be my friend or you can leave too.” Harper turned and went back into the house.

  “I take it you’re Gerald. You really need to stop acting like an ass.” Bur smirked.

  Ramirez took a step toward him. Tomas held him back.

  “Go home, Gerald!” Harper called from inside.

  Bur strolled into the house, closing the door. Ramirez growled, shrugging Tomas off. Bernie bit his lip.

  “What the fuck?” Ramirez asked.

  “You heard Harper. Go home, Ramirez,” Tomas said.

  “And leave him alone with him?” Ramirez sneered.

  “Do whatever you want,” Tomas said.

  He turned and held Bernie’s hand, pulling him down the walk.
br />   “But, we can’t just leave them there.” Bernie looked back at Ramirez standing glaring at the door.

  “Let them work it out,” Tomas said.

  He held open the truck door. Bernie looked back, then got in the truck. Tomas got into the driver’s side. As Tomas drove away, Bernie worried his lip. A little while later, they pulled up in front of the condo.

  “I don’t feel right, leaving Bur there with Ramirez,” Bernie said.

  “Your brother can take care of himself,” Tomas said.

  Bernie bit his lip. Tomas kissed him. Bernie sighed, gripping his shoulders until Tomas released him.

  “How long will it take to pack and move you into our home?”

  “Our. I like the sound of that,” Bernie said.

  “Me too. Let’s get you packed,” Tomas said.

  He got out and came around to Bernie’s door. Tomas opened his door and lifted him out, putting him over his shoulder.

  “You’re a little eager to pack.”

  “That comes later. Much later.” Tomas closed the door and strode up the walk.

  Bernie laughed and bit him on the butt. Tomas yelped, then growled.

  “Wait until we’re naked for that,” Tomas purred.

  Bernie’s eyes widened, and then he grinned. “I’m gonna hold you to that.”


  Chapter Eight

  A FOOT pushed under his bent leg. Bernie glanced over at Tomas, sprawled on the couch next to him. The familiar thrill he always got when he looked at Tomas filled him. Since he didn’t have that much furniture and big items at the condo, moving him in to Tomas’s house had been fairly easy. They had packed his stuff, completed the move in less than a day, and by the third week of June, he was living with Tomas. Once he’d moved in, they had worked on melding their lives together. Living under the same roof had taken some adjustments on both of their parts. The last month had been idyllic, and they had gotten to know each other even better. “Did you need something?” Bernie smiled.

  “Nope… just sitting here watching TV.” Tomas didn’t remove his gaze from the TV.

  Bernie put his laptop on the table. He put his hand on Tomas’s leg. Tomas’s thigh muscle clenched. He walked his fingers up Tomas’s leg. Tomas spread his thighs, sliding one behind Bernie’s back. Moving up, Bernie ran his hands up the front of his jeans. Tomas caught his hands. Bernie raised his gaze. The need was plain on his face and in his eyes.


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