In the marina an allegro creaking, 977
In the Midwest of Willa Cather, 531
In the never, still arriving, I find you, 236
In the North, 144
In the old, scratched, cheap wood of the typing stand, 685
in the old city incendiaries abound, 867
In the room in the house, 764
In the sleepless sleep of dawn, in the dreamless dream, 637
In the Wake of Home, 615
In the Woods, 169
In this long room, upon each western pane, 91
In Those Years, 755
In those years, people will say, we lost track, 755
In Time of Carnival, 94
I recall, 131
I sat down facing the steep place where, 888
Is it in hopes, 133
Is there a doctor in the house, 1020
Itinerary (The guidebooks play deception; oceans are), 25
Itinerary (Burnt by lightningnevertheless), 1103
It is asleep in my body, 416
—it is to have these dreams, 869
I trust none of them. Only my existence, 395
I try to conjure the kind of joy, 623
It’s happened already while we were still, 775
It should be the most desired sight of all, 1001
It’s June and summer’s height, 684
It’s not new, this condition, just for a while, 1083
It’s so pure in the cemetery, 194
It’s true, these last few years I’ve lived, 649
It was amusing on that antique grass, 57
It wasn’t as if our lives depended on it—, 1110
It was your vision of the pilot, 472
it will not be simple, it will not be long, 749
I’ve redone you by daylight, 747
I’ve said: I wouldn’t ever, 142
I wake up in your bed. I know I have been dreaming, 465
I was looking for a way out of a lifetime’s consolations, 348
I was telling you a story about love, 784
I was there, Axel, 1073
I write you this out of another province, 66
Jerusalem, 241
Juvenilia, 126
Key, The, 251
Knight, The, 111
Knocked down in the canefield, 329
Knot, The, 196
Knowing themselves too well in one another, 118
Kursaal at Interlaken, The, 6
Lag, The, 151
Landscape of the Star, 64
Language as city: : Wittgenstein, 334
Lashes of white light, 153
Last night I met you in my sister’s house, 327
Last night we sat with the stereopticon, 130
Last night you wrote on the wall: Revolution is poetry, 282
Last Song, 103
Late at night I went walking through your difficult wood, 310
Late Ghazal, 781
Lately in my dreams I hear long sentences, 648
Late night on the underside a spectral glare, 874
Late Style, 999
Late summers, early autumns, you can see something that binds, 715
Leaflets, 269
Leafshade stirring on lichened bark, 525
leaping forward escaping, 1024
Let me take you by the hair, 124
Letter from the Land of Sinners, 66
Letters Censored Shredded Returned to Sender or Judged Unfit to Send, 1011
Letters in the Family, 674
Letters: March 1969, 317
Letters to a Young Poet, 819
Liberté, 1109
Lichen-green lines of shingle pulsate and waver, 1090
Life and Letters, 35
Light at a window. Someone up, 419
Light pulses through underground chambers, 194
Like divers, we ourselves must make the jump, 28
Likeness, 151
Like This Together, 174
Lioness, The, 460
Liquid mist burning off, 322
Listen! It’s never sung like that! Listen!, 209
Little as I knew you I know you: little as you knew me you, 791
Living in Sin, 71
Living in the Cave, 390
Living in the earth-deposits of our history, 443
Living Memory, 694
Living under fire in the raincolored opal of your love, 799
Livresque, 926
Lodged in the difficult hotel, 760
Long After Stevens, 994
Long ago I found a seed, 96
Long Conversation, A, 837
Looking as I’ve looked before, straight down the heart, 368
Looking back trying to decipher, 599
Look: this is January the worst onslaught, 641
Loser, The, 112
Love for twenty-six years, you can’t stop, 943
Love in the Museum, 89
Love Poem, 663
Lovers Are Like Children, 98
Lucifer in the Train, 56
Luigi Pirandello, 130
Lurid, garish, gash, 1048
Marghanita, 732
Mariner unpracticed, 29
Marriage in the ’Sixties, A, 137
Marriage Portion, The, 95
Mathilde in Normandy, 20
Maybe you spoke to someone, 235
means there is something to hold, 438
Medical textbooks propped in a dusty window, 627
Meditations for a Savage Child, 401
Melancholy Piano (extracts), 985
Memorabilia, 131
Memorize This, 943
Memory, 320
Memory lifts her smoky mirror: 1943, 736
Memory says: Want to do right? Don’t count on me, 741
Merced, 385
Merely the landscape of a vanished whim, 50
Merely to Know, 123
Messages, 866
Metallic slam on a moonless night, 960
Middle-Aged, The, 94
Midnight, the Same Day, 1005
Midnight Salvage, 807
Miracle Ice Cream, 757
Miracle’s truck comes down the little avenue, 757
Mirror, The, 133
