Sunset, December, 1993, 774
Suppose we came back as ghosts asking the unasked questions, 1031
Suppose we had time, 313
Suppose you stood facing, 312
Suspended Lines, 1112
Tactile Value, 1003
Take, 780
Take nothing with you, 985
Take one, take two, 937
Taking the least griefcrusted avenue the last worst bridge away, 785
Talking of poetry, hauling the books, 665
Tattered Kaddish, 742
Taurean reaper of the wild apple field, 742
Teaching the first lesson and the last, 900
Tear Gas, 293
Tearing but not yet torn: this page, 645
Teethsucking Bird, 1109
Telephone Ringing in the Labyrinth, 1039
Tell Me, 897
Tell me, bristler, where, 663
Tell me, why way toward dawn the body, 897
Tell me something, 544
Tell us, 608
Tendril, 965
Terrence years ago, 779
Terza Rima, 877
That Chinese restaurant was a joke, 329
That conversation we were always on the edge, 475
That erudition, 320
That light of outrage is the light of history, 744
That Mouth, 731
That “old last act”!, 180
That the meek word like the righteous word can bully, 924
That was no country for old women … Someone from D-Day, 862
“That year I began to understand the words burden of proof, 795
The angel, 1049
The autumn feels slowed down, 481
“The beauty of it was the guilt, 773
The bells have quit their clanging; here beneath, 93
The big star, and that other, 269
The birds about the house pretend to be, 27
The bones of saints are praised above their flesh, 8
The cabdriver from the Bronx, 331
The cat-tails blaze in the corner sunflowers, 651
The clouds and the stars didn’t wage this war, 593
The clouds are electric in this university, 277
The cold felt cold until our blood, 443
The core of the strong hill: not understood, 498
The dark lintels, the blue and foreign stones, 476
The engineer’s story of hauling coal, 909
The freedom of the wholly mad, 377
The friend I can trust is the one who will let me have my death, 281
The glass has been falling all the afternoon, 3
The guidebooks play deception; oceans are, 25
The hunters’ shack will do, 232
The ice age is here, 140
Their faces, safe as an interior, 94
Their life, collapsed like unplayed cards, 161
The island blistered our feet, 314
The I you know isn’t me, you said, truthtelling liar, 1071
The landlord’s hammer in the yard, 122
The leafbud straggles forth, 480
The leaves that shifted overhead all summer, 72
The mare’s skeleton in the clearing: another sign of life, 347
The month’s eye blurs, 116
The moon, 885
The motes that still disturbed her lidded calm, 43
The mountain laurel in bloom, 553
The music of words, 320
The mystic finishes in time, 85
“The Night Has a Thousand Eyes,” 831
Then or Now, 771
Then the long sunlight lying on the sea, 55
The ocean twanging away there, 181
The old blanket. The crumbs of rubbed wool turning up, 340
The ones who camped on the slopes, below the bare summit, 277
The order of the small town on the riverbank, 283
The ornament hung from my neck is a black locket, 1091
The pact that we made was the ordinary pact, 396
The power of the dinosaur, 199
The present breaks our hearts. We lie and freeze, 134
The problem, unstated till now, is how, 650
The railway stations of our daily plight, 102
There are days when housework seems the only, 522
There are days when I seem to have nothing, 311
There are no angels yet, 267
There Are Such Springlike Nights, 244
There are such springlike nights here, 244
The red fox, the vixen, 254
The refrigerator falls silent, 247
There hangs a space between the man, 926
There is a cop who is both prowler and father, 391
There is bracken there is the dark mulberry, 812
There Is No One Story and One Story Only, 909
There it was, all along, 235
There’ll be turbulence. You’ll drop, 1054
The repetitive motions of slaughtering, 763
There’s a girl born in abrupt August light, 758
There’s a place between two stands of trees where the grass grows, 755
There’s a poverty of the cockroach kingdom and the rusted, 1081
There’s a secret boundary hidden in the waving grasses, 250
The revolutions wheel, compromise, utter their statements, 693
The river-fog will do for privacy, 556
The road to the great canyon always feels, 568
The rules break like a thermometer, 471
The sapling springs, the milkweed blooms: obsolete Nature, 281
The scent of her beauty draws me to her place, 460
The sea, a body of mysterious calls, 213
These are the sins for which they cast out angels, 51
The sentimentalist sends his mauve balloon, 52
The silence of the year. This hour the streets, 64
The silver shadow where the line falls grey, 609
The Spirit of Place, 552
The stars will come out over and over, 484
The stone walls will recede and the needs that laid them, 1000
The strain of being born, 272
