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Thorn in Moonscape #9

Page 11

by Rice, Rachel E.

Tracker looked to Thorn, “That’s your call. She’s your female,” Tracker said.

  “We go home. We take Zoey home. That’s the only place she will ever be safe. And I promised her to give her a home that she never has to leave again.” Thorn looked to Tracker for assurance. “She wants a place to be happy with me. She wants to have my pups.” Thorn glanced at Tracker wanting him to understand and he did.

  Tracker just didn’t want Thorn to know how much he looked forward to being home. But it was something that wasn’t quite right at home, and he didn’t know what it was. Maybe it was the idea that home meant marriage, and he was a wanderer a lone werewolf.

  Chapter 15

  When the three Samsa werewolves, along with Saadia, and Zoey sat quietly as Damon drove the truck along the road, each wondering what next, and how long it would take to get to their destination. A feeling of joy rose over the pack of tired travelers when they were nearing the ranch. Each thinking their own thoughts. Each with their own fears of the future. All except Zoey. She slept soundly from medication, with her head on Thorn’s chest, with her body curled in his arms, and he checking every few minutes to make sure she was still alive and breathing. His last thoughts were of himself.

  When they were entering into Samsaville County, Zoey’s eyes opened. Thorn lifted her and she gazed around through the window and looked up at Thorn.

  Her mouth dry and blistered. She said, “It’s beautiful out here. I never imagined I would see a place like this.”

  “Yes it is isn’t it?” Thorn said.

  Tracker turned around in his seat and glanced at Saadia who was sleeping and then he watched at Thorn, “Keep her still and quiet.”

  Thorn held Zoey tight as she watched at the sprawling landscape of trees, and woods, and white fences, and at a distance a large sprawling brick house setting against a back drop of snowcapped mountain range. The leaves were falling and she saw large pine trees surrounding the property. She watched as some horses ran freely grazing. And then she spotted a figure in a distance riding a large brown mare.

  A tall handsome man with some of the same features as Thorn and his brothers came riding close to the fence as he followed a dirt track back to the ranch. Tracker turned to see Zoey watching with a smile on her face. His eyes caught Saadia for a second.

  “Another brother?” Zoey said. Her voice weak and soft.

  “No. He’s my uncle Drayton.”

  “Is your father and mother here?”

  “I don’t know,” Thorn said, his eyes settling on Tracker and then to Saadia.

  “It’s not mother you have to worry about, it’s father,” Damon said. Tracker cut a serious scowl in Damon’s direction. Damon never knew when to shut his mouth, Tracker thought. But Thorn paid him little attention. His greatest concern lay with Zoey.

  Zoey had been through enough, and Tracker didn’t want her to feel unwanted, and by Damon spelling it out, it grated on Tracker’s nerves.

  Damon drove around the long curb and then stopped between the front door and the path leading to the kitchen and stables.

  Tracker opened the door and jumped out first and walked around to the driver’s side where Damon was exiting. Tracker opened the passenger door.

  “Help me get Zoey out of here, Damon,” Tracker said to him. Tracker took Zoey in his arms with Damon’s help. Thorn’s head had fallen forward. It was clear he had been worse off than he let on, and he had hidden his wound. However, after reaching home, he let go.

  “Damon, carry Thorn to the hospital. Saadia, call your father and tell him it’s an emergency,” Tracker said. Saadia looked at Tracker carrying Zoey. Her eyes stayed on Tracker. She said nothing.

  With her mouth closed and her eyes narrowed, “I called him earlier.” Her voice cold. She turned to follow Damon and Thorn.

  After Thorn had released Zoey into Tracker’s arms, he opened his eyes, climbed out of the truck and pushed Damon to the side, and headed for the hospital on his own. It was a short walk located behind the house. Thorn limped along with Damon and with Saadia following after.

  When Tracker closed his eyes for a short time, Saadia had already made a call to Robert to let him know that they were coming to the ranch, and they would arrive in a half an hour. Robert had asked her questions, but she wouldn’t answer. She told her father that she needed his help, and because he never refused Saadia anything, he assured her that he would be there able to help.