Mirror in Which Two Are Seen As One, The, 364
Missing the Point, 235
Mockingbird shouts Escape! Escape!, 1025
Modotti, 815
Mother-in-Law, 544
Mother-Right, 497
Moth Hour, 201
Mourning Picture, 188
Moving in Winter, 161
Mudseason dusk schoolmaster: pressed out of rain my spine, 868
Mulish, unregenerate, 144
Mute it utters ravage guernican, 1086
My body opens over San Francisco like the day-, 449
My Brother, 208
My brother, nobody knows, 208
My dear Mother and Sister, 567
My father, who since his death, 211
My mouth hovers across your breasts, 642
My neighbor, a scientist and art-collector, telephones me in a state, 303
My neighbor moving, 981
My swirling wants. Your frozen lips, 338
My three sisters are sitting, 259
Natalya Gorbanevskaya, 246
Natural Resources, 498
Necessities of Life, 167
Negotiations, 664
Never to be lonely like that—, 202
New Year Morning, 93
New York, 628
Night, 43
Nightbreak, 265
Night in the Kitchen, 247
Night-life. Letters, journals, bourbon, 446
Night over the great and the little worlds, 646
Night-Pieces: For a Child, 182
Nights and Days, 484
Nights like this: on the cold apple-bough, 758
Night Watch, 243
Nine months we conspired, 417
1948: Jews, 746
1941, 818
1999, 87
Nineteen-thirties Midwestern, 944
Ninth Symphony of Beethoven Understood at Last as a Sexual Message, The, 391
No bad dreams. Night, the bed, the faint clockface, 937
Noctilucent Clouds, 874
No flag heavy or full enough to hide this face, 854
Noon, 194
No one knows yet, 263
No one’s fated or doomed to love anyone, 474
Nora’s Gaze, 863
No room for nostalgia here. What would it look like?, 563
North American Time, 594
Nostalgia is only amnesia turned around, 564
Not having worn, 872
Nothing he had done before, 864
No: this, my love, is neither you nor I, 13
Not Like That, 194
Not Somewhere Else, But Here, 479
Not spent those bloodshot friendships those, 1006
not talk, 903
Not that it is done well, but, 120
Not to get up and go back to the drafting table, 953
Not what you thought: just a turn-off, 759
Novel, The, 665
Novella, 149
November 1968, 299
Now, again, every year for years: the life-and-death talk, 245
Now, not a tear begun, 128
Now let’s away from prison—, 187
Now that your hopes are shamed, you stand, 16
Now we remember all: the wild pear-tree, 48
Now will you stand for me, in this cool light, 89
Nursing your nerves, 135
Obscurity has its tale to tell, 202
Observer, The, 264
Octobrish, 869
of polished tables lit with medalled, 1002
Of simple choice they are the villagers; their clothes come with, 341
Old backswitching road bent toward the ocean’s light, 792
Old oblivion-book, that I lay open, 210
Old words: trust fidelity, 535
Olivia, 34
On a clear night in Live Oak you can see, 686
On a notepad on a table, 825
On a screen as wide as this, I grope for the titles, 313
One: comrade, 791
One day of equinoctial light after another, 308
On Edges, 262
One Life, 692
One night on Monterey Bay the death-freeze of the century, 724
One year, you gave us, 145
Only to have a grief, 147
On the road there is a house, 765
On the terrace, violins played, 250
On this earth, in this life, as I read your story, you’re lonely, 722
Open-Air Museum, 178
Open the book of tales you knew by heart, 694
“Organized knowledge in story and picture,” 110
Orient Wheat, 49
Origins and History of Consciousness, 446
Orion, 231
Orion plunges like a drunken hunter, 557
Our Family, 211
Our fathers in their books and speech, 49
Our Kind of Terror: A Love Poem, 610
Our mother went away and our father was the king, 424
Our story isn’t a file of photographs, 684
Our Whole Life, 324
Our whole life a translation, 324
Our words misunderstand us, 176
Out in this desert we are testing bombs, 355
Out there. The mind of the river, 300
Over him, over you, a great roof is rising, 200
Over the chessboard now, 136
Over the half-finished houses, 154
Over the hills in Shutesbury, Leverett, 552
Overthrow. And make new, 1008
Packed in my skin from head to toe, 995
Pain made her conservative, 312
Pain taught her the language, 1073
Painter’s House, The, 944
Parting, The, 181
Parting: II, The, 225
Passing On, 122
Paula Becker to Clara Westhoff, 481
Peace, 153
Peeling Onions, 147
“People suffer highly in poverty and it takes dignity and intelligence, 304
Perennial Answer, The, 79
Perfection now is tended and observed, 58
Phantasia for Elvira Shatayev, 443
Phenomenology of Anger, The, 377
Photograph of the Unmade Bed, The, 332