The taxi meter clicking up, 831
The thing that arrests me is, 358
The thirtieth of November, 507
The tobacco fields lie fallow the migrant pickers, 651
The Tolstoyans the Afro-American slaves, 655
The trees inside are moving out into the forest, 173
The turtles on the ledges of July, 67
The way the world came swinging round my ears, 79
The wing of the osprey lifted, 807
The world’s, 259
The world’s quiver and shine, 898
They come to you with their descriptions of your soul, 346
They’d say she was humorless, 1021
They have carried the mahogany chair and the cane rocker, 188
They’re tearing down, tearing up, 175
They said to us, or tried to say, and failed, 33
They say, if you can tell, clasped tight under the blanket, 310
They say the ground precisely swept, 11
This, 662
This apartment full of books could crack open, 467
This August evening I’ve been driving, 510
This Beast, This Angel, 13
This chair delivered yesterday, 1112
This evening let’s, 903
This handless clock stares blindly from its tower, 12
This high summer we love will pour its light, 655
This is how it feels to do something you are afraid of, 293
This Is Not the Room, 1002
This is the girl’s mouth, the taste, 731
This is the grass your feet are planted on, 111
This morning, flakes of sun, 140
This morning: read Simone Weil, 324
This woman/ the heart of the matter, 766
This would not be the war we fought in. See, the f
oliage is, 345
Thoreau, lank ghost, comes back to visit Concord, 30
Those clarities detached us, gave us form, 53
Those lights, that plaza—I should know them all, 94
… thought, think, I did, 1050
Thought of this “our” nation : : thought of war, 926
Three dozen squares of light-inflicted glass, 687
Three Elegies, 999
Three hours chain-smoking words, 234
Three: origins, 793
Through a barn window, three-quartered, 768
Through a drain grating, something, 251
Through Corralitos Under Rolls of Cloud, 743
Through Corralitos under rolls of cloud, 743
Thunder is all it is, and yet, 198
Time and Place, 322
Time Exposures, 1020
Time split like a fruit between dark and light, 895
To a Poet, 454
To Frantz Fanon, 260
To give you back this wave, 413
“To have in this uncertain world some stay, 120
To have seen you exactly, once, 805
To have spent hours stalking the whine of an insect, 959
To Have Written the Truth, 959
To imagine a time of silence, 304
To Judith, Taking Leave, 221
To know the extremes of light, 335
To live, to lie awake, 362
To live illusionless, in the abandoned mine-, 127
To love, to move perpetually, 336
Tonight as cargoes of my young, 957
Tonight I could write many verses, 870
Tonight I jerk astart in a dark, 183
Tonight No Poetry Will Serve, 1054
Tonight someone will sleep in a stripped apartment, 954
too seriously please, 959
To record, 316
To the Airport, 135
To the Days, 756
Tourist and the Town, The, 53
Toward the Solstice, 507
Trace Elements, 947
Tracings, 1112
Transcendental Etude, 510
Transit, 534
Translations, 388
Transparencies, 924
Trapped in one idea, you can’t have your feelings, 647
Tree, The, 96
Trees, The, 173
Trying to Talk with a Man, 355
Trying to tell you how, 356
Try to rest now, says a voice, 1005
Turbulence, 1054
Turning, 699
Turning points. We all like to hear about those. Points, 793
Turning the Wheel, 563
Twilight, 868
Two Arts, 747
Two five-pointed star-shaped glass candleholders, bought at the, 712
Two green-webbed chairs, 668
Two horses in yellow light, 398
Two: movement, 792
Two people in a room, speaking harshly, 149
Two Poems, 250
Two Songs, 180
Two women sit at a table by a window. Light breaks, 363
Ultimate Act, The, 5
Uncle Speaks in the Drawing Room, The, 17
Underneath my lids another eye has opened, 367
Under that summer asphalt, under vistas, 101
Under the green umbrellas, 8
Under this blue, 1114
Undesigned, 1110
University Reopens as the Floods Recede, The, 1022
Unknown Quantity, 1003
Unsaid Word, An, 20
Unsounded, 29
Upcountry, 609
Upon the mountain of the young, 90
Upper Broadway, 480
Up skyward through a glazed rectangle I, 807
USonian Journals 2000, 911
Valediction Forbidding Mourning, A, 338
Variations on Lines from a Canadian Poet, 906
Versailles, 50
Vertigo, 4
Veterans Day, 854
Via Insomnia, 1024
Victory, 851
View of Merton College, A, 100
View of the Terrace, A, 8
Villa Adriana, 62
Violence, 263
Violence as purification: the one idea, 647
Violently asleep in the old house, 307
Virginia 1906, 602
Vision, A, 562
Voice, 777
Voyage to the Denouement, 975
Wait, 958
Waiting for Rain, for Music, 1047
Waiting for You at the Mystery Spot, 888
Waking from violence: the surgeon’s probe left in the foot, 745
Waking in the Dark, 358
Waking thickheaded by crow’s light, 261
Walden 1950, 30