  Calling him again on her smartphone, “Father,” Saadia said.

  “I know. I coming through the gate now. I’ll be at the hospital in two minutes.”

  “You have two patients, father.”

  “Why am I not surprised. Those werewolves are always bringing themselves grief and those that love them.” Standing on the outside walking down the path, Saadia turned when she saw her father’s Mercedes. He parked, jumped out closing the door behind him, and rushed to Saadia.

  “Your mother is heartbroken. She had been waiting to hear from you. This time you did call. I guess that’s a small step. But something could happen and...” He didn’t finish. He knew not to lecture her too much. She would just disappear again and wouldn’t call next time. Robert smiled and took her in his arms. “I tried to reassure her that you were all right.”

  “Look at me. I’m fine, father.”

  “You look like you haven’t eaten in days,” Robert said not wanting to let Saadia go.

  “You have to hurry, father. It’s Thorn and Zoey, his mate.” He glanced at her and shook his head and took off in the direction down the brick and cement path, and up a small hill where the hospital set behind the Samsa’s ranch.

  Drayton brought in the hay and after leaving the stall where he bed his horse, he ran into Saadia. She stood looking pass Drayton, waiting to see her father open the door and enter the hospital.

  “What’s going on Saadia?” Drayton asked as he came closer to her.

  “Thorn and his mate. They’ve been hurt. It’s a long story,” she said shaking her head. “You need to wait until Thorn is comfortable telling you, or ask Lycell.

  “What’s this about Lycell?”

  “You have to ask him,” Saadia said, “where’s Thorn’s mother? He’s hurt and sick. I don’t know the extent of his wounds because he didn’t want anyone to touch him. But he’s not the one to worry about, it’s the girl. I think the bullet hit some vital organs.”

  “What’s this about a bullet? I’d better get over there,” Drayton said, “Adrienne is with Wilder and Lycell has been walking around like he lost his mind. He wouldn’t confide in me and he sent Damon away. I should have known something. I thought he was angry about Wilder and Adrienne. Now this all makes sense.”

  “Lycell was the one who received Thorn’s finger and a ransom note from the mailbox,” Saadia said.

  “They took Thorn’s finger? Lycell would never pay a ransom after doing that to Thorn. He would hunt them down first. No matter what the cost to him or Thorn. I would have paid, but Lycell didn’t tell me anything. I just thought he was upset with me when he wouldn’t speak to me,” Drayton said.

  “Come into the house, Saadia. You look like you need some rest.” Saadia’s eyes were blood-shot and she needed a change of clothes and sleep.

  “I have to go assist my father. Then I’ll be in later.” Saadia’s steps faltered but then she got a hold of herself and trudged down the path and stopped in front of Tracker coming from the hospital. They stood watching each other and not saying a word.

  The silence was broken, “You can’t have everything you want in life, Tracker.”

  “That goes for you too.”

  “I already know that. That’s why I won’t look for you anymore. You can go off and be with whoever you want. I’m staying here and become a doctor. Maybe I’ll marry a doctor who will make me forget about you.”

  “There are no werewolf doctors in this town.”

  “Who said I wanted a werewolf. I think I’ll try a human. You seem to find pleasure in them and think
they can treat you better than I can. Maybe I’ll find one that will treat me better than you, which would be a stretch considering you don’t treat me anyway.”

  Tracker reached for Saadia and she moved to the left of him and kept walking. He had never been rejected before. It was a strange feeling especially since he wanted to find some common ground with Saadia. He felt heartbroken. A tear welled in his eyes. He put his finger there to catch it and wipe it away. Instead he looked at it as if it was something unknown.

  An insect after you’ve swatted it, then finding it was the tiniest bug which gave a huge sting.

  He felt the pain of her words. Tracker had never felt remorse or regret before. But now it crept up on him and he wasn’t prepared for the feelings that streamed through him. His feelings for Saadia. He wanted her more than he has ever wanted any female now that she withdrew from him.

  Tracker stood staring at the door Saadia disappeared into. He turned to go to his home to have a talk with his father.