Picking the wax to crumbs in the iron lip of the candelabrum, 343
Picnic, 253
Pictures by Vuillard, 48
Piece by piece I seem, 167
Pieces, 320
Pierrot Le Fou, 312
Planetarium, 301
Platform, The, 102
Plaza Street and Flatbush, 825
Plugged-in to her body, 322
Poetry: I, 624
Poetry: II, Chicago, 625
Poetry: III, 626
Point in Time, 933
Postcard, 289
Powdered milk, chocolate bars, canned fruit, tea, 773
Power, 443
Powers of Recuperation, 1095
Primary Ground, A, 387
Prisoners, The, 43
Propped on elbow in stony light, 999
Prospect, The, 60
Prospective Immigrants Please Note, 150
Purely Local, 8
Quarto, 1088
Rachel, 758
Rafts, The, 274
Rain of Blood, The, 22
Rain on the West Side Highway, 474
Raise it up there and it will, 747
Rape, 391
Rauschenberg’s Bed, 887
Raven, The, 122
Readings of History, 130
Reading the Iliad (As If) for the First Time, 1048
Reading the Parable of the Cave, 390
Recorders in Italy, 57
Re-forming the Crystal, 414
Regardless, 860
Relevance, 321
Reliquary, 8
Remind me how we walked, 486
Rereading The Dead Lecturer, 1008
Return of the Evening Grosbeaks, The, 27
Revelation, 323
Reversion, 766
Revivalist in Boston, A, 26
Revolution in Permanence (1953, 1993), 768
Rhyme, 997
Riding the black express from heaven to hell, 56
Rift, 561
Ritual Acts, 930
Roadway, The, 47
Rodin’s Orpheus, floodlit, hacked, 289
Roofwalker, The, 154
Roots, 223
Rural Reflections, 111
Rusted Legacy, 836
Rustication, 141
Sabbath evening privacy at home, 209
Saw you walking barefoot, 1054
Say a master of the track, 99
Scene One: Ales, Sardinia, 19—, 1106
Scenes of Negotiation, 1059
School Among the Ruins, The, 900
Scrape a toxic field with a broken hoe, 1112
Screen Door, 960
Second Sight, 870
Sending Love, 777
Sending love is harmless, 778
Sending love: Molly sends it, 777
September 21, 115
Seven Skins, 828
Sex, as they harshly call it, 180
Shattered Head, 816
She, 731
She had thought the studio would keep itself, 71
She is carrying my madness and I dread her, 643
She is the one you call sister, 364
She sits with one hand poised against her head, the, 370
She tunes her guitar for Landstuhl, 976
She who died on that bed sees it her way, 744
She who has power to call her man, 20
Shooting Script, 339
Shoring up the ocean. A railroad track, 412
Should blue air in its purity let you disdain, 1022
Should I simplify my life
for you?, 794
Showering after ’flu; stripping the bed, 743
Sibling Mysteries, 486
Side by Side, 197
Signatures, 862
Since we’re not young, weeks have to do time, 466
Sisters, 143
Six: edgelit, 799
Six months back, 319
Six Narratives, 782
Sixteen years. The narrow, rough-gullied backroads, 573
6/21, 684
Skeleton Key, 977
Skin of wet leaves on asphalt, 193
Slashes, 946
Sleep, horns of a snail, 214
Sleep horns of a snail, 669
Sleeping, turning in turn like planets, 471
Sleepwalking, 214
Sleepwalking Next to Death, 669
Slides, The, 687
Slowly, Prometheus, 152
Smudged eyeballs, 177
Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law, 117
Snow, 327
Snow Queen, The, 87
Soledad. = f. Solitude, loneliness, homesickness; lonely retreat, 722
Solfeggietto, 659
So many minds in search of bodies, 283
Someday if someday comes we will agree, 664
Some nights I think you want too much. From me. I didn’t ask, 1095
Someone at a table under a brown metal lamp, 624
Someone said to me: It’s just that we don’t, 653
Some rooftop, water-tank looming, street-racket strangely quelled, 719
Something broken Something, 265
Something spreading underground won’t speak to us, 851
Sometimes I’m back in that city, 937
Song, 369
Song of the Foolish Bees, The, 207
Sources, 571
Space mildews at our touch, 201
Spirit like water, 124
Splittings, 449
Springboard, The, 28
Spring nights you pillow your head on a sack, 1003
Spring Thunder, 198
Stand Up, 326
Stand up in my nightgown at the window, 326
Statue, 211
Steam from a melting glacier, 1071
Stelae, The, 327
Stepping Backward, 23
Still, a sweetness hardly earned, 192
Still learning the word, 951
Stories of three islands, 948
Storm Warnings, 3
Story, A, 666
Stranger, The (Fond credos, plaster ecstasies!), 184
Stranger, The (Looking as I’ve looked before, straight down the heart), 368
Strangers are an endangered species, 554
Strayed Village, The, 77
Streets closed, emptied by force Guns at corners, 740
Stripped, 299
Study of History, 300
Summer in the Country, 245
Summer was another country, where the birds, 100
Sunday Evening, 32
Sunday in Inwood Park, 253
Collected Poems Page 74