Walk along back of the library, 828
Walking by the fence but the house, 997
Walking Down the Road, 686
Wallpaper, 979
—warm bloom of blood in the child’s arterial tree, 837
Wave, The, 413
We are asking for books, 930
We are driven to odd attempts; once it would not have occurred to, 348
We are two acquaintances on a train, 32
Wear the weight of equinoctial evening, 115
We can look into the stove tonight, 394
Wedged in by earthworks, 123
We eat this body and remain ourselves, 11
We had no petnames, no diminutives for you, 550
We had to take the world as it was given, 51
We have, as they say, 175
We lie under the sheet, 305
Well, 121
Well, The, 148
Well, you are tougher than I thought, 113
We’re not yet out of the everglades, 885
We smile at astrological hopes, 39
We were bound on the wheel of an endless conversation, 339
What do you look for down there, 114
Whatever a poet is, 625
Whatever happens with us, your body, 472
Whatever it was: the grains of the glacier caked in the boot-cleats, 349
Whatever we hunger for, 1105
Whatever you are that weeps, 199
What Ghosts Can Say, 5
What has happened here will do, 18
What homage will be paid to a beauty built to last, 726
What if the world’s corruption nears, 5
What is a Jew in solitude? 633
What Is Possible, 537
What kind of beast would turn its life into words?, 468
What Kind of Times Are These, 755
What’s kept. What’s lost. A snap decision, 621
What’s suffered in laughter in aroused afternoons, 938
What the grown-ups can’t speak of would you push, 738
What Was, Is: What Might Have Been, Might Be, 621
When Harry Wylie saw his father’s ghost, 5
When heat leaves the walls at last, 749
When I close my eyes, 314
When I meet the skier she is always, 534
When I stretched out my legs beyond your wishful thinking, 1021
when it comes down turning, 327
When my dreams showed signs, 594
When on that transatlantic call into the unseen, 1053
When the bridge of lovers bends, 945
When the colossus of the will’s dominion, 62
When the footbridge washes away, 47
When the ice starts to shiver, 262
When/Then, 607
When the sun seals my eyes the emblem, 1005
When they mow the fields, I see the world reformed, 279
When This Clangor in the Brain, 99
When to her lute Corinna sings, 119
When we are shaken out, 939
When We Dead Awaken, 356
When you are old and beautiful, 109
When your sperm enters me, it is altered, 280
Where do I get this landscape? Two river-roads, 688
; Wherever in this city, screens flicker, 465
White morning flows into the mirror, 225
White Night (Light at a window. Someone up), 419
White Night (White night, my painful joy), 289
White night, my painful joy, 289
Why does the outstretched finger of home, 965
Why Else But to Forestall This Hour, 13
Why else but to forestall this hour, I stayed, 13
Wild Sky, The, 59
Will to Change, The, 329
Wind rocks the car, 174
Winter, 226
Winter Dream, The, 245
Winterface, 1086
Winter twilight. She comes out of the lab-, 558
With you it is still the middle of the night, 151
Woman and child running, 497
Woman Dead in Her Forties, A, 492
Woman Mourned by Daughters, A, 128
Women, 259
Wonderful bears that walked my room all night, 55
Years pass and two who once, 946
Yes, I saw you, see you, come, 734
Yom Kippur 1984, 633
“Yonder,” they told him, “things are not the same,” 9
You, Again, 1095
You: air-driven reft from the tuber-bitten soil, 654
“You all die at fifteen,” said Diderot, 120
You are beside me like a wall; I touch you with my fingers and, 342
You are falling asleep and I sit looking at you, 185
You: a woman too old, 629
You can call on beauty still and it will leap, 763
You don’t want a harsh outcry here, 1007
You drew up a story about me I fled that story, 782
You drew up the story of your life I was in that story, 782
you’d spin out on your pirate platter, 1019
You, hiding there in your words, 253
You, invincibly yourself, 70
You know the Government must have pushed them to settle, 652
You, once a belle in Shreveport, 117
You promise me when certain things are done, 60
Your breasts/ sliced-off The scars, 492
Your chunk of lapis-lazuli shoots its stain, 631
Your dog, tranquil and innocent, dozes through, 470
You’re wondering if I’m lonely, 369
Your face, 270
Your flag is dried-blood, turkey-comb, 192
Your footprints of light on sensitive paper, 815
Your hooves drawn together underbelly, 895
Your Ibsen volumes, violet-spined, 126
Your Letter, 325
Your photograph won’t do you justice, 819
Your silence today is a pond where drowned things live, 469
Your small hands, precisely equal to my own—, 467
Your sweetness of soul was a mystery to me, 550
Your windfall at fifteen your Steinway grand, 659
You see a man, 147
Collected Poems Page 75