  The door opened to the kitchen, and Lycell stood watching at him. “Where is Thorn?” his voice uncertain. Tracker for the first time heard the sound of desperation in his father’s voice as if he had prepared himself for the worse. His father’s once strong appearance now reduced by the thought of losing a son.

  Lycell rushed passed Tracker but Tracker stopped him by holding his arms. Lycell glanced down at Tracker’s massive hands holding on to him and not letting him move. He didn’t try to move because he could if he had wanted. But he needed to hear Tracker out.

  “He’s in good hands. Robert is operating on him now. Saadia is there assisting him. Thorn will be ok, but I don’t know about Zoey.”

  Lycell snapped back to his contentious self. “Good ridden. She caused all this on my family and divided the pack. You went off after her when you had that beautiful girl of Robert’s to take as a mate. Robert and Mena have been upset with us ever since. They were talking about leaving Samsaville. What is the family going to do without Robert?”

  “You need to tell him, father. Everyone needs to know that they are valued.” And then it dawned on him that he had behaved just like his father. He never took the time to tell Saadia how much he cared for her.

  Lycell put his hand to his mouth as if in thought. “Come inside. I missed you. And tell me what happened.” He turned around and placed his arm on his son’s shoulder.

  Father and son walked into the large kitchen and sat at the Isle. A bar with marble counter tops surrounded with comfortable bar chairs with arm rests.

  Tracker told Lycell what he knew. How they arrived late after Thorn had killed his kidnappers. “Thorn didn’t want to talk after we arrived, and Zoey was shot, and she couldn’t talk after Saadia gave her a shot for the pain.”

  “That young werefemale of Robert’s is a prize. She is valuable and would have made our pack strong. Why do you think I matched you, my first born, with Robert’s youngest daughter? She has special gifts our family could use.”

  Lycell didn’t know the extent of her gifts like Tracker did. His father had been right, Saadia was indeed valuable. And now more valuable to Tracker than he had ever known now that she declared that she wouldn’t wait for him to find himself.

  Tracker looked around and said, “Where is mother?” Lycell closed up again and didn’t speak.

  “She should be back soon,” he said his voice cool as he looked passed Tracker.

  “I guess she doesn’t know about Thorn?”

  “I guess not,” Lycell said. He looked up and standing in the doorway was Robert. Lycell stood up. Robert met Lycell with a grim look on his face. His eyes tired and red. His shoulders slump. Robert had been working in the emergency ward all night. One of the interns had been sick for three days, but Lycell didn’t know that.

  “What’s wrong? Lycell’s voice broke expecting the worse.

  “Thorn is doing fine considering he’s lost weight, his teeth are in bad shape, but that’s not a problem. You werewolves have a way of regenerating yourself. He’s twenty pounds light for his height, which he can take care of with some fresh red meat. He’s lost some muscle, but he should be up in about two days, ready to create more disasters and harm himself.”

  “The woman, I don’t know. It’s something about you Samsas. You always seem to snap back from your wounds...” He didn’t complete his statement because Tracker interrupted.

  “What about the woman? What about Zoey?”

  “She’s sedated and I don’t expect her to wake soon. She had a bullet wound close to her organs. Whoever took the bullet out did a good job. Riding in that truck opened the wound. I stitched it back. And...” He exhaled.

  “And what?” Tracker said.

  “And she’s pregnant.”

  “Is she...” He didn’t know how to get the words out of his mouth. He looked up and Saadia was standing behind her father.

  “She’s pregnant with pups. They aren’t human.” Saadia turned around after looking into Tracker’s eyes and opened the door and disappeared.

  Tracker didn’t go after her. He just sat there not moving staring into nothingness. “Don’t tell Thorn just yet,” Tracker said.

  “Why not? He has a right to know,” Robert said none too sympathetic with Tracker. He stared at Tracker with the look of contempt. He knew how much Saadia loved Tracker. He had been dangled before her all her life. She had been promised to him and now this is what his young daughter had to look forward to. A careless undisciplined half man half wolf. He closed his eyes and turned away from Tracker to face Lycell.

  Lycell raised his eyes, furrowed his brow, and glanced Tracker’s way. He knew this situation was bad and could go either way. He could have something he never wanted—two sons fighting over one woman. Or his sons not knowing the parentage of their offspring.

  Then it came to Robert and he remembered the name of the woman Tracker had been shot over. Zoey. Saadia had been upset over her as well because Tracker was going off to be with Zoey. And now Zoey shows up pregnant not with Tracker but with Thorn.

  Robert, gazing at Tracker with a sour expression, thought Tracker threw away everything to be with this woman, and now he wasn’t with her, and she had taken another one of his daughters’ husband. This woman had brought ruin to the Samsas, and shame to his daughters, Robert thought.

  “She’s not good for this family,” Robert blurted out.

  “It’s not for you to say,” Tracker said. Tracker ready to stand, but his father put his hand on his shoulder.

  “Don’t, Tracker. This family has to heal. Too much has happened and you’ve been responsible for some of it,” Lycell said.

  “I’m going to my room and tomorrow, I’m leaving,” Tracker said.

  “I don’t want you to go. At least not now,” Lycell said. Tracker glanced at Robert passing and kept walking. He headed for the stairs and to his room.


  When Tracker woke early that morning, he thought he was still in Mexico. Then he glanced around and he was in his room. For a moment he thought he was back in high school, too. He turned and looked up and standing holding his side was Thorn watching at him.

  “I heard you were leaving,” Thorn said.

  “I can’t stay here.”

  Thorn walked to the window and gazed out at the mountains. Snow had formed on the peaks. Soon the snow would come to Samsaville. It seemed like yesterday it was spring and now autumn again. Leaves falling, frost on the ground. It felt like they were just pups playing outside the ranch and learning to hunt together.

  “Don’t go, Tracker,” Thorn said turning around. “Are you leaving because of what Robert said about Zoey?”

  “You heard that?”

  “I heard every bit of it. These ears are for a reason,” Thorn said turning to face Tracker and giving him a small smile as he leaned against the wall.

  “Are you angry?”

  “No. Why should I be angry? We don’t know it’s your pups she’s carrying. You give yourself too much credit,” T
horn said giving way to a wide smile.

  “Robert could do a DNA test.”

  “I don’t want to know, Tracker. I would much rather leave it as it is.”

  “What about Zoey?”

  “She doesn’t care. She thought she was incapable of giving me my pups. When she’s well, then I’ll tell her. But now, I love her Tracker, and I don’t want anything to interfere with that. For now she deserves to be happy and safe.” Thorn walked to the doorway.

  “I’m going to have breakfast with father. I wish you would stay. Saadia needs you. We all need you. What will this pack be like without our big brother around here? Soon the others will be home from school. Think about how happy that will make our father and mother. To have all the Samsas here for the holidays, all except you. ”

  Thorn walked out of the room. He wanted Tracker to think about what he had said. When he reached the stairs he heard Lycell and Drayton talking in the dining room.

  Tottering to the entrance he stood and held on to the door frame. “Come in and sit.” His father’s voice hard and stern; his tone firm. Thorn looked from Lycell to Drayton and he did as he had been told.

  “What are you going to do about this?” Lycell flung a newspaper in front of Thorn. The headlines read: Mad Wolf Pack Prowling and Killing in a Thousand Mile Radius of Lake Tahoe. Thorn read further. The article went on to say that at the last killings they did a DNA of the blood and it wasn’t human, well it was part human, and part wolf.

  Thorn stopped reading and looked to Lycell and Drayton’s grim faces.

  “Do you know what Wilder will say when he gets back. He will tell you to get Zoey out of here. We have police coming in from the outside to investigate the killings of humans and those unsolved murders of those young females. It’s one thing for them to kill each other, but when they can trace it to werewolves, we have more problems than we know what to deal with.”

  “What did I hear about problems? I don’t want to know about any problems. I’ve had the best weeks of my life.”

  They all turned around at hearing Wilder’s voice. The lightness and playfulness in his voice caused them to stare. Never had they heard Wilder be so light hearted. He was always brooding about something.


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